If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

You actually think if it's on Google Images then it can't be photoshopped? I can see right on the page where some of the original sign writing has been whited out. You have set new standards for density. And oh yeah.. "Surfdom"?? Dumb fuck.

>> start reading/watching the news. You are ill-informed. << :rofl:
-- because nothing says 'informed' like... TV news, right? Beyond belief.

You and your self-centered arrogant knuckledragging xenophobia from the shallow end of the gene puddle are the antithesis of what this country stands for and an embarrassing infection on it. So being nothing but dead weight, here's an idea; go live in North Fucking Korea where you can have your racial/religious "purity". A nice homogenous society where everybody's made of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same, and independent thought is heavily discouraged. Your kinda place. Serf's up, dood.

As usual, a reading comprehension problem. I did not say Google images could not be Photoshopped. You think anything that disagrees with Muslims is a conspiracy. And, you might not be far off considering Muslim violence. Clearly, the Muslims in this forum are not watching network television news. You idiots have demonized YOURSELVES in the eyes of the American public. Keep it up, it makes our job easier. Every night you look more and more like fanatics and traitors. Muslims have started losing their jobs, everyone wants you out of the country. You refuse to take responsibility and make amends for the Boston Marathon bombing. You will be feeling a lot more pain. Network news will have a field day when the mother of those Muslim bombers gets here. We have a lot of guns in America, someone will shoot her to the applause of a grateful nation.

You are a guy trying to defend the indefensible. Dirty bombs designed to inflict human carnage killed three Americans in one of our founding colonies. The price all Muslims will pay will be very high.

You see I can take this all back to the OP any time I want because you can not refute the fact;

No foreign Muslims in the United States, no Boston Marathon bombing.

It is just that simple, and you can already sense that America is going to use this as another reason to kick Muslims. Allow me the privilege of being one of the first in this forum. I truly enjoy dedicating my internet time to outing traitors.


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Well since he can't read, maybe pictures are the way to go...


Oh wait, he worships "the television news". Let's do that--


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......Tim McVeigh would have been contemporary enough but I left him off too because he, as well as Ayers and Dohrn, had no known religious basis for what they did, whereas the OP cretin seems to have hung himself up on everything being about Islam.......
Not that any of it seeped through the mind-fog of the cretin...

For that matter I have yet to see any evidence that Boston had a basis in religion either. And I asked the OP a while back to show how 9/11 was a religious rather than a political event. Needless to say I got nothing but crickets, incoherent rambling about what's on the television fucking news and caterwauling about how his family's been here a hunnard years.

I have mentioned this at least a half dozen times, and am considering putting you on "ignore." You do not read the posts of others. You jump in saying what you want to say.

And, you are not watching American television news which is American reality. Remember what Joe Kennedy said, "The actual facts don't really matter, it is the public's PERCEPTION of the situation that counts." You still have not figured this out, not bright enough I guess.


When the United States gets rid of the Muslim foreigners we will have more time to focus on American terrorists who are our responsibility. Just take 9/11 and the Boston Marathon, if we could get rid of those troublemakers which are not our problem, we could get a lot more done. A green card is an easy thing to revoke.

Clearly, you are not very knowledgable about how to use the English language. Will write that off to your substandard, third world education. Pack your bags, rag head!


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......Tim McVeigh would have been contemporary enough but I left him off too because he, as well as Ayers and Dohrn, had no known religious basis for what they did, whereas the OP cretin seems to have hung himself up on everything being about Islam.......
Not that any of it seeped through the mind-fog of the cretin...

For that matter I have yet to see any evidence that Boston had a basis in religion either. And I asked the OP a while back to show how 9/11 was a religious rather than a political event. Needless to say I got nothing but crickets, incoherent rambling about what's on the television fucking news and caterwauling about how his family's been here a hunnard years.

I have mentioned this at least a half dozen times, and am considering putting you on "ignore." You do not read the posts of others. You jump in saying what you want to say.

And, you are not watching American television news which is American reality. Remember what Joe Kennedy said, "The actual facts don't really matter, it is the public's PERCEPTION of the situation that counts." You still have not figured this out, not bright enough I guess.


When the United States gets rid of the Muslim foreigners we will have more time to focus on American terrorists who are our responsibility. Just take 9/11 and the Boston Marathon, if we could get rid of those troublemakers which are not our problem, we could get a lot more done. A green card is an easy thing to revoke.

Clearly, you are not very knowledgable about how to use the English language. Will write that off to your substandard, third world education. Pack your bags, rag head!

