If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

3. we cannot even provide enough jobs for our own people; they don't need even more low-ball bidding from impoverished and desperate newcomers to further erode their chances.

A) Many companies have many positions they are looking to fill but cannot.

B) Many manual labor jobs are not filled by Americans for reasons having nothing to do with immigration.

C) Again, you seem to be confusing legal and illegal immigration, ignorantly if not willfully.
The only way to solve the labor situation in this nation, is to finally rate labor by job title, give each and every job title a rating and structure, then make it so the companies honor the labor rating of each of these job titles.

Example: ((a truck driver)) should start at a rating of no less than 15.oo dollars an hour certified as a minimum, then the company could send into the government what they can do beyond this rate as a structured pay scale if full time employed for it's review, and finally a top out on the rate in which they can afford in perception of good times and stable conditions, therefore completing the truck drivers career if stay with them the 25 years as expected. The government in return for this action, could give some assistance to the company in the way of subsidizing the driver at times, if such a time should arise out of problems occurring beyond what the company had expected or could control.

It would be a win, win situation, for all Americans if this was the case in America where the government and companies with employee's say 25 and above would have such a great new relationship in such a situation as this. No longer could the rich be attacked and accused of greed and hording the money, because everyone would know where they stand as employee's and so would companies who would have a meaningful structure in which the employee could be employed under. Then you could have competition where some companies would still offer way beyond this basic starting pay and in structure for the employee who came to them, just to end up with the best in their company working for them as well.

Welders - 18.oo dollars start up and then the structural agreement afterwards for raises and so forth as part the package offered.

Machinist - 18.oo dollars start up

mechanics - 15.oo dollars start up

field workers - 8.oo dollars start up, then bonuses on the amount picked, no package offered due to seasonal.

and on and on it go in these ratings.

This is the only way to beat corporate greed and companies not doing right by their employee's so on and so forth, and we should do away with the blanket minimum wage system, and instead go with this one instead.
This out of control immigration is ...

Immigration is hardly "out of control," it's just criminally mismanaged like everything else this administration puts its hands on. The problem is ILLEGAL immigration. It is entirely too hard and time consuming for good, honest people who want to come here LEGALLY and too easy for those with no respect for our sovereignty to sneak in and live here comfortably. And when we can't catch those with evil intent working the legal system to come here, imagine what's crawling through the back door that we willfully turn a blind eye to.
3. we cannot even provide enough jobs for our own people; they don't need even more low-ball bidding from impoverished and desperate newcomers to further erode their chances.

A) Many companies have many positions they are looking to fill but cannot.

B) Many manual labor jobs are not filled by Americans for reasons having nothing to do with immigration.

C) Again, you seem to be confusing legal and illegal immigration, ignorantly if not willfully.
The only way to solve the labor situation in this nation, is to finally rate labor by job title, give each and every job title a rating and structure, then make it so the companies honor the labor rating of each of these job titles..

Wage controls and a centrally-commanded economy has never "solved" shit. One of the ways that the criminal FDR unnecessarily prolonged the Great Depression was through wage controls.
I picked my side long ago. My country's side. .

No, you didn't. You have only fooled yourself into thinking that your fear and ignorance represents that "side" because you are a slave to your emotions and don't understand the country.
I've already had my say and will pick this up in the Immigration sub-board on some later date; meanwhile, as I said, I'm done with this particular exchange. Thanks.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAp9sFVdERQ]Run away! - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - YouTube[/ame]
A) Many companies have many positions they are looking to fill but cannot.

B) Many manual labor jobs are not filled by Americans for reasons having nothing to do with immigration.

C) Again, you seem to be confusing legal and illegal immigration, ignorantly if not willfully.
The only way to solve the labor situation in this nation, is to finally rate labor by job title, give each and every job title a rating and structure, then make it so the companies honor the labor rating of each of these job titles..

Wage controls and a centrally-commanded economy has never "solved" shit. One of the ways that the criminal FDR unnecessarily prolonged the Great Depression was through wage controls.
What's better (out of control corporations or companies undermining the entire nation), or to get some kind of handle on it with a job ratings system, and this so everyone knows where they stand from the workers to the companies and the government who receives revenues from it all ?

Show me something that will keep the occupiers from dong what they felt they needed to do or the bankers from doing what they did, and so on and so forth..
If FDR implemented wage controls or job ratings (which one was it?), then it probably helped the nation get out of the depression instead of prolonged it.

Is wage controls or job ratings the same in as far as FDR was concerned or had implemented ?
Stop interfering on all fronts and let the market hash things out. Don't 'save' any big banks or corporations, and don't tell small businesses what they must and must not do at every turn. Keep the umpire, but tell him to calm the fuck down (the fans aren't there to see him) and widen the strike zone considerably. Americans will take care of the rest.
If FDR implemented wage controls or job ratings (which one was it?), then it probably helped the nation get out of the depression instead of prolonged it.

