If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

The dangers of labeling people bigots, when they are concerned about being blown up, is very telling on how far people will go to keep political correctness intact.

You haven't read all the posts on this thread, have you?

Obviously not. Maybe he needs a clue or two, or twenty:

"tribalistic animals"; "third world barbarians" (post 10)

"Muslims are enemys [sic] of the American people, and should not be trusted. If there are some good ones, why are they not speaking out, and aiding the American government? You sure don't see that on the network television news." (Post 19)

"Muslims are third world animals incapable of catching up to Western thought." (39)

"You talk like the word "racist" from you is a big sting. Not so. I have already written off your politics. The word "racist" from third worlders like you mean nothing, and to some degree they are a compliment!" (post 50)

"What foreign Muslims, and apparently all Muslims, do not understand is that in the United States it is not the courts, or the government whose opinion counts, it is the television viewers." (59) :disbelief: huh??

"I could not ask for more ammunition get Americans to hate foreign Muslims. First, the mother wears traditional Muslim garb, which makes her look like a Halloween Zombie. Then she gets hysterical denying facts Americans already know. Message sent - Muslims are unstable, uneducated, violent people. Then comes the mother's third rate acting skills. Add it all together with their lies, and American [sic] hate foreign Muslims even more. ... You are hanging yourselves in the eyes of the world, and I could not be happier!" (ibid)

"That is the fun of a democratic government. Due process is whatever we say it is." (66)
"America can destroy anyone we like without jeopardizing an American life. Hell, the pilot can be home for supper with his wife and kids after a day of killing Muslims. Bottom line, our way or die." (67)
"Muslims are terrorists and traitors." (91)
"Rag heads have lost their place in America, now it is just a clean up job." (92)

"They insist on wearing their Halloween clothing on our streets everyday, making America look like a third world country. This is no religion, it is psycho troublemakers using violence to push their Islam crap." (100); "Rag heads are not going to twist the facts on this to the American people. All Muslims will pay for this until they place United States over their 'so-called' Jihad religion." (101)

"Foreign Muslims are clearly terrorists, enemies of the State, and traitors." (104); "Shoot to kill is the American way of the Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. I would not have a problem with that." (109)

"European culture is American, and it will stay that way. Obviously, Muslims played no role in the founding of the United States. Muslims got here after the work had been done by others, and began demanding rights, as usual." (113) :confused:

"Just the way we look intimidates Muslims sexually." (141)
(-- this one is especially uh, revealing; not recommended for the squeamish)

"Sorry, the United States is full. We are closed for immigration of Muslims." (153); "Yes it brings a chuckle because it is simple, but remember foreign Muslims are UNREPENTANT murderers and traitors of your fellow American citizens." (159)

"This is why Muslims will never win, their intelligence and education, twisted by Islam is [sic] out of touch with reality. Again, Islam is not compatible with America, and the government is going to have to do something about it. It will probably be a tightening of law in the Immigration Reform Act. Yep, four foreigners in Boston screwed up years of work by Hispanics on the immigration package. It would not surprise me to see some of that hatred find its way to your Mosques. You rub Mexicans the wrong way, they never forget." (160)

--- I stopped there on the "four foreigners" and "rubbing Mexicans the wrong way". Shall I go on?

Look at this nice long post, but looking past the words, what does it tell you? The militant and foreign Muslims have an agenda to make themselves "look American" while blowing up American cities, and killing our innocent citizens. Clearly, Islam is not compatible with America, and it is time to start pulling green cards.

I reread most of this thread again today. I am bored repeating myself to every "Johnny Jihad" that comes into this thread. My point in being here in the first place was to draw attention to Muslims trying to dominate the world. With 281 posts and 4,176 viewings, (got to be a record), I am pleased that I have done that. I consider myself a patriot, and a modern day Paul Revere spreading the word of Muslim danger to America. Now it is time for Americans to make up their own minds. I hope by now Americans realize that Muslims pose a threat to the very fiber of American life. Television news is doing a great job of making that point every night, and the U. S. Government seems to be getting the message.

We have learned from the Russians, treat Muslims like the ignorant cattle they are, and keep them on a short leash.

I am out of here for a while, but I will monitor this thread. My next thread will be about the 35 militant Muslim training camps in the United States. I have links from recognized sources, and photos of the actual camps!


Sweet pic, huh?
Says it all, especially the face!

Adios, but...

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Oh yeah it's a "record" Ego Boy. Good for 141st place in posts and 222nd in views, just ahead of a thread on three fishermen leaving a Discovery TV show. Get over yourself and put down the mirror, nice and slow.

That's within the "Current Events" section though, where it's clearly out of place. Put it in the Rubber Room where it belongs and you can break the top 100. :eusa_clap:

The militant and foreign Muslims have an agenda to make themselves "look American" while blowing up American cities, and killing our innocent citizens. Clearly, Islam is not compatible with America, and it is time to start pulling green cards.

I reread most of this thread again today. I am bored repeating myself to every "Johnny Jihad" that comes into this thread. My point in being here in the first place was to draw attention to Muslims trying to dominate the world. With 281 posts and 4,176 viewings, (got to be a record), I am pleased that I have done that. I consider myself a patriot, and a modern day Paul Revere spreading the word of Muslim danger to America. Now it is time for Americans to make up their own minds. I hope by now Americans realize that Muslims pose a threat to the very fiber of American life. Television news is doing a great job of making that point every night, and the U. S. Government seems to be getting the message.

We have learned from the Russians, treat Muslims like the ignorant cattle they are, and keep them on a short leash.

