if you were in that concert hall..would you want a gun...a poll

If you were in that concert hall in France...would you want a gun for self defense?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 87.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 12.7%

  • Total voters
The conservative "solution" of armed concert goers is laughable

Well trained police have a hard enough time making good decisions under thoe conditions......Conservatives want to arm drunk twenty something year olds and expect a good outcome

What happens in all those concerts where there aren't terrorists but just a bunch of armed drunk twentysomething year olds?

Most of the time police have little issue making good decisions, but yea there are a few bad apples. I'm sure there's a few bad apple gun owners too. But you don't tie the hands of millions because 1 in a million might be a moron...

The problem is that it only takes a few morons to inflict great carnage

I agree that most gun owners are responsible. But with 32,000 gun deaths a year, we are paying a horrific cost for those who are irresponsible

Also, with a gun, it only takes a split second to turn from a responsible gun owner to an irresponsible one

As opposed to what, the terrorists who are mowing down innocent unarmed civilians one by one? Thanks, I'll take my chances with the 1 in a million moron gun owner. I'd much rather be shot by "friendly fire" than a fucking terrorist... At least in that situation I had died in the defense of innocent lives.

In order to do that, you will have to arm large number of concert goers, sporting event fans anywhere where large numbers of people congregate

You really want rival sports fans to be armed?

Takes "kill the umpire" to a new level

I don't do sports, but to put it bluntly here, I'm an American and I believe that /all/ Americans may be armed, regardless of their sports team, politics, or religion. I have just as much concern for drunken shootings as I do drunk drivers. This doesn't mean I want to ban cars, just the same as I don't want to ban gun ownership.

I'm not advocating banning gun ownership

But I don't want armed drunken assholes in our bars, nightclubs, sporting events and concerts on the minute chance that there may be a terrorist attack
The conservative "solution" of armed concert goers is laughable

Well trained police have a hard enough time making good decisions under thoe conditions......Conservatives want to arm drunk twenty something year olds and expect a good outcome

What happens in all those concerts where there aren't terrorists but just a bunch of armed drunk twentysomething year olds?

twit…..you can't carry a pistol as a 20 year old….and you can't drive drunk either….so….the 21 year olds who go to the concert with a pistol would not drink…..just like they have a designated driver for those who drink…..
I think I finally understand where the anti-gun folks get their ideas; gangs. Clearly they have zero concept of how responsible gun owner's act. No responsible gun owner is going to be firing willy-nilly into a crowd, that is the kind of shit criminals and gang bangers do. A gun owner takes an opportunity only if it arises because they are looking at the situation from a self-preservation/safety of others aspect - not looking for "fame," looking to be "cool," or looking to do "maximum damage" like gang bangers do. It is always about control, control of yourself, of the situation, of the criminal element you face. You get out of the line of fire, yourself and anyone near by, /then/ you return fire if you are confident of a shot.

No responsible gun owner would condone nor engage in the Rambo-esk spray and pray into a crowd of innocent unarmed people scenario you idiots portend would occur so just stop it.

Who ever said gun owners were responsible?
32,000 gun deaths a year prove otherwise

How many responsible gun owners attend an Eagles of Death Metal concert?

And again you lie….

there were 505 accidental shooting deaths in 2013….

13 million people carry guns for self defense in the united states

320 million guns are in private hands

1.5 million times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack

Criminals use guns to murder 8,124 people, in 2014, most of the victims are other criminals

20,000 people use guns to take their own lives

19,000 people take their own lives without guns

So you are an idiot…….normal gun owners are responsible and take gun ownership as something to be done with caution and care…..the democrats, who do most of the criminal shooting are the ones you need to talk to….

How many responsible gun owners attend an Eagles of Death Metal concert?

In France…none…it is against the law for normal people to own or carry handguns in france….

Terrorists and criminals, however, get fully automatic rifles and even bring them to Eagles of Death Metal concerts….

Do you consider suicide as a responsible use of a gun?

