If you could pick any country on earth in which to be born right now, which one would it be?

The Pilgrim Fathers,came to America because the English and others were fed-up with their puritanical ways,so they left and started their witch burnings and drowings and savagery in America,which continues today...FACT

theliq, let me guess you are a high school drop out? :p How the fuck can someone like you be so STUPID and IGNORANT and be posting on the internet? :(

You're talking to convict spawn there. The English were fed up of his type, and shipped him off to the arse end of nowhere.

Nope. The English had ridiculous laws at that time, which allowed poor people to be imprisoned or even hanged for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their families. Most of those shipped off to Australia were people just trying to survive in an incredibly hostile environment without resources. The English treated their poor horribly, with "workhouses" and such. Other countries in Europe were the same way.

In England alone, sit down and take a look at the conditions in Whitechapel around the time of the Ripper murders. The church and the upper classes turned their backs on the poor (and please note that this was white-on-white), echoing a crazy Protestant idea that people were poor because God didn't like them. These people were sleeping in "doss houses," held up by ropes, when they could earn the few pennies for entrance. Many of these people "earned" the pennies that would get them into these "doss houses" by prostitution.

Did you ever have a sense of humour? A black one?

You should be born in UK.

Nope. Born here in New Jersey, U.S.A. I've got a sense of humor. Gahan Wilson. Airplane. Blazing Saddles. My office sign: "sexual harassment will not be reported, it will, however be graded." My coaster: (two snails talking about a tape dispenser off in the distance: "I don't care. I LOVE HER." My office sign: "Warning: unattended children will be sold as slaves."
Those Nordic states that seem to be liberal paradises are too white and too cold for me.

I like diversity.

People who only want to live among White Europeans are racist.

Odd that no one has claimed they wish they lived in Africa. I can only assume they are racist and don’t want to live among black people.

If you didn’t pick an African nation, you are racist.
You will be WELCOME in Australia,the most Multi Cultural of all Nations

I’d love to visit down under. I am a huge beach and ocean person. Native Floridian.

Sharks everywhere. And tarantulas that lurk in bathrooms.
Yeah we have Sharks,Tarantulus No they are from the Americas...but we do have Redbacks and one of the most poisonous spiders in the world...THE DADDY LONG LEGS...just as well its jaw is not wide enough to penetrate human flesh...but you have them too

I know it's a colloquial name but what we call a "Daddy Longlegs" in this country is totally innocuous.
Those Nordic states that seem to be liberal paradises are too white and too cold for me.

I like diversity.

People who only want to live among White Europeans are racist.

Odd that no one has claimed they wish they lived in Africa. I can only assume they are racist and don’t want to live among black people.

If you didn’t pick an African nation, you are racist.
You will be WELCOME in Australia,the most Multi Cultural of all Nations

I’d love to visit down under. I am a huge beach and ocean person. Native Floridian.

Sharks everywhere. And tarantulas that lurk in bathrooms.
Yeah we have Sharks,Tarantulus No they are from the Americas...but we do have Redbacks and one of the most poisonous spiders in the world...THE DADDY LONG LEGS...just as well its jaw is not wide enough to penetrate human flesh...but you have them too

I know it's a colloquial name but what we call a "Daddy Longlegs" in this country is totally innocuous.
They are for the reasons I explained
I’d say USA.

Best balance of freedom and security on earth.

There are safer places, less freedom.

There are more dangerous places......much less freedom.

Freedom to be left the fuck alone as long as I am not bothering you is important to me....not to everyone. Plenty of people are willing to give up personal freedom to have government control their lives.

So, what country would you want to be born in today, and why?

First off ---- why is this thread in "Politics"? :dunno:

Does it have to be "today" or could it revert to the time one was actually born? If so I'd say Scotland. Just because Scotland has always been fascinating to me, I don't know why and I'm not Scottish.

If it's a matter of being left the fuck alone and "today" I'd go with New Zealand even though I've never been there. Or maybe Uruguay.

