if you were in that concert hall..would you want a gun...a poll

If you were in that concert hall in France...would you want a gun for self defense?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 87.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 12.7%

  • Total voters
Still waiting for the definition of mass shooting from you.

Apparently gun nuts can only argue from emotion and deflection.

OK I'm bored. Ciao.

Thanks be to Geebus!

I'm sorry Pogo. You just make me so MAD with your fake stories and your shadiness! If you are against guns, then just come out and say so instead of playing these silly games!

That's an absolutely true story in every detail. The point of which is that had I been slavishly following the gun fetish mentality fomented by the self-styled cowboy sheriffs here, I'd have been shot dead or worse, sent up for shooting cops who never identified themselves as such in self-defense (which is technically legal but rotsa fucking ruck for a citizen going up against the police machine). And if I'd been a quick/accurate shot, I would have taken one or two cops down as well ---- all for no reason at all beyond the juvenile comic-book fantasy that worship of Almighty Gun makes me some kind of tough guy.

Fortunately I didn't think like that, still don't, and *nobody* went down.

So sue me.

Yeah twit....considering you didn't answer any of our questions about the demeanor of the guys and then go on to say we would react in a way we wouldn't react in....nice try though..........

Try to be honest...and we might take you seriously even though you are a lefty...

Nobody asked me any. Actually I described everything I witnessed about their "demeanor" at the outset. And the question wasn't put to you anyway.

check out all these gun toting, tough shits....all stuck inside where its safe....in the real world, those with guns want to live just as bad as those who don't and most if not all, is about staying alive. None of these hero's are running outside with their guns to help anybody....and there's a reason for it. GUNS KILL.
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?

Great question.
Here is the answer from someone who was actually at the concert.

But first, short introduction to the story. His name is Benjamin Cazenoves.
On January 8th 2015, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Benjamin goes to Facebook and complains about people blaming all the Muslims for this attack. He asserts the Islam is religion of peace, and that 99% of Muslims live in peace with their neighbors. He also calls perpetrators crazy and ignorant. He also claims to be proud of having grown up in a society alongside with Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Christians and Muslims.


On November 13th 2015, during Paris massacres, Benjamin Casenoves goes to Facebook and begs French police to assault the concert hall where he is stuck. He says he's gravely wounded and that attackers are gunning down everyone.


It looks like Benjamin's encounter with religion of peace left him little shook up.


It seems the strength of diversity failed him this time. It's for sure that if he post some more leftist pro-diversity and pro-Islam shit on Facebook, this won't happen again.
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?

Great question.
Here is the answer from someone who was actually at the concert.

But first, short introduction to the story. His name is Benjamin Cazenoves.
On January 8th 2015, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Benjamin goes to Facebook and complains about people blaming all the Muslims for this attack. He asserts the Islam is religion of peace, and that 99% of Muslims live in peace with their neighbors. He also calls perpetrators crazy and ignorant. He also claims to be proud of having grown up in a society alongside with Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Christians and Muslims.


On November 13th 2015, during Paris massacres, Benjamin Casenoves goes to Facebook and begs French police to assault the concert hall where he is stuck. He says he's gravely wounded and that attackers are gunning down everyone.


It looks like Benjamin's encounter with religion of peace left him little shook up.


It seems the strength of diversity failed him this time. It's for sure that if he post some more leftist pro-diversity and pro-Islam shit on Facebook, this won't happen again.

Complete non sequitur.
First post calls out a fallacy of blanket generalization, second post calls for help because he's wounded.

Both are true. There's no contradiction in it.

Are you, like, retarded?

Second post says "I'm still at Bataclan, first floor. Badly wounded. They're attacking faster. There are survivors on the inside. They're cutting down everybody one by one". It's simply a description of what's going on in the present.
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In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?

Great question.
Here is the answer from someone who was actually at the concert.

But first, short introduction to the story. His name is Benjamin Cazenoves.
On January 8th 2015, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Benjamin goes to Facebook and complains about people blaming all the Muslims for this attack. He asserts the Islam is religion of peace, and that 99% of Muslims live in peace with their neighbors. He also calls perpetrators crazy and ignorant. He also claims to be proud of having grown up in a society alongside with Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Christians and Muslims.


On November 13th 2015, during Paris massacres, Benjamin Casenoves goes to Facebook and begs French police to assault the concert hall where he is stuck. He says he's gravely wounded and that attackers are gunning down everyone.


It looks like Benjamin's encounter with religion of peace left him little shook up.


It seems the strength of diversity failed him this time. It's for sure that if he post some more leftist pro-diversity and pro-Islam shit on Facebook, this won't happen again.

