If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

1). ...

3). A "dirty bomb" was made to hurt, maim, and kill as many Americans as possible because they had wasted their American opportunity.

A dirty bomb TMK is a conventional explosive used to disperse radioactive material. We haven't seen one yet, as far as I know.

The bombs that the Boston bombers used were apparently anti-personnel bombs, meant to inflict lots of wounds. All respect to the dead & injured, I don't mean to minimize their suffering.

But I think the bombers were shocked to be tracked so quickly, & to be running for their lives in short order. Also, the bomb victims who made it to hospital are all expected to live. With prostheses they will be able to return to productive lives - if not complete recoveries.

As for excluding Muslims from the US - Why? The vast majority are not throwing bombs, nor executing terrorist attacks. How do you expect to have any influence on their home nations/communities without any contact? It's better that we educate their students & show that we're not necessarily a military threat to their countries. It is even more important to show them a model of a multi-cultural technical society that works - that actually produces goods & services that the World wants to buy. The oil-producing countries need to invest their money, & we need that investment stream ourselves.

It's a fair trade, & has been in place with Saudi Arabia since mid-WWII.

There has been considerable discussion in the media on this subject. Some have presented reasonable arguments that the bombs used in the Boston Marathon bombing could be described as "Weapons of Mass Destruction."

It is my understanding that the sharpnel in the bombs is what made them dirty bombs, but this is really a minor consideration in terms of the events of the Boston Marathon Bombing.

You are vomiting "multi-cultural" crap, when the truth is three innocent American citizens were murdered and dozens more were maimed by foreign Muslims. You try to pass this off as a minor automobile accident. Rag heads are not going to twist the facts on this to the American people. All Muslims will pay for this until they place United States over their "so-called" Jihad religion. I don't think they are capable of doing it. They are brainwashed, pure and simple. Deportation is the best answer. There are plenty of people around the world who would love to call it a to be given a chance in the United States.

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No links. No facts. Nothing but misinformed opinion. You just don't have the smarts or education to discuss and understand this.

I have warned you twice that if you do not stop posting unsubstantiated bull shit, I will put you on "ignore." You are wasting my time, and I am not going "educate" a traitor to his country.

You are not a worthy poster. One more "creative rewriting of history" and this thread will go on without you. Got it?

Oh. My. God. He's such a dimbulb he actually believes he can kick people out of his sorry thread. That would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

"I have warned you"... whooooooooo. :eek:

FYI Tonto, the only reason this thread has views is because (a) you keep bumping it to an undeserved position, and (b) the diarrhea you've posted is so mindless that it has to be seen to be believed.

The difference between you and Unkotare is simple. Unkotare just empties his brain into posts. He does not read or listen to others. Read the thread, clearly other USMB members have written Unkotare off as a fanatic.

Now, you get emotional and say some stupid things, but you are not bad enough to ignore~~ YET! There are NOT two sides to this discussion. I do not repeat myself to morons who do not read my posts.

For example the topic of this thread. It is absolutely true that if these foreign Muslims had not been in the country, there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. I mean do you think there are North Koreans waiting in the wings when the Muslims failed. Of course not.

The way to attack my posting would be to say, "Do not hold all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few. The thoughts of American Muslims are with the families who lost their loved ones." Simple easy and honest way for the average American Muslim to respond to the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Unfortunately, American Muslims are not media savvy. Wnen Muslims insisted on a Mosque at Ground Zero, Donald Trump offed to buy the land to settle it in a neighborly fashion. Muslims insisted on their rights. Now, we make sure Muslims get their rights, then we castrate them in the media. After 9-11 the FBI reported that hate crimes against Muslims in the United States increased by 1,700 percent. You can be sure it will happen again. The attitude of American Muslims has not been to assimilate to the opportunity of America and be good neighbors. They insist on wearing their Halloween clothing on our streets everyday, making America look like a third world country. This is no religion, it is psycho troublemakers using violence to push their Islam crap.

Muslims are really going to get really fucked this time around, and it is all because of their attitude. I for one consider my posting in this forum to be a patriotic act. Over 800 people have read this thread, but much fewer have posted here. Americans want a scapegoat, and Muslims have set themselves up. It will be painful for them, but they will learn to assimilate to America or feel a lot of pain.

"Muslims insisted on their rights".


Jesus Christ on a bicycle, what a sniveling whiner you are.