>> Uruguay is ranked first in Latin America in democracy, peace, low perception of corruption,[10] e-government,[11] and is first in South America when it comes to press freedom, size of the middle class and prosperity.[10] << -- Wiki​
You will be WELCOME in Australia,the most Multi Cultural of all Nations

I’d love to visit down under. I am a huge beach and ocean person. Native Floridian.

Sharks everywhere. And tarantulas that lurk in bathrooms.
Yeah we have Sharks,Tarantulus No they are from the Americas...but we do have Redbacks and one of the most poisonous spiders in the world...THE DADDY LONG LEGS...just as well its jaw is not wide enough to penetrate human flesh...but you have them too

I know it's a colloquial name but what we call a "Daddy Longlegs" in this country is totally innocuous.
They are for the reasons I explained

I don't know what you call a Daddy Longlegs. Must be some other creature. Anything with long legs could be so called.
I’d say USA.

Best balance of freedom and security on earth.

There are safer places, less freedom.

There are more dangerous places......much less freedom.

Freedom to be left the fuck alone as long as I am not bothering you is important to me....not to everyone. Plenty of people are willing to give up personal freedom to have government control their lives.

So, what country would you want to be born in today, and why?
------------------------------------------ USA of course but i'd say , be born about 1922 , survive WW2 and then just be an American in a wide open pretty unregulated country full of Americans that pretty much minded their own business .
I’d love to visit down under. I am a huge beach and ocean person. Native Floridian.

Sharks everywhere. And tarantulas that lurk in bathrooms.
Yeah we have Sharks,Tarantulus No they are from the Americas...but we do have Redbacks and one of the most poisonous spiders in the world...THE DADDY LONG LEGS...just as well its jaw is not wide enough to penetrate human flesh...but you have them too

I know it's a colloquial name but what we call a "Daddy Longlegs" in this country is totally innocuous.
They are for the reasons I explained

I don't know what you call a Daddy Longlegs. Must be some other creature. Anything with long legs could be so called.

It’s a spider, stupid.
Sharks everywhere. And tarantulas that lurk in bathrooms.
Yeah we have Sharks,Tarantulus No they are from the Americas...but we do have Redbacks and one of the most poisonous spiders in the world...THE DADDY LONG LEGS...just as well its jaw is not wide enough to penetrate human flesh...but you have them too

I know it's a colloquial name but what we call a "Daddy Longlegs" in this country is totally innocuous.
They are for the reasons I explained

I don't know what you call a Daddy Longlegs. Must be some other creature. Anything with long legs could be so called.

It’s a spider, stupid.

NO SHIT poop-boi. It's just not the *SAME* spider, and probably not a spider at all. Learn to read.

LiveScience: >> Daddy longlegs is a term used to refer to three different types of critters, and only one of them is a spider. A common belief is that daddy longlegs spiders are the most venomous spiders in the world. However, that is an urban myth. <<​

The one I'm referring to is what this article calls "Harvestmen". Which one Steve means, I wouldn't know.

Venom myth busted
According to urban legend, daddy longlegs are the most venomous spiders in the world, but their fangs are too weak to penetrate human skin. However, this myth was busted on the Discovery Channel show "Mythbusters." A daddy longlegs spider was coaxed into biting the arm of the show's co-host, Adam Savage. He reported nothing more than a very mild burning sensation from the spider's venom that lasted just a few seconds.

According to the Australian Museum, the myth may have come about because the daddy longlegs spider can kill the dangerous Australian redback spider, but that is done through its ingenious web-catching technique, not its venom. << ibid
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The Pilgrim Fathers,came to America because the English and others were fed-up with their puritanical ways,so they left and started their witch burnings and drowings and savagery in America,which continues today...FACT

theliq, let me guess you are a high school drop out? :p How the fuck can someone like you be so STUPID and IGNORANT and be posting on the internet? :(

You're talking to convict spawn there. The English were fed up of his type, and shipped him off to the arse end of nowhere.

Nope. The English had ridiculous laws at that time, which allowed poor people to be imprisoned or even hanged for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their families. Most of those shipped off to Australia were people just trying to survive in an incredibly hostile environment without resources. The English treated their poor horribly, with "workhouses" and such. Other countries in Europe were the same way.

