If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

Neo-Nazi white supremacist "Muslim" here.


The majority of attacks on Sikhs occur in India by Muslims. Violence by neo-nazis is so rare it's virtually non-existent. However, never let liberal journalist fail to trump it into something 1000 times worse that it is. Liberals always need a white guy to blame for the world's problems.

Hey stupid................I thought it was about all the problems with Muslims here in the US, which is why BitchBoi is screaming at the top of his shrill little lungs that all Muslims must be kicked out.

I challenge you to find an act of violence carried out in this country against Sikhs that was done by Muslims since 9/11/01.

What the fuck does your post have to do with this thread?

If you want to know, Google it.

There have been at least a half dozen incidents of Muslims killing American citizens since 9-11.

If you have a point to make, do your own research, and prove your words.


The Muslim intellect! :eek: :cool: :eek:
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Just like I thought BitchBoi.....................you can't prove shit.

BTW.....................how the fuck is a CNN blog a reliable news site?

Name-calling is all you have. There are no facts to support the traitors who perpetrated 9-11 or the Boston Marathon Bombings. So, you make a lot of noise to distract viewers of this thread -FAIL!

First I presented facts from Fox News. Which I must agree is a a questionable source for information. But the story is hard news, so I let it go. Then I presented you with mainly the same information from CNN, and you called it a blog. Again, you betray your ignorance. Not surprising. I would be interested to know what you think is a credible source. Al Jazeer, which is predominently American owned?

If you or I write a blog, it is merely an opinion of one person. However when CNN presents a blog/editorial it is a considered opinion based upon facts of their news organization. In this case the writer is Eric Marrapodi, a Co-Editor of CNN. I don't think you know what that means. It means that Mr. Marrapodi is one of a few people that decides what goes on the air at CNN. If Mr. Marrapodi makes a mistake, there is a good chance CNN will be sued.

Any American with a basic education in media knows this. Guess that tells the world what kind of education and experience you have. Basically, none. You are a Muslim noise machine, and traitor to the United States.

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As a businessman, any venture I am a part of is evaluated by me as to what is learned. Frankly, as OP this thread, it has been a waste of time. Muslims and their associates did not read posts, they only thought about the next propaganda they were going to post. These are not bright nor stable people, and the foundation of their thinking is violent Islam bull shit.

One thing I have learned in 237 posts is that Muslims have shown no remorse, sadness, conciliation, or apology for innocent dead American citizens on 9-11 or the Boston Marathon Bombings. NOT ONE extension of consideration for those murdered is shown in this thread. The conclusion I draw is that Islam and America are not compatible. Foreign Muslims are a threat to the American way of life.

As to my tactics of baiting and flaming, nothing gets people to tell the truth better than to make them angry. My posted words are not as important as the fact/links I have provided viewers to make their own decisions about foreign Muslims. Muslim posters offer nothing but their own defensive opinions, unsupported by facts. They simply have nothing to offer.

I did not know much about Muslims when I began this thread 12 days ago, but now from their own words, I see them as traitors to the United States who gave them a chance. They think their way is the only way. Their minds are closed to any ideas except Islam. They can not be reoriented and saved by America. We made a mistake giving them a chance in democracy. At least we tried, but now we know we were wrong to bring these barbarians here. The Russians are correct in their dealings with Muslims - treat them like cattle, (Muslims always think they deserve more), and keep Muslims on a short leash.


Hope viewers got something out of this thread.
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What part of;

"No foreign Muslims in the United States, no Boston Marathon Bombing,"

don't you understand?


LOL (Yes, I read your 'credentials' in some other post. Hard to believe when you imply that not allowing foreign Muslims in is an actual solution.)

First, no cars...no car accidents. Let's get rid of all the cars.

no pools, no more backyard drownings.

no horses or cows, no fertilizer for big dangerous cheap bombs

There's a benefit to cars, pools, horses and cows. whats' the benefit to allowing Muslims to immigrate to the U.S.?

why should we allow anyone to come here just because they are related to someone living here?

Not allow American Muslims to go abroad and visit other countries? Not allow any Americans to go visit certain other countries or track their movements (as non-Muslim Americans have gone abroad and joined terrorist training camps).

They already have visas. That isn't being discussed here.

