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Zone1 If you don't support human rights and justice for the oppressed, you simply aren't religious.

It is that simple in my opinion. Many Atheists are content, smetimes even giddy with supporting abuses and injustice as they have decided that "number one at all costs" (to others) is a more important belief to them than the blessing/saving of their soul after they pass. These are such critical tenets to G_d and religion that if a person who says the are religious dismisses injustice and human rights, for all intents and purposes the are Atheists. Agree or not?
I couldn't make heads or tails of that.
Reality check: The individual Christian cannot escape the evil that is in this world..........A Christian does what he/she is capable of doing in combating injustice and crimes against humanity. What then is the responsibility of the Christian?

A Christian has every right to personally protect and defend their property and life as authorized by the Christ when the government agents can't protect such (Luke 11:21, 22:35-36).........but vengeance is a totally different animal in personally seeking some supposed justice in a vigilante fashion after the fact.........

A Christian accepts the things he/she cannot change and counts such as a blessing in suffering for our faith, as did our Lord. A Christian does not seek vengeance, as vengeance is Mine saith the Lord....do not seek vengeance but give place unto wrath (Romans 12:19). Its not the responsibility of the church to punish the wicked and avenge the righteous.......that is the duty of the God appointed governments of the world whom God has authorized to use the sword (i.e, the sentence of death) if necessary (Romans 13:1-4). A righteous government protects the innocent against the wicked.

"If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world (with Satan as its god -- 2 Cor. 4:4) the world would love its own; but, because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of this world (Christian salvation literally means called out of the world); therefore the world hates you." -- John 15:18-19

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake; for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven..." -- Matthew 5:10

You want to protect this nation against wickedness and inhumane acts of violence? Elect righteous government agents.
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My "new" religion? What do you think you know about me?

your o p ...

Many Atheists are content, smetimes even giddy with supporting abuses and injustice as they have decided that "number one at all costs" (to others) is a more important belief to them than the blessing/saving of their soul after they pass.

good luck w/ your blessing/saving your soul after you pass, hopefully the atheists will not be asked for a commentary regarding your judgement.

the "Many" is doubtfull to help you ...
The individual Christian cannot escape the evil that is in this world.....

good luck for you as well - christian.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - at least they died trying ... too bad they left that out of the 4th century c-bible / christian religion.
good luck for you as well - christian.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - at least they died trying ... too bad they left that out of the 4th century c-bible / christian religion.
More ad hominem hatred? LAMO :abgg2q.jpg: You never prove anything..........it requires dramamine the way you keep going in circles while documenting nothing. :th_spinspin:

Jesus was a Jew, He was born of a woman, born under the law........and sinned not. (Gal. 4:4). Jesus lived from birth without sin under the terms of the Law of Moses. Jesus became Sin for the world in order to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. (2 Cor. 5:21) "Jesus came to fulfill the Law.......not destroy it" as you are suggesting. (Matthew 5:17)

The scriptures debunk your ad hominem BS.......and you are yet to disprove one verse found in the word of God.

Look at ME.............I NEED ATTENTION. :eusa_boohoo:
The individual Christian cannot escape the evil that is in this world.....

- you are one lost puppy ...

Jesus was a Jew,
jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - at least they died trying ... too bad they left that out of the 4th century c-bible / christian religion.

no, they were not a jew - among other disqualifications hereditary idolatry was one of them ... jesus knew inclusion was the path for remission to paradise.

c-154 really needs a day without sin (the desert religions) not so hard ... one day at a time.
- you are one lost puppy ...

no, they were not a jew - among other disqualifications hereditary idolatry was one of them ... jesus knew inclusion was the path for remission to paradise.

c-154 really needs a day without sin (the desert religions) not so hard ... one day at a time.
Excuse Me while I look for my Dramamine........... Let's go in a straight line instead of circles. :link:

Please provide the sources of your knowledge concerning Jesus Christ's history that allows you to access knowledge as to how Jesus conducted His life on earth. You never provide any sources of references that produce objectives evidences as does the recorded history in the Holy Bible.........but........ITS OTHERS THAT ARE LOST PUPPIES?

Reality: There is no other documented source in existence that compares to the New Testament record in number of documents. There are over 24,000 ancient copies of the N.T. in whole or in parts. The earliest known copy of N.T. text is proven to date 25 years after its original writing.

