If we had the Christians on our side, abortion would be illegal in 5 minutes...

For me, babies are a gift from God, and if you are blessed with one then you were chosen by God to bring that baby into this Earth and to make sure it has the best life possible. When God provides the spark inside the womb and starts that precious life it's not our duty, our responsibility, or our right to choose whether it lives or dies in my opinion. Our country's adoption system is broken though in my opinion and really needs to be reformed and made more efficient.
That would be nice in a perfect world God has already condemn them with the original sin...Everyone is born into it....Next..
The fact is, Christians are all over the place on abortion. All we really have in our corner are the evangelicals and the Catholics, and not even all of them.

Some Christian denominations are actually PRO-ABORTION and a pastor will often counsel a girl or woman to abort her child instead of keep it.

The corrupt and failing mainstream Protestant denominations are the worst offenders.
Finally! And from blackrook! An acknowledgement that there are all kinds of Christians in the U.S. who do not march in lockstep. I never thought that I would see this happen!
The fact is, Christians are all over the place on abortion. All we really have in our corner are the evangelicals and the Catholics, and not even all of them.

Some Christian denominations are actually PRO-ABORTION and a pastor will often counsel a girl or woman to abort her child instead of keep it.

The corrupt and failing mainstream Protestant denominations are the worst offenders.
Half the problem is that the theists believe that Athiests support abortion. Most don’t. So there is no combined front lobbying for the lives of the innocent....
The so called Christians who embrace abortion are not Christians. The bible tells us about them..they are blasphemers, false prophets, and they are nothing of God.
Oh...DO TELL us who real christians are and who are not real christians. That's always a fascinating discussion, Allie.
Real Christians don't advocate for the slaughter of infants and the abuse of pregnant women.
They also don't embrace Islam, or marry homosexuals..or allow open homosexuals to operate as congregation leaders.

For starters.
Real Christians think that the woman was made from a man's rib. Being that dumb, you shouldn't get a vote on anything.

So, real Christians believe GOD created man. What do you care?
They believe god created woman from a man’s rib. That’s about as dumb as it gets.
Not really. We're cloning these days using just about the same procedure.
The fact is, Christians are all over the place on abortion. All we really have in our corner are the evangelicals and the Catholics, and not even all of them.

Some Christian denominations are actually PRO-ABORTION and a pastor will often counsel a girl or woman to abort her child instead of keep it.

The corrupt and failing mainstream Protestant denominations are the worst offenders.
Half the problem is that the theists believe that Athiests support abortion. Most don’t. So there is no combined front lobbying for the lives of the innocent....
yeah, the baby killers like to pretend that supporting *choice* is different that supporting *abortion*. Just like they like to pretend that supporting abortion is supporting *life*. Which of course, it isn't.
The fact is, Christians are all over the place on abortion. All we really have in our corner are the evangelicals and the Catholics, and not even all of them.

Some Christian denominations are actually PRO-ABORTION and a pastor will often counsel a girl or woman to abort her child instead of keep it.

The corrupt and failing mainstream Protestant denominations are the worst offenders.
Half the problem is that the theists believe that Athiests support abortion. Most don’t. So there is no combined front lobbying for the lives of the innocent....
yeah, the baby killers like to pretend that supporting *choice* is different that supporting *abortion*. Just like they like to pretend that supporting abortion is supporting *life*. Which of course, it isn't.
And every rational mind knows exactly what happens in an abortion. No abortion is successful if a child doesn’t die...
Oh...DO TELL us who real christians are and who are not real christians. That's always a fascinating discussion, Allie.
Real Christians don't advocate for the slaughter of infants and the abuse of pregnant women.
They also don't embrace Islam, or marry homosexuals..or allow open homosexuals to operate as congregation leaders.

For starters.
Real Christians think that the woman was made from a man's rib. Being that dumb, you shouldn't get a vote on anything.

So, real Christians believe GOD created man. What do you care?
They believe god created woman from a man’s rib. That’s about as dumb as it gets.
Not really. We're cloning these days using just about the same procedure.
Cloning makes an exact copy, so why didn’t Eve have a shlong?
The fact is, Christians are all over the place on abortion. All we really have in our corner are the evangelicals and the Catholics, and not even all of them.

Some Christian denominations are actually PRO-ABORTION and a pastor will often counsel a girl or woman to abort her child instead of keep it.

The corrupt and failing mainstream Protestant denominations are the worst offenders.
In other words, if way more people wanted abortion to be illegal(instead of the majority that want it legal), then it would become illegal.

Wow man, that's deep.
The fact is, Christians are all over the place on abortion. All we really have in our corner are the evangelicals and the Catholics, and not even all of them.

Some Christian denominations are actually PRO-ABORTION and a pastor will often counsel a girl or woman to abort her child instead of keep it.

The corrupt and failing mainstream Protestant denominations are the worst offenders.
The so called Christians who embrace abortion are not Christians. The bible tells us about them..they are blasphemers, false prophets, and they are nothing of God.
Oh...DO TELL us who real christians are and who are not real christians. That's always a fascinating discussion, Allie.
Real Christians don't advocate for the slaughter of infants and the abuse of pregnant women.
They also don't embrace Islam, or marry homosexuals..or allow open homosexuals to operate as congregation leaders.

