If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? :cuckoo:
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.

This entire country is descended from immigrants

But we're not all descended from Muslim immigrants, silly.
I didn't imply we were, silly. Read back. You'll see I said there would be no Boston had this country not welcomed immigrants. The reply "So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? " constitutes a ridiculous and silly utterance.
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.

This entire country is descended from immigrants

But we're not all descended from Muslim immigrants, silly.
I didn't imply we were, silly. Read back. You'll see I said there would be no Boston had this country not welcomed immigrants. The reply "So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? " constitutes a ridiculous and silly utterance.

The OP is in favor of deporting Muslim immigrants. In that context, the reply "there would be no Boston had this country not welcomed immigrants" constitutes a ridiculous and silly utterance.
Remember, our hatred comes from the actions of your people!

Ok, here's your last chance to step back from forever marking yourself as one of the most hopeless fucking idiots on this site. Ready?

What do you mean by "your people"?
This entire country is descended from immigrants

But we're not all descended from Muslim immigrants, silly.
I didn't imply we were, silly. Read back. You'll see I said there would be no Boston had this country not welcomed immigrants. The reply "So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? " constitutes a ridiculous and silly utterance.

The OP is in favor of deporting Muslim immigrants. In that context, the reply "there would be no Boston had this country not welcomed immigrants" constitutes a ridiculous and silly utterance.

...you misinterpreted the OP. It merely stated that "If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

......there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. Duh!"

...followed by a childish truism.

Though I realized what the rube intended to say was, "Had we not allowed Muslims into the United States, there may have been no Boston Marathon bombing." This does NOT translate to:

"The OP is in favor of deporting Muslim immigrants."
I didn't imply we were, silly. Read back. You'll see I said there would be no Boston had this country not welcomed immigrants. The reply "So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? " constitutes a ridiculous and silly utterance.

The OP is in favor of deporting Muslim immigrants. In that context, the reply "there would be no Boston had this country not welcomed immigrants" constitutes a ridiculous and silly utterance.

...you misinterpreted the OP. It merely stated that "If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

......there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. Duh!"

...followed by a childish truism.

Though I realized what the rube intended to say was, "Had we not allowed Muslims into the United States, there may have been no Boston Marathon bombing." This does NOT translate to:

"The OP is in favor of deporting Muslim immigrants."

Yes, several childism truisms on this thread......like this one.

If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.
Any particular reason you left out homegrown terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn?

Yeah, a couple of reasons: it wasn't intended as either (a) a comprehensive list, nor (b) to cover all of historical time.

Tim McVeigh would have been contemporary enough but I left him off too because he, as well as Ayers and Dohrn, had no known religious basis for what they did, whereas the OP cretin seems to have hung himself up on everything being about Islam, so McVeigh, Ayers and Dohrn wouldn't have made an apples to apples comparison.

Not that any of it seeped through the mind-fog of the cretin...

For that matter I have yet to see any evidence that Boston had a basis in religion either. And I asked the OP a while back to show how 9/11 was a religious rather than a political event. Needless to say I got nothing but crickets, incoherent rambling about what's on the television fucking news and caterwauling about how his family's been here a hunnard years.
Oh. And here I thought it might be because of the Obama factor.

Obviouisly you were wrong and need to read a little closer. The fallacy has to do with religions.

I don't post about O'bama. Or about Islam, or most any topic. I post about logic. That's the only reason I come to a logical black hole like this thread. To marvel at the circus of the synaptically crippled.
Yeah, a couple of reasons: it wasn't intended as either (a) a comprehensive list, nor (b) to cover all of historical time.

Tim McVeigh would have been contemporary enough but I left him off too because he, as well as Ayers and Dohrn, had no known religious basis for what they did, whereas the OP cretin seems to have hung himself up on everything being about Islam, so McVeigh, Ayers and Dohrn wouldn't have made an apples to apples comparison.

Not that any of it seeped through the mind-fog of the cretin...

For that matter I have yet to see any evidence that Boston had a basis in religion either. And I asked the OP a while back to show how 9/11 was a religious rather than a political event. Needless to say I got nothing but crickets, incoherent rambling about what's on the television fucking news and caterwauling about how his family's been here a hunnard years.
Oh. And here I thought it might be because of the Obama factor.

Obviouisly you were wrong and need to read a little closer. The fallacy has to do with religions.

