If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

OK, somebody's got to at least start this.... the material is just too bizarre. I give you the first installment of........

Breechboy's Greatest Hits! A handy compendium. Save page clicks.

Breechboy the cartographer:​
European culture is American, and it will stay that way.
Breechboy the advocate of police bombing:
... why not use exactly the same weapon that foreign Muslims used on us in Boston?
Frankly, I don't believe in that kind of violence except by professional law enforcement.[/quoteHey, the MOVE bombing only destroyed 65 houses. Why not.
Breechboy the Constitutional scholar::disbelief:
Breechboy the news hound:
Damn you, rights! :puke3:
Breechboy the paranoiac seeing a Muslim behind every post::confused:
Breechboy the media analyst:
:eusa_liar:Breechboy the ethicist:
But these two are my favourites.....

My bachelors is Mass Media from UCDavis, and my is Masters in Advertising is from Northwestern.

Yep, guys like me create "perception." Anyone can flip switches at a television station. I doubt you are in CFR, you would have to be Bill Clinton or Scott Pelley. You really are a pathetically bad liar. You are so desperate to win. :cool:

I have eight years in account management at a national advertising agency. And, I have a Clio.
(CFR = Code of Federal Regulations, which codifies broadcast law)and

America's image of the red, white and blue as a beacon of freedom to the world is what we in marketing call "Gloss." ... Gloss brings out patriotism.

Why these are my favourites: he claims to be in advertising.... and look at what a stellar job he's doing selling the concept of bigotry.
Quite the "perception" he's "created". :rofl:

That's only half the thread. Didn't even go into Photoshop.


Pick, pick, pick. The words of a traitor to the United States have no credibility in this forum.


I joined this forum to debate American politics with my fellow citizens. Little did I know I would end up being attacked by third world Muslims, rerunning the same tired name-calling every day.

At work, when I have something to say, I write a memo. I write it once, and expect it to be read and implemented. Hence, I am no longer going to repeat my responses for every Johnny Jihad that comes along with a fanatical idea. Instead I will post this message unless there is original thought, then I will address it.

We have traitors here to the United States of America who believe taking American lives on 9-11, and at the Boston Marathon Bombing was acceptable. It is my intention to address these ignorant barbarians until they get the point. To stay here, your loyalty must be to the United States first, not violent Islam. Foreign Muslims are the enemy. Islam is not a religion, it is a twisted version of the Quaran endorsing murder.

To answer your particular questions read this entire thread. Your answers are already here or you would not be reading this. Don't waste my time because you have a third rate education, and do not understand the superiority of Western culture.


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Just remember this FBI figure, after 9-11 violence against Muslims in the United States increased by 1700%!

-- if that's true, ignorami like you are the reason why. :cuckoo:

Was that supposed to be some kind of threat, rather than a confession?

Unlike pro-murder foreign Muslims posting here in this forum, I provide facts and here they are. The 1700% Increase in violence was reported in YOUR publication The Journal 0f Muslim Mental Health. Attitudes Toward Muslim Americans Post-9/11 You betray your ignorance and propagandizing by ignoring the facts. In the war for the minds of the American people, foreign Muslims have already lost. You are attacking when you should be apologizing. But now, don't bother it is too late for that. Payback is already under way.

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Just remember this FBI figure, after 9-11 violence against Muslims in the United States increased by 1700%!

-- if that's true, ignorami like you are the reason why. :cuckoo:

Was that supposed to be some kind of threat, rather than a confession?

Unlike pro-murdering foreign Muslims posting here, I provide facts and here they are. The 1700% Increase in violence was reported in YOUR publication. Attitudes Toward Muslim Americans Post-9/11 You betray your ignorance and propagandizing by ignoring the facts. In the war for the minds of the American people, foreign Muslims have already lost. You are attacking when you should be apologizing. But now, don't bother it is too late for that. Payback is already under way.

I have a publication now??

What the hell would you know about it if I did??

Get yourself to a mental health clinic. Seriously.
Oh, I don't know. Do you think murdering three of my fellow American citizens, and maiming dozens more might piss off the American people?

Didn't someone already tell PUSSYboy that one of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing was not a US citizen? Do you think PUSSYboy even bothers to read replies, or does he spend all his time posting oversized pics?

He really reminds me of that asshole who went similarly crazy over "anchor babies" a while back until he was finally banned. Very similar M.O.

Not only did Hoosier88 tell him that; he actually quoted it (and mangled the quote, attributing it to C_Clayton_Jones) and still managed to somehow ignore it even though it was in bold in the same post. He must have been too busy looking for the "size=85" "extra bold" "screaming purple" font.

Apparently he believes that by ignoring facts like that, like Masjid al-Farah, like any connection between Boston and Islam, like the Constitution, that these inconveniences will just.... disappear.

Oh, drivel on.