Your ass got schooled on the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" back in 18 and 33 with points to which you had no answer --- apparently because you're just regurgitating the huckster rants of gadflies like Pam Geller and have no clue what the hell you're talking about.

As for these delusions of grandeur, no "800 people" have not read this thread-- 800 people looked in, saw your rhetorical turds and went :cuckoo:. Only a few of us chose to point out the obvious.
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... Let me see if I can dumb it down for you.

1). ...

3). A "dirty bomb" was made to hurt, maim, and kill as many Americans as possible because they had wasted their American opportunity.

... [/B]

(My bold)

A dirty bomb TMK is a conventional explosive used to disperse radioactive material. We haven't seen one yet, as far as I know.

The bombs that the Boston bombers used were apparently anti-personnel bombs, meant to inflict lots of wounds. All respect to the dead & injured, I don't mean to minimize their suffering.

But I think the bombers were shocked to be tracked so quickly, & to be running for their lives in short order. Also, the bomb victims who made it to hospital are all expected to live. With prostheses they will be able to return to productive lives - if not complete recoveries.

As for excluding Muslims from the US - Why? The vast majority are not throwing bombs, nor executing terrorist attacks. How do you expect to have any influence on their home nations/communities without any contact? It's better that we educate their students & show that we're not necessarily a military threat to their countries. It is even more important to show them a model of a multi-cultural technical society that works - that actually produces goods & services that the World wants to buy. The oil-producing countries need to invest their money, & we need that investment stream ourselves.

It's a fair trade, & has been in place with Saudi Arabia since mid-WWII.

There has been considerable discussion in the media on this subject. Some have presented reasonable arguments that the bombs used in the Boston Marathon bombing could be described as "Weapons of Mass Destruction."

It is my understanding that the sharpnel in the bombs is what made them dirty bombs, but this is really a minor consideration in terms of the events of the Boston Marathon Bombing.

You are vomiting "multi-cultural" crap, when the truth is three innocent American citizens were murdered and dozens more were maimed by foreign Muslims. You try to pass this off as a minor automobile accident. Rag heads are not going to twist the facts on this to the American people. All Muslims will pay for this until they place United States over their "so-called" Jihad religion. I don't think they are capable of doing it. They are brainwashed, pure and simple. Deportation is the best answer. There are plenty of people around the world who would love to call it a to be given a chance in the United States.

Oh that reminds me-- I also challenged you to demonstrate how Boston has anything to do with Islam. Or any other religion.

Got crickets on that one too.

Can't say I'm surprised.
Oh. My. God. He's such a dimbulb he actually believes he can kick people out of his sorry thread. That would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

"I have warned you"... whooooooooo. :eek:

FYI Tonto, the only reason this thread has views is because (a) you keep bumping it to an undeserved position, and (b) the diarrhea you've posted is so mindless that it has to be seen to be believed.

The difference between you and Unkotare is simple. Unkotare just empties his brain into posts. He does not read or listen to others. Read the thread, clearly other USMB members have written Unkotare off as a fanatic.

Now, you get emotional and say some stupid things, but you are not bad enough to ignore~~ YET! There are NOT two sides to this discussion. I do not repeat myself to morons who do not read my posts.

For example the topic of this thread. It is absolutely true that if these foreign Muslims had not been in the country, there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. I mean do you think there are North Koreans waiting in the wings when the Muslims failed. Of course not.

The way to attack my posting would be to say, "Do not hold all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few. The thoughts of American Muslims are with the families who lost their loved ones." Simple easy and honest way for the average American Muslim to respond to the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Unfortunately, American Muslims are not media savvy. Wnen Muslims insisted on a Mosque at Ground Zero, Donald Trump offed to buy the land to settle it in a neighborly fashion. Muslims insisted on their rights. Now, we make sure Muslims get their rights, then we castrate them in the media. After 9-11 the FBI reported that hate crimes against Muslims in the United States increased by 1,700 percent. You can be sure it will happen again. The attitude of American Muslims has not been to assimilate to the opportunity of America and be good neighbors. They insist on wearing their Halloween clothing on our streets everyday, making America look like a third world country. This is no religion, it is psycho troublemakers using violence to push their Islam crap.

Muslims are really going to get really fucked this time around, and it is all because of their attitude. I for one consider my posting in this forum to be a patriotic act. Over 800 people have read this thread, but much fewer have posted here. Americans want a scapegoat, and Muslims have set themselves up. It will be painful for them, but they will learn to assimilate to America or feel a lot of pain.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle, what a sniveling whiner you are.

