If you met God... What would you do next?


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
Imagine that you're walking along and suddenly, everything around you freezes... you remain wholly animated, lucid and free to move; but all around you, every other facet of your existence is apparently frozen.

Before you appears another person... nondescript; whatever would appear to you as something you could never be threatened by, would instinctively trust and not confuse as someone with whom you have some experience or would have ever known.

This person's voice is calm and invokes comfort, confidence and trust. They explain to you that you are safe, will not be harmed, that your consciousness has been accelerated to perceive them in a span of time for which, ordinarily, your brain is incapable of accounting. That the events that you're presently witnessing are occurring within a infinitesimal moment of your life, an otherwise imperceptible sliver of a second.

You find yourself calm, without fear or concern and wonder who this is and why they are speaking to you, but while you do not know them, you trust them.

The person then informs you that they are God and have come to you to assure you that they exist, that you are their child and that they're there to answer all of your questions, so that you can from the next moment, spend the rest of your life on this earth, knowing the truth and live your life free of worry and want.

It then gives you the opportunity to ask it whatever you will, answers all of your greatest curiosities, tells you who shot Kennedy; allowing you to see it as it happened, listening to all of the various discussions leading up to it... you experience JFKs thoughts in his final moments; along with the thoughts of all of the respective players, relevant to his life at that moment; you understand... .

You're on the Moon with Armstrong and Aldrin. You're in the head of Elvis, when he expires, you see him wherever he is at that moment. You experience the building of the great Pyramids... you're stepping out of a wooden launch onto a cold rocky shoreline, with you are members of your congregation, as you realize you have arrived at the end of your long journey... .

You witness the unimaginable light breaking the darkness at the moment our Universe is created.

EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know... you witness cold, lifeless matter morphing into anything you imagine, you instinctively understand the composition of sub-molecular space/time, comprehending the nature of nature at levels you could have never before imagined; THE UNIVERSE is made known to you; you know the meaning of life itself.

Then, as quickly as it came, without missing a step, your environment is seemingly reanimated, as your mind synchronizes with our pace of time... you recall the events entirely, everything you experienced is fully intact in your mind.

ASSUMING that such occurred to you: Now what?
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If it was the god of islam or the christian god, id probably cuss him out.

If it were a different, all good god, id probably ask a lot of questions.
If it was the god of islam or the christian god, id probably cuss him out.

If it were a different, all good god, id probably ask a lot of questions.

I'd like to thank the obama constituency for lending its voice.

I would also like to congratulate them for what is, I am sure, the very BEST they could do! It's important to give one's best effort in such exercises.

... thank you.
If I met God I will tell him to show his face to the world so everybody will know him

If I met God I will tell him to show his face to the world so everybody will know him


God created humanity. You're part and parcel of humanity, therefore God shows his face, he also shows his presence, in you.

Yet you don't seem to recognize God. Hmm... I'm guessin' you feel that this too, is God's fault?

If I'm wrong, please tell me. I'm not tryin' to misrepresent what you've said, I am genuinely interested in know what you think... and more importantly, WHY you think it.
Imagine that you're walking along and suddenly, everything around you freezes... you remain wholly animated, lucid and free to move; but all around you, every other facet of your existence is apparently frozen.

Before you appears another person... nondescript; whatever would appear to you as something you could never be threatened by, would instinctively trust and not confuse as someone with whom you have some experience or would have ever known.

This person's voice is calm and invokes comfort, confidence and trust. They explain to you that you are safe, will not be harmed, that your consciousness has been accelerated to perceive them in a span of time for which, ordinarily, your brain is incapable of accounting. That the events that you're presently witnessing are occurring within a infinitesimal moment of your life, an otherwise imperceptible sliver of a second.

You find yourself calm, without fear or concern and wonder who this is and why they are speaking to you, but while you do not know them, you trust them.

The person then informs you that they are God and have come to you to assure you that they exist, that you are their child and that they're there to answer all of your questions, so that you can from the next moment, spend the rest of your life on this earth, knowing the truth and live your life free of worry and want.

