If you thought that Trump was not "concerned" about Mueller....

Of course he isn't innocent. When it comes right down to it, none of them are.

He's a damned corrupt criminal. It takes a weasely, slimy, POS, low life scum bag gangster to take down the criminal element that has been infesting D.C. for the past century. Most folks that voted for him, well, a good portion of them at least, knew he was in tight with the mob, they had no illusions. He even admitted that he paid off lobbyists and dealt with the slime of Washington.

Who better to deal with criminals of that element? We have watched for decades as the elite criminal politicians and bankers have the rules applied differently to them than to ordinary Americans, so the population sent a dirty slime bag to D.C. to deal with them on their own terms.

You can't deal with pigs in the mud and not expect to not get dirty. :cool-45:

The problem with establishment Republican and Democrat supporters, is they actually believe the MSM, and they are still under the illusions that their chosen pols aren't criminals as well. :laugh:

When are you folks going to wake the fuck up?
Trump's going to have to step down or be impeached. That's the guy you voted for..

You butt-nuggets have been saying that for seven months.

Guess what ?
guess what.
Democratic Rep.: People will probably go to jail in Russia investigation - CNNPolitics

Also guess what. Grand jury subpoenas are being sent out this week.
While the serial sex offender orange anus sweats even more

Who cares ?

Pence is next in line.

And who knows who takes his spot.

Be my guest.
Keep believing Americans will vote for any republican after watching their utter futility inability to govern..
And after the indictments ar handed out before 2020.

More bullshit from the board sphincter:

Lowest rated prez in history.. 68% of Americans think he's a liar and doesn't trust him and sun devil concludes that amounts to winning more elections.
This nut has been out in that brutal Arizona heat too long.
MewLOLer has Manafort on conspiring to make an ATM withdrawal from a bank that does business - with Russia!!!. Dots

here,have fun connecting these "dots"........LOL

View attachment 146016

They probably have links with others in other countries as well.... what is your point?
As do all the global elites in the Democrat party, what is the big deal? Folks are completely obtuse if they think any of this means anything at all.
Translation: I don't want to know if my president is a crook.

Translation. I KNOW he is a crook. I KNOW (my estimate) 98% of the Senate, and about 93% of the House are crooks. The entire CFR media are in the tank for the establishment. If you don't know this, then you don't know who the establishment is run.

If you voted for either Hillary or Trump, you were voting for corruption. I know how the system works. Please don't translate for me, I will tell you exactly what I mean. I'm pretty of certain of most things. The biggest being, if you believe or support anything the corporate media is saying, you are a complete idiot.
There is a proposed bill in the Senate to "protect" the special counsel from being fired by the orange charlatan.....The Bill is, of course as it must be, also backed by republican senators who, being much smarter than the Donald, know that if Mueller were to be fired, the proverbial poop would hit the fan and NOT ONLY would Trump be in that deep poop, but he would take down an awful ot of republicans with him.....

Nonetheless, there has been an attempt by Trump to call a key sponsor of that Bill, republican senator Thom Tillis from NC........Want to venture a guess about why Trump would want to have a chat with Tillis?

They can't pass a bill to protect the special counsel.....he works for the Executive branch dumb ass....Trump can fire him at any time.
His job is also to follow up on any criminality he uncovers during the investigation.

Nope. He was hired to look into allegations of wrongdoing in colluding with the Russians. Not finding anything, his job was to end it.

If a cop has a search warrant for drugs, and he finds a bomb making factory in the guys kitchen, he has to act on the crimes he finds.

If Mueller finds a crime while investigating russian collusion, he can't ignore it.
Of course he isn't innocent. When it comes right down to it, none of them are.

He's a damned corrupt criminal. It takes a weasely, slimy, POS, low life scum bag gangster to take down the criminal element that has been infesting D.C. for the past century.

You may be correct....but boy, did you ever pick the WRONG and clueless idiotic "criminal"...............LOL
MewLOLer has Manafort on conspiring to make an ATM withdrawal from a bank that does business - with Russia!!!. Dots

here,have fun connecting these "dots"........LOL

View attachment 146016

They probably have links with others in other countries as well.... what is your point?
As do all the global elites in the Democrat party, what is the big deal? Folks are completely obtuse if they think any of this means anything at all.
Translation: I don't want to know if my president is a crook.

Translation. I KNOW he is a crook. I KNOW (my estimate) 98% of the Senate, and about 93% of the House are crooks. The entire CFR media are in the tank for the establishment. If you don't know this, then you don't know who the establishment is run.

If you voted for either Hillary or Trump, you were voting for corruption. I know how the system works. Please don't translate for me, I will tell you exactly what I mean. I'm pretty of certain of most things. The biggest being, if you believe or support anything the corporate media is saying, you are a complete idiot.
Just because you backed a criminal doesn't mean everyone else is too. There are honest honorable people in congress..
And thanks for admitting you don't follow the news. Another uninformed idiot deplorable..
Your numbers are shrinking thank god..
Trump looks more like Nixon every day

Only difference is that Nixon was a competent president
They can't pass a bill to protect the special counsel.....he works for the Executive branch dumb ass....Trump can fire him at any time.