Your ass got schooled on the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" back in 18 and 33 with points to which you had no answer --- apparently because you're just regurgitating the huckster rants of gadflies like Pam Geller and have no clue what the hell you're talking about.

As for these delusions of grandeur, no "800 people" have not read this thread-- 800 people looked in, saw your rhetorical turds and went :cuckoo:. Only a few of us chose to point out the obvious.

I think you will see from the "thank yous" and PMs supported by facts and links that the members of USMB consider my postings to be main stream American in this thread. The Muslims trying to twist the facts have been outed as pure propagandists trying to save their asses after another example of their third world barbarianism.

Foreign Muslims are clearly terrorists, enemies of the State, and traitors. Post all you want, you can not change the facts. Your loyalty is to the Boston Marathon Bombers, not your fellow citizens. Clearly, a matter to be reviewed by the U. S. Congress in putting the brakes on the Immigration Reform Act. You pieces of shit are going home to the third world! You'll fit right in.


So long Johnny Jihad, pick any country in green or brown! :cool::clap2::cool:
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The difference between you and Unkotare is simple. Unkotare just empties his brain into posts. He does not read or listen to others. Read the thread, clearly other USMB members have written Unkotare off as a fanatic.

Now, you get emotional and say some stupid things, but you are not bad enough to ignore~~ YET! There are NOT two sides to this discussion. I do not repeat myself to morons who do not read my posts.

For example the topic of this thread. It is absolutely true that if these foreign Muslims had not been in the country, there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. I mean do you think there are North Koreans waiting in the wings when the Muslims failed. Of course not.

The way to attack my posting would be to say, "Do not hold all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few. The thoughts of American Muslims are with the families who lost their loved ones." Simple easy and honest way for the average American Muslim to respond to the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Unfortunately, American Muslims are not media savvy. Wnen Muslims insisted on a Mosque at Ground Zero, Donald Trump offed to buy the land to settle it in a neighborly fashion. Muslims insisted on their rights. Now, we make sure Muslims get their rights, then we castrate them in the media. After 9-11 the FBI reported that hate crimes against Muslims in the United States increased by 1,700 percent. You can be sure it will happen again. The attitude of American Muslims has not been to assimilate to the opportunity of America and be good neighbors. They insist on wearing their Halloween clothing on our streets everyday, making America look like a third world country. This is no religion, it is psycho troublemakers using violence to push their Islam crap.

Muslims are really going to get really fucked this time around, and it is all because of their attitude. I for one consider my posting in this forum to be a patriotic act. Over 800 people have read this thread, but much fewer have posted here. Americans want a scapegoat, and Muslims have set themselves up. It will be painful for them, but they will learn to assimilate to America or feel a lot of pain.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle, what a sniveling whiner you are.

Your ass got schooled on the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" back in 18 and 33 with points to which you had no answer --- apparently because you're just regurgitating the huckster rants of gadflies like Pam Geller and have no clue what the hell you're talking about.

As for these delusions of grandeur, no "800 people" have not read this thread-- 800 people looked in, saw your rhetorical turds and went :cuckoo:. Only a few of us chose to point out the obvious.

I think you will see from the "thank yous" and PMs supported by facts and links that the members of USMB consider my postings to be main stream American in this thread. The Muslims trying to twist the facts have been outed as pure propagandists trying to save their asses after another example of their third world barbarianism.

Foreign Muslims are clearly terrorists, enemies of the State, and traitors. Post all you want, you can not change the facts. Your loyalty is to the Boston Marathon Bombers, not your fellow citizens. Clearly, a matter to be reviewed by the U. S. Congress in putting the brakes on the Immigration Reform Act. You pieces of shit are going home to the third world! You'll fit right in.

So long Johnny Jihad, pick any country in green or brown! :cool::clap2::cool:

Yeah, count up all the posts in here backing up your hysteria. Why there's... there's .... well let's just say the next one will put you in the single digits.

Mainstream, my ass.

The facts are these: you're a bigot who runs away when challenged to back up his bigotry.
Masjid al-Farah: nothing.
Relationship of religion to Boston: nothing.
Justifying your asshole bigotry under the Constitution: nothing.

Here's what 800 readers agree on: you are undeniably, completely and utterly full of shit.
Jesus Christ on a bicycle, what a sniveling whiner you are.

