If You Love Peace, Become a "Blue Republican" (Just for a Year)


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
The world lost its goodwill toward the USA when Americans voted for George W. Bush the second time around.

I don't endorse the idea that American politics should be dictated by foreign opinions but a reading of the foreign press over the last six years reveals that the first election of President Bush Jr. was largely excused around the world since no one could have known what this new president was going to do.
Moreover, America arguably didn't vote for him anyway in 2000.

However, the second election President Bush was not excused, because by 2004, the modus operandi of the Bush administration was clear. He wanted to 1) conduct wars against countries that did not threaten us (e.g. Iraq), 2) oversee large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Halliburton), 3) establish a legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) establish a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc... )

The more-or-less global delight upon Obama's election in 2008 followed largely from the hope that Americans had realized what a mistake they had made with Bush's second term and were therefore voting against the egregious actions of the then Republican establishment.

Robin Koerner: If You Love Peace, Become a "Blue Republican" (Just for a Year)

Interesting article for the anti-war left and pro-civil liberties progressives.
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Blue Republican
The world lost its goodwill toward the USA when Americans voted for George W. Bush the second time around.

I don't endorse the idea that American politics should be dictated by foreign opinions but a reading of the foreign press over the last six years reveals that the first election of President Bush Jr. was largely excused around the world since no one could have known what this new president was going to do.
Moreover, America arguably didn't vote for him anyway in 2000.

However, the second election President Bush was not excused, because by 2004, the modus operandi of the Bush administration was clear. He wanted to 1) conduct wars against countries that did not threaten us (e.g. Iraq), 2) oversee large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Halliburton), 3) establish a legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) establish a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc... )

The more-or-less global delight upon Obama's election in 2008 followed largely from the hope that Americans had realized what a mistake they had made with Bush's second term and were therefore voting against the egregious actions of the then Republican establishment.

Robin Koerner: If You Love Peace, Become a "Blue Republican" (Just for a Year)

Interesting article for the anti-war left and pro-civil liberties progressives.

After reading the article, the comments below were very interesting. Especially this one:

"There is no difference between Democrats and Republican**s."
10 areas off the top of my head where they differ:

1. Abortion rights.
2. Stem cell research.
3. Taxes.
4. Social programs.
5. Intelligen*t Design.
6. Global warming.
7. Oil independen*ce.
8. Unions.
9. Gay marriage.
10. "Big" government*.

I especially liked this part from the Article:

However, the second election President Bush was not excused, because by 2004, the modus operandi of the Bush administration was clear. He wanted to 1) conduct wars against countries that did not threaten us (e.g. Iraq), 2) oversee large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Halliburton), 3) establish a legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) establish a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc... )

Now the author tries to compare Obama to Bush. Only since Obama became president, the number of government workers has dropped by what? Oh, around 500,000?
The world lost its goodwill toward the USA when Americans voted for George W. Bush the second time around.

I don't endorse the idea that American politics should be dictated by foreign opinions but a reading of the foreign press over the last six years reveals that the first election of President Bush Jr. was largely excused around the world since no one could have known what this new president was going to do.
Moreover, America arguably didn't vote for him anyway in 2000.

However, the second election President Bush was not excused, because by 2004, the modus operandi of the Bush administration was clear. He wanted to 1) conduct wars against countries that did not threaten us (e.g. Iraq), 2) oversee large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Halliburton), 3) establish a legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) establish a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc... )

The more-or-less global delight upon Obama's election in 2008 followed largely from the hope that Americans had realized what a mistake they had made with Bush's second term and were therefore voting against the egregious actions of the then Republican establishment.

Robin Koerner: If You Love Peace, Become a "Blue Republican" (Just for a Year)

Interesting article for the anti-war left and pro-civil liberties progressives.

After reading the article, the comments below were very interesting. Especially this one:

"There is no difference between Democrats and Republican**s."
10 areas off the top of my head where they differ:

1. Abortion rights.
2. Stem cell research.
3. Taxes.
4. Social programs.
5. Intelligen*t Design.
6. Global warming.
7. Oil independen*ce.
8. Unions.
9. Gay marriage.
10. "Big" government*.