The only fact to remember in this thread is that "If the United States did not allow foreign Muslims, there would not have been a Boston Marathon Bombing.

Drop the extraneous crap, and get on topic. This thread is not a place to empty your third world Islam barbarian brain!
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If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.


So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? :cuckoo:
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.

But other foreigners don't act like muslims. Their record of violence speaks for itself in France, England, Sweden and Italy. They have a special grudge against USA due to our interfering in their homeland for oil company profits. Out of self preservation, put a stop to immigration of muslims. And maybe all immigration while we have a fragile recovery.
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Out of self preservation, put a stop to immigration of muslims. And maybe all immigration while we have a fragile recovery.

The way to deal with the challenges facing America never has been and never will be to stop being America. Remember that if you truly care about and understand this great nation.
Out of self preservation, put a stop to immigration of muslims. And maybe all immigration while we have a fragile recovery.

The way to deal with the challenges facing America never has been and never will be to stop being America. Remember that if you truly care about and understand this great nation.

There's nothing particularly American about unlimited immigration.
People like BitchBoi probably think that there is no difference between Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims.

It's people like him that go and shoot up Sikh temples, thinking they're somehow getting back at the Islamic radicals.

Muslims are the ones who shoot up Sikh temples, numskull.

Typically, the wing-nuts come right out of the woodwork. Did I say "Muslims" or "Foreign Muslims" in the OP? Did I say anything about people of any religion NOT being buried anywhere? Did anyone see me spit on anyone else? No not at all.

Then people wonder why my signature is says I am "pissed off." Once we get rid of and keep out the "foreign Muslims" we can go to work on the incredible stupidity of some American voters. These people are so dumb they don't even vote for their own best interest!

You're new here. TM is the dumbest shit-for-brains liberal we have here. Best thing you can do is just laugh at the stupidity of people like her.

Thank you for the input, I will make note of TM.

These people who can not think for themselves are really irritating, which is why I am pointing out that I have been a Republican and a Democrat, but today I am simply pissed at both of parties.

I will save my remarks on Republicans for another time. The left is running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They are so worried about being "Politically Correct," or protecting someone's "civil rights" that they miss the obvious. Did you know that La Raza did a successful campaign to get television stations to drop the word "Wetback" and "Illegal Alien" to replace it with the word "Migrant?" Wouldn't want to offend the freeloaders would we?

Hell President Eisenhower's deportation program was called in official government documents, "Operation Wetback." But, today it is not PC to call these INVADERS "Wetbacks" or "foreign Muslims" who come to the United States to bleed our welfare, education, and health care system dry. Now with they are cocky and tell natural born U. S. citizens that we owe them, and should thank them for building more slums.

So, next comes the post from some ultra-liberal or even or foreign Muslim calling me a "racist." Forget that one side of my family has been here over 300 years!

The Boston Marathon Bombing was preventable.


HAHA you're seriously worried about "foreign" Muslims coming to the United States to bleed our welfare, education, and health care system dry?" There are too many citizens that do that already. You should probably worry about that first!
Out of self preservation, put a stop to immigration of muslims. And maybe all immigration while we have a fragile recovery.

The way to deal with the challenges facing America never has been and never will be to stop being America. Remember that if you truly care about and understand this great nation.

There's nothing particularly American about unlimited immigration.

America will always be about immigration. If we close off our borders, we will lose what makes this nation great. As long as you are not an enemy of the state, you should be allowed to come to this country and have a better life. People risk their lives every day to try for a life in America!! If we close our borders, we will lose a sense of who we are. Our country was founded by refugees from all around the world. What gives us the right to change that?
The way to deal with the challenges facing America never has been and never will be to stop being America. Remember that if you truly care about and understand this great nation.

There's nothing particularly American about unlimited immigration.

America will always be about immigration. If we close off our borders, we will lose what makes this nation great. As long as you are not an enemy of the state, you should be allowed to come to this country and have a better life. People risk their lives every day to try for a life in America!! If we close our borders, we will lose a sense of who we are. Our country was founded by refugees from all around the world. What gives us the right to change that?
Fine, if they support themselves and don't murder our citizens! Otherwise, they have no business here.
There's nothing particularly American about unlimited immigration.

America will always be about immigration. If we close off our borders, we will lose what makes this nation great. As long as you are not an enemy of the state, you should be allowed to come to this country and have a better life. People risk their lives every day to try for a life in America!! If we close our borders, we will lose a sense of who we are. Our country was founded by refugees from all around the world. What gives us the right to change that?
Fine, if they support themselves and don't murder our citizens! Otherwise, they have no business here.

I couldn't agree more!! And it is the job of the FBI, CIA, and NSA to decide which ones are "troublemakers" and keep them out of our country. Everyone else should be allowed to come, and enjoy a better life.
Out of self preservation, put a stop to immigration of muslims. And maybe all immigration while we have a fragile recovery.