Your ass got schooled on the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" back in 18 and 33 with points to which you had no answer --- apparently because you're just regurgitating the huckster rants of gadflies like Pam Geller and have no clue what the hell you're talking about.

As for these delusions of grandeur, no "800 people" have not read this thread-- 800 people looked in, saw your rhetorical turds and went :cuckoo:. Only a few of us chose to point out the obvious.

I think you will see from the "thank yous" and PMs supported by facts and links that the members of USMB consider my postings to be main stream American in this thread. The Muslims trying to twist the facts have been outed as pure propagandists trying to save their asses after another example of their third world barbarianism.

Foreign Muslims are clearly terrorists, enemies of the State, and traitors. Post all you want, you can not change the facts. Your loyalty is to the Boston Marathon Bombers, not your fellow citizens. Clearly, a matter to be reviewed by the U. S. Congress in putting the brakes on the Immigration Reform Act. You pieces of shit are going home to the third world! You'll fit right in.

So long Johnny Jihad, pick any country in green or brown! :cool::clap2::cool:

Yeah, count up all the posts in here backing up your hysteria. Why there's... there's .... well let's just say the next one will put you in the single digits.

Mainstream, my ass.

The facts are these: you're a bigot who runs away when challenged to back up his bigotry.
Masjid al-Farah: nothing.
Relationship of religion to Boston: nothing.
Justifying your asshole bigotry under the Constitution: nothing.

Here's what 800 readers agree on: you are undeniably, completely and utterly full of shit.

Just more of the usual name-calling unsupported by fact/links. You have no credibility, Johnny Jihad!

The American people know the truth and expect the government to pull the plug on the rag heads. Republicans are already putting up road blocks to kill The Immigration Reform Act which will deport more Muslims.

The handful of people who are posting against me, do so to protect their murdering Muslim asses. As if what you post in USMB is going to change anything in the real world. :finger3: :lol: :lol: Most people do not wish to waste their time on this subject. It is a no-brainer, it is a one sided argument. America before Islam, no debate here.


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Yes, I can and do think what I want to about myself. The facts are simple I am an internet American patriot who is out to call down foreign Muslims and their sympathizers who killed three of my fellow citizens and injured dozens of others at the Boston Marathon. Somehow, in your twisted fashion, you and your ilk think you can justify this psychotic behavior by hiding behind Islam. Obviously, you traitors are failing at that twisting of the facts. Muslims are terrorists and traitors.


(My bold)

Except that one of the dead @ the Boston Marathon bombing was a PRC national, a grad student who apparently had a brilliant future ahead of her. So, for someone who's all over TV news, that's an odd miss. (I scarcely watch network TV, but I've glanced in on the Boston coverage.)

I notice your characterization of Muslims as Third World countries, etc. That wasn't always true. Islamic culture was for a time one of the high cultures of the World, although that was a while ago. They also preserved a lot of Greek writing that we've since recovered - through the monastic histories & directly.

Nonetheless, cultures rise & fall, UK, France, Greece, Rome, Holy Roman Empire & so on. I point this out because you seem to overlook it - the US rose to power in the 1890s on the World stage, & surged further in WWI & WWII. We are not guaranteed our place in the sun, as witness Babylon, Persia, Xerxes, Egypt, the Maya, the Aztec, the Inca. Japan, the USSR & others looked to be the coming powers @ one time. Where are they now?

So what is it you consider Muslims to be traitors to? They may be terrorists, in given cases. I think that has a lot to do with the closing off of political options short of violence, myself. But what do you think?
Yeah, count up all the posts in here backing up your hysteria. Why there's... there's .... well let's just say the next one will put you in the single digits.

Mainstream, my ass.

The facts are these: you're a bigot who runs away when challenged to back up his bigotry.
Masjid al-Farah: nothing.
Relationship of religion to Boston: nothing.
Justifying your asshole bigotry under the Constitution: nothing.

Here's what 800 readers agree on: you are undeniably, completely and utterly full of shit.

Just more of the usual name-calling unsupported by fact/links. You have no credibility, Johnny Jihad!

The American people know the truth and expect the government to pull the plug on the rag heads. Republicans are already putting up road blocks to kill The Immigration Reform Act which will deport more Muslims.

The handful of people who are posting against me, do so to protect their murdering Muslim asses. As if what you post in USMB is going to change anything in the real world. :finger3: :lol: :lol: Most people do not wish to waste their time on this subject. It is a no-brainer, it is a one sided argument. America before Islam, no debate here.

