If you hate Islam but supported Iraq......

Are you buying into rdean's conspiracy theory that we deliberately set up a theocracy in Iraq?

Even if that is true, religions are not the same as people, something most lefties have trouble understanding.

excellent non answer.

Because it was a non-question.

uh, no, it was a definite question.

How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

see? you wanna take a crack at it?
Ladies and gents be prepared for an amazing display of rhetorical acrobatics.

That's invariably what happens when I ask this question. It's easier now as the Islamophobes can deny they ever supported Iraq.

you fucked up your question when you slapped the label "Islamophobes" onto the back of the query. See, most of us know how demonRats operate, they don't want so much to "know anything" or converse about anything" what they are looking for is a chance to paste some horrible label such as "racist" or "homophobe" or now for the newest "Islamophobe" onto their opponent. I look at a question like that followed by the accusation of "Islamophobe" and I then take a piss on it. Happy trails.

Quit avoiding the question.

Do you think that there can be a "moderate muslim"?
"After that went bust, it became about spreading democracy and our tactics for the overwhelming time we were there relied on creating a moderate Islamic state".

Well what would you rather have had? another government just like the one that was there?

That is not really the question here either. Feel free to start a separate thread on that issue if you want.

Do you think Islam is capable of being peaceful?
How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

For those who opposed the war: If you are in favor of liberty and equal rights how do you square that with opposing regimes that suppress liberty and represent the epitome in oppression and favoritism? How can you support human rights in Darfur but not in Baghdad?

The Left are the biggest fucking hypocrites ever to walk the planet.

The disconnect comes with using military force to secure liberty and equal rights in another nation.

Many people support human rights in Darfur, few people support military intervention to bring it about. I personally do not feel that is an appropriate use of our military resources or at the very least it should be a UN mission with America only making a component of the effort up.

I agree that those who oppose military intervention in Iraq while supporting military intervention in Darfur are hypocrites.

You question was relatively easy to answer.

Want to take a crack at mine (providing you think Islam can't be refined).
How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

For those who opposed the war: If you are in favor of liberty and equal rights how do you square that with opposing regimes that suppress liberty and represent the epitome in oppression and favoritism? How can you support human rights in Darfur but not in Baghdad?

The Left are the biggest fucking hypocrites ever to walk the planet.

it's okay for pro-choice groups to bash christians for having the audacity to support all life, yet when it comes to islam's treatment of women....crickets...

Non sequitur.

Care to address the OP?
For those who opposed the war: If you are in favor of liberty and equal rights how do you square that with opposing regimes that suppress liberty and represent the epitome in oppression and favoritism? How can you support human rights in Darfur but not in Baghdad?

The Left are the biggest fucking hypocrites ever to walk the planet.

it's okay for pro-choice groups to bash christians for having the audacity to support all life, yet when it comes to islam's treatment of women....crickets...

Non sequitur.

Care to address the OP?

well, considering i don't hate islam and i do believe there are moderate muslims, no i don't care to address the OP.

thanks for asking though.
Are you buying into rdean's conspiracy theory that we deliberately set up a theocracy in Iraq?

Even if that is true, religions are not the same as people, something most lefties have trouble understanding.

Uh no.

Did you bother to read the OP?

I am speaking directly to the people who think that there is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim".

Who are those people that don't believe there are moderate Muslims?

I am waiting for them to produce themselves. So far crickets or attempts to derail a legit thread with a legit question.

But to be certain, this is a "shoe fits" issue. If you truly believe that Islam is not inherently evil and is capable of setting up a moderate state and supported our efforts in Iraq, then the OP doesn't really pertain to you.

As much as people would like to make it appear otherwise, this isn't a wholesale "bash the war supporters thread".

Rather, it is a question directed to a distinct group of people who I think are functioning with a high degree of cognitive dissonance.
it's okay for pro-choice groups to bash christians for having the audacity to support all life, yet when it comes to islam's treatment of women....crickets...

Non sequitur.

