If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

We should only let people in who want to be Americans, and whose loyalty will lie with America.

All naturalized US citizens take an oath to that effect. It has been that way for a very long time.
So what? Obama took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and all he's done is piss on it since he's been in office.
So, all of us are bigots because we want Muslims to stop blowing up our cities and killing our citizens?

The facts speak for themselves, and the American people know that Islam and America are incompatible.

The word you should be looking for is not to call me a "racist," but to think of yourself as possibly a "traitor." There is no defending Muslim barbarians.

First it was New York.


Then it was Boston.



But, next it will not be a U. S. City. It will be Tehran, Iran.


Muslims will learn, when America says "Jump," their response will be "How high!"

Your such an idiot. Actually to be Muslim is not an ethnic identity so calling you a bigot and xenophobic douche is much more appropriate. Second, there are what, 8-10 million Muslims most living in Michigan. Why don't we hear about terrorist acts in dearborn Michigan?

The problem aren't the Muslims. The problem are the zealots who for political and religious reasons hate this country and believe to demonstrate change for their cause, they blow buildings up. Oh but I am sure you would feel more comfortable blaming all Muslims I am sure being logical would not be convinient for you.

I have Muslim friends who like me, love this country and hate evil. The few so called Muslims dont represent the majority.

Actually to correct myself there are approximately 10 million Muslims in the United states. Majority of them live in Michigan, and dearborn is a very Muslim populated city, so I'd like to ask why Michigan is not being targeted since Muslims are so violent?


Have you seen ANY Muslims in this thread express sympathy for the victims of 9-11 or the Boston Marathon bombing? No. They are on a mission from Allah to push their bull shit all over the planet.

Muslims are people who hide behind their very violent religion while perpetrating Jihad. They believe Islam should dominate the world, and Muslim ideas are not compatible with America.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's a duck!


You're right..................if it acts like a bigot, walks like a bigot and posts like a bigot, it's probably a bigot.

And.....................if it's posted by BitchBoi, or if it's someone that agrees with his bigoted views, they're probably racist as well.
Whenever an American tells the truth about muslims, lefties race to get in line to call him a bigot, racist, and anything else they can think of to discredit him.
Whenever an American tells the truth about muslims, lefties race to get in line to call him a bigot, racist, and anything else they can think of to discredit him.

Yo.....................Stupid Jackass.............................I've actually been to Muslim countries (Dubai U.A.E, Jiddah Saudi Arabia, as well as a couple of others). Where have YOU been to call people out?

I'm guessing that you get your information from right wing sites and FAUX Nooze.
Whenever an American tells the truth about muslims, lefties race to get in line to call him a bigot, racist, and anything else they can think of to discredit him.

Yo.....................Stupid Jackass.............................I've actually been to Muslim countries (Dubai U.A.E, Jiddah Saudi Arabia, as well as a couple of others). Where have YOU been to call people out?

I'm guessing that you get your information from right wing sites and FAUX Nooze.
One thing you can't hide, is what they have done or that they are still doing as far as killing goes, and why it is that they kill can you ? But you figure your own countrymen are the problem eh ?
Whenever an American tells the truth about muslims, lefties race to get in line to call him a bigot, racist, and anything else they can think of to discredit him.
Yes. With caveats - that is my perception as well. Part of the problem seems to be a Surrender Monkey / Appeasement mindset - a spineless-ness and suicidal self-loathing / self-abasement that was rare in older generations of Left-leaning predecessors. Funny. Sad. Scary.
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Whenever an American tells the truth about muslims, lefties race to get in line to call him a bigot, racist, and anything else they can think of to discredit him.
Yes. With caveats - that is my perception as well. Part of the problem seems to be a Surrender Monkey / Appeasement mindset - a spineless-ness and suicidal self-loathing / self-abasement that was rare in older generations of Left-leaning predecessors. Funny. Sad. Scary.
The federal government of this nation has dumbed us down so bad now, and has made us so scared to make any kind of judgment upon our own society, and upon our own nation for security purposes, that it just isn't funny anymore. This is what happens when a government is taken over by people who think like this, and so it goes the way that it goes ya know. It is because of their injecting themselves into everything, that we have all of this problem now I think. All it does is swap one evil for another..
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Whenever an American tells the truth about muslims, lefties race to get in line to call him a bigot, racist, and anything else they can think of to discredit him.