I especially liked this part from the Article:

However, the second election President Bush was not excused, because by 2004, the modus operandi of the Bush administration was clear. He wanted to 1) conduct wars against countries that did not threaten us (e.g. Iraq), 2) oversee large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Halliburton), 3) establish a legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) establish a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc... )

Now the author tries to compare Obama to Bush. Only since Obama became president, the number of government workers has dropped by what? Oh, around 500,000?

The 1-10 list from the comment you pasted are all campaign buzz words that helps one party or the other with their base, but they never seem to do anything about when in power. The reason this is so is because both sides know that they need those issues to campaign on, and that if they actually did try to change them they would risk losing elections. So no, there is no difference, aside from rhetoric, between Democrats and Republicans.

So you dismiss the author's list where he compares the similarities between Bush and Obama by not addressing them at all.
Robin Koerner: If You Love Peace, Become a "Blue Republican" (Just for a Year)

Interesting article for the anti-war left and pro-civil liberties progressives.

After reading the article, the comments below were very interesting. Especially this one:

"There is no difference between Democrats and Republican**s."
10 areas off the top of my head where they differ:

1. Abortion rights.
2. Stem cell research.
3. Taxes.
4. Social programs.
5. Intelligen*t Design.
6. Global warming.
7. Oil independen*ce.
8. Unions.
9. Gay marriage.
10. "Big" government*.

I especially liked this part from the Article:

However, the second election President Bush was not excused, because by 2004, the modus operandi of the Bush administration was clear. He wanted to 1) conduct wars against countries that did not threaten us (e.g. Iraq), 2) oversee large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Halliburton), 3) establish a legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) establish a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc... )

Now the author tries to compare Obama to Bush. Only since Obama became president, the number of government workers has dropped by what? Oh, around 500,000?

The 1-10 list from the comment you pasted are all campaign buzz words that helps one party or the other with their base, but they never seem to do anything about when in power. The reason this is so is because both sides know that they need those issues to campaign on, and that if they actually did try to change them they would risk losing elections. So no, there is no difference, aside from rhetoric, between Democrats and Republicans.

So you dismiss the author's list where he compares the similarities between Bush and Obama by not addressing them at all.

Wait a second, look at those ten points and tell me again no one does anything. What state just allowed gay marriage? Who is trying to bring ID into public schools? Who is slashing funding for education and research? Go ahead and ask the same questions of the other seven.

These are all a struggle between the two parties. You have anti education and anti science Republicans and everyone else. This is a huge struggle. Slash education, science, research and innovation and what will this country end up being? Think about it. Without those, what are we?
After reading the article, the comments below were very interesting. Especially this one:

"There is no difference between Democrats and Republican**s."
10 areas off the top of my head where they differ:

1. Abortion rights.
2. Stem cell research.
3. Taxes.
4. Social programs.
5. Intelligen*t Design.
6. Global warming.
7. Oil independen*ce.
8. Unions.
9. Gay marriage.
10. "Big" government*.

I especially liked this part from the Article:

However, the second election President Bush was not excused, because by 2004, the modus operandi of the Bush administration was clear. He wanted to 1) conduct wars against countries that did not threaten us (e.g. Iraq), 2) oversee large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Halliburton), 3) establish a legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) establish a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc... )

Now the author tries to compare Obama to Bush. Only since Obama became president, the number of government workers has dropped by what? Oh, around 500,000?

The 1-10 list from the comment you pasted are all campaign buzz words that helps one party or the other with their base, but they never seem to do anything about when in power. The reason this is so is because both sides know that they need those issues to campaign on, and that if they actually did try to change them they would risk losing elections. So no, there is no difference, aside from rhetoric, between Democrats and Republicans.

So you dismiss the author's list where he compares the similarities between Bush and Obama by not addressing them at all.