Care to address the OP?

well, considering i don't hate islam and i do believe there are moderate muslims, no i don't care to address the OP.

thanks for asking though.

If you believe that, I wasn't really asking you.

Thanks for playing anyways.
great post.

i'm going to start one:

if you're a racist teabagger that hates ******* but watch the nfl...

i'd probably get the same response you're getting.
great post.

i'm going to start one:

if you're a racist teabagger that hates ******* but watch the nfl...

i'd probably get the same response you're getting.

not even close. he asked a legitimate question.

like he said, thanks for playing

The visceral reaction that this question evokes from some people leads me to doubt the sincerity of the claims of "I don't hate Islam".
great post.

i'm going to start one:

if you're a racist teabagger that hates ******* but watch the nfl...

i'd probably get the same response you're getting.

not even close. he asked a legitimate question.

like he said, thanks for playing

The visceral reaction that this question evokes from some people leads me to doubt the sincerity of the claims of "I don't hate Islam".

i'd answer, but i don't qualify.

i didn't support the war and i'm not an islamaphobe.

i voted for bush in 2000 for two reasons. he said he wouldn't engage in nation building and he wasn't al gore.

fool me once...
How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

i'm pos repping you for this.

there really isn't a rational answer, as far as i can figure. the only wiggle-out I can find would be, "even though Islam is inherently evil doesn't mean it can't govern effectively". but even that's stretching it.
not even close. he asked a legitimate question.

like he said, thanks for playing

The visceral reaction that this question evokes from some people leads me to doubt the sincerity of the claims of "I don't hate Islam".

i'd answer, but i don't qualify.

i didn't support the war and i'm not an islamaphobe.

i voted for bush in 2000 for two reasons. he said he wouldn't engage in nation building and he wasn't al gore.

fool me once...

I am the same way (though I wrote Harry Truman in as opposed to voting for Bush). I opposed the war (privately as I was on active duty at the time), but I don't think Islam is inherently evil.

The people who think Islam is inherently evil but gave George Bush a blank check for seven years baffle me. Essentially, they were tossing us to slaughter on what they believed was a fools errand. For what purpose? Political expediency? Did they just not think it through?

There are plenty of Islam haters on this board. You can see there threads here. I am not surprised they won't bite at this issue. It's inconvenient when someone points out duplicity.

Something novel on this thread are the people insisting that my question is not really a question, though it's pretty straightforward (or at least straight forward enough for an honest person to understand).
great post.

i'm going to start one:

if you're a racist teabagger that hates ******* but watch the nfl...

i'd probably get the same response you're getting.

not even close. he asked a legitimate question.

like he said, thanks for playing

The visceral reaction that this question evokes from some people leads me to doubt the sincerity of the claims of "I don't hate Islam".

i could care less if you believe whether or not i hate islam.

your question was absurd. call some people out by name instead of just begging for people to respond. it's as if you think you've proved some point by not getting any responses. if you know who the islam haters are, call them out.
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How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

i'm pos repping you for this.

there really isn't a rational answer, as far as i can figure. the only wiggle-out I can find would be, "even though Islam is inherently evil doesn't mean it can't govern effectively". but even that's stretching it.

Thanks for the rep. Even with your rational answer, it only means that (if you go with this rationale) we used American life and treasure to create a nation that is invariably going to facilitate more attacks on us.
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not even close. he asked a legitimate question.

like he said, thanks for playing

The visceral reaction that this question evokes from some people leads me to doubt the sincerity of the claims of "I don't hate Islam".

i could care less if you believe whether or not i hate islam.

your question was absurd. call some people out by name instead of just begging for people to respond. it's as if you think you've proved some point by not getting any responses.

I realize you've been here a whole month and have it all figured out.

Your objections are duly noted.

No quite mucking up a legitimate thread. If you don't want to play, take your ball and go elsewhere. No one cares for your criticisms on the parameters of how I couched the question.
More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." - Mann Coulter, 9/14/2001​

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