Yo.....................Stupid Jackass.............................I've actually been to Muslim countries (Dubai U.A.E, Jiddah Saudi Arabia, as well as a couple of others). Where have YOU been to call people out?

I'm guessing that you get your information from right wing sites and FAUX Nooze.
If you're gonna comment on what I said, it should at least have something to do with what I said.

The Boston Marathon Bombing was preventable.


You were preventable, and yet you are here.

We can prevent all babies, or we can take a chance on what we get. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. :cool:
So it would be more your wish to have killed us (your own countrymen) with your supposed silent death of abortion in which you are ok with, and you do support, and somehow that makes it ok with you, but for those who are here and are grown up wanting to kill us, we are to keep our mouths shut until they bomb us eh ? Is this your position with such a statement as you just made ?
If FDR implemented wage controls or job ratings (which one was it?), then it probably helped the nation get out of the depression instead of prolonged it.

Is wage controls or job ratings the same in as far as FDR was concerned or had implemented ?

I think we would all like to see a fact/link on this information. OOoops! Forgot you are "hit and run" poster.
I'm just responding to Ukatar, where as we were discussing this, and he claimed FDR was a bad person who hurt this nation during the depression..
Your such an idiot. Actually to be Muslim is not an ethnic identity so calling you a bigot and xenophobic douche is much more appropriate. Second, there are what, 8-10 million Muslims most living in Michigan. Why don't we hear about terrorist acts in dearborn Michigan?

The problem aren't the Muslims. The problem are the zealots who for political and religious reasons hate this country and believe to demonstrate change for their cause, they blow buildings up. Oh but I am sure you would feel more comfortable blaming all Muslims I am sure being logical would not be convinient for you.

I have Muslim friends who like me, love this country and hate evil. The few so called Muslims dont represent the majority.

Actually to correct myself there are approximately 10 million Muslims in the United states. Majority of them live in Michigan, and dearborn is a very Muslim populated city, so I'd like to ask why Michigan is not being targeted since Muslims are so violent?


Have you seen ANY Muslims in this thread express sympathy for the victims of 9-11 or the Boston Marathon bombing? No. They are on a mission from Allah to push their bull shit all over the planet.

Muslims are people who hide behind their very violent religion while perpetrating Jihad. They believe Islam should dominate the world, and Muslim ideas are not compatible with America.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's a duck!


You're right..................if it acts like a bigot, walks like a bigot and posts like a bigot, it's probably a bigot.

And.....................if it's posted by BitchBoi, or if it's someone that agrees with his bigoted views, they're probably racist as well.
The dangers of labeling people bigots, when they are concerned about being blown up, is very telling on how far people will go to keep political correctness intact, and the lib agenda intact no matter how many people die, and this is what the enemy is loving about America these days, and what they are playing on as a weakness.
Whenever an American tells the truth about muslims, lefties race to get in line to call him a bigot, racist, and anything else they can think of to discredit him.

Yo.....................Stupid Jackass.............................I've actually been to Muslim countries (Dubai U.A.E, Jiddah Saudi Arabia, as well as a couple of others). Where have YOU been to call people out?

I'm guessing that you get your information from right wing sites and FAUX Nooze.
No he gets his information from watching people die at the hands of religious fanatics who are killing his fellow countrymen, just as I do when watching the news and the funerals.

The Boston Marathon Bombing was preventable.


You were preventable, and yet you are here.

