If you only care about Rights (or content) you agree with, do you really care about them at all?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
All the recent discussion about the OU incident, and the ongoing 2nd amendment discussions has led me to ask this question.

If you say you support the rights of others, does it really count if you only support said rights only when you agree with the expression or content of those rights?
If you don't support the rights of those you oppose with every fiber of your body, you don't support rights at all.
All the recent discussion about the OU incident, and the ongoing 2nd amendment discussions has led me to ask this question.

If you say you support the rights of others, does it really count if you only support said rights only when you agree with the expression or content of those rights?
Obviously not. Notice how all the liberal turds in this forum are supporting OU. They believe government has the right to silence speech they find offensive.
OU has a student code of conduct

21 Mental harassment, being intentional conduct extreme or outrageous, or calculated to cause severe embarrassment, humiliation, shame, fright, grief or intimidation To constitute mental harassment, the conduct must be of such a nature that a reasonable person would not tolerate it.
27 Racial harassment is subjecting any person to differential treatment on the basis of race without legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason When harassment is primarily racial in nature, the provisions of the Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy shall apply

I Introduction Diversity is one of the strengths of our society as well as one of the hallmarks of a great university The University of Oklahoma supports diversity and therefore is committed to maintaining employment and educational settings which are multicultural, multiethnic and multiracial Respecting cultural differences and promoting dignity among all members of the University community are responsibilities each of us must share

2 The University shall not subject an individual to different treatment on the basis of race by effectively causing, encouraging, accepting, tolerating or failing to correct a racially hostile environment of which it has notice.

on top of this there are also organization codes of conducts, which are on campus property. (Frat house was on campus property)
OU has a student code of conduct

21 Mental harassment, being intentional conduct extreme or outrageous, or calculated to cause severe embarrassment, humiliation, shame, fright, grief or intimidation To constitute mental harassment, the conduct must be of such a nature that a reasonable person would not tolerate it.
27 Racial harassment is subjecting any person to differential treatment on the basis of race without legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason When harassment is primarily racial in nature, the provisions of the Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy shall apply

I Introduction Diversity is one of the strengths of our society as well as one of the hallmarks of a great university The University of Oklahoma supports diversity and therefore is committed to maintaining employment and educational settings which are multicultural, multiethnic and multiracial Respecting cultural differences and promoting dignity among all members of the University community are responsibilities each of us must share

2 The University shall not subject an individual to different treatment on the basis of race by effectively causing, encouraging, accepting, tolerating or failing to correct a racially hostile environment of which it has notice.

on top of this there are also organization codes of conducts, which are on campus property. (Frat house was on campus property)

No single person was actually harassed. Having your feelings hurt by a video is not being harassed.
All the recent discussion about the OU incident, and the ongoing 2nd amendment discussions has led me to ask this question.

If you say you support the rights of others, does it really count if you only support said rights only when you agree with the expression or content of those rights?
Obviously not. Notice how all the liberal turds in this forum are supporting OU. They believe government has the right to silence speech they find offensive.
Free expression is one thing. These kids were given codes of conduct which they must follow. If they didn't like them, go somewhere else.
All the recent discussion about the OU incident, and the ongoing 2nd amendment discussions has led me to ask this question.

If you say you support the rights of others, does it really count if you only support said rights only when you agree with the expression or content of those rights?
Obviously not. Notice how all the liberal turds in this forum are supporting OU. They believe government has the right to silence speech they find offensive.
Free expression is one thing. These kids were given codes of conduct which they must follow. If they didn't like them, go somewhere else.

A government entity cannot enforce a code of conduct that violates constitutional rights. No person was confronted when those idiots sang that song. No person was directly harassed.

FIRE has been fighting codes like this (and winning) for decades now.
I'm sorry, but they did not live within the code of conduct. When they threw in hanging from a tree, that constitutes a racially hostile environment. It also represents conduct of such a nature a reasonable person would not tolerate it.

If these guys were friends, living off campus and had done this, free speech applies. Representing an organization sanctioned by the university? Not so much. Jmho.
OU has a student code of conduct

21 Mental harassment, being intentional conduct extreme or outrageous, or calculated to cause severe embarrassment, humiliation, shame, fright, grief or intimidation To constitute mental harassment, the conduct must be of such a nature that a reasonable person would not tolerate it.
27 Racial harassment is subjecting any person to differential treatment on the basis of race without legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason When harassment is primarily racial in nature, the provisions of the Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy shall apply

I Introduction Diversity is one of the strengths of our society as well as one of the hallmarks of a great university The University of Oklahoma supports diversity and therefore is committed to maintaining employment and educational settings which are multicultural, multiethnic and multiracial Respecting cultural differences and promoting dignity among all members of the University community are responsibilities each of us must share

2 The University shall not subject an individual to different treatment on the basis of race by effectively causing, encouraging, accepting, tolerating or failing to correct a racially hostile environment of which it has notice.

on top of this there are also organization codes of conducts, which are on campus property. (Frat house was on campus property)

No single person was actually harassed. Having your feelings hurt by a video is not being harassed.
All the recent discussion about the OU incident, and the ongoing 2nd amendment discussions has led me to ask this question.

