If you could have anyone you want for president '24, who would that be?

It looks as though old Joe might not make it or decline to run so it's anybody but Harris.
56% of the people want someone different. The way you should phrase it, to be more accurate, and honest, is like this.

More people would decide the steaming pile of shit that is Trump, is slightly less stinky than the steaming pile of shit that is Biden.
Can you tell me why you hate Trump so deep down n your core, or is that too difficult?
It looks as though old Joe might not make it or decline to run so it's anybody but Harris.
Poor Dems. They're in trouble. They don't have anyone else.

Same spot the Neo-Cons were in, when they had to run McCain.
Yes, you do! You have one of the worst cases of TDS anyone has ever seen!


Why did I write that again? Check the date.
Uh, the Education Department was run by Betsy Devos. She was unanimously hated by libs.

It takes a vote in Congress to do away with the Education Department and they actually do some important work regarding educating the poor (Title 1), special education, and student grants and loans.
Betsy is one of my reasons for disliking many of the x presidents picks for high office. Never was a public school teacher or administrator or even attended a public school. In fact one of her big personal money makers was collecting money for owed college loans.

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