If You Love Peace, Become a "Blue Republican" (Just for a Year)

How do they differ on foreign policy? They both started wars against nations that have committed no aggression against the U.S.

Indeed, in foreign policy they’re very similar.

Once off the campaign trail and in the Oval Office, the rhetoric is gone and the reality of the Executive ‘Imperial Presidency’ manifests – with lots of help from the MIC.

Otherwise, there’s no reason why the right shouldn’t love Obama – except for partisan.

I agree. The only reason many Republicans don't like Obama is because he's a Democrat.
"Indeed, in foreign policy they’re very similar."

Totally different diplomatic tone---Just because Obama is getting out of Iraq like Booosh SAID he would seems to be your idea...total BS. Pubs would have told Tunisia dictator and Mubarak to put it DOWN any way ya like, same with Booosh's pal Khaddaffi....and the arrogant tool would never coooperate and take second chair....NOT, NOT, NOT!!!
The world lost its goodwill toward the USA when Americans voted for George W. Bush the second time around.

I don't endorse the idea that American politics should be dictated by foreign opinions but a reading of the foreign press over the last six years reveals that the first election of President Bush Jr. was largely excused around the world since no one could have known what this new president was going to do.
Moreover, America arguably didn't vote for him anyway in 2000.

However, the second election President Bush was not excused, because by 2004, the modus operandi of the Bush administration was clear. He wanted to 1) conduct wars against countries that did not threaten us (e.g. Iraq), 2) oversee large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Halliburton), 3) establish a legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) establish a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc... )

The more-or-less global delight upon Obama's election in 2008 followed largely from the hope that Americans had realized what a mistake they had made with Bush's second term and were therefore voting against the egregious actions of the then Republican establishment.

Robin Koerner: If You Love Peace, Become a "Blue Republican" (Just for a Year)

Interesting article for the anti-war left and pro-civil liberties progressives.

LMAO!!!...(Or why not just tell your friends that Bill Maher and Jon Stewart seem to have already gotten the message?)

Now THAT is funny! Both of them together couldn't come up with a sensible argument if they had to.
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The world lost its goodwill toward the USA when Americans voted for George W. Bush the second time around.

I don't endorse the idea that American politics should be dictated by foreign opinions but a reading of the foreign press over the last six years reveals that the first election of President Bush Jr. was largely excused around the world since no one could have known what this new president was going to do.
Moreover, America arguably didn't vote for him anyway in 2000.

However, the second election President Bush was not excused, because by 2004, the modus operandi of the Bush administration was clear. He wanted to 1) conduct wars against countries that did not threaten us (e.g. Iraq), 2) oversee large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Halliburton), 3) establish a legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) establish a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc... )

The more-or-less global delight upon Obama's election in 2008 followed largely from the hope that Americans had realized what a mistake they had made with Bush's second term and were therefore voting against the egregious actions of the then Republican establishment.

Robin Koerner: If You Love Peace, Become a "Blue Republican" (Just for a Year)

Interesting article for the anti-war left and pro-civil liberties progressives.

LMAO!!!...(Or why not just tell your friends that Bill Maher and Jon Stewart seem to have already gotten the message?)

Now THAT is funny! Both of them together couldn't come up with a sensible argument if they had to.

I've always found Jon Stewart to be reasonable, not really familiar with Maher.
"I agree. The only reason many Republicans don't like Obama is because he's a Democrat.
Sure, and that's the main reason many Democrats say they do like him.

Put an 'R' after his name and they'd tear him a new asshole."

Not. POLICY- boy you guys are teetering into Pubdupedom next...the folly of youth...lol.
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Next you' ll give up on gov't and be a Pub Dupe...don't say I didn't warn you...


Why do you want to depend on gov't.
What do they do for you?
How much of Obama's "stash" do you receive monthly?
You really NEED the gov't's tit to survive???

You are pathetic
You don't know? Well I AM a history teacher...How do they differ on foreign policy? They both started wars against nations that have committed no aggression against the U.S.

Obama- not wars- police actions-duh.

How do they differ on bailouts? They both gave taxpayer money to the corporate interests that fund their campaigns.

Pub corps pollute and screw workers

How do they differ on civil liberties? They both supported the Patriot Act and keeping Guantanamo Bay open, not to mention all the other secret prisons around the globe.

Obama brought back warrants, MUCH fewer renditions, no torture by US.Tried to close Gitmo.

Are you being disengenuous? And domestically- EXACT OPPOSITES...

I pity your students.

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