If you say you support the rights of others, does it really count if you only support said rights only when you agree with the expression or content of those rights?
Here's the deal boys, the real world. Here, in America, you can pretty much shoot your mouth off and say anything you like, anywhere you like. That being said, what you can't do is expect every dumbass thing you might say not to get your ass fired or thrown out of school. If you want to stand on the street corner and scream that Jesus is Lord, or the End is Near, or God hates Fags, knock yourself out I will defend you to the death. If however you say that the girl at the cash register has a cute ass and you'd really like to drill her to the boss, and it's his goddamned daughter so he fires you on the spot, you're on your own.

I once suggested a password to a girl decades ago that was NSFW, and was promptly fired. That wasn't Free Speech, that was Fucking Dumb.
All the recent discussion about the OU incident, and the ongoing 2nd amendment discussions has led me to ask this question.

If you say you support the rights of others, does it really count if you only support said rights only when you agree with the expression or content of those rights?
Here's the deal boys, the real world. Here, in America, you can pretty much shoot your mouth off and say anything you like, anywhere you like. That being said, what you can't do is expect every dumbass thing you might say not to get your ass fired or thrown out of school. If you want to stand on the street corner and scream that Jesus is Lord, or the End is Near, or God hates Fags, knock yourself out I will defend you to the death. If however you say that the girl at the cash register has a cute ass and you'd really like to drill her to the boss, and it's his goddamned daughter so he fires you on the spot, you're on your own.

I once suggested a password to a girl decades ago that was NSFW, and was promptly fired. That wasn't Free Speech, that was Fucking Dumb.

Again, in the OU situation a government entity is involved.
I'm sorry, but they did not live within the code of conduct. When they threw in hanging from a tree, that constitutes a racially hostile environment. It also represents conduct of such a nature a reasonable person would not tolerate it.

If these guys were friends, living off campus and had done this, free speech applies. Representing an organization sanctioned by the university? Not so much. Jmho.
OU has a student code of conduct

21 Mental harassment, being intentional conduct extreme or outrageous, or calculated to cause severe embarrassment, humiliation, shame, fright, grief or intimidation To constitute mental harassment, the conduct must be of such a nature that a reasonable person would not tolerate it.
27 Racial harassment is subjecting any person to differential treatment on the basis of race without legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason When harassment is primarily racial in nature, the provisions of the Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy shall apply

I Introduction Diversity is one of the strengths of our society as well as one of the hallmarks of a great university The University of Oklahoma supports diversity and therefore is committed to maintaining employment and educational settings which are multicultural, multiethnic and multiracial Respecting cultural differences and promoting dignity among all members of the University community are responsibilities each of us must share

2 The University shall not subject an individual to different treatment on the basis of race by effectively causing, encouraging, accepting, tolerating or failing to correct a racially hostile environment of which it has notice.

on top of this there are also organization codes of conducts, which are on campus property. (Frat house was on campus property)

No single person was actually harassed. Having your feelings hurt by a video is not being harassed.

That part of the code of conduct is unconstitutional on its face. And I am forgetting the part of the constitution that removes rights from you when you join a fraternity. Care to enlighten me?
All the recent discussion about the OU incident, and the ongoing 2nd amendment discussions has led me to ask this question.

If you say you support the rights of others, does it really count if you only support said rights only when you agree with the expression or content of those rights?

Well, there is certainly context. I agree with free speech for example. But 'Lets burn this bitch down' just before Fergeson exploded into riots wouldn't be what I call 'protected speech'.

But within that framework, I support rights. Though I don't necessarily advocate all rights equally. Some, because I think others have it covered. Some because I genuinely don't know enough about a topic.
All the recent discussion about the OU incident, and the ongoing 2nd amendment discussions has led me to ask this question.

If you say you support the rights of others, does it really count if you only support said rights only when you agree with the expression or content of those rights?

Well, there is certainly context. I agree with free speech for example. But 'Lets burn this bitch down' just before Fergeson exploded into riots wouldn't be what I call 'protected speech'.

But within that framework, I support rights. Though I don't necessarily advocate all rights equally. Some, because I think others have it covered. Some because I genuinely don't know enough about a topic.

it wouldn't count if the person was exhorting others to ACT on said speech, or followed up said speech with an actual burning of something. in the first case, its is a crime of enticement, in the 2nd, the speech would not have to be punished because we could punish the actual crime.
All the recent discussion about the OU incident, and the ongoing 2nd amendment discussions has led me to ask this question.