Just can't make this up. Pissing and moaning about "name calling" -- on a passage about his content-- and then moves immediately to "rag heads".

Fucking hypocrite.


I joined this forum to debate American politics with my fellow citizens. Little did I know I would end up being attacked by third world Muslims, rerunning the same tired name-calling every day.

At work, when I have something to say, I write a memo. I write it once, and expect it to be read and implemented. Hence, I am no longer going to repeat my responses for every Johnny Jihad that comes along with a fanatical idea. Instead I will post this message unless there is original thought, then I will address it.

We have traitors here to the United States of America who believe taking American lives on 9-11, and at the Boston Marathon Bombing was acceptable. It is my intention to address these ignorant barbarians until they get the point. To stay here, your loyalty must be to the United States first, not violent Islam. Foreign Muslims are the enemy. Islam is not a religion, it is a twisted version of the Quaran endorsing murder.

To answer your particular question read this entire thread. Your answer is already here or you would not be reading this. Don't waste my time because you have a third rate education, and do not understand the superiority of Western culture.


Wake up fellow Americans,
the danger of foreign Muslims is real!
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Yes, I can and do think what I want to about myself. The facts are simple I am an internet American patriot who is out to call down foreign Muslims and their sympathizers who killed three of my fellow citizens and injured dozens of others at the Boston Marathon. Somehow, in your twisted fashion, you and your ilk think you can justify this psychotic behavior by hiding behind Islam. Obviously, you traitors are failing at that twisting of the facts. Muslims are terrorists and traitors.


(My bold)

Except that one of the dead @ the Boston Marathon bombing was a PRC national, a grad student who apparently had a brilliant future ahead of her. So, for someone who's all over TV news, that's an odd miss. (I scarcely watch network TV, but I've glanced in on the Boston coverage.)

I notice your characterization of Muslims as Third World countries, etc. That wasn't always true. Islamic culture was for a time one of the high cultures of the World, although that was a while ago. They also preserved a lot of Greek writing that we've since recovered - through the monastic histories & directly.

Nonetheless, cultures rise & fall, UK, France, Greece, Rome, Holy Roman Empire & so on. I point this out because you seem to overlook it - the US rose to power in the 1890s on the World stage, & surged further in WWI & WWII. We are not guaranteed our place in the sun, as witness Babylon, Persia, Xerxes, Egypt, the Maya, the Aztec, the Inca. Japan, the USSR & others looked to be the coming powers @ one time. Where are they now?

So what is it you consider Muslims to be traitors to? They may be terrorists, in given cases. I think that has a lot to do with the closing off of political options short of violence, myself. But what do you think?

Oh, I don't know. Do you think murdering three of my fellow American citizens, and maiming dozens more might piss off the American people? The FBI reported that after 9-11 hate crimes against Muslims increase 1700%. What do you suppose is going to happen, duh? Who is willing to help these Muslim traitors who are enemies of America? No one. America looked the other way at violence against Muslims from 9-11, I am sure it will be much the same with the Boston Marathon Bombing. Shoot to kill is the American way of the Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. I would not have a problem with that. No real true blooded American would.


2,977 U. S. citizens died that day, and now 3 more in Boston.
I'd say whatever we did after 9-11 was clearly not adequate.
It is simple, we need to bring more pain into the lives of foreign Muslims until they self-deport.
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Just can't make this up. Pissing and moaning about "name calling" -- on a passage about his content-- and then moves immediately to "rag heads".

Fucking hypocrite.

I joined this forum to debate American politics with my fellow citizens. Little did I know I would end up being attacked by third world Muslim rag heads, rerunning the same tired name-calling every day.

At work, when I have something to say, I write a memo. I write it once, and expect it to be read and implemented. Hence, I am no longer going to repeat my responses for every Johnny Jihad that comes along. Instead I will post this message unless there is original thought, then I will address it.

We have traitors here to the United States of America who believe taking American lives on 9-11, and at the Boston Marathon Bombing was acceptable. It is my intention to ridicule these ignorant barbarians until they get the point. To stay here, your loyalty must be to the United States first, not violent Islam. Foreign Muslims are the enemy. Islam is not a religion, it is a twisted version of the Quaran endorsing murder.

To answer your particular question read this entire thread. Your answer is already here or you would not be reading this. Don't waste my time because you have a third rate education, and do not understand the superiority of Western culture.

well Buffy, if you're a product of this "superior" culture then it must not be.