Absent due process, of course.
......Tim McVeigh would have been contemporary enough but I left him off too because he, as well as Ayers and Dohrn, had no known religious basis for what they did, whereas the OP cretin seems to have hung himself up on everything being about Islam.......
Not that any of it seeped through the mind-fog of the cretin...

For that matter I have yet to see any evidence that Boston had a basis in religion either. And I asked the OP a while back to show how 9/11 was a religious rather than a political event. Needless to say I got nothing but crickets, incoherent rambling about what's on the television fucking news and caterwauling about how his family's been here a hunnard years.

I have mentioned this at least a half dozen times, and am considering putting you on "ignore." You do not read the posts of others. You jump in saying what you want to say.

And, you are not watching American television news which is American reality. Remember what Joe Kennedy said, "The actual facts don't really matter, it is the public's PERCEPTION of the situation that counts." You still have not figured this out, not bright enough I guess.


When the United States gets rid of the Muslim foreigners we will have more time to focus on American terrorists who are our responsibility. Just take 9/11 and the Boston Marathon, if we could get rid of those troublemakers which are not our problem, we could get a lot more done. A green card is an easy thing to revoke.

Clearly, you are not very knowledgable about how to use the English language. Will write that off to your substandard, third world education. Pack your bags, rag head!

Absent due process, of course.

That is the fun of a democratic government. Due process is whatever we say it is. The definition can change overnight like it did after 9/11 and the Patriot Act. We have Gitmo for a reason, and Muslims are a big part of it.
Well since he can't read, maybe pictures are the way to go...

Wow, I never thought you would come out and betray your own stupidity like this. Television and the media in general provide Americans with most of their information. If you had studied media, you would know that the CFR was formed in 1917 by a group of businessmen who figured out that they could protect their investments by controlling the editorial polices of 27 newspapers nationally. Since the the CFR has expanded into all media globally.

He who control the media wins. Muslims think that he who controls that Jihad holy book of yours runs things. Not so, not in 21st century Western culture. Muslims are marginalized because they can not think for themselves. They do what they are told to do, and we keep killing off their leaders with our drones until we eventually get the leaders we want. We are not worried, but we are in a hurry to put you in your place as the Russians have so effectively done.


Oh, let's escalate this discussion to another level.. America can destroy anyone we like without jeopardizing an American life.
Hell, the pilot can be home for supper with his wife and kids after a day of killing Muslims. Bottom line, our way or die.
That's the future you insisted on. You just can't learn your place at the bottom of the food chain.
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I have mentioned this at least a half dozen times, and am considering putting you on "ignore." You do not read the posts of others. You jump in saying what you want to say.

And, you are not watching American television news which is American reality. Remember what Joe Kennedy said, "The actual facts don't really matter, it is the public's PERCEPTION of the situation that counts." You still have not figured this out, not bright enough I guess.


When the United States gets rid of the Muslim foreigners we will have more time to focus on American terrorists who are our responsibility. Just take 9/11 and the Boston Marathon, if we could get rid of those troublemakers which are not our problem, we could get a lot more done. A green card is an easy thing to revoke.

Clearly, you are not very knowledgable about how to use the English language. Will write that off to your substandard, third world education. Pack your bags, rag head!

Absent due process, of course.

That is the fun of a democratic government. Due process is whatever we say it is. The definition can change overnight like it did after 9/11 and the Patriot Act. We have Gitmo for a reason, and Muslims are a big part of it.

Fortunately we’re not a democracy.
Well since he can't read, maybe pictures are the way to go...


Oh wait, he worships "the television news". Let's do that--


Wow, I never thought you would come out and betray your own stupidity like this. Television and the media in general provide Ameicans with most of their information. If you had studied media, you would know that the CFR was formed in 1917 by a group of businessmen who figured out that they could protect their investments by controlling the editorial polices of 27 newspapers nationally. Since the the CFR has expanded into all media globally.

He who control the media wins. Muslims think that he who controls that Jihad holy book of yours runs things. Not so, not in 21st century Western culture. Muslims are marginalized because they do what they are told to do, and we keep killing off their leaders with our drones until we get the ones we want. We are not worried, but we are in a hurry to put you in your place as the Russians have so effectively done.

I've worked in media for three decades, you pathetic synaptical black hole. I was working with the CFR long before you were formed from whatever sperm forgot to spill on the back seat.
Absent due process, of course.

