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if you stood out in the street

I don't believe you would recognize Daath

No. Im positive I wouldn't recognize Daath since I have no clue who or what Daath is.

Walter Daath...

Pitched for the Orioles in 1972, but blew out his arm... He now sells auto insurance for State Farm in Wilmington, Delaware...

You wouldn't recognize him today without his trademark affro and fu-manchu moustache...

funny ,
I just had my house tuck pointed by John Beal , not king Beal a prominent daemon , once was called Baal .

a good friend of mine , not the roofer , the king
for hours doing nothing but cursing god in all its names , during a thunder storm , but didn't get hurt does that prove there's no god ?
what about you swore at one name at a time but hit once would that be a sign of the real name ?
or are religions just stupid . for week people that can't fined their own way without an invisible friend ?

Do you suppose some people haven't already done something similar to that? Moses questioned God, in his own way. Job questioned God. But yet, the Lord still used these men for His Glory - and His Glory, is all about love and truth.

The Lord knows the heart of each man; He knows the trials upon this earth; and He is merciful beyond our imagination. If He was not, He would not have sacrificed Himself for the sins of the world. Yet the flesh of many still kicks against this truth of God, because the heart of man is wicked; though it denies and denies and denies it.

Regarding the weak - who exactly are the "strong" among us? Man will try to compete and try to glorify "self" and/or boast of self power. The reality is, we are weak, and though we have some control over some things, we never know what will happen tomorrow.

At the end of the day, every knee will bow and know that He is God.
Romans 14:11
For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, to me every knee shall bow, And every tongue shall confess to God.
And He lives forever.

I never met anyone that lived forever .

That is why He is God, and we are not. Perhaps you may ask how and where did God come from....(here's a link if you want)

Where did God come from? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

If God does not exist, how can something that is not real cause so much anguish to people who are sure that God does not exist, but do they?
after all this time , I wonder why your so slow coming to that conclusion ?

What does that even mean man? You are absolutely embarrassing yourself with every post.

thats a cute catch Fraze son , but the true is this , I don't give a shit of your opinion of me ? I know christian love to judge , but I don't give a christian ass about you opinion so I'm not embarrassing my self ,
this is hard for you to understand as you self worth seems to be connected to others opinions .

as for what does that mean / you'll get it when you grow up . not until

The FACT that you are an illiterate moron has nothing to do with Christianity and EVERYTHING to do with the fact you are an illiterate moron.
What does that even mean man? You are absolutely embarrassing yourself with every post.

thats a cute catch Fraze son , but the true is this , I don't give a shit of your opinion of me ? I know christian love to judge , but I don't give a christian ass about you opinion so I'm not embarrassing my self ,
this is hard for you to understand as you self worth seems to be connected to others opinions .

as for what does that mean / you'll get it when you grow up . not until

The FACT that you are an illiterate moron has nothing to do with Christianity and EVERYTHING to do with the fact you are an illiterate moron.

all those caps and you still don't get it do you .
I see your site name is sarcasm
for hours doing nothing but cursing god in all its names , during a thunder storm , but didn't get hurt does that prove there's no god ?
what about you swore at one name at a time but hit once would that be a sign of the real name ?
or are religions just stupid . for week people that can't fined their own way without an invisible friend ?

Doesn't matter

God has a long memory and that kind of stuff pisses him off. Sooner or later you will get yours

says who ?

Ask someone who has been turned into a pillar of salt
Ask someone who has been plagued by locusts
Ask someone who sat through Atlas Shrugged
hay Rover whats with you and a lord ?

what lord ? that never existed before christianity ,
wow . you can't see electricity , lol alittle music and that could become one of those tunes you can't get out of your head .

so god is Ready Kilowatt ?

kinda lame .

Lame? I thought it was kind of an interesting analogy and a cool way of saying it?

What is lame is trying to have a discussion with a person who doesn't really want to have one and is more into "crackin' Christian Skulls"... in the message board sense, than actually carrying on a conversation.

If that's your deal, Be my guest... it's a free country.... oh yeah... it's a free country for us too.
hay Rover whats with you and a lord ?

what lord ? that never existed before christianity ,
wow . you can't see electricity , lol alittle music and that could become one of those tunes you can't get out of your head .

so god is Ready Kilowatt ?

kinda lame .

Lame? I thought it was kind of an interesting analogy and a cool way of saying it?

What is lame is trying to have a discussion with a person who doesn't really want to have one and is more into "crackin' Christian Skulls"... in the message board sense, than actually carrying on a conversation.

If that's your deal, Be my guest... it's a free country.... oh yeah... it's a free country for us too.

I think he is too busy crackin his own skull to crack ours... That might explain the incoherent writing.

The Bible does not teach 'free will'.

I disagree. The bible does teach free will. It may not use those exact words, but it is free will nonetheless.

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19)

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)

“Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.” (Proverbs 3:31)

“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)

God gives us the leeway to choose our own path in this life. It is up to us to choose to walk his path.
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why is it you could crack a joke about god and he would send a bear to kill you even if your a child? but if you payed out a string of insults and anger , nothing .

which god was the real one ? if any .
why is it you could crack a joke about god and he would send a bear to kill you even if your a child? but if you payed out a string of insults and anger , nothing .

which god was the real one ? if any .

OK first off... who are you talking to?

If you are referring to the "electricity" song, then I have to argue the point. Can you SEE electricity until it hits your home? No... you can't. But you see what it can do.

