If you vote for Joe Biden you aren’t rational


TDS strong in this one is.

Your side has spent months just helplessly weeping at the awful liberals who keep embarrassing you with facts and reason and morality.

As a result, you're getting massacred in the polls.

Maybe you should switch tactics. But only if you think winning is more important than proclaiming your victimhood to the world. I know that's a tough choice for professional victims, but think about it.
Remember when all the Trump cultists swore Biden wouldn't be the actual nominee?

They don't, since Trump cultists are so blessedly free of the curse of long term memory. For them, reality each day is recreated to be whatever their masters tell them it should be.
Thats my spin on his "If you don't vote for me you ain't black"

There is no reason to support Biden over Trump unless you are a radical or a total moron.
If you vote for biden you are to stupid to ever be ignorant ,have your voting right suspended, and have a mandatory lobotomy.
Biden isn't the sharpest knife in anyone's drawer and he proves it each time he opens his mouth and sticks his foot in it.

I wouldn't vote for him a dog catcher cause the dogs are way smarter than he is.
Not sure what there is to support or not at this point.

He hasn't done enough actual campaigning to make a determination. A platform on a website and some minor news appearances isn't much to go on.

They could be running a hologram for all we know at this point.....
Biden is a corporate establishment hack.

Its not so much a vote FOR him as much as a vote AGAINST the incumbent.

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