That's not how it happened (or would ever happen). Just one example of how that criminal scumbag harmed (and continues to harm) our nation. The US economy really took off again not just because the war ended, but because much of the artificial bullshit that fucking villain burdened it with was lifted and the market was able to spring back to life.
Stop interfering on all fronts and let the market hash things out. Don't 'save' any big banks or corporations, and don't tell small businesses what they must and must not do at every turn. Keep the umpire, but tell him to calm the fuck down (the fans aren't there to see him) and widen the strike zone considerably. Americans will take care of the rest.
Stop interfering when the deck is being stacked against the middle class as it were, and has shockingly since been eliminating the middle class for quite sometime now, but your attitude is to stop meddling or interfering eh ? Spoken like a fine yes man I must say...
If FDR implemented wage controls or job ratings (which one was it?), then it probably helped the nation get out of the depression instead of prolonged it.

That's not how it happened (or would ever happen). Just one example of how that criminal scumbag harmed (and continues to harm) our nation. The US economy really took off again not just because the war ended, but because much of the artificial bullshit that fucking villain burdened it with was lifted and the market was able to spring back to life.
Now your speaking on different times periods, and the needs of those time periods at the time, and so yes when the systems can be trusted again, then an easing of the reins can be loosened back up again, and yes this is when the nation thrives again when trust and freedom reign supreme together again. My problem is, is that this government can't be trusted with the reins of this carriage.
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Show me something that will keep the occupiers from dong what they felt they needed to do ..


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmuyLIrSjxI]Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System (V-MADS) - YouTube[/ame]
I am sick of you bigots....There are Muslims who have died defending this ungrateful country.

Edit: Am I pro Muslim? Yes. I am pro any human that wishes to advance this country to further greatness. I am so sick of xenophobes blaming terrorist acts on all Muslims.

So, all of us are bigots because we want Muslims to stop blowing up our cities and killing our citizens?

The facts speak for themselves, and the American people know that Islam and America are incompatible.

The word you should be looking for is not to call me a "racist," but to think of yourself as possibly a "traitor." There is no defending Muslim barbarians.

First it was New York.


Then it was Boston.



But, next it will not be a U. S. City. It will be Tehran, Iran.


Muslims will learn, when America says "Jump," their response will be "How high!"

Your such an idiot. Actually to be Muslim is not an ethnic identity so calling you a bigot and xenophobic douche is much more appropriate. Second, there are what, 8-10 million Muslims most living in Michigan. Why don't we hear about terrorist acts in dearborn Michigan?

The problem aren't the Muslims. The problem are the zealots who for political and religious reasons hate this country and believe to demonstrate change for their cause, they blow buildings up. Oh but I am sure you would feel more comfortable blaming all Muslims I am sure being logical would not be convinient for you.

I have Muslim friends who like me, love this country and hate evil. The few so called Muslims dont represent the majority.

Actually to correct myself there are approximately 10 million Muslims in the United states. Majority of them live in Michigan, and dearborn is a very Muslim populated city, so I'd like to ask why Michigan is not being targeted since Muslims are so violent?


Have you seen ANY Muslims in this thread express sympathy for the victims of 9-11 or the Boston Marathon bombing? No. They are on a mission from Allah to push their bull shit all over the planet.

Muslims are people who hide behind their very violent religion while perpetrating Jihad. They believe Islam should dominate the world, and Muslim ideas are not compatible with America.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's a duck!


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If FDR implemented wage controls or job ratings (which one was it?), then it probably helped the nation get out of the depression instead of prolonged it.

Is wage controls or job ratings the same in as far as FDR was concerned or had implemented ?

I think we would all like to see a fact/link on this information. OOoops! Forgot you are "hit and run" poster.
Show me something that will keep the ... bankers from doing what they did...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6UcRPyVSfM]Life Stinks Official Trailer #1 - Jeffrey Tambor Movie (1991) HD - YouTube[/ame]
Stop interfering on all fronts and let the market hash things out. Don't 'save' any big banks or corporations, and don't tell small businesses what they must and must not do at every turn. Keep the umpire, but tell him to calm the fuck down (the fans aren't there to see him) and widen the strike zone considerably. Americans will take care of the rest.
Stop interfering when the deck is being stacked against the middle class as it were, and has shockingly since been eliminating the middle class for quite sometime now, but your attitude is to stop meddling or interfering eh ? Spoken like a fine yes man I must say...

Good luck with your imaginary class war. Be careful with those imaginary guns.
If FDR implemented wage controls or job ratings (which one was it?), then it probably helped the nation get out of the depression instead of prolonged it.

That's not how it happened (or would ever happen). Just one example of how that criminal scumbag harmed (and continues to harm) our nation. The US economy really took off again not just because the war ended, but because much of the artificial bullshit that fucking villain burdened it with was lifted and the market was able to spring back to life.
Now your speaking on different times periods, and the needs of those time periods at the time, and so yes when the systems can be trusted again, then an easing of the reins can be loosened back up again, and yes this is when the nation thrives again when trust and freedom reign supreme together again. My problem is, is that this government can't be trusted with the reins of this carriage.

Oh yeah, because government just loves to give up power once it seizes it...

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