I know.. there are wars in Christians history that show an uglier side to the religion. You may even point to the modern day and the Corrupt and ridiculous notion that God wants welfare people to suffer and Rich people to gain even more as a totally "anti-Jesus" way of thinking...and I would agree with you 100%.

But, in truth... I don't know that for a fact. You don't know that for a fact... and fundamentalist Christians who sit on the edge of their seat waiting for Glenn Beck's next words of divinity don't know that either.

I do what's in my heart and I ask God for forgiveness almost every day in case my beliefs and ideology isn't what he/she wants.
why is it you could crack a joke about god and he would send a bear to kill you even if your a child? but if you payed out a string of insults and anger , nothing .

which god was the real one ? if any .

Again, I think God has already struck you incoherent. I don't really see how you could possibly say nothings happened.

I, personally, don't want to tempt God. But if you really want to test his power, what would you like? A withered arm? Losing a leg? going blind? Being unable to speak? Because it's easily in His power to do so. Do you really want to be upset that He is being merciful to you but giving you "nothing" when you curse Him and demand signs? You think He is going to give you good things when you refuse to act in humility and faith?

Let the Lord do to you as He sees fit. But I wouldn't recommend going the route you are.
week people?

seven days , hey seventh day advocates .

what would you do if you found out religion is nothing more then a business , no after life that was just a selling point , like buying extra warranty on your used car .

but that you die , your just dead .

but it is the best business in the world
no licence required
24/7 business hours
no labour laws followed
no unions
no taxes paid

no garantee of anything sold
no returns no lawaways
no capital required
no stock held
pure profit for those that sell it .
week people?

seven days , hey seventh day advocates .

what would you do if you found out religion is nothing more then a business , no after life that was just a selling point , like buying extra warranty on your used car .

but that you die , your just dead .

but it is the best business in the world
no licence required
24/7 business hours
no labour laws followed
no unions
no taxes paid

no garantee of anything sold
no returns no lawaways
no capital required
no stock held
pure profit for those that sell it .

Then explain the people who worship the Lord and sacrifice their own money and time to spread the word without profit?
I disagree. The bible does teach free will. It may not use those exact words, but it is free will nonetheless.

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19)

You can not just pick and choose scripture to fit an ideology, I compare and keep scripture in it's context, this is how I know that the notion of free will is not taught in the Bible. You left out the verses before Deu 30:19...

Deu 30:15 See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;
Deu 30:16 In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
Deu 30:17 But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them;
Deu 30:18 I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, and that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it.

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)

In this verse Joshua was telling them to choose between the false gods because they were not serving the Lord.

“Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.” (Proverbs 3:31)

I did say we were commanded to choose, just not 'able' to do so without the Lord changing us first.

“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)

Again, taken out of context. This verse is about those who are already believers but do not keep the law. If you read the whole passage you will see it was talking about judging your brother(another believer). This verse was saying that if someone is your brother in Christ then he knows what is sin and knows what he should and should not do.

God gives us the leeway to choose our own path in this life. It is up to us to choose to walk his path.

If it was up to us then no one would be saved. Not by works are we saved lest any should boast. Choosing is an act, an act is a work, thus choosing is not what brings salvation.

Like I said, we are told to choose, but we do not have the ability to do so because we are dead in sin and our hearts are wicked. Until the Lord changes our hearts, we can not choose the things of the Lord. If it was up to us to choose without the Lord first changing us, then the glory of salvation would not be the Lord's but rather our's, all the work and credit would be our's and not the Lord's. However, we know that salvation does not come due to anything we do, including 'choosing'.
for hours doing nothing but cursing god in all its names , during a thunder storm , but didn't get hurt does that prove there's no god ?
what about you swore at one name at a time but hit once would that be a sign of the real name ?
or are religions just stupid . for week people that can't fined their own way without an invisible friend ?

Maybe it's just a sign that God isn't any more interested in what passes for your "thought" than anyone else is.

And if YOU are holding yourself out as the shining example of what one can be without God, remind me to go to church on Sunday.
week people?

seven days , hey seventh day advocates .

what would you do if you found out religion is nothing more then a business , no after life that was just a selling point , like buying extra warranty on your used car .

but that you die , your just dead .

While I realize that even a stopped clock is correct twice a day, I simply feel no need to formulate a plan for the vanishingly tiny possibility of YOU ever having your head out of your ass about anything. Even Vegas wouldn't give you odds on that one. The smart money would go with finding out what you believe, and then believing the opposite.
I hope it rains on week minded posters who post this weak.

hit those typos , go for it . but still would cursing prove anything ? how about churches struck by lightning? god pissed at them ?

or a random act of nature ?

I think this would be an experiment that would be rejected on grounds it proves god not there , if she was well remember god killed little children for just making fun of her . but you poking fun at my mistake just prove your the better person I guess .

It would prove you're an ignorant, narcissistic jack wagon, assuming there's anyone who needed that proven. You're operating on the assumption that God Almighty gives a rat's ass what you think, and other human beings don't even do that.

I'm deeply impressed that you're able to turn your illiteracy into a badge of honor and nobility, though. Never mind that you're not even bright enough to communicate your half-assed ideas clearly; we're all bad people for not treating you and your bullshit with a respect you've made no effort to earn.

Never wonder why God doesn't consider your ranting and raving worth the effort of smiting.

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