That is the fun of a democratic government. Due process is whatever we say it is. The definition can change overnight like it did after 9/11 and the Patriot Act. We have Gitmo for a reason, and Muslims are a big part of it.

Fortunately we’re not a democracy.

What do you mean "WE?" If you are an American you are a traitor.

I guess us old American families think of ourselves as a democracy, when in fact we are a Republic. Apparently, you have the time to split hairs. I don't.
Well since he can't read, maybe pictures are the way to go...

Wow, I never thought you would come out and betray your own stupidity like this. Television and the media in general provide Ameicans with most of their information. If you had studied media, you would know that the CFR was formed in 1917 by a group of businessmen who figured out that they could protect their investments by controlling the editorial polices of 27 newspapers nationally. Since the the CFR has expanded into all media globally.

He who control the media wins. Muslims think that he who controls that Jihad holy book of yours runs things. Not so, not in 21st century Western culture. Muslims are marginalized because they do what they are told to do, and we keep killing off their leaders with our drones until we get the ones we want. We are not worried, but we are in a hurry to put you in your place as the Russians have so effectively done.

I've worked in media for three decades, you pathetic synaptical black hole. I was working with the CFR long before you were formed from whatever sperm forgot to spill on the back seat.

Evidently you did not learn much as a janitor for Al Jazeera!


My bachelors is Mass Media from UCDavis, and my is Masters in Advertising is from Northwestern.

Yep, guys like me create "perception." Anyone can flip switches at a television station. I doubt you are in CFR, you would have to be Bill Clinton or Scott Pelley. You really are a pathetically bad liar. You are so desperate to win. :cool:

I have eight years in account management at a national advertising agency. And, I have a Clio.
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Wow, I never thought you would come out and betray your own stupidity like this. Television and the media in general provide Ameicans with most of their information. If you had studied media, you would know that the CFR was formed in 1917 by a group of businessmen who figured out that they could protect their investments by controlling the editorial polices of 27 newspapers nationally. Since the the CFR has expanded into all media globally.

He who control the media wins. Muslims think that he who controls that Jihad holy book of yours runs things. Not so, not in 21st century Western culture. Muslims are marginalized because they do what they are told to do, and we keep killing off their leaders with our drones until we get the ones we want. We are not worried, but we are in a hurry to put you in your place as the Russians have so effectively done.

I've worked in media for three decades, you pathetic synaptical black hole. I was working with the CFR long before you were formed from whatever sperm forgot to spill on the back seat.

Evidently you did not learn much as a janitor for Al Jazeera!

My bachelors is Mass Media from UCDavis, and my Masters in Advertising is from Northwestern. I have eight years in account management at a national advertising agency. I have a Clio.

Sure you do. You can't even fucking spell, dropout loser.
I've worked in media for three decades, you pathetic synaptical black hole. I was working with the CFR long before you were formed from whatever sperm forgot to spill on the back seat.

Evidently you did not learn much as a janitor for Al Jazeera!

My bachelors is Mass Media from UCDavis, and my Masters in Advertising is from Northwestern. I have eight years in account management at a national advertising agency. I have a Clio.

Sure you do. You can't even fucking spell, dropout loser.

It is fun watching you go down. So, spelling critique is all you have left?
If anyone is even in this thread, here is the OP.

I am so bored with the name-calling I am about to put Pogo on "ignore."

If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. Duh!

This is not rocket science.

This is really a simple fact based upon logistics. It is true, there is no debate. What we have here is a bunch of disgruntled Muslims trying to cover their asses on the Boston Marathon Bombing. It is pretty sad. Certainly, not my best work!
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That is the fun of a democratic government. Due process is whatever we say it is. The definition can change overnight like it did after 9/11 and the Patriot Act. We have Gitmo for a reason, and Muslims are a big part of it.

Fortunately we’re not a democracy.

What do you mean "WE?" If you are an American you are a traitor.

I guess us old American families think of ourselves as a democracy, when in fact we are a Republic. Apparently, you have the time to split hairs. I don't.

You may think of yourself whatever you like.

In fact, however, we are a Constitutional Republic, the citizens of which are subject to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

Your posts are evidence of that.
If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.


So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? :cuckoo:
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.

This entire country is descended from immigrants

But we're not all descended from Muslim immigrants, silly.
When we are finished, Muslims will be begging their old third world countries to take them back.

Who's "we" asshole?