Congress has great power to pass legislation. If they can pass a law to require congressional approval to hire someone, they can require the same before firing them.
They can't pass a bill to protect the special counsel.....he works for the Executive branch dumb ass....Trump can fire him at any time.

MORON.......of course the Trump can fire Mueller through the DOJ.....BUT THINK (if you can on your own) what would happen next besides the scandal that such a firing would cause......

Congress would RE-HIRE Mueller to finish the investigation with its OWN funding mechanism.......and how do you think that would play out with you morons marching in the streets in opposition, probably giving the Nazi salute???
Imagine backing a prez who thinks Frederick Douglas is still alive.
" He's doing a good job."

Ha ha haha
And he gets nothing done.....the federal government not doing anything.....

And in 2018 elections it's HELLO DEMOCRATS,,,,,with thank you to Trump
Watcing your tears when you lose will be so sweet.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

You loose daily bro, you wake up.
Every day Hillary isn't in office is a win, douche bag. And any part of Trump's agenda that he gets into law is a bonus.

Such a tough talking, foul mouthed little man. See just more hate filled drivel, aren't you proud!
Yeah, and you are nothing but sugar and honey. Every time you post, you only show the forum what a douche bag you are.
There is a proposed bill in the Senate to "protect" the special counsel from being fired by the orange charlatan.....The Bill is, of course as it must be, also backed by republican senators who, being much smarter than the Donald, know that if Mueller were to be fired, the proverbial poop would hit the fan and NOT ONLY would Trump be in that deep poop, but he would take down an awful ot of republicans with him.....

Nonetheless, there has been an attempt by Trump to call a key sponsor of that Bill, republican senator Thom Tillis from NC........Want to venture a guess about why Trump would want to have a chat with Tillis?

100% nonsense. The only ones that care at all about Mueller and his witch hunt are the far left and their media. They don't have the power to take down anything. The pussies is the GOP could get pissed all they want to but Trump can't be impeached for something that is within his legal authority to do.

Mueller really needs to be fired. He's not doing his job.
How do you Meuller isn't doing his job? Are you privy to his investigation?

Because his job is this: to find out if there is anything to the accusations of collusion, and if there is, to determine if a crime has been committed, if there is not, and it's clear that there is not, to shut the whole thing down and stop wasting taxpayer dollars. If he was doing his job, he'd be done already.
Oh really? Show us the rule that puts a time limit on Meuller's investigation.....you sound scared he's gonna find something. I bet he already has.
I wonder when one deplorable will speak the truth and say Trump doesn't act like an innocent man. An innocent person doesn't run around asking people to protect him.
An innocent man says "BRING ON THE INVESTIGATIONS I have nothing to hide."
Still not one honest deplorable can be found..

Who cares ?

They are still running the show.

Running the country into the ground.
People on both sides questioning his mental health.
DT divorcing himself from the GOP so he doesn't get the blame for HIS stalled agenda.
Trump scared shitless about the Russian investigations FOR OBVIOUS reasons and all this dope can say is they're running the show.
Doesn't matter how poorly of course.
2018 can't come soon enough.

The country is fine. It survived Obama, it will survive Trump.
Nobody cares what you pricks say about his mental health.
He's always been at odds with the likes of McConnel and Ryan. Where have you been.
Trump is scared of the Russians...now that is funny.
2018 makes the senate more GOP and the house isn't going anywhere.

You lost big time.....

Suck on it.
Dipshit doesn't know DT has been calling up republicans outraged that they're not protecting him from the investigations. Yes he's scared shitless. Would an innocent man be scared of the outcome of investigations?
Now run away coward..
As a matter of fact, innocent men, very intelligent ones, often do put up a fight in areas that are riddled with corruption when they feel they are about to be subjected to an unfair bureaucracy. How little you know about the shadow government, the Deep State, and what happens to men the fuck with dark forces.

Have you ever read Franz Kafka's "The Trial?"

Kangaroo court - Wikipedia

The Trial - Wikipedia
Imagine backing a prez who thinks Frederick Douglas is still alive.
" He's doing a good job."

Ha ha haha

Well, perhaps Trump has a doorman at the Trump Towers whose name is Fred Douglass.?............LOL
And in 2018 elections it's HELLO DEMOCRATS,,,,,with thank you to Trump
Watcing your tears when you lose will be so sweet.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

You loose daily bro, you wake up.
Every day Hillary isn't in office is a win, douche bag. And any part of Trump's agenda that he gets into law is a bonus.

Such a tough talking, foul mouthed little man. See just more hate filled drivel, aren't you proud!
Yeah, and you are nothing but sugar and honey. Every time you post, you only show the forum what a douche bag you are.

You mad bro?
Dopes want Trump to fire Mueller so he can PROVE he's a guilty man.
Nice going assholes.

Al Frankensaid we'd rehire Mueller in a NY minute..
and it's clear that there is not

Its fucking amazing how much MORE, Predfan knows from the rest of us.....

You heard it here FIRST, my friends, Predfan states ..."and it's clear that there is not[hing in the inevstigation]"...........

Its all over..........LOL (what a moron.)

This from the prick who keeps telling us how things are going to be (remember how Hillary was a slam dunk ?).

It isn't amazing to see loser Natalie still flapper her sorry lips (and lying).....it's sad.
Occam's Razor.

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