If you think Trump can

Bring jobs to America
Stand up to our enemies
Revitalize our military
Fix immigration
Restore American leadership in the world
Rebuild our infrastructure
Improve education
Reverse our slouch toward socialism

Would you turn against him for shooting his mouth off about McCain?

Poll Trump surges to big lead in GOP presidential race - The Washington Post

I don't give a damn what he said about McCain. But I also don't think he can, or even desires, to do those things.
Who do you think does?

Walker, Bush, Kasich have potential. Even Clinton, though I would prefer not.

The president can't do any of those things. All the president can do is work with congress to do them, but the power to enact change comes only from congress.
The Pres proposes...he's supposed to lead....in the right direction....we need that...

That is not how the system was created and it is not how it works.
The President proposes...the congress disposes. That is how it works.
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Bring jobs to America

He makes his ties in China. So...nope.

Stand up to our enemies

Immigrants, gays, blacks, and Muslims, right?

Revitalize our military

I'm sure every former POW is feeling revitalized by Trump these days. We don't need an asshole like Trump as Commander-in-Chief.

Fix immigration

Trump is the last guy able to "fix" immigration.

Restore American leadership in the world

I'm sure he will spew meaningless aphorisms like that one.

Rebuild our infrastructure
A Trump tower in every town.

Improve education

Since he makes everyone dumber every time he opens his mouth....I'm going with "no".

Reverse our slouch toward socialism

Just what the country needs. More meaningless aphorisms...

Would you turn against him for shooting his mouth off about McCain?

I was never for him being President. And neither is he. You are the most credulous of rubes if you think he wants to be President.
Thanks for your opinion...but I'm backing Kasich.

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