If you have visited overseas, what was the most anoying features of the furreners?

Them furriners are confunding, Why?

  • the english don't speek english

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • The alphabets are strange

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Their road manners are insane

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Squid, snails, frogs, sea urchins? Can't they cook a decent hamburger?

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • They get really uptight about the damnedest things

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • The money makes no sense

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I took the language for four years and college. Can't they speek their own language?

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
I hated all the "Hey, Joe" venders around Fleet Landing in Naples, Italy. They don't understand the word "NO".
I travel to Mexico about 2 weeks a year.
Mexicans work harder than Americans.
Mexicans understand the value of $ better than Americans.
Mexicans do not bitch and moan like Americans.
Mexicans do not demand health care as a benefit like Americans.
Mexican children are better behaved than American children.
Mexicans are cleaner people than Americans.
Last but not least:
Mexican beer is far better than American beer.
Driving in Italy and Croatia was insane. I had a little trouble in England..but people drove well. The Greeks are about the rudest people in the world..thus far.
Try driving in Jamaica!! The road to Negril before they widened it about 10 years ago was insane.
I've loved traveling all over Europe. People are very kind and helpful for the most part.
I suppose if people expect things to be as they are in America or demand that, they might have problems, and rightfully so.
I have been overseas on several occasions. there were lots of weird shocks. If you have gone overseas, what was the weirdest thing for you?

When I was in nam, young boys themselves (8-12), would bring their tiny sisters (5-12) up and want to prostitute them off to you.

And when in Saigon, I went to the Cholon district where the discriminated-against Chinese lived in colvert pipes along the river & docks. I took it from the taxi driver they were despised.
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The worst drivers on the planet are in India. Brakes are unknown and the vehicles are so overloaded the suspensions fail on them within days. In Chennai the Daily Hindu reported in 2001 (the last time I was there) that they were pleased to announce that there had been only 127 fatalities on the bus system that year! A new low.

Nobody in Europe has ever expected me to act that way. Maybe you have personal issues that made them think you would act that way.

Nope, I just kept getting, "you don't look or act like most American tourists... They're usually obnoxious assholes"

I've never had anybody say that to me and I've been to three European countries and one in South America.

Me neither. 70 plus countries and have never had that said. Been shot at too! But not in the US.
Try driving in Jamaica!! The road to Negril before they widened it about 10 years ago was insane.

I've driven that road 20 years back.
In England, my major complaint is that they all speak some funny language that bears little resemblance to English and they laughed at my accent. My accent? I don't have an accent.Driving there tokk some getting used to, but at least in a car, I had a reference. Sitting on the wrong side of the car, driving on the wrong side of the road was easier to get used to.
In Jamaica, I rented a motorcycle. No point of reference. I pulled out of Ricks, headed East and every single person headed the other way was idiotically driving on the wrong side.
The only thing wrong with France is that it's full of French people.

England was great. loved it there, except they had mad cow, so you couldn't get a good steak.

Greece was probably the best.

Italy was dirty. Out nickname for Naples was the armpit of the Med.

Spain was good. You got sangrias like water

Egypt, good lord. the gold was cheap. Alexandria was the anus of the Med. That country truly was just some place they kept icons of former glory around. Unless you have been there, you wouldn't believe what I would say I saw.
Nobody in Europe has ever expected me to act that way. Maybe you have personal issues that made them think you would act that way.

Nope, I just kept getting, "you don't look or act like most American tourists... They're usually obnoxious assholes"

I was stationed in the EU for 2 years

so I know you're a lying cock sucker.
Mexico is a mixed bag of jumping beans. The people along the border are standoffish, but down the Baja they are pretty nice and helpful to you. I had much more resentment from Indians than I ever did in Mexico.

Raw fish, abalone, turtle chunks sold along the beaches. Take a stick & dip a chunk in the hot sauce. Lobster dinners much cheaper than the thin sliced steaks.
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Biggest surprise - The large number of English speaking people in every corner of the world.
Some of the Englishmen I encountered in London got offended when I referred to them as Europeans. They need to get over that shit. They have a strait separating them from France but just because they refuse to use the Euro doesn't distinguish them that greatly from the rest of 'em.
I travel to Mexico about 2 weeks a year.
Mexicans work harder than Americans.
Mexicans understand the value of $ better than Americans.
Mexicans do not bitch and moan like Americans.
Mexicans do not demand health care as a benefit like Americans.
Mexican children are better behaved than American children.
Mexicans are cleaner people than Americans.
Last but not least:
Mexican beer is far better than American beer.

And live an average of 6 years less than we do. :eusa_whistle:

Did you base your observations from your visit to resorts? I have been to real towns and neighborhoods in Mexico and found several of your observations to be total BS.

Personally I think America is the best nation in the world and the American workers are the best as well.
When I was in nam, young boys themselves (8-12), would bring their tiny sisters (5-12) up and want to prostitute them off to you.
That is sad.

On field maneuvers in Manila in the 50s there were filipino girls who visited our gun emplacements after dark. They weren't 12 years old and some of them were really beautiful. The the price for a stroll in the boondocks was a spent brass casing from a 105mm howitzer round.

I recall after securing our position and cleaning up the First Sergeant was raising hell about the ". . . goddam filipinos got in here and stole 22 casings!" :eusa_angel:
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Actually laws are the main things that piss me off, the local authorities just expect you to know them on the top of your head like you have lived there all your life or something. :eusa_eh:
Japanese also drive on the wrong side of the road.

Must be an island thing.
The deal is, what was the biggest surprise that met you when you visited overseas. everyone has expectations, and it is never what you think.

Actually it is an optical illusion, because when you are in Japan you are upside down. I tested this theory with Pacific clams that I carried in a dark box to Japan. At the opportune moment when the sun was rising in the NY Eastern skies, I opened up the box in Japan darkness and all of clams were indeed open, and upside down, pointing in the wrong direction and backward.

So when in japan, up is down and down is up, and both are backward unless you are looking in a mirror. I hope that solves that road illusion he was having.:eusa_angel:

And I would explain how water spirals in different directions in Japan & the USA, but that is a little more complex physics going on, but it indeed has a black hole in a 2nd parallel dimension with reversed magnetic fields. The Japanese fish are real dizzy.
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