Wait a second, look at those ten points and tell me again no one does anything. What state just allowed gay marriage? Who is trying to bring ID into public schools? Who is slashing funding for education and research? Go ahead and ask the same questions of the other seven.

These are all a struggle between the two parties. You have anti education and anti science Republicans and everyone else. This is a huge struggle. Slash education, science, research and innovation and what will this country end up being? Think about it. Without those, what are we?

I'm referring to the federal level. Let's take abortion for example. Conservatives rally their base in essentially every campaign by declaring themselves to be pro-life, and that they'll go to Washington and take on Roe v. Wade. Think about how many conservatives have been elected on that rhetoric in the time since Roe was decided. Now has there ever even been a serious challenge to Roe? Of course not. Every one of those issues is just like abortion as I've just outlined. Maybe they'll fiddle with some small point here or there, but when it comes to the big picture nothing changes. So once again, no difference.

Still ignoring the similarities between Bush and Obama? Bailouts, war, abuses of civil liberties, torture, etc.. etc.. These are the issues that matter, and these are the issues where Bush and Obama are exactly the same. But you won't admit that.
Health care, financial regulations, SS, Medicare, United Nations, Min. wage etc, Etc.- Pubs are the most regressive, stupid, arrogant, UGLY AMERICAN POS party in the world...Great LIARS, salesman, propagandists, strong and wrong loudmouths though...Wake up, dupes...
Health care, financial regulations, SS, Medicare, United Nations, Min. wage etc, Etc.- Pubs are the most regressive, stupid, arrogant, UGLY AMERICAN POS party in the world...Great LIARS, salesman, propagandists, strong and wrong loudmouths though...Wake up, dupes...

Thank you for adding nothing to the discussion.
Both parties fight AlQaeda, of course. The Pubs AMAZINGLY stupidly- Iraq had NOTHING to do with it, a wonky Dem would have stopped 9/11. Boosh 8 years of catastophe in ALL respects....duh. Getting out of Iraq, Bin Laden killed...Obamahhhh.
Thank you for adding nothing to the discussion.

I'd love to see more people wake up to the reality of the situation - and outside the 'religious' partisans, it's starting to happen. But I'm not sure it'll ever be enough to matter. The Republocrats have most voters bamboozled by their puppet theater - each side happy to tag team with the other, taking their turn and pillaging our nation. They keep us distracted with the 'culture' wars while both sides gain more power, isolate more wealth for their sponsors, and enslave the nation a brick at a time. Sometimes it seems like the only question is how soon the 'frog' will jump out of the pot (the 'frog' being the few of us left who give a shit about freedom).
You guys remind me of the people who voted Green and got Boooosh- see any difference, fcs?

I have a lot of respect for those folks. I don't necessarily agree with the overall ideology of the Green movement, but they were at least principled enough to vote their conscience and refused to fall for the no-win 'lesser of two evil' bullshit.
Both parties fight AlQaeda, of course. The Pubs AMAZINGLY stupidly- Iraq had NOTHING to do with it, a wonky Dem would have stopped 9/11. Boosh 8 years of catastophe in ALL respects....duh. Getting out of Iraq, Bin Laden killed...Obamahhhh.

U.S. troops are still dying in Iraq. Care to try again?
If you can't tell the difference between Bush and Obama, you're a moron, just as much as the Tea partiers who think Obama's a Kenyan Muslim marxist...

How do they differ on foreign policy? They both started wars against nations that have committed no aggression against the U.S.

How do they differ on bailouts? They both gave taxpayer money to the corporate interests that fund their campaigns.

How do they differ on civil liberties? They both supported the Patriot Act and keeping Guantanamo Bay open, not to mention all the other secret prisons around the globe.

How do they differ on torture? Obama just uses rendition rather than having Americans do it for him, but uses "state secrets" to protect those in the Bush administration who did commit torture.

Face it, Obama is no different than Bush.
You guys remind me of the people who voted Green and got Boooosh- see any difference, fcs?

You remind me of a person who voted Obama and got stuck with Bush's third term, but can't admit that you were lied to by a Democrat so you have to defend the very policies you hated under a Republican.

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