If you bet 21 days you won

Time can call on cows to grow wings and fly if they like but that's not going to happen either.
or get repub congress to demand to see dumps tax returns
Tax returns are still private some people sure have a hard time grasping that.
yes but from what I read Congress can demand to see them And don't you think it a bit strange that the wheeler dealer is the first president in many years refuses to show them ,,,,after btw he lied and said he would?
I don't think it's strange. I think it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS

Au contraire Grandpa. What Trump owns and where, as well as who he owes money to, is very much EVERYONE's business.

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That has nothing to do with his tax returns. He filed the appropriate financial disclosures already.
or get repub congress to demand to see dumps tax returns
Tax returns are still private some people sure have a hard time grasping that.
yes but from what I read Congress can demand to see them And don't you think it a bit strange that the wheeler dealer is the first president in many years refuses to show them ,,,,after btw he lied and said he would?
I don't think it's strange. I think it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS

Au contraire Grandpa. What Trump owns and where, as well as who he owes money to, is very much EVERYONE's business.

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That has nothing to do with his tax returns. He filed the appropriate financial disclosures already.
Did he release his tax returns as he promised?
Tax returns are still private some people sure have a hard time grasping that.
yes but from what I read Congress can demand to see them And don't you think it a bit strange that the wheeler dealer is the first president in many years refuses to show them ,,,,after btw he lied and said he would?
I don't think it's strange. I think it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS

Au contraire Grandpa. What Trump owns and where, as well as who he owes money to, is very much EVERYONE's business.

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That has nothing to do with his tax returns. He filed the appropriate financial disclosures already.
Did he release his tax returns as he promised?
Is he obligated under law to?

Jesus Christ
yes but from what I read Congress can demand to see them And don't you think it a bit strange that the wheeler dealer is the first president in many years refuses to show them ,,,,after btw he lied and said he would?
I don't think it's strange. I think it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS

Au contraire Grandpa. What Trump owns and where, as well as who he owes money to, is very much EVERYONE's business.

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That has nothing to do with his tax returns. He filed the appropriate financial disclosures already.
Did he release his tax returns as he promised?
Is he obligated under law to?

Jesus Christ
Trump promised to release his tax returns. Just one more lie in a series of never ending lies
I don't think it's strange. I think it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS
Well you're dead wrong granpaw only a fucking imbecile like you doesn't care if the ceo in charge, trumpovitch the russian agent, is a thief and cheat
I didn't say what you just implied. I said his personal tax returns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


You don't think that a President's tax returns are our business, but I'm sure you think that a president getting a hummer from an intern is.

Not too partisan now are we?

You don't mind that an American President perjured himself. Alrighty then.

Bubba only perjured himself once, his wife did several times.

Only in your fantasies!
Trump is not going to be impeached. You lost the election fair and square. Deal with it and stop acting like the spoiled two year old brats you all mentally are. While I'm not thrilled about Trump running the country I sure as hell don't want you childish clowns at the helm either.
Because under Bush, the country did so well.

But under Obama it fell apart. Especially the car industry.
I love how you guys blame Bush for Democratic policies that crashed the economy. No job? Well here's a loan for a house anyways?
Republicans deregulated the housing market leading to derivatives leading to a recession. It was only eight years ago. You need at least another 7 before you can rewrite history.
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?
She was prosecuted back in November.
Defeated by 25 years of bs propaganda, a year of hypocrite punditry based on irrelevant e-mails stolen by the a-hole Putin, and an against all protocol bs from a scumbag GOP FBI chief. You believe a giant pile of crap that's ALL been investigated and NADA. Duped again. D'OH!! Poor America.

Luckily, we have the constitution and the courts, and hopefully Trump will learn and grow, or just be stopped. He's already dumping you hater dupes and almost all his campaign rhetoric. Let's have those great deals....
Since when do tax returns provide details about business interests? Aren't the businesses he owns already a matter of public record?

The issue is HE LIED

Why do people lie? In this case it is easy to infer he is hiding something.
He lied to shut YOU PEOPLE up. He knew his private tax returns were no one's business but you all were too childish to accept that FACT.