If you say you support the rights of others, does it really count if you only support said rights only when you agree with the expression or content of those rights?

Well, there is certainly context. I agree with free speech for example. But 'Lets burn this bitch down' just before Fergeson exploded into riots wouldn't be what I call 'protected speech'.

But within that framework, I support rights. Though I don't necessarily advocate all rights equally. Some, because I think others have it covered. Some because I genuinely don't know enough about a topic.

it wouldn't count if the person was exhorting others to ACT on said speech, or followed up said speech with an actual burning of something. in the first case, its is a crime of enticement, in the 2nd, the speech would not have to be punished because we could punish the actual crime.

Inciting a riot wouldn't be protected speech. I wouldn't include screaming 'fire' in a crowded theater either. Speech that leads to immediate harm isn't protected in my opinion.

But 'god hates fags'? Sure. Its loathsome. But most definitely protected. And I'd fight for Fred Phelps to have his say as much as I would anyone else.
A government entity cannot enforce a code of conduct that violates constitutional rights.
Where'd you get that dumbass idea from? You never head of the Military? Free Speech doesn't mean you can say anything you like, anywhere you like, and never has.

The military is an explicit exception to the rule.
It's hardly the only one. I wouldn't have a head full of secrets that I can never speak of and will take to the grave otherwise. It's a little thing called an Espionage Agreement, and it's for life. I can speak freely about anything but that. FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. same damn thing.
A government entity cannot enforce a code of conduct that violates constitutional rights.
Where'd you get that dumbass idea from? You never head of the Military? Free Speech doesn't mean you can say anything you like, anywhere you like, and never has.

The military is an explicit exception to the rule.
It's hardly the only one. I wouldn't have a head full of secrets that I can never speak of and will take to the grave otherwise. It's a little thing called an Espionage Agreement, and it's for life. I can speak freely about anything but that. FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. same damn thing.

You were a military employee of the government, which is an explicit case, not a bunch of idiot kids singing on a bus. All the laws and statues that apply to you do not apply to them.
I'm sorry, but they did not live within the code of conduct. When they threw in hanging from a tree, that constitutes a racially hostile environment. It also represents conduct of such a nature a reasonable person would not tolerate it.

If these guys were friends, living off campus and had done this, free speech applies. Representing an organization sanctioned by the university? Not so much. Jmho.
OU has a student code of conduct

21 Mental harassment, being intentional conduct extreme or outrageous, or calculated to cause severe embarrassment, humiliation, shame, fright, grief or intimidation To constitute mental harassment, the conduct must be of such a nature that a reasonable person would not tolerate it.
27 Racial harassment is subjecting any person to differential treatment on the basis of race without legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason When harassment is primarily racial in nature, the provisions of the Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy shall apply

I Introduction Diversity is one of the strengths of our society as well as one of the hallmarks of a great university The University of Oklahoma supports diversity and therefore is committed to maintaining employment and educational settings which are multicultural, multiethnic and multiracial Respecting cultural differences and promoting dignity among all members of the University community are responsibilities each of us must share

2 The University shall not subject an individual to different treatment on the basis of race by effectively causing, encouraging, accepting, tolerating or failing to correct a racially hostile environment of which it has notice.

on top of this there are also organization codes of conducts, which are on campus property. (Frat house was on campus property)

No single person was actually harassed. Having your feelings hurt by a video is not being harassed.

That part of the code of conduct is unconstitutional on its face. And I am forgetting the part of the constitution that removes rights from you when you join a fraternity. Care to enlighten me?
Private clubs have private rules. No one is saying they can't say it, they just can't say it and go to school there. There is no right to attend a university.
A government entity cannot enforce a code of conduct that violates constitutional rights.
Where'd you get that dumbass idea from? You never head of the Military? Free Speech doesn't mean you can say anything you like, anywhere you like, and never has.

The military is an explicit exception to the rule.
It's hardly the only one. I wouldn't have a head full of secrets that I can never speak of and will take to the grave otherwise. It's a little thing called an Espionage Agreement, and it's for life. I can speak freely about anything but that. FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. same damn thing.

You were a military employee of the government, which is an explicit case, not a bunch of idiot kids singing on a bus. All the laws and statues that apply to you do not apply to them.
No, I was a private individual working on government contracts, ones that limited, for life, my constitutional rights about certain subjects. Where I live I can let the lawn grow, put up giant signs against the government, etc. but that's because there is no Home Owners Association. Buy a house where there is and you ain't gonna be doing that shit. That's how it works. They bought a house with an HOA.

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