If you dont score at least 80% on this, quit now

I got 100

But that was a High school test, and I slept through economics during high school. I learned most of this stuff reading newspapers.

Basically, it is a test if you know some economic terminology and the really trivial supply/demand model.
Incorrect. The correct answer is A.
The resources used in the production of goods and services are limited, so society must:
A. Make choices about how to use resources.
B. Try to obtain additional resources.
C. Reduce their use of resources.
D. Don't Know.

No, the correct answer is b

Incorrect. The correct answer is A.
A large increase in the number of fast-food restaurants in a community is most likely to result in:
A. Lower prices and higher quality.
B. Lower prices and lower quality.
C. Higher prices and higher quality.
D. Don't Know

No, fast food results in a DECREASE in quality

Yeah, I can see how most would miss the FF rest. question. Who ever heard of High quality Fast Food?
Maybe the bar should be lower?

Economic Literacy Test Results
from 03/26/2013 to 09/17/2015
Total Participants: 116,409
Average Score: 14 out of 20 for a 70 %
Average Age: 24
Gender: Females - 60,684
Males - 55,261
Education Level: Grade School - 8,404
High School - 55,586
1-2 years of college - 17,050
4 years of college - 17,110
Graduate School - 18,047
Employment Status: Employed - 64,749
Unemployed- 51,363

Assuming the majority of people are of average intellect, should not 10% below average be the minimum? say 60 or 65%?
90% I misread question 20 as well

Incorrect. The correct answer is C.
Which one of the following statements about the function of money is wrong?
A. Money makes it easier to save.
B. Money makes trading goods and services easier.
C. Money holds its value well in times of inflation.
D. Don't Know.


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You answered 17 out of 20 correct for a 85%.
OK its nut cutting time. We have lots of debates on economics, with the libs (usually but not always) displaying their gross ignorance of the topic. So here it is. Take this quiz. Have it graded. If you score anything below 80% (70%0 is the average) then you have no business engagng in any thread that deals with economics.
Anyone griping about "biased questions" or "conservative bias" will be assumed to have failed the test.
Go. Make all marks heavy and black.
Quiz Your Economic Literacy and See How You Rank Against Your Peers

I scored 100%- even though I disagreed with how some of the questions were worded- I knew what answer that they wanted to get.

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You answered 20 out of 20 correct for a 100%.
OK its nut cutting time. We have lots of debates on economics, with the libs (usually but not always) displaying their gross ignorance of the topic. So here it is. Take this quiz. Have it graded. If you score anything below 80% (70%0 is the average) then you have no business engagng in any thread that deals with economics.
Anyone griping about "biased questions" or "conservative bias" will be assumed to have failed the test.
Go. Make all marks heavy and black.
Quiz Your Economic Literacy and See How You Rank Against Your Peers
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You answered 18 out of 20 correct for a 90%.
If liberals scored so high how come they seem so ignorant of economics whenever they open their mouths about economics?
If everyone does so well, how can anyone on this site possibly support Sanders?

I actually, for a while there, thought folks didn't understand basic economics. I guess I was wrong. Apparently people on the left and the right know how an economy is supposed to work. So what gives with this Sanders euphoria if EVERYONE knows he, Clinton, and Obama are all full of shit? :dunno:
You answered 19 out of 20 correct for a 95%.

Test your own economic literacy with these 20 questions. Then view results to see how you rank against everyone else who has taken the quiz.

Answer the following background questions so you can compare your test result with others.

Education: Grade school
High school
1-2 years of college
4 years of college
Graduate school
Employment: Employed
Answer each of the 20 questions to the best of your ability. Use the "Grade Test" button at the bottom of the screen to see how you did.
Incorrect. The correct answer is A.
A large increase in the number of fast-food restaurants in a community is most likely to result in:
A. Lower prices and higher quality.
B. Lower prices and lower quality.
C. Higher prices and higher quality.
D. Don't Know

Who actually thinks that more fast food can increase quality?
Where the fuck must you live to have fast food be an increase in quality?

The fast food you get in a food court, generally will be better than the stuff you get along a strip. If it is not, then the people in that town don't complain and take their shit back up to the kiosks to get their money back enough. lol It's quite easy to keep quality high in a food court.

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