That is the issue, HE LIED!!! You really are an asshole, but I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you that.
His lie is insignificant.

If you like your insurance you can keep it.

THAT is the type of lie that matters because it affects people.
That's no lie, dupe, that's a prediction that had many conditions. And the ACA that passed was sabotaged and changed by mindless GOP obstruction. No lie at all. You GOP twits/dupes liked scams....your stupidity he and the rest of the world could never imagine. lol
Really? You believe the business interests of the sitting President of the United States is not the "FUCKING BUSINESS" of American citizens, in completed disregard for Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8, and Art. 2, Sec. 1, clause 7?

Since when do tax returns provide details about business interests? Aren't the businesses he owns already a matter of public record?

The issue is HE LIED

Yes. He did lie.

But you've never had a problem defending and voting for liars. So why is it an issue now? Why wasn't Hillary lying about the criminal investigation against her an issue?
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?

I wouldn't get too smug there, sparky, Hillary and Obama may yet be brought to justice.
Not a chance. ALL investigated and NADA, except in Dupeworld. This is all great for dismantling the gigantic pile of crap that Fox Rush Heritage etc etc and you chumps call facts- since our pathetic media failed abysmally. Now you've won, the courts and the world can see your disgrace (some of you functional morons and many others will figure it out)....Go Mr. Businessman Trump- Learn, grow, and make those deals....
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?
She was prosecuted back in November.
Defeated by 25 years of bs propaganda, a year of hypocrite punditry based on irrelevant e-mails stolen by the a-hole Putin, and an against all protocol bs from a scumbag GOP FBI chief. You believe a giant pile of crap that's ALL been investigated and NADA. Duped again. D'OH!! Poor America.

Luckily, we have the constitution and the courts, and hopefully Trump will learn and grow, or just be stopped. He's already dumping you hater dupes and almost all his campaign rhetoric. Let's have those great deals....

Prove it
Since when do tax returns provide details about business interests? Aren't the businesses he owns already a matter of public record?

The issue is HE LIED

Yes. He did lie.

But you've never had a problem defending and voting for liars. So why is it an issue now? Why wasn't Hillary lying about the criminal investigation against her an issue?
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?

I wouldn't get too smug there, sparky, Hillary and Obama may yet be brought to justice.
Not a chance. ALL investigated and NADA, except in Dupeworld. This is all great for dismantling the gigantic pile of crap that Fox Rush Heritage etc etc and you chumps call facts- since our pathetic media failed abysmally. Now you've won, the courts and the world can see your disgrace (some of you functional morons and many others will figure it out)....Go Mr. Businessman Trump- Learn, grow, and make those deals....

Lube or no lube?
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?
She was prosecuted back in November.
Defeated by 25 years of bs propaganda, a year of hypocrite punditry based on irrelevant e-mails stolen by the a-hole Putin, and an against all protocol bs from a scumbag GOP FBI chief. You believe a giant pile of crap that's ALL been investigated and NADA. Duped again. D'OH!! Poor America.

Luckily, we have the constitution and the courts, and hopefully Trump will learn and grow, or just be stopped. He's already dumping you hater dupes and almost all his campaign rhetoric. Let's have those great deals....
Nothing you said was true and nothing you say now is true. You hate, you don't think.
It may not be a legal requirement that a Presidential candidate make his tax returns public, but anyone that votes for a candidate that does not make his returns public is a fool!
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?
She was prosecuted back in November.
Defeated by 25 years of bs propaganda, a year of hypocrite punditry based on irrelevant e-mails stolen by the a-hole Putin, and an against all protocol bs from a scumbag GOP FBI chief. You believe a giant pile of crap that's ALL been investigated and NADA. Duped again. D'OH!! Poor America.

