If you dont score at least 80% on this, quit now

So if you came into my town, closed and liquidated the only factory in town and laid of 1200 people, you are still a job creator because you have a butler?

Now, that's the first time we've mentioned closing down a factory. Ostensibly, that would be a net loss of jobs. Typically, though, liquidation arbitrators take over failed businesses that were closing down anyway. The guy who sells the business for parts isn't responsible for those job losses. The business just wasn't making it. The exception to that rule would be like a Gordon Gekko or something.
OK its nut cutting time. We have lots of debates on economics, with the libs (usually but not always) displaying their gross ignorance of the topic. So here it is. Take this quiz. Have it graded. If you score anything below 80% (70%0 is the average) then you have no business engagng in any thread that deals with economics.
Anyone griping about "biased questions" or "conservative bias" will be assumed to have failed the test.
Go. Make all marks heavy and black.
Quiz Your Economic Literacy and See How You Rank Against Your Peers
17 out of 20 85%
So then anyone who spends money is a job creator

Everybody who has a lot of money hires a gardener or a maid or someone to work the horse stables, which are regular jobs. He hires a semi-regular contractor to take care of remodels, upgrades and additions. He has a lawyer on retainer. He has a tax guy. And yes, he spends money around town and by doing so keeps businesses in business.

So if you came into my town, closed and liquidated the only factory in town and laid of 1200 people, you are still a job creator because you have a butler?
Yup. Carli fiorino is the poster child for this.
T or F

All wealthy are job creators

Well, a guy could be a stock trader who shorted the market before the August rout. Maybe he has some inside information that allows him to time the rallies and valleys. He's just making money from money, not creating any jobs. On the other hand, that guy has a maid and a barber and a gardener and so on. He eats at restaurants and buys a really expensive sex robot. So he's creating jobs.
So then anyone who spends money is a job creator
So then anyone who spends money is a job creator

Everybody who has a lot of money hires a gardener or a maid or someone to work the horse stables, which are regular jobs. He hires a semi-regular contractor to take care of remodels, upgrades and additions. He has a lawyer on retainer. He has a tax guy. And yes, he spends money around town and by doing so keeps businesses in business.

So if you came into my town, closed and liquidated the only factory in town and laid of 1200 people, you are still a job creator because you have a butler?
No. You are not a job creator because you hired a butler.
"You answered 19 out of 20 correct for a 95%."

I miss read #20 as well! That test wasn't as simple and basic as I thought it was gonna' be.
Incorrect. The correct answer is A.
The resources used in the production of goods and services are limited, so society must:
A. Make choices about how to use resources.
B. Try to obtain additional resources.
C. Reduce their use of resources.
D. Don't Know.

No, the correct answer is b

Incorrect. The correct answer is A.
A large increase in the number of fast-food restaurants in a community is most likely to result in:
A. Lower prices and higher quality.
B. Lower prices and lower quality.
C. Higher prices and higher quality.
D. Don't Know

No, fast food results in a DECREASE in quality

Uncanny! I missed those same two with the same real world logic you employed.
Got a 95% Missed the one on resources (12). And regardless of the answer, I still think I'm right. The smartest long term plan would be to find a creative solution for obtaining additional resources.
I almost answered that way too, but the question specifically stated there were no new resources. Had to read carefully. That's how I missed #20, not reading carefully.
OK its nut cutting time. We have lots of debates on economics, with the libs (usually but not always) displaying their gross ignorance of the topic. So here it is. Take this quiz. Have it graded. If you score anything below 80% (70%0 is the average) then you have no business engagng in any thread that deals with economics.
Anyone griping about "biased questions" or "conservative bias" will be assumed to have failed the test.
Go. Make all marks heavy and black.
Quiz Your Economic Literacy and See How You Rank Against Your Peers
I got a 70% score. I guess I can't talk about economics?
100% Hurt my brane!!! lol

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You answered 20 out of 20 correct for a 100%.
Test your own economic literacy with these 20 questions. Then view results to see how you rank against everyone else who has taken the quiz.
OK its nut cutting time. We have lots of debates on economics, with the libs (usually but not always) displaying their gross ignorance of the topic. So here it is. Take this quiz. Have it graded. If you score anything below 80% (70%0 is the average) then you have no business engagng in any thread that deals with economics.
Anyone griping about "biased questions" or "conservative bias" will be assumed to have failed the test.
Go. Make all marks heavy and black.
Quiz Your Economic Literacy and See How You Rank Against Your Peers

So, I missed one and I disagree with their answer. Namely the question is resources are limited and they say you need to figure out how best to use what you have while I feel you should obtain more resources.
OK its nut cutting time. We have lots of debates on economics, with the libs (usually but not always) displaying their gross ignorance of the topic. So here it is. Take this quiz. Have it graded. If you score anything below 80% (70%0 is the average) then you have no business engagng in any thread that deals with economics.
Anyone griping about "biased questions" or "conservative bias" will be assumed to have failed the test.
Go. Make all marks heavy and black.
Quiz Your Economic Literacy and See How You Rank Against Your Peers
You answered 19 out of 20 correct for a 95%.

Test your own economic literacy with these 20 questions. Then view results to see how you rank against everyone else who has taken the quiz.

Answer the following background questions so you can compare your test result with others.

Education: Grade school
High school
1-2 years of college
4 years of college
Graduate school
Employment: Employed
Answer each of the 20 questions to the best of your ability. Use the "Grade Test" button at the bottom of the screen to see how you did.
Incorrect. The correct answer is A.
A large increase in the number of fast-food restaurants in a community is most likely to result in:
A. Lower prices and higher quality.
B. Lower prices and lower quality.
C. Higher prices and higher quality.
D. Don't Know

Who actually thinks that more fast food can increase quality?

I got the answer right- but that is only because I pretty much figured out what they thought the correct answer was.

I disagree with any of the answers- Fast food chain restaurants prices are controlled largely by corporate- so more fast food chain restaurants will not lower the costs of those restaurants- nor will they necessarily reduce the cost of other restaurant prices- I think it is a particularly bad example to use.
I got 90%. I missed #18 and #1. I'm very embarrassed that I missed #18. I should not have missed #18. I disagree with the answer on #1.
Fast food chain restaurants prices are controlled largely by corporate- so more fast food chain restaurants will not lower the costs of those restaurants- nor will they necessarily reduce the cost of other restaurant prices-
Here we see how blind adherence to liberal lies and talking points, results in a wrong answer.

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