If you bet 21 days you won

If you bet 21 days, you are a winner! That's the number of days that the T lasted before a call for his impeachment was published.

This, first call for the T's impeachment, was an editorial in Time magazine. The editorial said,

"The Trump Organization does or has done business in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, St. Martin, St. Vincent, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Uruguay. And, while serving as President, Trump, through his interest in the Trump Organization, will continue to receive monetary and other benefits from these foreign powers and their agents."

Legally, they are right. These business efforts all violate the Constitutional requirements for a president. But as we all know, the Constitution is not a big issue for today's Congress. But nothing wilt happen until the Republicans in Congress decide the T is doing them more harm than good. As Gerald Ford said, "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be."

His term in office may even be more "interesting" than his election!
vt investor

This in no way reflects negatively on the President. It merely shows the level of butt hurt on the Left.
does flynn leaving reflect negatively on the ceo? and do you really believe he made that call to russia on his own? .....one link to dump and say hello to president pence
How so? What deal was made?
could be one in which giving up sanctions for silence was mentioned,,, russia probably has trump under it's thumb
Could be, probably has ....you have nothing. Liberals think accusations are facts. That's toddler level stupidity.
So Flynn is out.

That was fast

To bad really. He fucked up and you really don't get a second chance. His resignation letter a class act. Personally I think he resigned to take the heat of his boss.

only the brightest and the best lol and yes I agree he's covering for the ceo ,,,,can impeachment be that far away?

We all make mistakes dumbass. Even an idiot like you.

You can hope for impeachment till you're feeble brain falls out. Just think you will have four probably eight years to hope.

You are funny though. LOL
Just think of your reaction had these "mistakes" been made by the Obama administration. Thats why your hypocrisy makes your kind FOS. Emperor Trump will never last out a four year administration. Many in his party are already fed up with his shenanigans, and the polls, tell us his approval is rock bottom, sweets
If you bet 21 days, you are a winner! That's the number of days that the T lasted before a call for his impeachment was published.

This, first call for the T's impeachment, was an editorial in Time magazine. The editorial said,

"The Trump Organization does or has done business in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, St. Martin, St. Vincent, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Uruguay. And, while serving as President, Trump, through his interest in the Trump Organization, will continue to receive monetary and other benefits from these foreign powers and their agents."

Legally, they are right. These business efforts all violate the Constitutional requirements for a president. But as we all know, the Constitution is not a big issue for today's Congress. But nothing wilt happen until the Republicans in Congress decide the T is doing them more harm than good. As Gerald Ford said, "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be."

His term in office may even be more "interesting" than his election!
vt investor

This in no way reflects negatively on the President. It merely shows the level of butt hurt on the Left.
does flynn leaving reflect negatively on the ceo? and do you really believe he made that call to russia on his own? .....one link to dump and say hello to president pence

Save your bat shit crazy conspiracy theories for someone bat shit crazy enough to share them.
corell ...if I had a fuck for what you say or think I wouldn't give it

You should. I'm talking to you like you are person. I'm not encouraging your delusional behavior, and instead encouraging you to not "talk" crazy in public.

I'm probably your best friend, though you are too bat shit crazy to know it.
My new best friend?? Up till now my best friends have all been bartenders
If you bet 21 days, you are a winner! That's the number of days that the T lasted before a call for his impeachment was published.

This, first call for the T's impeachment, was an editorial in Time magazine. The editorial said,

"The Trump Organization does or has done business in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, St. Martin, St. Vincent, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Uruguay. And, while serving as President, Trump, through his interest in the Trump Organization, will continue to receive monetary and other benefits from these foreign powers and their agents."

Legally, they are right. These business efforts all violate the Constitutional requirements for a president. But as we all know, the Constitution is not a big issue for today's Congress. But nothing wilt happen until the Republicans in Congress decide the T is doing them more harm than good. As Gerald Ford said, "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be."

His term in office may even be more "interesting" than his election!
vt investor

This in no way reflects negatively on the President. It merely shows the level of butt hurt on the Left.
does flynn leaving reflect negatively on the ceo? and do you really believe he made that call to russia on his own? .....one link to dump and say hello to president pence
How so? What deal was made?
could be one in which giving up sanctions for silence was mentioned,,, russia probably has trump under it's thumb
Could be, probably has ....you have nothing. Liberals think accusations are facts. That's toddler level stupidity.
when there's smoke there's fire ice
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
The auto industry crashed under the Bush administration. I can't believe these righties trying to create their own history
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
do you get your news directly from the president?? they do in NKorea
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
The auto industry crashed under the Bush administration. I can't believe these righties trying to create their own history
The auto industry was a wreck because of labor unions
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
The auto industry crashed under the Bush administration. I can't believe these righties trying to create their own history
The auto industry was a wreck because of labor unions
The auto industry isn't a wreck today, and it has little to do with unions, and a whole lot to do with design and quality
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
do you get your news directly from the president?? they do in NKorea
Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING - YouTube
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
The auto industry crashed under the Bush administration. I can't believe these righties trying to create their own history
The auto industry was a wreck because of labor unions
lol did trump say that??? remember he only lies when he opens his mouth
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
do you get your news directly from the president?? they do in NKorea
Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING - YouTube
When were they warned, and by whom
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
The auto industry crashed under the Bush administration. I can't believe these righties trying to create their own history
The auto industry was a wreck because of labor unions
lol did trump say that??? remember he only lies when he opens his mouth
My posts have nothing to do with Trump. Change you diaper child
Really? You believe the business interests of the sitting President of the United States is not the "FUCKING BUSINESS" of American citizens, in completed disregard for Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8, and Art. 2, Sec. 1, clause 7?