Luckily, we have the constitution and the courts, and hopefully Trump will learn and grow, or just be stopped. He's already dumping you hater dupes and almost all his campaign rhetoric. Let's have those great deals....
Nothing you said was true and nothing you say now is true. You hate, you don't think.
Change the channel and get some fresh air, dupe. I don't hate you politically ignorant dupes at all, just the swine who dupe you. ALL to save the greedy idiot rich GOP from paying a fair tax rate. see sig last line.
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?
She was prosecuted back in November.
Defeated by 25 years of bs propaganda, a year of hypocrite punditry based on irrelevant e-mails stolen by the a-hole Putin, and an against all protocol bs from a scumbag GOP FBI chief. You believe a giant pile of crap that's ALL been investigated and NADA. Duped again. D'OH!! Poor America.

Luckily, we have the constitution and the courts, and hopefully Trump will learn and grow, or just be stopped. He's already dumping you hater dupes and almost all his campaign rhetoric. Let's have those great deals....
Nothing you said was true and nothing you say now is true. You hate, you don't think.
Change the channel and get some fresh air, dupe. I don't hate you politically ignorant dupes at all, just the swine who dupe you. ALL to save the greedy idiot rich GOP from paying a fair tax rate. see sig last line.

You're the one who has been duped into worshipping at the alter of the Gov :)
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?
She was prosecuted back in November.
Defeated by 25 years of bs propaganda, a year of hypocrite punditry based on irrelevant e-mails stolen by the a-hole Putin, and an against all protocol bs from a scumbag GOP FBI chief. You believe a giant pile of crap that's ALL been investigated and NADA. Duped again. D'OH!! Poor America.

Luckily, we have the constitution and the courts, and hopefully Trump will learn and grow, or just be stopped. He's already dumping you hater dupes and almost all his campaign rhetoric. Let's have those great deals....
Nothing you said was true and nothing you say now is true. You hate, you don't think.
Change the channel and get some fresh air, dupe. I don't hate you politically ignorant dupes at all, just the swine who dupe you. ALL to save the greedy idiot rich GOP from paying a fair tax rate. see sig last line.

You're the one who has been duped into worshipping at the alter of the Gov :)
The gov't isn't going anywhere, the problem is making it work for ALL the people- which has NEVER happened with the greedy idiot rich GOP, especially the lying, cheating New BS GOP and it's disgraceful propaganda machine. see sig, ALL FACT.
The issue is HE LIED

Yes. He did lie.

But you've never had a problem defending and voting for liars. So why is it an issue now? Why wasn't Hillary lying about the criminal investigation against her an issue?
How's the special prosecutor for Hillary coming along, dupe?

I wouldn't get too smug there, sparky, Hillary and Obama may yet be brought to justice.

If either of them were guilty of anything, it would have been proven by now. Three decades of looking have produced nothing.

By who? The corrupt Attorney General that Obama appointed? Puh-lease. :confused:
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!!! Nobody else found anything either, dupe. Boooshies, GOP congress, etc etc etc. Just malicious gossip for fools like you...
She was prosecuted back in November.
Defeated by 25 years of bs propaganda, a year of hypocrite punditry based on irrelevant e-mails stolen by the a-hole Putin, and an against all protocol bs from a scumbag GOP FBI chief. You believe a giant pile of crap that's ALL been investigated and NADA. Duped again. D'OH!! Poor America.

Luckily, we have the constitution and the courts, and hopefully Trump will learn and grow, or just be stopped. He's already dumping you hater dupes and almost all his campaign rhetoric. Let's have those great deals....
Nothing you said was true and nothing you say now is true. You hate, you don't think.
Change the channel and get some fresh air, dupe. I don't hate you politically ignorant dupes at all, just the swine who dupe you. ALL to save the greedy idiot rich GOP from paying a fair tax rate. see sig last line.

You're the one who has been duped into worshipping at the alter of the Gov :)
The gov't isn't going anywhere, the problem is making it work for ALL the people- which has NEVER happened with the greedy idiot rich GOP, especially the lying, cheating New BS GOP and it's disgraceful propaganda machine. see sig, ALL FACT.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you think the wisdom of the World is all there in your signature. Not so much. You can't live without the Gov, we want it you to learn how to do that.

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