I don't post about O'bama. Or about Islam, or most any topic. I post about logic. That's the only reason I come to a logical black hole like this thread. To marvel at the circus of the synaptically crippled.
A tidbit for your mendicity. I see you didn't catch the deeper meaning of my reference to the "Obama factor" even though it is an underlying aspect of the subject. I am not accusing you of anything nefarious or belittling your intelligence. Please don't get me wrong, but it seems as though you and I are stymied by people who couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel. I won't bother you anymore. :D
Oh. And here I thought it might be because of the Obama factor.

Obviouisly you were wrong and need to read a little closer. The fallacy has to do with religions.

I don't post about O'bama. Or about Islam, or most any topic. I post about logic. That's the only reason I come to a logical black hole like this thread. To marvel at the circus of the synaptically crippled.

A tidbit for your mendicity. I see you didn't catch the deeper meaning of my reference to the "Obama factor" even though it is an underlying aspect of the subject. I am not accusing you of anything nefarious or belittling your intelligence. Please don't get me wrong, but it seems as though you and I are stymied by people who couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel. I won't bother you anymore. :D

No bother at all. I don't even know what the above is supposed to mean :dunno:.
All I know is the OP came in with bigoted xenophobic assholicity about Muslims and foreigners and then assumes everyone who laughs at him is al Qaeda. I don't see any "Obama factor" in that, but I do see entertainment in cerebral meltdowns such as his. It's like the debate equivalent of a Gallagher show.
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Fortunately we’re not a democracy.

What do you mean "WE?" If you are an American you are a traitor.

I guess us old American families think of ourselves as a democracy, when in fact we are a Republic. Apparently, you have the time to split hairs. I don't.

You may think of yourself whatever you like.

In fact, however, we are a Constitutional Republic, the citizens of which are subject to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

Your posts are evidence of that.

Yes, I can and do think what I want to about myself. The facts are simple I am an internet American patriot who is out to call down foreign Muslims and their sympathizers who killed three of my fellow citizens and injured dozens of others at the Boston Marathon. Somehow, in your twisted fashion, you and your ilk think you can justify this psychotic behavior by hiding behind Islam. Obviously, you traitors are failing at that twisting of the facts. Muslims are terrorists and traitors.

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I am an internet American patriot

You are anything but. You are just another idiot on the internet. You also happen to be an Un-American piece of shit who doesn't deserve to spend one day in this great nation. You're just another illogical, hateful buffoon and that's all you will ever be.

Well, I guess it is time to explain how America works to this psycho foreigner.

The Image of America.America's image of the red, white and blue as a beacon of freedom to the world is what we in marketing call "Gloss." We wave the flag over anything, play the national anthem, and we get swelling in the eyes of all Americans. Gloss brings out patriotism.

Idealism of America. These are our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, The U. S. Constitution, and The Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, these are not facts poured in concrete. They are goals of our nation. Ask any African-American how well implementation of these document is.

The Players. These are our leaders, they run the government. From your posting you think our government is being run by Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. Truth is it is being run by lobbyists, CEOs, members of the government, and the government bureaucracy. This is where the rubber meets the road. The old families, Democrat and Republican all have their seats at the table. The president is just one of the players. Our government really runs no differently than the Russians, the Chinese, or anyone else. The old American families are running the nation in their own interest. Voters really have little to do with the process. Government puts on a show for voters every four years. It really matters little who is elected. Both parties answer to the same interests.

Mistakes. As with any government mistakes are made, but not the kind of mistakes you are thinking of. Muslims have not panned out as benefiting the United States. Now it is time to do something about them - too many problems. Remember, "due process" is whatever the government says it is. Yes, the very same Supreme Court that said Bush wins over Gore when Gore has a half million more votes.

You can sit at your little keyboard manufacturing all the information you want. It really doesn't matter. Rag heads have lost their place in America, now it is just a clean up job.

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The Image of America.America's image of the red, white and blue as a beacon of freedom to the world is what we in marketing call "Gloss."

The American flag is not "gloss," you superficial piece of shit. To real Americans it means something deep, abiding, and important.

Get the fuck out of my country, asshole.
Idealism of America. These are our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, The U. S. Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution, idiot, and those documents outline and enumerate our principles as a nation, not just "ideals." You understand NOTHING about this great nation.
Truth is it is being run by lobbyists, CEOs, members of the government, and the government bureaucracy. This is where the rubber meets the road. The old families, Democrat and Republican all have their seats at the table. The president is just one of the players. Our government really runs no differently than the Russians, the Chinese, or anyone else. The old American families are running the nation in their own interest. Voters really have little to do with the process. Government puts on a show for voters every four years. It really matters little who is elected. Both parties answer to the same interests.]