For starters.
So....Allie, you are the arbitrator of who is and is not a "real christian"? Who gave you that authority?
Yet another fatal flaw of religious fundamentalism laid bare...
If the practitioners of the cults could ever break free from their myopic view of the world around them; they would notice that at least as many “Athiests”, and practitioners of other religions are just as adamantly against the murder of innocent children. By deluding themselves into believing that ethics, and morality exist only because of their favored religion, and are thus only excersized by the practitioners thereof... They miss the opportunity forge alliances with people who share the same goal in this matter... What a shame...
For me, babies are a gift from God, and if you are blessed with one then you were chosen by God to bring that baby into this Earth and to make sure it has the best life possible. When God provides the spark inside the womb and starts that precious life it's not our duty, our responsibility, or our right to choose whether it lives or dies in my opinion. Our country's adoption system is broken though in my opinion and really needs to be reformed and made more efficient.
That would be nice in a perfect world God has already condemn them with the original sin...Everyone is born into it....Next..

That view can actually vary between Christians. I personally don't believe in the doctrine of original sin or baptism as a way to cleans a person of original sin. I believe that sin comes over time as you learn and as you grow as a follower of Christ.
Real Christians don't advocate for the slaughter of infants and the abuse of pregnant women.
They also don't embrace Islam, or marry homosexuals..or allow open homosexuals to operate as congregation leaders.

For starters.
Real Christians think that the woman was made from a man's rib. Being that dumb, you shouldn't get a vote on anything.

So, real Christians believe GOD created man. What do you care?
They believe god created woman from a man’s rib. That’s about as dumb as it gets.
Not really. We're cloning these days using just about the same procedure.
Cloning makes an exact copy, so why didn’t Eve have a shlong?
Ask God.
The fact is, Christians are all over the place on abortion. All we really have in our corner are the evangelicals and the Catholics, and not even all of them.

You make a good point. If people actually thought abortion was murder, they'd act like it.

They don't.

Therefore, it's clear they don't think abortion is murder. Most pro-lifers just pretend they do, as a justification to push their anti-liberty Stalinist agenda.
Real Christians think that the woman was made from a man's rib. Being that dumb, you shouldn't get a vote on anything.

So, real Christians believe GOD created man. What do you care?
They believe god created woman from a man’s rib. That’s about as dumb as it gets.
Not really. We're cloning these days using just about the same procedure.
Cloning makes an exact copy, so why didn’t Eve have a shlong?
Ask God.
So your cloning thing is a crock of shit. Got it.
For me, babies are a gift from God, and if you are blessed with one then you were chosen by God to bring that baby into this Earth and to make sure it has the best life possible. When God provides the spark inside the womb and starts that precious life it's not our duty, our responsibility, or our right to choose whether it lives or dies in my opinion. Our country's adoption system is broken though in my opinion and really needs to be reformed and made more efficient.
You mentioned god 3 times and you do know a lot of us don't believe in god right?

So what? You're in the RELIGION forum. You don't want to hear about God, LEAVE
Yet another fatal flaw of religious fundamentalism laid bare...
If the practitioners of the cults could ever break free from their myopic view of the world around them; they would notice that at least as many “Athiests”, and practitioners of other religions are just as adamantly against the murder of innocent children. By deluding themselves into believing that ethics, and morality exist only because of their favored religion, and are thus only excersized by the practitioners thereof... They miss the opportunity forge alliances with people who share the same goal in this matter... What a shame...

First you keep spouting crap that's not true. EIGHTY-SEVEN percent of atheists think abortion should be legal in ALL cases. That's much higher than the general population and WAY higher than in religious populations. Second, you keep saying that believers think morality exists only in their religion. A lot of us do not. The Bible says the law is "written on your heart" whether you are a believer or not, so that you are "Without excuse".

Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics
A lot of people say they don't recognize their church anymore.....
Apparently, Cathlolics have this expectation that their priests will molest children.

Actually they have the expectation that faggots will molest children. Anybody who dares try and weed out faggots from getting near children will of course be mau-maued by by the Pedo-Friendlies, sued, forced to bake them cakes, etc. with your avid blessing and support along with all the other Democrats, crying 'discrimination1 n stuf!!!' like the sickos you are.
Yet another fatal flaw of religious fundamentalism laid bare...
If the practitioners of the cults could ever break free from their myopic view of the world around them; they would notice that at least as many “Athiests”, and practitioners of other religions are just as adamantly against the murder of innocent children. By deluding themselves into believing that ethics, and morality exist only because of their favored religion, and are thus only excersized by the practitioners thereof... They miss the opportunity forge alliances with people who share the same goal in this matter... What a shame...

First you keep spouting crap that's not true. EIGHTY-SEVEN percent of atheists think abortion should be legal in ALL cases. That's much higher than the general population and WAY higher than in religious populations. Second, you keep saying that believers think morality exists only in their religion. A lot of us do not. The Bible says the law is "written on your heart" whether you are a believer or not, so that you are "Without excuse".

Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics
According to your own source... by generation. In no category do the numbers rise above %30... and the sample size numbered under 1000.

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