Once again, s l o w l y....

Masjid al-Farah?
Religious basis in Boston?
Religious basis in 9/11?
United States Constitution?



OOooooo....... I like colors and big letters. Thank you.

Bottom line; Even superior Western Culture is forced to climb right down into the gutter to deal with low-lives like foreign, Muslim traitors. You forget, our English ancestors were the ones who invented drawing and quartering. Even though we prefer a more peaceable way to govern. Nice and polite is not working with foreign Muslims. We have some high tech tricks up our sleeve.


These are so accurate, we could use them in Minnesota, and only kill the target we want.


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OOooooo....... I like colors and big letters. Thank you.

Bottom line; Even superior Western Culture is forced to climb right down into the gutter to deal with low-lives like foreign, Muslim traitors. You forget, our English ancestors were the ones who invented drawing and quartering. Even though we prefer a more peaceable way to govern. Nice and polite is not working with foreign Muslims. We have some high tech tricks up our sleeve.


These are so accurate, we could use them in Minnesota, and only kill the target we want.


A buddy stopped by, and looked at this post. He said there was no need to use a $4,000,000,000,000 aircraft, and a half million dollar missile to deal with this problem. He suggested why not use exactly the same weapon that foreign Muslims used on us in Boston?

Frankly, I don't believe in that kind of violence except by professional law enforcement. However I don't think there is a natural born citizen American who would not say word if someone did such a thing. Not a single word. After all we are talking about traitors to the United States who have no concern for U. S. Citizens. Yes, I think law enforcement has solutions to this problem. If we take law enforcement into our hands as citizens we are no better than foreign Muslim traitors.
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Just remember this FBI figure, after 9-11 violence against Muslims in the United States increased by 1700%!

-- if that's true, ignorami like you are the reason why. :cuckoo:

Was that supposed to be some kind of threat, rather than a confession?
The OP is in favor of deporting Muslim immigrants. In that context, the reply "there would be no Boston had this country not welcomed immigrants" constitutes a ridiculous and silly utterance.

...you misinterpreted the OP. It merely stated that "If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

......there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. Duh!"

...followed by a childish truism.

Though I realized what the rube intended to say was, "Had we not allowed Muslims into the United States, there may have been no Boston Marathon bombing." This does NOT translate to:

"The OP is in favor of deporting Muslim immigrants."

Yes, several childism truisms on this thread......like this one.

If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.

I am in favor of deporting all foreign Muslim immigrants - ABSOLUTELY!

Just FYI, when the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights were signed, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Adams were not men of the church. In fact they feared it.

In addition only two Jews signed these documents. The Jewish contribution to the American Revolution was so great that Washington himself visited a New York Synagog while POTUS. This was unheard of at the time. The Synagog stands today. I am continually surprised that more people do not know the basis for the closeness of Israel and the United States.


Jews are closer to the founding of America than Roman Catholics. No Roman Catholics, none were here in colonial times, they had not yet immigrated. Immigrants in colonial times were predominantly Europeans which is why many get upset when some try to tear down our European culture. European culture is American, and it will stay that way. Obviously, Muslims played no role in the founding of the United States. Muslims got here after the work had been done by others, and began demanding rights, as usual..
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If Muslims aborted babies the way we do, chances are very good that the bombers would never have been born.
Oh, I don't know. Do you think murdering three of my fellow American citizens, and maiming dozens more might piss off the American people?

Didn't someone already tell PUSSYboy that one of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing was not a US citizen? Do you think PUSSYboy even bothers to read replies, or does he spend all his time posting oversized pics?

He really reminds me of that asshole who went similarly crazy over "anchor babies" a while back until he was finally banned. Very similar M.O.

Not only did Hoosier88 tell him that; he actually quoted it (and mangled the quote, attributing it to C_Clayton_Jones) and still managed to somehow ignore it even though it was in bold in the same post. He must have been too busy looking for the "size=85" "extra bold" "screaming purple" font.

Apparently he believes that by ignoring facts like that, like Masjid al-Farah, like any connection between Boston and Islam, like the Constitution, that these inconveniences will just.... disappear.
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...you misinterpreted the OP. It merely stated that "If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

......there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. Duh!"

...followed by a childish truism.

Though I realized what the rube intended to say was, "Had we not allowed Muslims into the United States, there may have been no Boston Marathon bombing." This does NOT translate to:

"The OP is in favor of deporting Muslim immigrants."