Source: Sir Frederic Kenyon. Quote: "No other collection of ancient books has anything such as the plentiful eyewitness testimonies in their text, and no "UNBIASED SCHOLAR" would deny that the text that come down to us in history is substantially sound." Frederic G. Kenyon - Wikipedia

We are sure...........with all your scholastic achievements, YOU, with all your self professed wisdom and knowledge hold multiple degrees as a "palaegrapher" with a work history that includes multiple decades with the British Museum.

Palaegrapher: one who studies ancient forms of writing through scientific means. :deal:
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Please provide the sources of your knowledge concerning Jesus Christ's history ... You never provide any sources of references that produce objectives evidences as does the recorded history in the Holy Bible.........but........ITS OTHERS THAT ARE LOST PUPPIES?

the religion of antiquity, what is important is spoken, passed down from the time of a&e to the present - jesus and their teachings during the 1st century liberation theology, self determination reflect the prescribed religion and recorded through speech by those that gave their lives during that time to the present day as all matters of religion.

necessary as the 4th century christian bible written by the crucifiers removed those teachings for their own when writing their book ...

provide the archives of materials they used to write the christian bible, to date does not exist - or any other timely original document preserved for their purposes - there are non.

The individual Christian cannot escape the evil that is in this world....

what you may have meant perhaps is not clear - as the heavenly command is not to escape but triumph over evil - a&e for their remission to the everlasting through self determination to become equals as those already there ... than a presence of servitude and denial.
the religion of antiquity, what is important is spoken, passed down from the time of a&e to the present - jesus and their teachings during the 1st century liberation theology, self determination reflect the prescribed religion and recorded through speech by those that gave their lives during that time to the present day as all matters of religion. necessary as the 4th century christian bible written by the crucifiers removed those teachings for their own when writing their book ... provide the archives of materials they used to write the christian bible, to date does not exist - or any other timely original document preserved for their purposes - there are non. what you may have meant perhaps is not clear - as the heavenly command is not to escape but triumph over evil - a&e for their remission to the everlasting through self determination to become equals as those already there ... than a presence of servitude and denial.
the religion of antiquity, what is important is spoken, passed down from the time of a&e to the present - jesus and their teachings during the 1st century liberation theology, self determination reflect the prescribed religion and recorded through speech by those that gave their lives during that time to the present day as all matters of religion. necessary as the 4th century christian bible written by the crucifiers removed those teachings for their own when writing their book ... provide the archives of materials they used to write the christian bible, to date does not exist - or any other timely original document preserved for their purposes - there are non. what you may have meant perhaps is not clear - as the heavenly command is not to escape but triumph over evil - a&e for their remission to the everlasting through self determination to become equals as those already there ... than a presence of servitude and denial.
the religion of antiquity, what is important is spoken, passed down from the time of a&e to the present - jesus and their teachings during the 1st century liberation theology, self determination reflect the prescribed religion and recorded through speech by those that gave their lives during that time to the present day as all matters of religion. necessary as the 4th century christian bible written by the crucifiers removed those teachings for their own when writing their book ... provide the archives of materials they used to write the christian bible, to date does not exist - or any other timely original document preserved for their purposes - there are non. what you may have meant perhaps is not clear - as the heavenly command is not to escape but triumph over evil - a&e for their remission to the everlasting through self determination to become equals as those already there ... than a presence of servitude and denial.
the religion of antiquity, what is important is spoken, passed down from the time of a&e to the present - jesus and their teachings during the 1st century liberation theology, self determination reflect the prescribed religion and recorded through speech by those that gave their lives during that time to the present day as all matters of religion. necessary as the 4th century christian bible written by the crucifiers removed those teachings for their own when writing their book ... provide the archives of materials they used to write the christian bible, to date does not exist - or any other timely original document preserved for their purposes - there are non. what you may have meant perhaps is not clear - as the heavenly command is not to escape but triumph over evil - a&e for their remission to the everlasting through self determination to become equals as those already there ... than a presence of servitude and denial.
The story is obviously about race; she called him "Lord" (exhibiting faith) and he still ignored her and called her a dog.
Why tax the churches? The federal government has spent over 22 trillion on the supposed "war on poverty" since the 60s......with the poverty index barely moving. In fact the government has spent more on this fake war than all the military wars of US HISTORY combined which is less than 10 trillion dollars. Today.........counting, local, state, and federal taxes the government collects over 9 trillion dollars a year, and still declares its going bankrupt. The federal government alone collects 4.8 -5.7 Trillion in payroll and income taxes. The US does not have a tax problem.........it has a piss poor management problem because the career politicians have figured out they can purchase votes with THE PEOPLES MONEY. www.usgovernmentrevenue.com/current_revenue
the religion of antiquity, what is important is spoken, passed down from the time of a&e to the present - jesus and their teachings during the 1st century liberation theology, self determination reflect the prescribed religion and recorded through speech by those that gave their lives during that time to the present day as all matters of religion. necessary as the 4th century christian bible written by the crucifiers removed those teachings for their own when writing their book ... provide the archives of materials they used to write the christian bible, to date does not exist - or any other timely original document preserved for their purposes - there are non. what you may have meant perhaps is not clear - as the heavenly command is not to escape but triumph over evil - a&e for their remission to the everlasting through self determination to become equals as those already there ... than a presence of servitude and denial.