I am out of here for a while, but I will monitor this thread. My next thread will be about the 35 militant Muslim training camps in the United States. I have links from recognized sources, and photos of the actual camps!

Adios, but...

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In any post or Op's, I think it always best to refrain from using bad language to get ones points across, as there are good points being made here, and good study of these things, but when people show that they see themselves as superior to others, that's where it begins to break down and the points are lost.
Third President Thomas Jefferson said:
“… neither Pagan nor Mahomedan nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion.”


Those who attempt to restrict faith are traitors to America and the principles it was founded upon.
Third President Thomas Jefferson said:
“… neither Pagan nor Mahomedan nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion.”


Those who attempt to restrict faith are traitors to America and the principles it was founded upon.

Thanks Fred. Sometimes you have to state the obvious.

A Brit in southeast Asia knows our national philosophy better than the OP does. :disbelief:
Probably because he's by his own admission taking his cues from television of all places.
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I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of 'Mohammedans' positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about Sharia Law and other related issues, otherwise, they would probably have embedded a Poison Pill within the Constitution to prevent it.

Finding the right balance between observing the Constitution and preventing Islam from gaining a solid foothold in The West or the US and subsequently beginning to subvert its secular legal system over a span of decades and generations will prove tricky but the US may yet prove equal to the task. Time will tell.

Thank God (the Judeo-Christian vision of God, mind you :D ) for separation of Church and State.

If memory serves, Separation of Mosque and State has not worked well elsewhere in the world for any considerable span of time except, perhaps, in modern Turkey, but there's always hope... ;-)
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I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of 'Mohammedans' positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about Sharia Law and other related issues, otherwise, they would probably have embedded a Poison Pill within the Constitution to prevent it.

Can't help noticing the parallel to:
"I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of "assault weapons" positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about a "well regulated militia" and other related issues"

Just sayin'...
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I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of 'Mohammedans' positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about Sharia Law and other related issues, otherwise, they would probably have embedded a Poison Pill within the Constitution to prevent it.

They did. As you just ironically noted below; the First Amendment.
Sharia is a non starter. It's got one use here, and that's the blogospheremongers overplaying the role of Chicken Little.

Thank God (the Judeo-Christian vision of God, mind you :D ) for separation of Church and State.

Caustic irony noted :eusa_clap:

If memory serves, Separation of Mosque and State has not worked well elsewhere in the world for any considerable span of time except, perhaps, in modern Turkey, but there's always hope... ;-)

Agreed, Turkey is a good example of the potential. On the other hand, thirteen hundred years after its own founding, Christianism didn't have much of a record of separation of church and state either. Matter of fact it had none whatsoever; it was engorged in being the First Estate power source for the royal aristocracy and the tool of the latter to keep the populace in an inferior position; it had yet to see even dissent within its own structure in Martin Luther; and it was burning infidels alive in the public square. The equivalent of a Turkey was still centuries off.

Such mob perversion seems to be the price of organized dogma.
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I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of 'Mohammedans' positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about Sharia Law and other related issues, otherwise, they would probably have embedded a Poison Pill within the Constitution to prevent it.

Finding the right balance between observing the Constitution and preventing Islam from gaining a solid foothold in The West or the US and subsequently beginning to subvert its secular legal system over a span of decades and generations will prove tricky but the US may yet prove equal to the task. Time will tell.

Thank God (the Judeo-Christian vision of God, mind you :D ) for separation of Church and State.

If memory serves, Separation of Mosque and State has not worked well elsewhere in the world for any considerable span of time except, perhaps, in modern Turkey, but there's always hope... ;-)

Long ago during the Saracen rule of Jerusalem Jews and Christians were allowed to have their faith and churches. Long go when the Ottoman Turks ruled Turkey after the Byzantine empire, Christians and Jews were allowed to keep their faith and their churches....

All before American Christianity....

Shall I remind you it is because of American Christianity we still have problems with racism, sexism, homophobia.

Yes thank Judeo Christian god for that
I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of 'Mohammedans' positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about Sharia Law and other related issues, otherwise, they would probably have embedded a Poison Pill within the Constitution to prevent it.

Can't help noticing the parallel to:
"I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of "assault weapons" positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about a "well regulated militia" and other related issues"

Just sayin'...
You get my vote for Worst Segue of the Week on that one, Pogo... :D
"...thirteen hundred years after its own founding, Christianism didn't have much of a record of separation of church and state either..."
Trouble is, in the Nuclear Age, we can't afford to wait another 700 years for them to catch up.

Also, they will never have a Reformation, although they are in desperate need of one.

1. they are far too de-centralized, so there's no central focal-point for such reforms

2. their Founder pretty much explicitly locked-out changes on Day One

Don't hold your breath, waiting for meaningful and globally-broad reform in that domain.

Not gonna happen.

And, ultimately, that is going to prove problematic.

We're already seeing the first manifestations of such things.
I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of 'Mohammedans' positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about Sharia Law and other related issues, otherwise, they would probably have embedded a Poison Pill within the Constitution to prevent it.

Can't help noticing the parallel to:
"I don't think the Founding Fathers anticipated waves of "assault weapons" positioning themselves inside the country and waiting until they'd built-up a local majority and then beginning to clamor about a "well regulated militia" and other related issues"

Just sayin'...
You get my vote for Worst Segue of the Week on that one, Pogo... :D

Not a segue, just a comparison. To be honest, that leapt out at me immediately when I first read your post. Whether that's for better or worse, no comment. :cool:

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