Yes, several childism truisms on this thread......like this one.

If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.

I am in favor of deporting all foreign Muslim immigrants - ABSOLUTELY!

Just FYI, when the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights were signed, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Adams were not men of the church. In fact they feared it.

Just FYI you know nothing about the Founding Fathers. Who tells people that bullshit?
I'm not familiar with the OP but based off this thread, he may be on of the dumbest people I've encountered on the website. Hope you're pretty because you're not making it anywhere in this life on your brains.

Just what you would expect. BallsBrunswick can not discuss this issue with facts, links and logic, so he turns to name calling.

Let me see if I can dumb it down for you.

1). The Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims from the third world.

2). The older one was rejected for U. S. citizenship for assaulting his wife.

3). A "dirty bomb" was made to hurt, maim, and kill as many Americans as possible because they had wasted their American opportunity.

4). The older bomber claimed to have made no American friends during the ten years he had been here.

5). If these foreign Muslims had not been in the country, they could not have exploded the bombs at the Boston Marathon. It is just that simple. We should learn from this. The Marathon bombing was avoidable.

6). Look at the philosophies of these "Johnny Jihads." They were not 21st century Americans. Time to clean house. Living in the United States is privilege. Deportation solves more problems than it creates.

Case closed. Figured it out yet, genius?



Do you even know what a "dirty bomb" is? I'll clue you in...............it's a conventional bomb packed with NUCLEAR MATERIAL that won't provide a nuclear explosion, but because of all the nuclear material in it, WILL cause radiation poisoning for a certain radius around the bomb.

The bombs used at the Boston marathon were conventional bombs that were packed with shrapnel.

As far as the rest of your bullshit? The eldest MARRIED an American woman who later converted to Islam.

The youngest one that they have in custody was made a naturalized citizen in 2012.

What other bigoted crap ya got?
People like BitchBoi probably think that there is no difference between Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims.

It's people like him that go and shoot up Sikh temples, thinking they're somehow getting back at the Islamic radicals.
OK, somebody's got to at least start this.... the material is just too bizarre. I give you the first installment of........

Breechboy's Greatest Hits! A handy compendium. Save page clicks.

Breechboy the cartographer:​
European culture is American, and it will stay that way.

Breechboy the advocate of police bombing:​
... why not use exactly the same weapon that foreign Muslims used on us in Boston?

Frankly, I don't believe in that kind of violence except by professional law enforcement.
Hey, the MOVE bombing only destroyed 65 houses. Why not.

Breechboy the Constitutional scholar:
Shoot to kill is the American way of the Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.

Breechboy the news hound:
Wnen Muslims insisted on a Mosque at Ground Zero, Donald Trump offed to buy the land to settle it in a neighborly fashion. Muslims insisted on their rights.
Damn you, rights! :puke3:

Breechboy the paranoiac seeing a Muslim behind every post:
You refuse to take responsibility and make amends for the Boston Marathon bombing. You will be feeling a lot more pain. Network news will have a field day when the mother of those Muslim bombers gets here. We have a lot of guns in America, someone will shoot her to the applause of a grateful nation.

Breechboy the media analyst:
And, you are not watching American television news which is American reality.

Breechboy the ethicist:
America can destroy anyone we like without jeopardizing an American life.
Hell, the pilot can be home for supper with his wife and kids after a day of killing Muslims. Bottom line, our way or die.

But these two are my favourites.....

My bachelors is Mass Media from UCDavis, and my is Masters in Advertising is from Northwestern.

Yep, guys like me create "perception." Anyone can flip switches at a television station. I doubt you are in CFR, you would have to be Bill Clinton or Scott Pelley. You really are a pathetically bad liar. You are so desperate to win. :cool:

I have eight years in account management at a national advertising agency. And, I have a Clio.
(CFR = Code of Federal Regulations, which codifies broadcast law)


America's image of the red, white and blue as a beacon of freedom to the world is what we in marketing call "Gloss." ... Gloss brings out patriotism.

Why these are my favourites: he claims to be in advertising.... and look at what a stellar job he's doing selling the concept of bigotry.
Quite the "perception" he's "created". :rofl:

That's only half the thread. Didn't even go into Photoshop.
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Yo.......................BitchBoi..................guess you're gonna abandon this thread, because you've been proven to be a bigoted asshole who doesn't really know what they speak of.

Wanna talk about the "dirty bombs" again?

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