If you dont score at least 80% on this, quit now

Me and my wife were just talking about this commercial where they introduce a burger made from meat without antibiotics. My question was if they knew antibiotics were bad why is it still in their other burgers.

Because some people don't care either way and doped-up meat is cheaper.
Smart enough to know that nobody is going to admit they got a 55%. And really, why would they need to? It's a remedial test. I lost interest half way through. Don't be so defensive of your amazing test.
I get the point. There should be some basic economic axioms that everyone agrees on.
Where the fuck must you live to have fast food be an increase in quality?
Someplace besides a bunker. When competition is around quality goes up and prices come down. (In theory) Everyone knows that.

So McDonald's is an improvement over your local eatery.

How sad for you
You totally missed economics in school obviously.

"Economics is about human behavior, motherfucker" -- Milton Friedman, nah he never said that

McDonald's and Chili's is a big step up in quality for you...hmmmkay
Where the fuck must you live to have fast food be an increase in quality?
Someplace besides a bunker. When competition is around quality goes up and prices come down. (In theory) Everyone knows that.

So McDonald's is an improvement over your local eatery.

How sad for you
You totally missed economics in school obviously.

"Economics is about human behavior, motherfucker" -- Milton Friedman, nah he never said that

McDonald's and Chili's is a big step up in quality for you...hmmmkay
I'm glad you took the time to research instead of being a dumbass all your life. Whats your point?
If everyone does so well, how can anyone on this site possibly support Sanders?

I actually, for a while there, thought folks didn't understand basic economics. I guess I was wrong. Apparently people on the left and the right know how an economy is supposed to work. So what gives with this Sanders euphoria if EVERYONE knows he, Clinton, and Obama are all full of shit? :dunno:

You are confusing basic economic concepts with political ideology concerning our economy.

Libs would take a hit in the pocket if it would improve society in some way.

That is believed by the left. They are trying to sell this trade off to the right.

But there really is no trade off. Once you destroy a complex system from working, it doesn't work anymore. All components to a complex system are necessary for it to function properly. When you interfere with it, it stops working.

Let's take for example the environment;

Conservationists and folks on the left will tell you that about the environment.

Where once we had lot of predators in north America, like wolves, now we have none. Now, the deer herds get out of control.

The herd must be thinned out. They become destructive. Why is the Eco-system out of balance? Human intervention and meddling. It doesn't work as it should, so more intervention becomes necessary.

So now the hunting is necessary. But if you following the hunting community, you will become aware of the how communicable diseases have infiltrated the herds from the farmers bovine populations, all because the deer are eating from feed and coming into close contact with the cows. Now the hunters sometimes can't hunt the deer.

All because man wiped out the wolves.

I'm telling you, if we had never messed with a system to complex to understand in the first place, NONE of these problems would have reared it's ugly head. Some wolves should have simply been left in place. Oh well.

This of course, is one small example. I am sure you can think of many many others.

Complex systems theory will be forever be beyond both big government Statists of both Republican and Democrat Keynesians. Only Austrians fully grasp the situation.

No, I didn't finish the test. Too long. But I get the point.
Twenty questions is too long? Try Ritalin.

Questions were boring. If Mexico has fruit and Argentina has beef, will it benefit both countries to trade? Come on. I'm not doing 20 of those.
It might have taken me all of 5 minutes to complete. You cant concentrate for 5 minutes? Mary Jane much?

Not necessarily. He could just be a millennial. :lmao:
You answered 19 out of 20 correct for a 95%.

Test your own economic literacy with these 20 questions. Then view results to see how you rank against everyone else who has taken the quiz.

Answer the following background questions so you can compare your test result with others.

Education: Grade school
High school
1-2 years of college
4 years of college
Graduate school
Employment: Employed
Answer each of the 20 questions to the best of your ability. Use the "Grade Test" button at the bottom of the screen to see how you did.
Incorrect. The correct answer is A.
A large increase in the number of fast-food restaurants in a community is most likely to result in:
A. Lower prices and higher quality.
B. Lower prices and lower quality.
C. Higher prices and higher quality.
D. Don't Know

Who actually thinks that more fast food can increase quality?

Go to compare the food in a giant food court to some place way on by itself sometime. I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

That is, if you eat that foul stuff. :puke:
OK its nut cutting time. We have lots of debates on economics, with the libs (usually but not always) displaying their gross ignorance of the topic. So here it is. Take this quiz. Have it graded. If you score anything below 80% (70%0 is the average) then you have no business engagng in any thread that deals with economics.
Anyone griping about "biased questions" or "conservative bias" will be assumed to have failed the test.
Go. Make all marks heavy and black.
Quiz Your Economic Literacy and See How You Rank Against Your Peers

I scored 75%. That sounds fine to me.

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