If women want to stop being treated like second-class citizens, they need to stop acting ...

My family is very close and we are very happy, thank you very much. :D I am too old to be "raising children." My child is grown. Lol.
Nice dodge.

And since you felt it was okay to try and PRY into my personal life? What about you? Are you happy? How are the wife and kids? :)
No one pried. Why so defensive? You were just crowing about your success... Now you want to talk about something else... Maybe you're just one of those folks that can't take a compliment.

I'm just curious about your happiness and how to have a "successful" marriage and relationship from an expert such as yourself. :D
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

My success is that I have a good job that allows me to take care of myself (and my son when he was small) without being dependent on someone who only wants to use me as a maid and doesn't have any appreciation for me as a person or a human being with goals and desires and needs. That, to me, is not happiness. I have found a great guy though. He cares about me a lot and treats me very well. :)
My family is very close and we are very happy, thank you very much. :D I am too old to be "raising children." My child is grown. Lol.
Nice dodge.

And since you felt it was okay to try and PRY into my personal life? What about you? Are you happy? How are the wife and kids? :)
No one pried. Why so defensive? You were just crowing about your success... Now you want to talk about something else... Maybe you're just one of those folks that can't take a compliment.

I'm just curious about your happiness and how to have a "successful" marriage and relationship from an expert such as yourself. :D
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

You are only flattering yourself. No adult woman in her right mind would take you seriously with the way you view women. :D
It's normal for insecure men to be intimidated by powerful, intelligent PLUS attractive women. They are scared to death. ;)

Not me, these are the women that I am attracted to. No matter how hot, if you're dumber than a bag of doorknobs, you do nothing for me.

Smart girls are extra crazy. They'll invent a thousand ways to fuck you over and somehow make it your fault.
It's normal for insecure men to be intimidated by powerful, intelligent PLUS attractive women. They are scared to death. ;)

Not me, these are the women that I am attracted to. No matter how hot, if you're dumber than a bag of doorknobs, you do nothing for me.

Smart girls are extra crazy. They'll invent a thousand ways to fuck you over and somehow make it your fault.

Who are you kidding? You've never gone out with a "smart" girl! :D
It's normal for insecure men to be intimidated by powerful, intelligent PLUS attractive women. They are scared to death. ;)

Not me, these are the women that I am attracted to. No matter how hot, if you're dumber than a bag of doorknobs, you do nothing for me.

Smart girls are extra crazy. They'll invent a thousand ways to fuck you over and somehow make it your fault.

Nah... that's not been my experience. Now, mind you, I've met my share of crazy ones, most of them being redheads! I love smart, confident women. There's rarely any B.S.
It's staggering the amount of women who have rape fantasies. We should all go back to being uptight and repressed.
It's normal for insecure men to be intimidated by powerful, intelligent PLUS attractive women. They are scared to death. ;)

Not me, these are the women that I am attracted to. No matter how hot, if you're dumber than a bag of doorknobs, you do nothing for me.

Smart girls are extra crazy. They'll invent a thousand ways to fuck you over and somehow make it your fault.

Nah... that's not been my experience. Now, mind you, I've met my share of crazy ones, most of them being redheads! I love smart, confident women. There's rarely any B.S.

I don't know. This guy "Impure Trash" sounds like an expert and a real winner with the ladies! :2up:
Nice dodge.

And since you felt it was okay to try and PRY into my personal life? What about you? Are you happy? How are the wife and kids? :)
No one pried. Why so defensive? You were just crowing about your success... Now you want to talk about something else... Maybe you're just one of those folks that can't take a compliment.

I'm just curious about your happiness and how to have a "successful" marriage and relationship from an expert such as yourself. :D
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

You are only flattering yourself. No adult woman in her right mind would take you seriously with the way you view women. :D
Which is "how" exactly? Quotes, or links might help illustrate the point you think your making.
And since you felt it was okay to try and PRY into my personal life? What about you? Are you happy? How are the wife and kids? :)
No one pried. Why so defensive? You were just crowing about your success... Now you want to talk about something else... Maybe you're just one of those folks that can't take a compliment.