the religion of antiquity, what is important is spoken, passed down from the time of a&e to the present - jesus and their teachings during the 1st century liberation theology, self determination reflect the prescribed religion and recorded through speech by those that gave their lives during that time to the present day as all matters of religion.

necessary as the 4th century christian bible written by the crucifiers removed those teachings for their own when writing their book ...

provide the archives of materials they used to write the christian bible, to date does not exist - or any other timely original document preserved for their purposes - there are non.

what you may have meant perhaps is not clear - as the heavenly command is not to escape but triumph over evil - a&e for their remission to the everlasting through self determination to become equals as those already there ... than a presence of servitude and denial.

All men sin willfully, there are none righteous (Romans 3:10-12)....as Paul quotes from the Old Law. What was presented is what is intended to be presented, as confirmed by the Word of God by Book, Chapter and Verse.

Jesus came to earth as God incarnate in order to fulfill the requirements of the Law and the Prophets, Jesus fulfilled the Law both as a teacher of the Law and a Doer of the Law from cradle to grave.(Matt. 22:35-40) The Law had no permanent remedy for sin......Until the Blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

You are correct on one point.....Jesus gave the world HOPE and LIBERTY from the Law of Moses. When there is no Law sin cannot exist.......Jesus nailed the Law to His Cross (Gol.2:14). As Paul asked.......What then...are we free to sin because there is no written commandments to obey under the Covenant of Grace? He explains Sin existed upon earth even before the Law, but sin cannot be imputed when no law exists (Rom. 5:13). The Law brought wrath upon men (Rom. 4:15)

He explained that the Law always ended in wrath because all men choose to sin (Eccl. 7:20, Rom. 5:12-31).........but Jesus purchased the cure for sin with His sacrifice in taking the sin of the world upon Himself (2 Cor. 5:21) Do we have a get out of jail free card? No declares Paul.....we freely chose to be accountable to the Law of Jesus Christ......or you remain lost to the Old Law written on stone tablets (1 Cor. 9:21)

What is the commandment of Jesus Christ? There is one.......that encompasses all others, "If you Love Me.....KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS (John 14:15-31)

Without Jesus there is no hope, no cure for sin (Eph. 2:12)......if you say you have no sin, you are a liar......the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8)....the only original Apostle of Christ where there is no documented cause of death.
All men sin willfully, there are none righteous (Romans 3:10-12)

- using the 4th century christian bible is simply throwing gas on a fire deliberately lit by the crucifiers ...

that must be you who sins willfully - that is not the case for many as the 1st century attests. jesus and their true adherents.
It is that simple in my opinion. Many Atheists are content, smetimes even giddy with supporting abuses and injustice as they have decided that "number one at all costs" (to others) is a more important belief to them than the blessing/saving of their soul after they pass. These are such critical tenets to G_d and religion that if a person who says the are religious dismisses injustice and human rights, for all intents and purposes the are Atheists. Agree or not?

Do you include human rights for gays and transexuals?

They have been around for thousands of years.


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