Since when do tax returns provide details about business interests? Aren't the businesses he owns already a matter of public record?

The issue is HE LIED

Yes. He did lie.

But you've never had a problem defending and voting for liars. So why is it an issue now? Why wasn't Hillary lying about the criminal investigation against her an issue?
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?

I wouldn't get too smug there, sparky, Hillary and Obama may yet be brought to justice.

Check, one more example of how a fascist despot acts upon obtaining power!

Do you hope that trump soon uses a Stalin Purge and Show Trials as more protests get in his way to achieve absolute power? Or maybe the method Hitler used, people simply disappear, no trial, no press; here today. a shower and gone tomorrow for ever.
Since when do tax returns provide details about business interests? Aren't the businesses he owns already a matter of public record?

The issue is HE LIED

Yes. He did lie.

But you've never had a problem defending and voting for liars. So why is it an issue now? Why wasn't Hillary lying about the criminal investigation against her an issue?
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?

I wouldn't get too smug there, sparky, Hillary and Obama may yet be brought to justice.

Check, one more example of how a fascist despot acts upon obtaining power!

Do you hope that trump soon uses a Stalin Purge and Show Trials as more protests get in his way to achieve absolute power? Or maybe the method Hitler used, people simply disappear, no trial, no press; here today. a shower and gone tomorrow for ever.

You must live in fear every day. How do you cope with the constant anxiety?
Time can call on cows to grow wings and fly if they like but that's not going to happen either.
or get repub congress to demand to see dumps tax returns
Tax returns are still private some people sure have a hard time grasping that.
yes but from what I read Congress can demand to see them And don't you think it a bit strange that the wheeler dealer is the first president in many years refuses to show them ,,,,after btw he lied and said he would?
I don't think it's strange. I think it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS

Au contraire Grandpa. What Trump owns and where, as well as who he owes money to, is very much EVERYONE's business.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.

Well Bill Clinton won fair and square too, and they wanted him impeached.

Clinton actually committed an impeachable offense. While I personally wouldn't have bothered pursuing it, the two aren't remotely comparable.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.

Oh look, another so-called "progressive" who supports bailing out rich millionaires and their corporations with middle class tax dollars. Shocking......
There's only 5 detainees in Gitmo now.

Obama did effectively empty it.

He even traded 5 high-level terrorists for a traitor.

If that didn't amount to "high crime and misdemeanor" I don't know what would.
Do you ever think for yourself or just parrot party propaganda. Show us where these 5 people were high level terrorists, and as to the "traitor", garbage.

Bowe Bergdahl was traded for 5 Taliban commanders. Here’s who they are. 5 Taliban leaders.

Bowe Bergdahl, once-missing U.S. soldier, charged with desertion

Definition of traitor:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1

So you think promising Putin that the sanctions against him would be dropped as soon as Trump could do it didn't give aid or comfort to Russia?

Newsflash: Russia is not an enemy of the U.S. Jihadis are.

Silly RWNJ. You think we only have one enemy?
who are the others?
Plot to impeach President Trump has already begun | Daily Mail Online

"It is just one day since Donald Trump was elected President - but thousands of furious liberals are already plotting ways to remove him from office. Within hours of the Republican's unexpected win over Hillary Clinton, people were calling for him to be impeached over claims of sexual abuse, fraud and racketeering."

Jumping the gun? Rep. Waters floats Trump impeachment as Dems vow boycott
- Jan 6, 2017
As more Democrats get on the bandwagon of boycotting President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, one lawmaker – Rep. Maxine Waters – took the opposition a big step further Monday and floated the possibility of impeachment.

The OP assertion that it actually took 21 days after Trump was sworn in for snowflakes to begin plotting and calling for Impeachment has been effectively eviscerated, proven to be as wrong as the snowflakes' prediction the days leading up to the election that Hillary would have a landslide victory'.

Butt-hurt snowflakes, that included Hillary and her team, began plotting and calling for his Impeachment right after the election, well-before he was sworn in as President.

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