If you are not sick and you got tested for Covid 19, why did you get tested???????????????

You test to protect other people. If you don't know you have Kung Flu and you're coming in contact with other people either socially or at work you're putting others at risk. Which you really have no right to do. And I can't imagine anyone wanting to do that.
Wrong unless everyone is tested at least once a day you will never be able to find the effected

It will take years to test at the current rate

It’s true you don’t test people for no reason. But you test people who are in contact with sick people who may be asymptomatic. Contact tracing and testing are the fundamentals of managing outbreaks.

Say a person was tested and is negative.

So what, they can still catch this tomorrow

Testing is a waste, a crutch to provide a false hope
Of course they can catch it tomorrow.

The point is that you find the people who have been exposed and caught the virus, therefore knowing who to isolate. You do this so that way the person who caught the virus and doesn’t know it, doesn’t go about their day infecting more and more people. That’s how you end the outbreak. By stopping the people who are spreading it.
Meaningless because it will take years to test everyone. I had this so did my wife and kid. Testing us will show that we do not have it not if we had it.

If testing worked it would be mandatory, they know its useless
You test to protect other people. If you don't know you have Kung Flu and you're coming in contact with other people either socially or at work you're putting others at risk. Which you really have no right to do. And I can't imagine anyone wanting to do that.
Wrong unless everyone is tested at least once a day you will never be able to find the effected

It will take years to test at the current rate

It’s true you don’t test people for no reason. But you test people who are in contact with sick people who may be asymptomatic. Contact tracing and testing are the fundamentals of managing outbreaks.

Say a person was tested and is negative.

So what, they can still catch this tomorrow

Testing is a waste, a crutch to provide a false hope
Of course they can catch it tomorrow.

The point is that you find the people who have been exposed and caught the virus, therefore knowing who to isolate. You do this so that way the person who caught the virus and doesn’t know it, doesn’t go about their day infecting more and more people. That’s how you end the outbreak. By stopping the people who are spreading it.
Meaningless because it will take years to test everyone. I had this so did my wife and kid. Testing us will show that we do not have it not if we had it.

If testing worked it would be mandatory, they know its useless
You don’t have to test everyone, just people with known exposures. The more successful you are, the fewer cases you have, the fewer exposures and the less testing.

This is the fundamentals of outbreak control. Are you under the impression that you’ve somehow disproven decades of work?
Seriously it makes no difference. If you were sick clearly you would want to know what you had so as to handle the situation the best that you could. However not sick people are getting the diagnostic test for no reason because if the test comes back negative you could still catch the disease tomorrow or actually just have gotten it and not have enough virus to be picked up. That said you would need to be tested every day.

Now there is another test, the antibody test that would tell you if you had the disease and are now immune that test makes sense. So why are people and the White House blabbering about testing.

See no one has been tested yet because none of those who were tested except the few who had the disease can not get the disease again so testing proves nothing. So why do it
True rightwing ignorance.

That one is not showing symptoms (asymptomatic) doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the virus; and not knowing means one could infect others.
I've been asking that same thing. And, if you did get tested, had it and 28 days have passed you can't get it again. so still no logic behind any of this. not one piece of logic.
You test to protect other people. If you don't know you have Kung Flu and you're coming in contact with other people either socially or at work you're putting others at risk. Which you really have no right to do. And I can't imagine anyone wanting to do that.
Wrong unless everyone is tested at least once a day you will never be able to find the effected

It will take years to test at the current rate

It’s true you don’t test people for no reason. But you test people who are in contact with sick people who may be asymptomatic. Contact tracing and testing are the fundamentals of managing outbreaks.

Say a person was tested and is negative.

So what, they can still catch this tomorrow

Testing is a waste, a crutch to provide a false hope

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and it's all it's about. all you hear is testing testing testing for what?
I've been asking that same thing. And, if you did get tested, had it and 28 days have passed you can't get it again. so still no logic behind any of this. not one piece of logic.
It’s useful knowing who has it that way we can advise them to quarantine so they don’t pass it into others. This is how you stop the spread.
Seriously it makes no difference. If you were sick clearly you would want to know what you had so as to handle the situation the best that you could. However not sick people are getting the diagnostic test for no reason because if the test comes back negative you could still catch the disease tomorrow or actually just have gotten it and not have enough virus to be picked up. That said you would need to be tested every day.

Now there is another test, the antibody test that would tell you if you had the disease and are now immune that test makes sense. So why are people and the White House blabbering about testing.

See no one has been tested yet because none of those who were tested except the few who had the disease can not get the disease again so testing proves nothing. So why do it
THERE'S ANOTHER IMPORTANT FACTOR that needs to he considered:
I stated I would be affraid to get the test with careless high risk personel infecting me while getting the test and I'm sure it got me many eye rolls, however I was right to be concerned.
A rural town did the testing site thing and infected over 26 people in doing so. If I remember correctly it was everyone they tested got infected by the process. Why would I want to go to someone who has contact with virus infected people to take a test to see if I have it, without considering there's more risk doing so, then just waiting till I show signs of a problem before I quickly arrange a test?
You can pick up non Covid-19 viral infections as well, causing people to feel they need testing.
Hell, meningitis-b can be a reason someone gets a test and you risk that death sentence just by getting yourself tested for no outward reason.
Seriously it makes no difference. If you were sick clearly you would want to know what you had so as to handle the situation the best that you could. However not sick people are getting the diagnostic test for no reason because if the test comes back negative you could still catch the disease tomorrow or actually just have gotten it and not have enough virus to be picked up. That said you would need to be tested every day.

Now there is another test, the antibody test that would tell you if you had the disease and are now immune that test makes sense. So why are people and the White House blabbering about testing.

See no one has been tested yet because none of those who were tested except the few who had the disease can not get the disease again so testing proves nothing. So why do it
First, I'd like to point out that your last sentence is contradictory. In the same sentence, you say that "no one" has been tested yet and in the same sentence, you point out that "those who were tested."
Just a grammar thing.
Anyway, moving on. It has been repeatedly pointed out that there are some people that have COVID-19, actually aren't exhibiting any symptoms and thus are unaware of having the virus.
These individuals, while seemingly fine, are in fact, spreading the virus to others they come into contact with.
The same holds true of people with the common cold or flu. In the very beginning stage, people have caught the virus, but symptomless. After a couple of days, symptoms begin appearing. However, that initial phase has you infected and you can indeed infect others via physical contact or handling things that are handed over to non-infected people.

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