If WW3 starts, will the draft come back?

First off there should never have been a draft in the first place. If a war is worth fighting then American would have no problem enlisting, That said Im not sure you could get enough young Americans to fight in war for the Ukraine or Israel.
Was the entire world fighting WW1 or 2? Oh they werent? Fucking crazy.
Did it say The Entire World War in either case? You seem stuck to your definition, and you cannot find anyone to agree with your skewed point of view. In World War II, the vast majority of the civilized world WAS involved either directly or indirectly. I am sorry but you cannot argue with history.

For example, my Dad fought in WWII in, of all places, Canada. Was Canada not a part of WWII?
Did it say The Entire World War in either case? You seem stuck to your definition, and you cannot find anyone to agree with your skewed point of view. In World War II, the vast majority of the civilized world WAS involved either directly or indirectly. I am sorry but you cannot argue with history.

For example, my Dad fought in WWII in, of all places, Canada. Was Canada not a part of WWII?
So which countries on which side are fighting Nostradamus?
So which countries on which side are fighting Nostradamus?
Look at the current world situation, On one side you have Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and all of their proxies in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Gaza. On the other side you have basically everyone else who supports Israel.
Look at the current world situation, On one side you have Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and all of their proxies in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Gaza. On the other side you have basically everyone else who supports Israel.
What about the African countries? Malaysia? Indonesia?
Look at the current world situation, On one side you have Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and all of their proxies in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Gaza. On the other side you have basically everyone else who supports Israel.
Do you think we are going to subdue Russia, China and Iran in less than a year? We don’t even have the armaments to do that let alone the manpower on hand. What kind of shit have you been smoking?
I hear that our US military doesn't currently have enough staffing to fight a conventional war. So, if WW3 starts, does that mean we will need to bring back the draft? I have a grandson who is draft age, so this concerns me.
I don't care. Let them destroy the world. It's past redemption.
With a few exceptions, the Draft age population is made up of softies and would be more of a burden than help in the military. If WW3 breaks out remember our enemies were financed over the years by American business and tax dollars. We have sold them the rope they will use to hang us.
War Is Good Business; Invest Your Employees' Sons in It
There are no more conventional wars, only terrorist incursions. God help us if it's a current fear under a mentally impaired president but WW3 will be a technical war.
Do you think we are going to subdue Russia, China and Iran in less than a year? We don’t even have the armaments to do that let alone the manpower on hand. What kind of shit have you been smoking?
Russia and/or China will go nuclear long before a year if they are losing. The Russians cannot even beat Ukraine. China can only take smaller countries that are contiguous to their territory. Their Navy simply cannot carry enough troops for an amphibious assault on Island countries. That may change in the long term, but not now.
They do not have a significant military, so they will just align closer to their own policies. India and Brazil likely with the US, but Venezuela would align with Iran. South Africa? Who cares?
India? ROFL. They have 1.4 million people on active duty and almost as many reserves. They have the third largest military budget in the world.

Why do you assume they would align with the US? Again you’re making assumptions with no basis.

Youre talking out of your ass.
I hear that our US military doesn't currently have enough staffing to fight a conventional war. So, if WW3 starts, does that mean we will need to bring back the draft? I have a grandson who is draft age, so this concerns me.

Could be a very unattractive recruiting problem as no youngster can remember when the US last won a war .
It's so bad now that they had to invent proxy wars to avoid putting in personal appearances
If something major pops off I don't think a draft will be necessary. There are still enough people out there that love this Country that we are willing to sign up willingly.

Then that means a draft might be even more likely.

Most people do not seem to know that for most of WWII not only did the US have a draft, it was impossible to actually enlist.

Shortly after the US entered the war, it ended all enlistment because the training system was overloaded with recruits. Unless you had a critically needed skill (medical, pilots, etc), the only thing a recruiter could do was guarantee you a branch of service and job. So if you wanted to be a bomber tail gunner, a Marine, an Army Infantryman, or a Navy gunner, the recruiter would sign you up so that was the job you would get. But you still went home and waited for your number to be called in the draft.

The draft is not only to get people, it is also to control the number of people passing through the training system. And that would be even more critical if such a war happened again, as we only have a fraction of the number of training camps as we had in WWII. It would take probably six months to a year or more to set up new camps and get them staffed, so the 9 basic training camps we have would be running overtime trying to train as many as possible until more camps could be set up.

And to give an idea, back during WWII the Army National Guard alone had 30 basic training camps, the Army itself had an additional 15. Today there are no National Guard camps and the Army only has 5. The Navy had 7 basic training camps in WWII, today they have 1. Even the Marine Corps had three camps during WWII, with a forth ready to be activated if needed. Today it has two.

And with the large number of bases closed and eliminated by the multiple BRACs over the decades, I am not sure how many new bases could be built or repurposed for basic training even if needed.
India? ROFL. They have 1.4 million people on active duty and almost as many reserves. They have the third largest military budget in the world.

Why do you assume they would align with the US? Again you’re making assumptions with no basis.

Youre talking out of your ass.
1.4 million on active duty means zilch if you can get them to the battle. They would be great against Pakistan or China because they can walk! India is more closely allied with the US as their Prime Minister was in Washington a few months back. Did you even know India is seriously considering changing its name? You seem to be the one that cannot read the tea leaves.

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