The way to deal with the challenges facing America never has been and never will be to stop being America. Remember that if you truly care about and understand this great nation.

There's nothing particularly American about unlimited immigration.

Who said anything about "unlimited"?
People like BitchBoi probably think that there is no difference between Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims.

It's people like him that go and shoot up Sikh temples, thinking they're somehow getting back at the Islamic radicals.

Muslims are the ones who shoot up Sikh temples, numskull.

You really don't know what he was referring to? Keep up with the news much?
Finally you grudgingly admit that I am right, no foreign Muslims in the United States, no Boston Marathon Bombing. The more we get rid of the fewer we have to worry about, giving us more time to focus on our home-grown terrorists who are legitimately our problem.

I see the facetiousness flew blissfully over your head. Why am I not surprised...

I'll come back to clean up the rest when I get really really bored.

What part of;

"No foreign Muslims in the United States, no Boston Marathon Bombing,"

don't you understand?


LOL (Yes, I read your 'credentials' in some other post. Hard to believe when you imply that not allowing foreign Muslims in is an actual solution.)

First, no cars...no car accidents. Let's get rid of all the cars.

no pools, no more backyard drownings.

no horses or cows, no fertilizer for big dangerous cheap bombs

So we'll just restrict the freedom of American Muslims by not allowing their families, relatives, friends to come visit them? Force their families/friends to undergo invasive (and expensive) investigations before they enter the country?

Not allow American Muslims to go abroad and visit other countries? Not allow any Americans to go visit certain other countries or track their movements (as non-Muslim Americans have gone abroad and joined terrorist training camps).

The 'big bold red' is a shortsighted juvenile statement with no way to enforce that is basically anti-Constitutional and disrespectful of a large group of American citizens (Muslim or otherwise).

Or is that not what you are implying with that statement. I did see where it came from but it seemed to stand on its own.
I think that Mr. Bitchboy has lost any credibility he MIGHT have had when he made this thread, and defended his words to the death. Perhaps if by us talking to him, he wised up and said okay I made a mistake, we could have listen to what he said... but I am afraid he has shown his ignorance and then some by some of his posts here
Yes, several childism truisms on this thread......like this one.

If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.

I am in favor of deporting all foreign Muslim immigrants - ABSOLUTELY!

Just FYI, when the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights were signed, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Adams were not men of the church. In fact they feared it.

Just FYI you know nothing about the Founding Fathers. Who tells people that bullshit?

I am getting quite tired of illiterate people telling me I do not understand American history. It was my minor in college, and here is a link to back up my remarks about the founding fathers and religion. The U.S. Founding Fathers: Their Religious Beliefs | Britannica Blog

You have no fact links because there is none. You are ignorant about American history, you obviously did not study it or you would know this. You have some nerve coming to my country to TELL me. Is it any wonder Americans want you and barbarian third world foreign Muslim ilk to leave the United States? We do not need your ignorance here. America got by just fine for years without you!


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I am in favor of deporting all foreign Muslim immigrants - ABSOLUTELY!

Just FYI, when the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights were signed, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Adams were not men of the church. In fact they feared it.

Just FYI you know nothing about the Founding Fathers. Who tells people that bullshit?

I am getting quite tired of illiterate people telling me I do not understand American history. It was my minor in college, and here is a link to back up my remarks about the founding fathers and religion. The U.S. Founding Fathers: Their Religious Beliefs | Britannica Blog

You have no fact links because there is none. You are ignorant about American history, you obviously did not study it or you would know this. You have some nerve coming to my country to TELL me. Is it any wonder Americans want you and barbarian third world foreign Muslim ilk to leave the United States? We do not need your ignorance here. America got by just fine for years without you!



The Founding Fathers were Christians, but not like the ones today. They did not fear the church, as was stated earlier. Rather, they feared mixing religion with politics. Remember that a lot of people came to this country seeking religious freedom. They came from countries where they were persecuted for their religious beliefs. Therefore the FF knew that we could not mix religion with our state politics. The FF were Deists, which means they believed in a higher being, call it God or whatever. But they believed that He created all of this, and then stepped back. They do not believe that he has the every day-to-day interaction that most Christians believe. However, they were religious men. And they knew the importance of being able to practice your religion without facing penalties.
People like BitchBoi probably think that there is no difference between Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims.

It's people like him that go and shoot up Sikh temples, thinking they're somehow getting back at the Islamic radicals.

Muslims are the ones who shoot up Sikh temples, numskull.

Neo-Nazi white supremacist "Muslim" here.


The majority of attacks on Sikhs occur in India by Muslims. Violence by neo-nazis is so rare it's virtually non-existent. However, never let liberal journalist fail to trump it into something 1000 times worse that it is. Liberals always need a white guy to blame for the world's problems.
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