If you can’t admire Joe Biden as a person, you’ve got a problem

,Biden is a phony and a plagiarist, not to mention a not-too-bright politician who was a very good argument for term limits.

He has no apparent principles.

Like Trump does?
What are Trump's principles?
"Law and Order" from a guy who's fighting to hide his tax returns because he committed fraud over the past 15 years???

The same Putin that Trump believes over his own intelligence services?

So thils really wasn't a thread about Biden. It was just another, Get Trump thread
I bet there's a prosecutor over there in Europe who doesn't like Biden
Lindsey Graham on Joe Biden

He is as good a man as god ever created, he is THE nicest person in politics

Even if we believe this, Biden is so demented at this point that it is irrelevant. He can and is being led around by the nose by the far left. Even if that is also not true, the man isn't likely to make it through one term due to dementia or death. That leaves us with a left-wing nut running the show and Pelosi as VP. This is why the American people need to wake up and stop being 5 year babies and judge Trump on his policies and not their dislike of the man. Trump would win on policies in an utter landslide, particularly over Harris and the far-left, which is who you numbskulls are actually voting for.
Lindsey Graham says it best....

As a pol, imo he's not a bad guy. I don't agree with him on a lot of things. But I look at Lamar Alexander, and I used to respect him. People can stay one election too long. And then there's Collins. I thought she was a lightweight, but with principals. She has none. The republicans with the backbone for a profile in courage moment left. Rubio is struggling to preserve his manhood. I could still vote for him … again.

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