The 'big bold red' is a shortsighted juvenile statement with no way to enforce that is basically anti-Constitutional and disrespectful of a large group of American citizens (Muslim or otherwise).

Or is that not what you are implying with that statement. I did see where it came from but it seemed to stand on its own.

It's easily enforceable and constitutional. Who do you think you're fooling? The fact that you're worrying that American Muslims would get their nose out of joint only shows we should have done it sooner rather than later.

We're going to prevent Americans from allowing their relatives and friends from visiting that they sponsor? Yeah, Muslim Americans...they have exactly the same rights as other Americans. On what grounds are you going to prevent their guests from entering the country? Are you going to stop the guests of other Americans from entering the country for no reason besides their religion?

And what value do Muslims bring to the US? Really? That is such an ignorant statement. I work with people from all over the world. Some are Muslims. They certainly do great work, and are great people. Most I know are no more publicly religious than most American Christians.

You seem to believe all Muslims worthless and haters. You certainly seem to hate all Muslims, so I don't see you as any better.
What part of;

"No foreign Muslims in the United States, no Boston Marathon Bombing,"

don't you understand?


LOL (Yes, I read your 'credentials' in some other post. Hard to believe when you imply that not allowing foreign Muslims in is an actual solution.)

First, no cars...no car accidents. Let's get rid of all the cars.

no pools, no more backyard drownings.

no horses or cows, no fertilizer for big dangerous cheap bombs

So we'll just restrict the freedom of American Muslims by not allowing their families, relatives, friends to come visit them? Force their families/friends to undergo invasive (and expensive) investigations before they enter the country?

Not allow American Muslims to go abroad and visit other countries? Not allow any Americans to go visit certain other countries or track their movements (as non-Muslim Americans have gone abroad and joined terrorist training camps).

The 'big bold red' is a shortsighted juvenile statement with no way to enforce that is basically anti-Constitutional and disrespectful of a large group of American citizens (Muslim or otherwise).

Or is that not what you are implying with that statement. I did see where it came from but it seemed to stand on its own.

We have lost 2,980 innocent people at the World Trade Center, and the Boston Marathon. You chose to deal with reality by playing word games. I don't have time for your ignorance. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Read the signs, genius!

Time to wake up, Homer!

With your limited views and hate and unrealistic understanding of *all* Muslims, it's ridiculous to call me ignorant. I seem to have more diverse experience with Muslims...and we've certainly killed more Iraqi Muslims than 3000 and no Iraqis attacked us. So how does that make us better than them? We've probably killed 10 times that in Iraq and they didn't attack us and weren't even planning to (despite what some people were foolish enough to believe).

As a businessman


Where do you see any "Muslims" in this thread, bimbo boy? :dunno:

Where to you see anybody "angry", in this thread, bimbo boy? Not counting yourself I mean.

How many of those purple pills did you take, bimbo-boy?


Please keep up the name-calling it serves to prove my point that you are barbarians with nothing to say. Foreign Muslims have no arguments to support their approval of 9-11 or the Boston Marathon Bombing. Haven't seen any fact links in this thread to support their actions have you? You are so out-of-touch, you need to watch the television network news, the facts are burying Muslims in hatred. Yep, Muslims did it to themselves. All I am doing is calling you on it. I think it is a good thing to put these Islam animals in their place. Their place is in the shit-hole countries they come from. It was a mistake to give foreign Muslims opportunity in the United States. Islam and America are incompatible. The Johnny Jihad's are going home to clean up the the mess they have made in the third world. This is not America's problem!


Stop blaming the United States for your screwed up Governments.
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PUSSYboy admits to being a fucking troll.

Is that what he means by "businessman"?
It does add up... :eusa_think:

Asked and Answered. More of the usual name-calling because you have no fact/links to back up a word you say. Please read this thread and catch up, or leave.

Oh, and FYI, here is the financial profile of the Fortune 500 companys.
http://www.money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2011/performers/companies/biggest/ So called "businessmen" own and run the world. You are just a spec on a minor marketing report.
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LOL (Yes, I read your 'credentials' in some other post. Hard to believe when you imply that not allowing foreign Muslims in is an actual solution.)