Well it is about time you asked. According to Google current opinions about Muslims in the United States after the Boston Marathon Bombing are not been completed. However, according to the Journal of Muslim Mental Health here is the Post 9/11 research. Attitudes Toward Muslim Americans Post-9/11 As expected my opinions about foreign Muslims are not only correct, but are stronger than even I expected. Read it.

"Attitudes Toward Muslim Americans Post-9/11......

........Following September 11, 2001, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported a 1,700 percent increase of hate crimes against Muslim Americans between 2000 to 2001 (Anderson, 2002). During the process of adjusting to the aftermath of September 11, Muslim Americans faced an upsurge in negative stereotypes expressed by the larger society (American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 2003; Cassel, 2006) and Muslim immigrants, more than any other immigrant group, were met with negative attitudes (Council of American Islamic Relations, 2003; Saroglou & Galand, 2004). Since then, increased racial and religious animosity has left Arabs, Middle Easterners, Muslims, and those who bear stereotyped physical resemblance to members of these groups, fearful of potential hatred and hostility from persons of other cultures (Abu-Ras & Suarez, 2009; Baqi-Aziz, 2001; Kira et al., 2010; Rippy & Newman, 2006)."

A thinking person would have Googled these facts before posting, but then, apparently you are a third world Muslim with an inferior education.
I will be most interested to see what kind of bull shit you come up with in an effort to refute these facts.
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That mosque has been there since way before 9/11, and is a Sufi congregation, which has nothing to do with Wahabbism except as adversaries. DUH.

The Asian immigrants who built the railroads across this country might be startled to learn they had "European customs". DOUBLE DUH.

However I must admit, your inane OP does have a point; had we refused entry to "Muslim foreigners", the kids involved would not have been here to do what they did. We'd have to rely on homegrown terrorists like Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, Reverend Paul Jennings Hill, John Salvi, Eric Rudolph, Martin Uphoff, Patricia Hughes, Jeremy Dunahoe, Paul Ross Evans, Bobby Joe Rogers, or Francis Grady.

What a difference that would have made, huh?


Hard to believe minds like this get to vote... smh

BTW how come you bigots only see terrorists in terms of religion when they're Muslim? Not to mention when they haven't used their religion as a pretext, in contrast to the entire list of Christians above?

(no DUH big enough for this one...)
Any particular reason you left out homegrown terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn?

Yeah, a couple of reasons: it wasn't intended as either (a) a comprehensive list, nor (b) to cover all of historical time.

Tim McVeigh would have been contemporary enough but I left him off too because he, as well as Ayers and Dohrn, had no known religious basis for what they did, whereas the OP cretin seems to have hung himself up on everything being about Islam, so McVeigh, Ayers and Dohrn wouldn't have made an apples to apples comparison.

Not that any of it seeped through the mind-fog of the cretin...

For that matter I have yet to see any evidence that Boston had a basis in religion either. And I asked the OP a while back to show how 9/11 was a religious rather than a political event. Needless to say I got nothing but crickets, incoherent rambling about what's on the television fucking news and caterwauling about how his family's been here a hunnard years.
Oh. And here I thought it might be because of the Obama factor.
Republicans are reacting to the Boston Marathon Bombings as a reason to clamp down immigrants, and sidetrack The Immigration Reform Act. We could not ask for better news in dealing with these foreign Muslim animals.

Leahy: GOP trying to ?exploit? Boston bombings to stop immigration reform - Washington Post


"The two bombing suspects, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, were members of an ethnic Chechen family that received asylum in 2002 under U.S. immigration law, prompting many Republicans to urge caution on border-control reform.
Last week, opponents began to exploit the Boston Marathon bombing.....While the hearing was underway, Republican Sens. Rand Paul (Ky.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.), a co-sponsor of the immigration bill, issued separate statements calling on lawmakers to take time to learn whether U.S. immigration laws did not properly vet the Tsarnaev family before granting asylum protections.......Rubio, who did not attend the hearing...........said that the bill would improve border security but that &#8220;Congress needs time to conduct more hearings and investigate how our immigration and national security systems could be improved going forward. The attack reinforces why immigration reform should be a lengthy, open and transparent process.&#8221; Proponents of immigration reform fear that critics will use legislative delays to lengthen the debate and introduce amendments aimed at killing the agreement, which features a path to citizenship for most of the nation&#8217;s 11 million illegal immigrants. A similar strategy helped doom a bipartisan immigration bill in the Senate in 2007.......

Tougher times ahead for all immigrants due to the foreign Muslims at the Boston Marathon Bombing. Works for me! Get them all out of the country, and now we can! :cool:
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