I'm just curious about your happiness and how to have a "successful" marriage and relationship from an expert such as yourself. :D
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

You are only flattering yourself. No adult woman in her right mind would take you seriously with the way you view women. :D
Which is "how" exactly? Quotes, or links might help illustrate the point you think your making.

That a woman's place is to serve you or service you or spit out babies for you. Is that incorrect?
No one pried. Why so defensive? You were just crowing about your success... Now you want to talk about something else... Maybe you're just one of those folks that can't take a compliment.

I'm just curious about your happiness and how to have a "successful" marriage and relationship from an expert such as yourself. :D
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

You are only flattering yourself. No adult woman in her right mind would take you seriously with the way you view women. :D
Which is "how" exactly? Quotes, or links might help illustrate the point you think your making.

That a woman's place is to serve you or service you or spit out babies for you. Is that incorrect?
Yup... How bout those quotes?
And since you felt it was okay to try and PRY into my personal life? What about you? Are you happy? How are the wife and kids? :)
No one pried. Why so defensive? You were just crowing about your success... Now you want to talk about something else... Maybe you're just one of those folks that can't take a compliment.

I'm just curious about your happiness and how to have a "successful" marriage and relationship from an expert such as yourself. :D
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

You are only flattering yourself. No adult woman in her right mind would take you seriously with the way you view women. :D
Which is "how" exactly? Quotes, or links might help illustrate the point you think your making.

Your picture at the beginning of the thread of that butt ugly kitchen kind of was the give away. :2up: You could have at least posted a picture of a kitchen that wasn't decorated in 1970s style. :p
I'm just curious about your happiness and how to have a "successful" marriage and relationship from an expert such as yourself. :D
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

You are only flattering yourself. No adult woman in her right mind would take you seriously with the way you view women. :D
Which is "how" exactly? Quotes, or links might help illustrate the point you think your making.

That a woman's place is to serve you or service you or spit out babies for you. Is that incorrect?
Yup... How bout those quotes?

I don't need any quotes. Lol! Don't demand things from me. I'm not your "server." :D
I'm just curious about your happiness and how to have a "successful" marriage and relationship from an expert such as yourself. :D
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

You are only flattering yourself. No adult woman in her right mind would take you seriously with the way you view women. :D
Which is "how" exactly? Quotes, or links might help illustrate the point you think your making.

That a woman's place is to serve you or service you or spit out babies for you. Is that incorrect?
Yup... How bout those quotes?

Your woman sucks at house cleaning. That stove in the picture is filthy. Lol. :D I guess you aren't a very good trainer.
I can't remember the last time I had a margaretia .... wait a sec, I didn't mean it literally.

What's disturbing to me is the impunity people like Weinstein (and Trump and Clinton) have as they not only give women incredibly unpleasant memories but also really hurt their careers for decades.
No one pried. Why so defensive? You were just crowing about your success... Now you want to talk about something else... Maybe you're just one of those folks that can't take a compliment.

I'm just curious about your happiness and how to have a "successful" marriage and relationship from an expert such as yourself. :D
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

You are only flattering yourself. No adult woman in her right mind would take you seriously with the way you view women. :D
Which is "how" exactly? Quotes, or links might help illustrate the point you think your making.

Your picture at the beginning of the thread of that butt ugly kitchen kind of was the give away. :2up: You could have at least posted a picture of a kitchen that wasn't decorated in 1970s style. :p
Blame the woman who designed it. A woman is free to have her kitchen look any way she wants...
Wow! You really do want to talk about something else. While its flattering that you focus your attentions on me; as a widower I'll take my chances single. Now about that success you wanted everyone to know about...

You are only flattering yourself. No adult woman in her right mind would take you seriously with the way you view women. :D
Which is "how" exactly? Quotes, or links might help illustrate the point you think your making.