Complete non sequitur.
First post calls out a fallacy of blanket generalization, second post calls for help because he's wounded.

Both are true. There's no contradiction in it.

Are you, like, retarded?

Second post says "I'm still at Bataclan, first floor. Badly wounded. They're attacking faster. There are survivors on the inside. They're cutting down everybody one by one". It's simply a description of what's going on in the present.

"They're attacking faster"

LOL, What's retarded is to rely on Google translate. Or was it BabelFish? Try again, shitstain.
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?

Great question.
Here is the answer from someone who was actually at the concert.

But first, short introduction to the story. His name is Benjamin Cazenoves.
On January 8th 2015, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Benjamin goes to Facebook and complains about people blaming all the Muslims for this attack. He asserts the Islam is religion of peace, and that 99% of Muslims live in peace with their neighbors. He also calls perpetrators crazy and ignorant. He also claims to be proud of having grown up in a society alongside with Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Christians and Muslims.


On November 13th 2015, during Paris massacres, Benjamin Casenoves goes to Facebook and begs French police to assault the concert hall where he is stuck. He says he's gravely wounded and that attackers are gunning down everyone.


It looks like Benjamin's encounter with religion of peace left him little shook up.


It seems the strength of diversity failed him this time. It's for sure that if he post some more leftist pro-diversity and pro-Islam shit on Facebook, this won't happen again.

Complete non sequitur.
First post calls out a fallacy of blanket generalization, second post calls for help because he's wounded.

Both are true. There's no contradiction in it.

Are you, like, retarded?

Second post says "I'm still at Bataclan, first floor. Badly wounded. They're attacking faster. There are survivors on the inside. They're cutting down everybody one by one". It's simply a description of what's going on in the present.

"They're attacking faster"

LOL, What's retarded is to rely on Google translate. Or was it BabelFish? Try again, shitstain.

I'm fluent in French. I used to live there.

Anything else?
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?

Great question.
Here is the answer from someone who was actually at the concert.

But first, short introduction to the story. His name is Benjamin Cazenoves.
On January 8th 2015, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Benjamin goes to Facebook and complains about people blaming all the Muslims for this attack. He asserts the Islam is religion of peace, and that 99% of Muslims live in peace with their neighbors. He also calls perpetrators crazy and ignorant. He also claims to be proud of having grown up in a society alongside with Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Christians and Muslims.


On November 13th 2015, during Paris massacres, Benjamin Casenoves goes to Facebook and begs French police to assault the concert hall where he is stuck. He says he's gravely wounded and that attackers are gunning down everyone.


It looks like Benjamin's encounter with religion of peace left him little shook up.


It seems the strength of diversity failed him this time. It's for sure that if he post some more leftist pro-diversity and pro-Islam shit on Facebook, this won't happen again.

Complete non sequitur.
First post calls out a fallacy of blanket generalization, second post calls for help because he's wounded.

Both are true. There's no contradiction in it.

Are you, like, retarded?

Second post says "I'm still at Bataclan, first floor. Badly wounded. They're attacking faster. There are survivors on the inside. They're cutting down everybody one by one". It's simply a description of what's going on in the present.

"They're attacking faster"

LOL, What's retarded is to rely on Google translate. Or was it BabelFish? Try again, shitstain.

I'm fluent in French. I used to live there.

Anything else?

Right. Your translation to English proves it.
Can't believe you agree with that comment.

One things is for sure, either your English sucks, or French. Or you as usually, just lying.
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?

Great question.
Here is the answer from someone who was actually at the concert.

But first, short introduction to the story. His name is Benjamin Cazenoves.
On January 8th 2015, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Benjamin goes to Facebook and complains about people blaming all the Muslims for this attack. He asserts the Islam is religion of peace, and that 99% of Muslims live in peace with their neighbors. He also calls perpetrators crazy and ignorant. He also claims to be proud of having grown up in a society alongside with Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Christians and Muslims.


On November 13th 2015, during Paris massacres, Benjamin Casenoves goes to Facebook and begs French police to assault the concert hall where he is stuck. He says he's gravely wounded and that attackers are gunning down everyone.


It looks like Benjamin's encounter with religion of peace left him little shook up.


It seems the strength of diversity failed him this time. It's for sure that if he post some more leftist pro-diversity and pro-Islam shit on Facebook, this won't happen again.

Complete non sequitur.
First post calls out a fallacy of blanket generalization, second post calls for help because he's wounded.

Both are true. There's no contradiction in it.

Are you, like, retarded?

Second post says "I'm still at Bataclan, first floor. Badly wounded. They're attacking faster. There are survivors on the inside. They're cutting down everybody one by one". It's simply a description of what's going on in the present.