It then gives you the opportunity to ask it whatever you will, answers all of your greatest curiosities, tells you who shot Kennedy; allowing you to see it as it happened, listening to all of the various discussions leading up to it... you experience JFKs thoughts in his final moments; along with the thoughts of all of the respective players, relevant to his life at that moment; you understand... .

You're on the Moon with Armstrong and Aldrin. You're in the head of Elvis, when he expires, you see him wherever he is at that moment. You experience the building of the great Pyramids... you're stepping out of a wooden launch onto a cold rocky shoreline, with you are members of your congregation, as you realize you have arrived at the end of your long journey... .

You witness the unimaginable light breaking the darkness at the moment our Universe is created.

EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know... you witness cold, lifeless matter morphing into anything you imagine, you instinctively understand the composition of sub-molecular space/time, comprehending the nature of nature at levels you could have never before imagined; THE UNIVERSE is made known to you; you know the meaning of life itself.

Then, as quickly as it came, without missing a step, your environment is seemingly reanimated, as your mind synchronizes with our pace of time... you recall the events entirely, everything you experienced is fully intact in your mind.

ASSUMING that such occurred to you: Now what?

"They explain to you that you are safe, will not be harmed, that your consciousness has been accelerated to perceive them in a span of time for which, ordinarily, your brain is incapable of accounting."

Lemme guess, "Constantine?" :)

If I could be put into any moment in time, I'd wanna be a fly on the wall as it were witnessing my own conception and then birth. Have vagueries and general descriptions, but facts are good too. Was I planned, was the sex consensual? Being adopted, my birth-givers (parents are whoever actually raises you, not who makes you,) seem an unlikely pair from what I've been told. Specifics would be nice (without the stress of having to access records for real in which case one or both might know triggering past memories I don't wish to burden them with.)

If after this I could ask questions, I'd ask which if any of our religions best describes God's plan for us. Then ask if there are aliens, and how many other intelligent species are there in the universe. Purely an academic curiousity of mine. :)
Imagine that you're walking along and suddenly, everything around you freezes... you remain wholly animated, lucid and free to move; but all around you, every other facet of your existence is apparently frozen.

Before you appears another person... nondescript; whatever would appear to you as something you could never be threatened by, would instinctively trust and not confuse as someone with whom you have some experience or would have ever known.

This person's voice is calm and invokes comfort, confidence and trust. They explain to you that you are safe, will not be harmed, that your consciousness has been accelerated to perceive them in a span of time for which, ordinarily, your brain is incapable of accounting. That the events that you're presently witnessing are occurring within a infinitesimal moment of your life, an otherwise imperceptible sliver of a second.

You find yourself calm, without fear or concern and wonder who this is and why they are speaking to you, but while you do not know them, you trust them.

The person then informs you that they are God and have come to you to assure you that they exist, that you are their child and that they're there to answer all of your questions, so that you can from the next moment, spend the rest of your life on this earth, knowing the truth and live your life free of worry and want.

It then gives you the opportunity to ask it whatever you will, answers all of your greatest curiosities, tells you who shot Kennedy; allowing you to see it as it happened, listening to all of the various discussions leading up to it... you experience JFKs thoughts in his final moments; along with the thoughts of all of the respective players, relevant to his life at that moment; you understand... .

You're on the Moon with Armstrong and Aldrin. You're in the head of Elvis, when he expires, you see him wherever he is at that moment. You experience the building of the great Pyramids... you're stepping out of a wooden launch onto a cold rocky shoreline, with you are members of your congregation, as you realize you have arrived at the end of your long journey... .

You witness the unimaginable light breaking the darkness at the moment our Universe is created.

EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know... you witness cold, lifeless matter morphing into anything you imagine, you instinctively understand the composition of sub-molecular space/time, comprehending the nature of nature at levels you could have never before imagined; THE UNIVERSE is made known to you; you know the meaning of life itself.

Then, as quickly as it came, without missing a step, your environment is seemingly reanimated, as your mind synchronizes with our pace of time... you recall the events entirely, everything you experienced is fully intact in your mind.