That a woman's place is to serve you or service you or spit out babies for you. Is that incorrect?
Yup... How bout those quotes?

I don't need any quotes. Lol! Don't demand things from me. I'm not your "server." :D
I you found merely asking a question, too demanding... Hard to question the results...
...like second-class citizens.

I have recently joined a law firm as an attorney, and I got my own office, which is an expectation that an attorney gets his own office. No big deal.

I worked there two weeks before I realized we had another attorney in the office, a woman I will call "K."

The reason I did not realize she was an attorney is because no one treated her like an attorney, she did not act like an attorney, and apparently, she does no real attorney work, except maybe some immigration.

She shares an office with a paralegal, and if I was to guess, I'd say the firm is paying her maybe half what it is paying me.

So what's my point?

With all this hullabaloo about Weinstein, I've isolated the problem. The reason women get treated this way, the reason they get shoved to the back, the reason they get ignored, the reason they get less pay, is because the vast majority of women don't stick up for themselves.

This is not only true in the workplace, but in the churches, and in their relationships with men.

Let me talk about the churches, in particular, my church, the Catholic Church.

Everyone knows that the Catholic Church only allows men to be priests. And because only men are priests, only men are bishops, only men are cardinals, and only men are Popes. So men dominate the Catholic Church, and women have no say at all in how the Church is run.

Now, the nuns have been squaking about this for years, but what have they really done? They don't have the backing of the laywomen, who go to Mass every Sunday and allow this situation to continue.

What if the Catholic women all got together and said, we are not going to Mass anymore until women are allowed to be priests?

And in 2000 years, Catholic women have never thought to do this. They remain content to be second-class citizens in the Church they attend every Sunday.

And the situation in other religions is no better.

Now, let's talk about how women act in their relationships with men.

Have you ever noticed that a couple usually tend to agree on almost everything? They agree on politics, they agree on religion, they agree on how things should be done, and what kind of life they should lead.

This is not because men and women are so lucky as to meet people who agree with each other on everything. It is because women adapt their thinking to be in line with their men.

I will give as an example my own daughter, who I raised to be Catholic. But when she met a Jewish atheist in an online game and started having a relationship with him, she started down the road of becoming an atheist herself. When she was having a relationship with a libertarian, she also became a libertarian. Now that she's in a relationship with a liberal Democrat, she is a liberal Democrat.

My sister is the same way. She had a relationship with a Vegan, so she became a Vegan. When she broke up with her Vegan boyfriend, she went back to eating meat.

My own ex-wife is the same way. She agrees with me on absolutely everything. This makes her very easy to get along with, but I've only just now realized that this agreement with me is her way of getting along with me. Now that she's with another man, she will probably start agreeing with him more and more, and with me less and less.

The whole thing with Weinstein is part of a much bigger problem in Hollywood. Women do what it takes to get ahead in their careers, and that includes tolerating all sorts of bad behavior in men. And this should stop. Women should stop tolerating bad behavior, and they should stop keeping secrets about men who hurt them, and they should work together to bring bad men to justice.

And the feminists have been no help at all. When all the scandals came out about Clinton, feminists chose to back him up rather than back up the women who were hurt by Clinton. This betrayal of all women means the feminist movement is not an authentic voice for women. All they care about nowadays is abortion and lesbianism. They do not concern themselves with the problems of normal women.

And what has the feminist movement done about Hollywood, which has been abusing and mistreating women for at least 100 years. Nothing, nothing at all. Weinstein bought off the feminists with contributions to Democrat politicians and Planned Parenthood, so they left him alone to do his damage to hundreds of women.

So who speaks for women? Apparently, no one. Women do not speak out for themselves, and they do not speak out for each other, and they tolerate all sorts of crap from men because they apparently lack the courage or willpower to do anything about it. And the vast majority do not even think for themselves, they let their husbands/boyfriends do their thinking for them.

It is a problem so big that I don't think it will ever be solved.