First, no cars...no car accidents. Let's get rid of all the cars.

no pools, no more backyard drownings.

no horses or cows, no fertilizer for big dangerous cheap bombs

There's a benefit to cars, pools, horses and cows. whats' the benefit to allowing Muslims to immigrate to the U.S.?

why should we allow anyone to come here just because they are related to someone living here?

They already have visas. That isn't being discussed here.

The 'big bold red' is a shortsighted juvenile statement with no way to enforce that is basically anti-Constitutional and disrespectful of a large group of American citizens (Muslim or otherwise).

Or is that not what you are implying with that statement. I did see where it came from but it seemed to stand on its own.

It's easily enforceable and constitutional. Who do you think you're fooling? The fact that you're worrying that American Muslims would get their nose out of joint only shows we should have done it sooner rather than later.

We're going to prevent Americans from allowing their relatives and friends from visiting that they sponsor? Yeah, Muslim Americans...they have exactly the same rights as other Americans. On what grounds are you going to prevent their guests from entering the country? Are you going to stop the guests of other Americans from entering the country for no reason besides their religion?

And what value do Muslims bring to the US? Really? (Yet still unsuported by facts. Muslims have contributed nothing significant to our planet). That is such an ignorant statement. I work with people from all over the world. Some are Muslims. They certainly do great work, and are great people. Most I know are no more publicly religious than most American Christians.

You seem to believe all Muslims worthless and haters. (Absolutely correct. Have you any fact/links to back you up?). You certainly seem to hate all Muslims, so I don't see you as any better.

Your convoluted logic has no place here. Americans know the truth.

Muslim is not a religion. It is a tribal band of murderers who believe that ONLY they have the answers to life. They are traitors to America.

Yet they want into the United States because of the affluent lifestyle Americans have built. They contribute nothing.

Keep in mind immigration to the United States is up to us. We adjust the number of people from a region of the world all the time.

The pending Immigration Reform Act will make things tougher on Muslims than it is now. Pulling green cards and deportation of Muslims will increase.

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As a businessman, any venture I am a part of is evaluated by me as to what is learned. Frankly, as OP this thread, it has been a waste of time. Muslims and their associates did not read posts, they only thought about the next propaganda they were going to post. These are not bright nor stable people, and the foundation of their thinking is violent Islam bull shit.

One thing I have learned in 237 posts is that Muslims have shown no remorse, sadness, conciliation, or apology for innocent dead American citizens on 9-11 or the Boston Marathon Bombings. NOT ONE extension of consideration for those murdered is shown in this thread. The conclusion I draw is that Islam and America are not compatible. Foreign Muslims are a threat to the American way of life.

As to my tactics of baiting and flaming, nothing gets people to tell the truth better than to make them angry. My posted words are not as important as the fact/links I have provided viewers to make their own decisions about foreign Muslims. Muslim posters offer nothing but their own defensive opinions, unsupported by facts. They simply have nothing to offer.

I did not know much about Muslims when I began this thread 12 days ago, but now from their own words, I see them as traitors to the United States who gave them a chance. They think their way is the only way. Their minds are closed to any ideas except Islam. They can not be reoriented and saved by America. We made a mistake giving them a chance in democracy. At least we tried, but now we know we were wrong to bring these barbarians here. The Russians are correct in their dealings with Muslims - treat them like cattle, (Muslims always think they deserve more), and keep Muslims on a short leash.


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's a duck!
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BitchBoi is almost as much of a racist as some of the worst on here.

Yo.............BitchyBoi..................how many Muslims have you actually met and talked with?
there are muslims buried at arlington.

You spit on the graves of our heros

Funny how the weak-minded cannot grasp that Muslims are the ultimate conservative.

Muslims hate Homosexuals, put them to death, and feel they have the right to beat you, even put you to death if they want. Their beliefs are based in the 18th century......and yet you support them no matter what.

BitchBoi is almost as much of a racist as some of the worst on here.

Yo.............BitchyBoi..................how many Muslims have you actually met and talked with?

As few as possible. If I want to know about Muslims, I can watch a television documentary on any network. The message is always the same. "Islam will dominate the world." It is ok to murder innocent people in the name of Islam. Actions speak louder than words, look at 9-11 and the Boston Marathon bombings.