ASSUMING that such occurred to you: Now what?

"They explain to you that you are safe, will not be harmed, that your consciousness has been accelerated to perceive them in a span of time for which, ordinarily, your brain is incapable of accounting."

Lemme guess, "Constantine?" :)

If I could be put into any moment in time, I'd wanna be a fly on the wall as it were witnessing my own conception and then birth. Have vagueries and general descriptions, but facts are good too. Was I planned, was the sex consensual? Being adopted, my birth-givers (parents are whoever actually raises you, not who makes you,) seem an unlikely pair from what I've been told. Specifics would be nice (without the stress of having to access records for real in which case one or both might know triggering past memories I don't wish to burden them with.)

If after this I could ask questions, I'd ask which if any of our religions best describes God's plan for us. Then ask if there are aliens, and how many other intelligent species are there in the universe. Purely an academic curiousity of mine. :)

You'd want to be a witness to your own conception?


Man, I peeked into my folks room once (I was in for it, having crossed yet another line and could hear what I thought was talking, so I figured I'd get an idea of what to expect.) What I saw, still haunts me to this day... suffice it to say, they were not talking, in the conversational sense.

Guys, the premise is that you have, during the 'experience' asked all of the questions you could possibly ask, having had what amounted to, literally, eternity, to ask; you have seen 'miracles' and been witness to irrefutable evidence of God's existence.

You've said everything to God that you could say, you now have no potential for any doubt that God exists.

The question is, that once you are again established in sync with our perception of time, having full recall of the totality of the experience:

Hoping that I asked enough questions that would affect a good many people across the globe, i would try to reach out to people and tell them what I learned from God and his Mercy..

Then I would go to the best movie director and producer I could find to make the most accurate portrayal of my experience. This movie I would hope could be sent around the world to let people know that God does exist, that HE loves us All and the information he gives me would prove to the scientists and scholars that my experience was true.
Option #1: "Why?" If the entity needs anything more than that it isn't truly "God"

Option #2: No words, just the most ruthless, severe, and brutal physical beating humanly possible.
I don't need to meet God to know He exists. He's not some fairy tale to me, though this appears to be the case with many so-called believers, who talk about God with one another like they talk about Santa with children.

In all honesty, I'd probably just keep living my life as I have been, though I'd certainly be mindful to commit fewer of the minor transgressions people commit in the course of their typical days--impatience etc.

If it was the god of islam or the christian god, id probably cuss him out.

If it were a different, all good god, id probably ask a lot of questions.

Say, "Hi, dad". :eusa_angel:

If I met God I will tell him to show his face to the world so everybody will know him

Thank Him/Her for creating life.

Tell him to take me with him because this world sucks.

I'd wanna be a fly on the wall as it were witnessing my own conception and then birth.

I would offer to buy him a beer. it's the least I could do.

Option #1: "Why?" If the entity needs anything more than that it isn't truly "God"

Option #2: No words, just the most ruthless, severe, and brutal physical beating humanly possible.

I love it when people don't read the OP all the way through, and instead respond to what they think the thread might be about.
I don't need to meet God to know He exists. He's not some fairy tale to me, though this appears to be the case with many so-called believers, who talk about God with one another like they talk about Santa with children.

In all honesty, I'd probably just keep living my life as I have been, though I'd certainly be mindful to commit fewer of the minor transgressions people commit in the course of their typical days--impatience etc.

I love it when people don't read the OP all the way through, and instead respond to what they think the thread might be about.

I know what you mean. I myself love it when people only quote part of a person's reply and try to make it seem like they didn't.
If its the god people say they believe in, and if I believed he is actually a god, I would ask why he made such a huge mess of things, why he put such a thoroughly rotten species in charge and why he killed and blamed his child. Then, I'd tell him to sit down, get comfortable because I had some really tough questions for him.

I can't imagine asking a "god" who killed JFK or wanting to be inside Elvis' head at the moment of his death. If there really is a god, I'm sure he would laugh out loud at such a trivial request.

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