Being raised Catholic, I saw it was women who kept the church alive
Women who regularly attended Mass while their husbands stayed home, women who forced the children to attend mass and go to Catechism, women who taught Catechism, women who forced the kids to obtain the sacraments

But it was men who held the positions of power in the parish
...like second-class citizens.

I have recently joined a law firm as an attorney, and I got my own office, which is an expectation that an attorney gets his own office. No big deal.

I worked there two weeks before I realized we had another attorney in the office, a woman I will call "K."

The reason I did not realize she was an attorney is because no one treated her like an attorney, she did not act like an attorney, and apparently, she does no real attorney work, except maybe some immigration.

She shares an office with a paralegal, and if I was to guess, I'd say the firm is paying her maybe half what it is paying me.

So what's my point?

With all this hullabaloo about Weinstein, I've isolated the problem. The reason women get treated this way, the reason they get shoved to the back, the reason they get ignored, the reason they get less pay, is because the vast majority of women don't stick up for themselves.

This is not only true in the workplace, but in the churches, and in their relationships with men.

Let me talk about the churches, in particular, my church, the Catholic Church.

Everyone knows that the Catholic Church only allows men to be priests. And because only men are priests, only men are bishops, only men are cardinals, and only men are Popes. So men dominate the Catholic Church, and women have no say at all in how the Church is run.

Now, the nuns have been squaking about this for years, but what have they really done? They don't have the backing of the laywomen, who go to Mass every Sunday and allow this situation to continue.

What if the Catholic women all got together and said, we are not going to Mass anymore until women are allowed to be priests?

And in 2000 years, Catholic women have never thought to do this. They remain content to be second-class citizens in the Church they attend every Sunday.

And the situation in other religions is no better.

Now, let's talk about how women act in their relationships with men.

Have you ever noticed that a couple usually tend to agree on almost everything? They agree on politics, they agree on religion, they agree on how things should be done, and what kind of life they should lead.

This is not because men and women are so lucky as to meet people who agree with each other on everything. It is because women adapt their thinking to be in line with their men.

I will give as an example my own daughter, who I raised to be Catholic. But when she met a Jewish atheist in an online game and started having a relationship with him, she started down the road of becoming an atheist herself. When she was having a relationship with a libertarian, she also became a libertarian. Now that she's in a relationship with a liberal Democrat, she is a liberal Democrat.

My sister is the same way. She had a relationship with a Vegan, so she became a Vegan. When she broke up with her Vegan boyfriend, she went back to eating meat.

My own ex-wife is the same way. She agrees with me on absolutely everything. This makes her very easy to get along with, but I've only just now realized that this agreement with me is her way of getting along with me. Now that she's with another man, she will probably start agreeing with him more and more, and with me less and less.

The whole thing with Weinstein is part of a much bigger problem in Hollywood. Women do what it takes to get ahead in their careers, and that includes tolerating all sorts of bad behavior in men. And this should stop. Women should stop tolerating bad behavior, and they should stop keeping secrets about men who hurt them, and they should work together to bring bad men to justice.

And the feminists have been no help at all. When all the scandals came out about Clinton, feminists chose to back him up rather than back up the women who were hurt by Clinton. This betrayal of all women means the feminist movement is not an authentic voice for women. All they care about nowadays is abortion and lesbianism. They do not concern themselves with the problems of normal women.

And what has the feminist movement done about Hollywood, which has been abusing and mistreating women for at least 100 years. Nothing, nothing at all. Weinstein bought off the feminists with contributions to Democrat politicians and Planned Parenthood, so they left him alone to do his damage to hundreds of women.

So who speaks for women? Apparently, no one. Women do not speak out for themselves, and they do not speak out for each other, and they tolerate all sorts of crap from men because they apparently lack the courage or willpower to do anything about it. And the vast majority do not even think for themselves, they let their husbands/boyfriends do their thinking for them.

It is a problem so big that I don't think it will ever be solved.

A Jewish atheist?

Is that like a Catholic Mormon?

How about a Baptist Lutheran?

Maybe a Methodist Presbyterian?

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