"They're attacking faster"

LOL, What's retarded is to rely on Google translate. Or was it BabelFish? Try again, shitstain.

I'm fluent in French. I used to live there.

Anything else?

Right. Your translation to English proves it.

You want a literal translation?

"I am still at Bataclan. First floor. Wounded serious! That they give in more speed the assault. It there is some survivors at the interior. They strike all the world. One for one. First floor fast!!!!"

Translation isn't done literally --- it's rendered into the form it would take in the target language. Idiom in French becomes cognate idiom in English. Ya dumb shit.

All of which is massive deflection on your part to take the focus off the fact that your post made no point.
Incorrect again.

"They strike all the world."
"One for one."

Maybe you need to go back there and refresh your French. Or new translator. Try Roseta Stone, since online translators aren't giving right results.

I would have made good use of a gun inside that Concert Hall

He or them ..... would have met their 47 virgins....more or less virgins....what scum what trash
Incorrect again.

"They strike all the world."
"One for one."

Maybe you need to go back there and refresh your French. Or new translator. Try Roseta Stone. Shitstain.

"tout le monde" is how you say "everybody" in French. It's literally "all the world".
Tout = all
le = the (masculine)
monde = world.

In Portuguese they'd say todo mundo -- same thing. "All (the) world". Also masculine.

We say "everybody" -- every (each) body (physical entity).

There's not a god damn thing wrong with my French. Go forth and enculé.

-- and btw it's Rosetta Stone. Two Ts. Dumbass.
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The logic of the "wear a gun on you at all times" is built on the fallacy that you'll ALSO be able to magically anticipate any and all threats.

What good is your gun if someone has already shot you in the head because you were paying more attention to the band you were watching instead of doing your paranoid, right-wing nut job duty to be surveying every bar, every club, every restaurant, every concert hall you ever attend?

Paid security who can best look out for these kinds of things should be armed, not people getting drunk and stoned.
A better question, would I want hundreds of others to have guns shooting each other in the dark? Probably not.

yeah...better that only the killers have the guns..right? that worked out so well for the French....

Bending a terrorist attack into your own personal pet-peeve is horrendous enough. Predicting you know what would have happened if the theater was in Alabama is something else.
If it were in the USA I think some of the people would rush the sob's like the American hero's did on that train in France, and I wonder why the French didn't follow that example...
The logic of the "wear a gun on you at all times" is built on the fallacy that you'll ALSO be able to magically anticipate any and all threats.

What good is your gun if someone has already shot you in the head because you were paying more attention to the band you were watching instead of doing your paranoid, right-wing nut job duty to be surveying every bar, every club, every restaurant, every concert hall you ever attend?

Paid security who can best look out for these kinds of things should be armed, not people getting drunk and stoned.
Leftwaticus, you're projecting your own incompetence with guns and I think we all breath a collective sigh of relief that you don't carry. Those who do are often former military or law enforcement. I happen to be both and my deft ability to size up a situation and act swiftly would make a big difference in how something like this would have ended. As a brainless, Leftist poop smear, I understand you hate both cops and the military, so we'll expect no thanks from you when one of us saves your worthless ass.
The logic of the "wear a gun on you at all times" is built on the fallacy that you'll ALSO be able to magically anticipate any and all threats.

What good is your gun if someone has already shot you in the head because you were paying more attention to the band you were watching instead of doing your paranoid, right-wing nut job duty to be surveying every bar, every club, every restaurant, every concert hall you ever attend?

Paid security who can best look out for these kinds of things should be armed, not people getting drunk and stoned.

Paid security will be the first ones shot. then the bad guys bar the doors and continue with their attack. Didn't think through too well did you? Here's the deal. These sorts of people DON'T care if you're a paid security guard or a cop. You are in the way so you must die. And die you will.

People who carry concealed don't drink when they are carrying. It's both common sense (which you clearly lack) and the law. Carrying a weapon doesn't require you to "plan for every threat", it merely requires you to be observant, and have immediate action drills that you have practiced.

Your ignorance on the subject, and lack of critical thinking about the subject is very telling. If bad guys KNOW that there are people in a crowd who MAY be carrying, they will choose targets that aren't possibly armed.

And, if you're one of the first ones shot what difference does it make? Hmmmm?
I would have made good use of a gun inside that Concert Hall

He or them ..... would have met their 47 virgins....more or less virgins....what scum what trash

Me too...I wish I was there. I would have taught those assholes what it is like to deal with an American gun owner

BOOM.....down goes Ahmed
BAM BAM....Mohammad and Said meet their maker
POP, POP, POP.... Abdul, Sayeed and Khalid bite the dust

Some people just don't know how to deal with terrorists
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