You can take your conspiracy shit to the Conspiracy Forum with the rest of the head cases.
Yes, the very same Supreme Court that said Bush wins over Gore when Gore has a half million more votes.

Gore lost that election, idiot, no matter who much it still bothers a bitter little loser like you.

You understand NOTHING about America or political science in general.
That's it, run away pussy. Your ignorant bigotry and offensive Anti-Americanism can only be justified in your tiny, diseased little mind.

... Let me see if I can dumb it down for you.

1). ...

3). A "dirty bomb" was made to hurt, maim, and kill as many Americans as possible because they had wasted their American opportunity.

... [/B]

(My bold)

A dirty bomb TMK is a conventional explosive used to disperse radioactive material. We haven't seen one yet, as far as I know.

The bombs that the Boston bombers used were apparently anti-personnel bombs, meant to inflict lots of wounds. All respect to the dead & injured, I don't mean to minimize their suffering.

But I think the bombers were shocked to be tracked so quickly, & to be running for their lives in short order. Also, the bomb victims who made it to hospital are all expected to live. With prostheses they will be able to return to productive lives - if not complete recoveries.

As for excluding Muslims from the US - Why? The vast majority are not throwing bombs, nor executing terrorist attacks. How do you expect to have any influence on their home nations/communities without any contact? It's better that we educate their students & show that we're not necessarily a military threat to their countries. It is even more important to show them a model of a multi-cultural technical society that works - that actually produces goods & services that the World wants to buy. The oil-producing countries need to invest their money, & we need that investment stream ourselves.

It's a fair trade, & has been in place with Saudi Arabia since mid-WWII.
No links. No facts. Nothing but misinformed opinion. You just don't have the smarts or education to discuss and understand this.

I have warned you twice that if you do not stop posting unsubstantiated bull shit, I will put you on "ignore." You are wasting my time, and I am not going "educate" a traitor to his country.

You are not a worthy poster. One more "creative rewriting of history" and this thread will go on without you. Got it?

Oh. My. God. He's such a dimbulb he actually believes he can kick people out of his sorry thread. That would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

"I have warned you"... whooooooooo. :eek:

FYI Tonto, the only reason this thread has views is because (a) you keep bumping it to an undeserved position, and (b) the diarrhea you've posted is so mindless that it has to be seen to be believed.

The difference between you and Unkotare is simple. Unkotare just empties his brain into posts. He does not read or listen to others. Read the thread, clearly other USMB members have written Unkotare off as a fanatic.

Now, you get emotional and say some stupid things, but you are not bad enough to ignore~~ YET! There are NOT two sides to this discussion. I do not repeat myself to morons who do not read my posts.

For example the topic of this thread. It is absolutely true that if these foreign Muslims had not been in the country, there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. I mean do you think there are North Koreans waiting in the wings when the Muslims failed. Of course not.

The way to attack my posting would be to say, "Do not hold all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few. The thoughts of American Muslims are with the families who lost their loved ones." Simple easy and honest way for the average American Muslim to respond to the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Unfortunately, American Muslims are not media savvy. Wnen Muslims insisted on a Mosque at Ground Zero, Donald Trump offed to buy the land to settle it in a neighborly fashion. Muslims insisted on their rights. Now, we make sure Muslims get their rights, then we castrate them in the media. After 9-11 the FBI reported that hate crimes against Muslims in the United States increased by 1,700 percent. You can be sure it will happen again. The attitude of American Muslims has not been to assimilate to the opportunity of America and be good neighbors. They insist on wearing their Halloween clothing on our streets everyday, making America look like a third world country. This is no religion, it is psycho troublemakers using violence to push their Islam crap.


Muslims are really going to get super fucked this time around, and it is all because of their attitude. I for one consider my posting in this forum to be a patriotic act. Over 800 people have read this thread, but much fewer have posted here. Americans want a scapegoat, and Muslims have set themselves up. It will be painful for them, but they will learn to assimilate to America or feel a lot of pain. Frankly, I think most Americans see Muslims as more loyal to Islam than to our country who gave them a chance.
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