*If You Love America* *You Won't Shut Up*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. If you really, really love America, you won't shut up about Islam, and its evil heritage and what it is doing to the world and America.
2. For CWN, "I won't shut up".:eusa_hand:
3. If Obama and his lynch men threaten to round us up, tell them to "Bring it on."
4. The constitution of America is worth defending and depending on.
5. If we believe in it and honor it, it will protect us from evil leaders, in honoring it, it shall honor us in the end.
6. No court will ever be able to take away our rights.
7. If it does then revolution is all that's left.:eusa_hand:
8. If my free speech rights are impinged by this administration, America deserves better, and he and everything he set up should go.

If you feel that strongly about it, buy some air time and go on the radio and condemn Islam. Nobody's stopping you.
Sorry bout that,

1. If you really, really love America, you won't shut up about Islam, and its evil heritage and what it is doing to the world and America.
2. For CWN, "I won't shut up".:eusa_hand:
3. If Obama and his lynch men threaten to round us up, tell them to "Bring it on."
4. The constitution of America is worth defending and depending on.
5. If we believe in it and honor it, it will protect us from evil leaders, in honoring it, it shall honor us in the end.
6. No court will ever be able to take away our rights.
7. If it does then revolution is all that's left.:eusa_hand:
8. If my free speech rights are impinged by this administration, America deserves better, and he and everything he set up should go.


I have always spoken up about Islam and will continue to speak about Islam. Nothing is changing for me here because I didn't slam Muslims before ( cursing at them or calling them ragheads, etc ) and I am not slamming them now.

I am addressing the source of the problem which is Islam not people. Any person can be misled by a wrong doctrine - the trouble lies not with the individuals here but with the source instead. I know some here who use the slang names to bash Muslims - I wasn't doing that before so why would I start now? I make it very clear the god they serve is not my God ( God of the bible ) and their book is not compatible with our Constitution.

I found out yesterday there is a civil rights for Muslims law being introduced or something to that effect. If it doesn't abide by what our founding fathers laid out it would be unconstitutional. I really don't know the details about it. - Jeri
Why should anybody love an individual country? Love what is right when it is right, and condemn what is wrong when it is wrong.
Sorry bout that,

I don't love America, but I'm still going to point out how much it sucks.


1. Yeah we understand.
2. You live in a shit hole leftist wankersville.
3. All you want to do there is survive, we get it!
4. Most of the north east does suck.
5. This part of America isn't like that place.

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Sorry bout that,

Why should anybody love an individual country? Love what is right when it is right, and condemn what is wrong when it is wrong.

1. There are all sorts of *love* I don't mean like "Hey lets get married", love.
2. I'm too tired to explain why I love my Country, you try and figure it out yourself.

Not even obama can put half the nation in prison for insult to islam.

Don't shut up or you will end up like the Swedish.
Sorry bout that,

1. If you really, really love America, you won't shut up about Islam, and its evil heritage and what it is doing to the world and America.
2. For CWN, "I won't shut up".:eusa_hand:
3. If Obama and his lynch men threaten to round us up, tell them to "Bring it on."
4. The constitution of America is worth defending and depending on.
5. If we believe in it and honor it, it will protect us from evil leaders, in honoring it, it shall honor us in the end.
6. No court will ever be able to take away our rights.
7. If it does then revolution is all that's left.:eusa_hand:
8. If my free speech rights are impinged by this administration, America deserves better, and he and everything he set up should go.


Loving America is not about hating a religion and a billion or so people. Get ahold of yourself. By all means, say what you want, just don't bitch about it if other people disagree with you and also say what they want. And don't let your over-developed sense of drama get the better of you.
Sorry bout that,

1. If anything is possible we have to get the lib-nuts out of power, hook or crook, they are America's worst enemy right now.
2. Islamic immigration has to be ended, and reversed.
3. If not, kiss America goodbye!

I'll make signs in protest islam and scream in a bull horn if they keep this shit up!

I figured you were already locked in a small room screaming to yourself. They don't make bullhorns big enough to make an idiot like you relevant, douchebag.
I was never really too worried until I read about that school allowing muslims to pray during school hours...yet christians or other religions cannot.
I think everyone should be treated the same. There shouldn't be special privledges for anyone. I refuse to comply with Sharia.
I hope people really rally round getting that school to cease this insanity. Otherwise, let ALL religions in.

Like the OP said....time to speak up. LOUDLY.

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