If you could change anything in the world/American politics, what would it be?

Eliminate the Federal Government, the bureaucracy it supports and the military industrial complex it likewise supports.

All states realize the terrible danger it is to world peace and American freedom simultaneously, so they all withdraw and replace it with the articles of confederation.

We tried states rights, they devoled into feudal states and slavery. The deal with the military is that it became a for profit enteprise and public funding trough for the private war profiteer industry.
No, that is what it is now, to an even greater degree.

Citizens united gone. Easy call. Corporate influence should be tamed. They dontdocare about the nation only profit.
Bring back the fairness doctrine or something like it, so we have a few minutes an hour of reality on the GOP propaganda machine. Especially 4 demagogues like Rush Limbaugh Savage Levin Fox primetime. 2 minutes an hour to get the zombies out of their fugue state and tell them what is actually going on here, ie the GOP giveaway to the rich and their phony scandals which is all the dupes know about... This is THE story of the last 35 years.
TV and entertainment is practically nothing but progressive socialist dogma. You name 4 so called demagogues. I will give your 4 progressive socialist demagoues of thousands. Conan....Colbert....Kimmel......Fallon!
The voters reject the duopoly
You prefer a parliamentary system?
How did you come up with that from what i said?
Google says:
noun: duopoly; plural noun: duopolies
  1. a situation in which two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service.
We have a two-party, political system. I assumed from your writing you'd prefer a multi-party system. Am I wrong?
More parties to choose from has nothing to do with a parliament
Bring back the fairness doctrine or something like it, so we have a few minutes an hour of reality on the GOP propaganda machine. Especially 4 demagogues like Rush Limbaugh Savage Levin Fox primetime. 2 minutes an hour to get the zombies out of their fugue state and tell them what is actually going on here, ie the GOP giveaway to the rich and their phony scandals which is all the dupes know about... This is THE story of the last 35 years.
TV and entertainment is practically nothing but progressive socialist dogma. You name 4 so called demagogues. I will give your 4 progressive socialist demagoues of thousands. Conan....Colbert....Kimmel......Fallon!
Then you support the return of the fairness doctrine?
Bring back the fairness doctrine or something like it, so we have a few minutes an hour of reality on the GOP propaganda machine. Especially 4 demagogues like Rush Limbaugh Savage Levin Fox primetime. 2 minutes an hour to get the zombies out of their fugue state and tell them what is actually going on here, ie the GOP giveaway to the rich and their phony scandals which is all the dupes know about... This is THE story of the last 35 years.
TV and entertainment is practically nothing but progressive socialist dogma. You name 4 so called demagogues. I will give your 4 progressive socialist demagoues of thousands. Conan....Colbert....Kimmel......Fallon!
they do spend too much time on Trump, but they don't lie like the demagogues I talked about on the GOP propaganda machine. They are comedians for crying out loud. thanks
The voters reject the duopoly
You prefer a parliamentary system?
How did you come up with that from what i said?
Google says:
noun: duopoly; plural noun: duopolies
  1. a situation in which two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service.
We have a two-party, political system. I assumed from your writing you'd prefer a multi-party system. Am I wrong?
More parties to choose from has nothing to do with a parliament
from wikipedia:
A multi-party system is a system in which multiple political parties across the political spectrum run for national election, and all have the capacity to gain control of government offices, separately or in coalition.[1] Apart from one-party-dominant and two-party systems, multi-party systems tend to be more common in parliamentary systems than presidential systems and far more common in countries that use proportional representation compared to countries that use first-past-the-post elections.

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