If WW3 starts, will the draft come back?

But also very different.

For example, if you are French you can't join the Foreign Legion. It is only open to foreigners, and is part of but separate from the French Army. The US military does not operate that way.

As far as I am aware, the only "Frenchmen" to have served in the Legion were after WWII. That is because any who was French and served in the 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division SS Charlemagne Division but not imprisoned for war crimes had their citizenship revoked. And some used that as a way to regain their citizenship.

That is, if they survived Dien Bien Phu.

Actually. Frenchmen can join. They just surrender their French identity for the duration of their service. Also. All officers are regular French Army. No Legionnaire can ever become an officer. All medics are French, as are all pilots.
There's a big difference between '' a guy'' and a hundred thousand guys being trafficked into a country for a specific purpose.

I understand your position.

I think you're missing mine, though.

There's a much bigger matter at play here.

Yes. Your panic at a situation that has existed all my life. In 1984 we joked that Mexico wasn’t sending a team to the Olympics because everyone who could run, jump, or swim was already here.

Your claims are old news for me. I’ve heard them since Parachute Pants were popular.
Yes. Your panic at a situation that has existed all my life. In 1984 we joked that Mexico wasn’t sending a team to the Olympics because everyone who could run, jump, or swim was already here.

Your claims are old news for me. I’ve heard them since Parachute Pants were popular.

I'm not panicking. Hell, I expect it. But I'm not trivializing it either.

The reality is that the current administration seems to be at war with the very fabric of the Republic it was theoretically elected to protect.

And that;s important to understand whe nthey start introducing specific legislation like this.
Defend our nation from what?

White male devils?

Because that seems to be who they're largely labeling America's biggest threat these days.

These people are coming in my the hundreds of thousand like theyr'e on a conveyor belt and have neither an attachment nor a particluar loyalty or purpose in ''defending out country'' other than free stuff and benefits.

You think they'd give a flying shit about taking an oath? Do you think it would actually mean anything to the ones involved with the administration's purposeful trafficking campaign?

Get real. The entire scam is about as far from the meaningfulness of duty, honor, country as you can get.
Are you demeaning the loyalty of our armed forces and their willingness to deploy anywhere in the world and fight for our country?
If an immigrant is willing to do that for our country, I welcome them as citizens

They will make better citizens than most conservatives
Are you demeaning the loyalty of our armed forces and their willingness to deploy anywhere in the world and fight for our country?
If an immigrant is willing to do that for our country, I welcome them as citizens

They will make better citizens than most conservatives

I'm telling you what the administration is introducing legislatively.

Ask one of these hundreds of thousands illegal immigrants being trafficked across the border by the very same administration what the fourth amendment means and see what they tell you.

They'll llikely laugh at you while they're being inventoried at Mayorkas' check-in line.

As I said. And correctly so, duty, honor, country is likely the very last thing on the minds of the ones involved with this particular trafficking campaign when offered citizenship through the military. So, then, that ''are you demeaning the loyalty of our armed forces'' routne isn't going to work on me, RWer. I'm sorry. Nice try, though. Kind of...
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I hear that our US military doesn't currently have enough staffing to fight a conventional war. So, if WW3 starts, does that mean we will need to bring back the draft? I have a grandson who is draft age, so this concerns me.
Don't worry, gun nuts will save the day, allegedly. It's one of their clichés.
I'm telling you what the administration is introducing legislatively.

Ask one of these hundreds of thousands of these ilegal immigrants being trafficked across the border by the very same administration what the fourth amendment means and see wha they tell you.

They'll llikely laugh at you while they're being inventoried at Mayorkas' check-in line.

Yea…..most Privates are like that

But if they are willing to join our military, defend our country
They are welcome as citizens

It has always been like that
But if they are willing to join our military, defend our country
They are welcome as citizens

It has always been like that

Except that the current administration seemingly contends that America's biggest threat are American white males who disagree with their policies.

It has never been like that.
Except that the current administration seemingly contends that America's biggest threat are American white males who disagree with their policies.

It has never been like that.
Has nothing to do with current military service
I can see it now. Heh heh.

We need ten thousand troops to guard the Capitol against angry Americans who are sick and tired of our war on them, so we'd better hurry up and gather some foreign mercenaries with no real knowlege of or atachment to the American heritage and tradidional philosophy of governance who love us for our war on them and to guard us against them, so let's hurry up and get the legislation written, get on the horn with some NGOs and the Mexican cartels to act in synergy with the plan and lets make it happen...
Ha. Shit. They're literally pissing away American sovereignty right in front of us.

And nobody's doing anything about it is the crazy part of it all.
It has everything to do with this legislation, though.

That's my view on it anyway.

Opinions, of course, will vary...
Nothing to do with this legislation

If you serve our country, you are eligible for citizenship

If something major pops off I don't think a draft will be necessary. There are still enough people out there that love this Country that we are willing to sign up willingly.
Sign up without question? that's the problem you keep making, loving your Country doesn't mean the Government and signing up right or wrong.
What is “insidious”?

Americans largely oppose the country being put in the poor house by policing the world. They also oppose being put in the poor house to placate the welfare state that draws the illegals in.

The illegals depend on the welfare state, as this is what draws them in. And in this particular case, they would depend on the policing of the world in order to placate their special interest in the matter.

Do you not see the contradiction in priorities/interests of the involved parties here?

You're dealing with hundreds of thousands of people being strategically trafficked into our country by the current administration and with a specific intent, as outlined in the timely, predictable legislation.

This is an organized, insidious endeavor on the part of government.

Could perhaps be called Treason in some cases...
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Why should women be exempt?
They shouldn't. Equality and stuff. But no doubt if they were drafted, 90% would magically become pregnant, and this country would experience an unprecedented baby boom. I would suggest any such woman who becomes pregnant after notification of being drafted do a mandatory 2 year prison sentence, in order to discourage this practice...

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