In England alone, sit down and take a look at the conditions in Whitechapel around the time of the Ripper murders. The church and the upper classes turned their backs on the poor (and please note that this was white-on-white), echoing a crazy Protestant idea that people were poor because God didn't like them. These people were sleeping in "doss houses," held up by ropes, when they could earn the few pennies for entrance. Many of these people "earned" the pennies that would get them into these "doss houses" by prostitution.

Did you ever have a sense of humour? A black one?

You should be born in UK.

Nope. Born here in New Jersey, U.S.A. I've got a sense of humor. Gahan Wilson. Airplane. Blazing Saddles. My office sign: "sexual harassment will not be reported, it will, however be graded." My coaster: (two snails talking about a tape dispenser off in the distance: "I don't care. I LOVE HER." My office sign: "Warning: unattended children will be sold as slaves."

Are you the lady with the peonie farm?
It's incredible that generations of American kids are still ignorant of the freedoms inherent in the greatest country in the world. Some even travel to foreign countries expecting the "right to remain silent" if they get in trouble or the right to confront an accuser or any one of a number of rights guaranteed by the 1st 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. There is no "Bill of Rights" in any other country except the U.S. Mostly left wing hypocrites camouflage their political bigotry by pretending to embrace socialist values in other countries but when push comes to shove it's nice to have the DOW at around 27,000 and their 401k's making money in the good old USA..
You will be WELCOME in Australia,the most Multi Cultural of all Nations

Not true, actually, the United States is one of the most, if not the most Multi-Cultural of all Nations.

Ethnic groups English 25.9%, Australian 25.4%, Irish 7.5%, Scottish 6.4%, Italian 3.3%, German 3.2%, Chinese 3.1%, Indian 1.4%, Greek 1.4%, Dutch 1.2%, other 15.8% (includes Australian aboriginal .5%), unspecified 5.4%
note: data represent self-identified ancestry, over a third of respondents reported two ancestries (2011 est.)

Australia Demographics Profile 2018
You will be WELCOME in Australia,the most Multi Cultural of all Nations

Not true, actually, the United States is one of the most, if not the most Multi-Cultural of all Nations.

Ethnic groups English 25.9%, Australian 25.4%, Irish 7.5%, Scottish 6.4%, Italian 3.3%, German 3.2%, Chinese 3.1%, Indian 1.4%, Greek 1.4%, Dutch 1.2%, other 15.8% (includes Australian aboriginal .5%), unspecified 5.4%
note: data represent self-identified ancestry, over a third of respondents reported two ancestries (2011 est.)

Australia Demographics Profile 2018

Not enough Hispanics or Blacks.

Australia is racist

Who'd have thought it?

The United Nations Population Fund lists Germany as host to the second-highest number of international migrants worldwide, behind the United States.[13] More than 16,000,000 people are descended from immigrants (first and second generation, including mixed heritage and ethnic German repatriates and their descendants). 96.1% of those reside in western Germany and Berlin.[14] About 7,000,000 of them are foreign residents, which is defined as those not having German citizenship. The largest ethnic group Is Turkish.

Presently, and in the past, there are people in the U.S. who want to use the government to control the lives of anyone who is not a white, heterosexual male who practices some weird form of the Christian faith, which makes a mockery of the ideals of freedom, liberty, and democracy. Why have "ideals" and "values" if the people don't believe in living up to them?

Remember how many of us Americans had to fight to get to the polls, some of whom were injured or lost their lives in the process, from the women force-fed in the Occoquan jail, to the bodies found in the levy around a burned-out station wagon, to Viola Liuzzo, to the Edmund Pettus Bridge, and beyond.

If I were to be born right now, I'd pick Australia, New Zealand, or Norway and maybe Sweden. These countries seem, viewing them from a distance, to be much more committed to their national ideals than the U.S. is.

Interesting example of bigotry you are. The government almost any government seeks to control the lives of everyone but the ruling/moneyed class. Too often we forget law applies to everyone and if one can be controlled all can be controlled except those with money and or influence.

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