Liberal pundit Bill Maher doesn't trust them. If you can't get the king of the liberals on your side, you are a bad guy!

How much more do I need to know about these rag heads who have no respect for our western culture.
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BitchBoi is almost as much of a racist as some of the worst on here.

Yo.............BitchyBoi..................how many Muslims have you actually met and talked with?

As few as possible. If I want to know about Muslims, I can watch a television documentary on any network. .

In other words, PUSSYboy needs his ignorance in order to justify his illogical bigotry even to himself. PUSSYboy clings to that ignorance like his little security blanket.

As a businessman


Where do you see any "Muslims" in this thread, bimbo boy? :dunno:

Where to you see anybody "angry", in this thread, bimbo boy? Not counting yourself I mean.

How many of those purple pills did you take, bimbo-boy?


Please keep up the name-calling it serves to prove my point that you are barbarians with nothing to say. Foreign Muslims have no arguments to support their approval of 9-11 or the Boston Marathon Bombing. Haven't seen any fact links in this thread to support their actions have you? You are so out-of-touch, you need to watch the television network news, the facts are burying Muslims in hatred. Yep, Muslims did it to themselves. All I am doing is calling you on it. I think it is a good thing to put these Islam animals in their place. Their place is in the shit-hole countries they come from. It was a mistake to give foreign Muslims opportunity in the United States. Islam and America are incompatible. The Johnny Jihad's are going home to clean up the the mess they have made in the third world. This is not America's problem!

So..... more crickets? That's it?

Where are the Muslims in this thread? (BleachBoy; "duh?")

You've never met a Muslim in your life, have you?

Dumb shit.

Say, there's another racist on this board you might wanna hook up with. I don't remember his name but he prances around in a Superman costume. You'd make a good team. Y'all could start a thread called "If we did not allow Africans into the United States we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years either".

Where do you see any "Muslims" in this thread, bimbo boy? :dunno:

Where to you see anybody "angry", in this thread, bimbo boy? Not counting yourself I mean.

How many of those purple pills did you take, bimbo-boy?


Please keep up the name-calling it serves to prove my point that you are barbarians with nothing to say. Foreign Muslims have no arguments to support their approval of 9-11 or the Boston Marathon Bombing. Haven't seen any fact links in this thread to support their actions have you? You are so out-of-touch, you need to watch the television network news, the facts are burying Muslims in hatred. Yep, Muslims did it to themselves. All I am doing is calling you on it. I think it is a good thing to put these Islam animals in their place. Their place is in the shit-hole countries they come from. It was a mistake to give foreign Muslims opportunity in the United States. Islam and America are incompatible. The Johnny Jihad's are going home to clean up the the mess they have made in the third world. This is not America's problem!

So..... more crickets? That's it?

Where are the Muslims in this thread? (BleachBoy; "duh?")

You've never met a Muslim in your life, have you?

Dumb shit.

Say, there's another racist on this board you might wanna hook up with. I don't remember his name but he prances around in a Superman costume. You'd make a good team. Y'all could start a thread called "If we did not allow Africans into the United States we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years either".

Still into name-calling as your only postings?

I did not say that I had never met a Muslim. I said I believe a CBS documentary more than any other source of information about them. I have no problems with African-Americans, they are not out to murder me. I guess it is time for me to post the Muslim agenda.

I notice you quickly jumped over that utube the Muslims do not want us to see. Your distractions do not work. The American people are engaged on the problem of Muslims having witnessed the Boston Marathon Bombings. Here is the video again. Watch it Johnny Jihad!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gzyeo1Z1I4&list=PL70B1741B332421AB&index=1"]The shocking video Muslims don't want you to see!! - YouTube[/ame]
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BitchBoi is almost as much of a racist as some of the worst on here.

Yo.............BitchyBoi..................how many Muslims have you actually met and talked with?

I've met enough to understand them.

My guess is you've never been a guest in one of their countries.

Dunno what you'd consider to be an acceptable country.

I've spent quite a few evenings in the homes of people in Dubai, U.A.E., and it covered from the very poor to some who were pretty well off. Did that during Desert Storm pts. I and II.

In Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, I was hosted by a family who although they weren't exactly of Arabic descent, they did have enough experience from living there to tell me what to expect.

Does that qualify as being a guest in one of their countries?

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