We can prevent all babies, or we can take a chance on what we get. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. :cool:
So it would be more your wish to have killed us (your own countrymen) with your supposed silent death of abortion in which you are ok with, and you do support, and somehow that makes it ok with you, but for those who are here and are grown up wanting to kill us, we are to keep our mouths shut until they bomb us eh ? Is this your position with such a statement as you just made ?

I didn't say anything about abortion. I'm talking about birth control, you fucking moron. God, go into a bizarre rant why don't you. :cuckoo:
The dangers of labeling people bigots, when they are concerned about being blown up, is very telling on how far people will go to keep political correctness intact.

You haven't read all the posts on this thread, have you?
The dangers of labeling people bigots, when they are concerned about being blown up, is very telling on how far people will go to keep political correctness intact.

You haven't read all the posts on this thread, have you?

Obviously not. Maybe he needs a clue or two, or twenty:

"tribalistic animals"; "third world barbarians" (post 10)

"Muslims are enemys [sic] of the American people, and should not be trusted. If there are some good ones, why are they not speaking out, and aiding the American government? You sure don't see that on the network television news." (Post 19)

"Muslims are third world animals incapable of catching up to Western thought." (39)

"You talk like the word "racist" from you is a big sting. Not so. I have already written off your politics. The word "racist" from third worlders like you mean nothing, and to some degree they are a compliment!" (post 50)

"What foreign Muslims, and apparently all Muslims, do not understand is that in the United States it is not the courts, or the government whose opinion counts, it is the television viewers." (59) :disbelief: huh??

"I could not ask for more ammunition get Americans to hate foreign Muslims. First, the mother wears traditional Muslim garb, which makes her look like a Halloween Zombie. Then she gets hysterical denying facts Americans already know. Message sent - Muslims are unstable, uneducated, violent people. Then comes the mother's third rate acting skills. Add it all together with their lies, and American [sic] hate foreign Muslims even more. ... You are hanging yourselves in the eyes of the world, and I could not be happier!" (ibid)

"That is the fun of a democratic government. Due process is whatever we say it is." (66)
"America can destroy anyone we like without jeopardizing an American life. Hell, the pilot can be home for supper with his wife and kids after a day of killing Muslims. Bottom line, our way or die." (67)
"Muslims are terrorists and traitors." (91)
"Rag heads have lost their place in America, now it is just a clean up job." (92)

"They insist on wearing their Halloween clothing on our streets everyday, making America look like a third world country. This is no religion, it is psycho troublemakers using violence to push their Islam crap." (100); "Rag heads are not going to twist the facts on this to the American people. All Muslims will pay for this until they place United States over their 'so-called' Jihad religion." (101)

"Foreign Muslims are clearly terrorists, enemies of the State, and traitors." (104); "Shoot to kill is the American way of the Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. I would not have a problem with that." (109)

"European culture is American, and it will stay that way. Obviously, Muslims played no role in the founding of the United States. Muslims got here after the work had been done by others, and began demanding rights, as usual." (113) :confused:

"Just the way we look intimidates Muslims sexually." (141)
(-- this one is especially uh, revealing; not recommended for the squeamish)

"Sorry, the United States is full. We are closed for immigration of Muslims." (153); "Yes it brings a chuckle because it is simple, but remember foreign Muslims are UNREPENTANT murderers and traitors of your fellow American citizens." (159)

"This is why Muslims will never win, their intelligence and education, twisted by Islam is [sic] out of touch with reality. Again, Islam is not compatible with America, and the government is going to have to do something about it. It will probably be a tightening of law in the Immigration Reform Act. Yep, four foreigners in Boston screwed up years of work by Hispanics on the immigration package. It would not surprise me to see some of that hatred find its way to your Mosques. You rub Mexicans the wrong way, they never forget." (160)

--- I stopped there on the "four foreigners" and "rubbing Mexicans the wrong way". Shall I go on?
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