Nope…but it is a voluntary action that can easily be replaced with a rope, pills, a razor, or jumping in front of a train…..just like they do in Japan, China and South Korea…they commit suicide at 2x the rate we do and they have zero access to guns…….so guns and their ownership are not a factor in suicide…..
A woman who survived the attack in the concert hall with her husband said that they pulled bodies over themselves to hide….one of the terrorists walked right past her as she lay in the blood and bodies…so close she heard him as he talked to the victims he was shooting…

Now…I think she did the right thing in not engaging the killer….but what if he had noticed her…she would be dead….had she had a gun, and he noticed her…she would have had a better chance at surviving….
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?

Given the source, I'm not surprised by this false dilemma.

How many would prefer that security be tight and that no one be admitted into a public arena with a gun or suicide belt?

Do you think they routinely let in AK-47 rifles and suicide vests into that concert hall or stadium…twit. And at the point where they walked into the stadium and the guard said…excuse me…we don't allow fully automatic rifles in this concert hall…or France……how do they stop him exactly from entering the hall anyway? Since he has a fully automatic rifle?

gEE ... Um .... or France .... um...um.... oh yeah, gUNs is grate. [damn, it's really hard to compose in the genre you use. Is it a learned style?]
Hey, let me know when you start getting rid of cars to keep drunks from driving...

Wow, new member of the echo chamber, such a clever group.

  • Remember, Milk is a gateway to drug abuse, every junkie began with it.
  • Sexual intercourse creates babies, if we outlaw it, we will prevent abortions.

Wow…..going back to the left wing default stupidity of implying that we are against laws……

We know how to stop someone from committing a gun crime…when they use a gun to commit a crime…their first crime…you lock them up……easy….and the fact that it actually targets criminals means it targets those who actually use guns illegally….

you want to punish normal gun owners over clerical errors…..
I don't do echo chambers, I believe what I believe for my own reasons. I'm also not religious for the record, I have my own mind thanks.

I find it stupid to campaign to ban guns on the off chance that one gun owner might be a nut. Just like I find it stupid to ban a religion because one idiot might be a nut. Or to ban cars because one idiot might run people over on purpose or drink and drive. Or to ban teachers because one of them might be a child molester.

[Edit for clarification: It's] Stupid.
The conservative "solution" of armed concert goers is laughable

Well trained police have a hard enough time making good decisions under thoe conditions......Conservatives want to arm drunk twenty something year olds and expect a good outcome

What happens in all those concerts where there aren't terrorists but just a bunch of armed drunk twentysomething year olds?

twit…..you can't carry a pistol as a 20 year old….and you can't drive drunk either….so….the 21 year olds who go to the concert with a pistol would not drink…..just like they have a designated driver for those who drink…..

Who do you think is attending heavy metal concerts?

You were the asshole who could not wait for the bodies to cool before you started your "If only those kids had guns" thread
The conservative "solution" of armed concert goers is laughable

Well trained police have a hard enough time making good decisions under thoe conditions......Conservatives want to arm drunk twenty something year olds and expect a good outcome

What happens in all those concerts where there aren't terrorists but just a bunch of armed drunk twentysomething year olds?

twit…..you can't carry a pistol as a 20 year old….and you can't drive drunk either….so….the 21 year olds who go to the concert with a pistol would not drink…..just like they have a designated driver for those who drink…..

Who do you think is attending heavy metal concerts?

You were the asshole who could not wait for the bodies to cool before you started your "If only those kids had guns" thread

And you are the asswipe who doesn't understand the issue….and who wants people to be defenseless in the face of killers….so….would you rather get shot on your knees or would you go all the way to your belly?
I think I finally understand where the anti-gun folks get their ideas; gangs. Clearly they have zero concept of how responsible gun owner's act. No responsible gun owner is going to be firing willy-nilly into a crowd, that is the kind of shit criminals and gang bangers do. A gun owner takes an opportunity only if it arises because they are looking at the situation from a self-preservation/safety of others aspect - not looking for "fame," looking to be "cool," or looking to do "maximum damage" like gang bangers do. It is always about control, control of yourself, of the situation, of the criminal element you face. You get out of the line of fire, yourself and anyone near by, /then/ you return fire if you are confident of a shot.

No responsible gun owner would condone nor engage in the Rambo-esk spray and pray into a crowd of innocent unarmed people scenario you idiots portend would occur so just stop it.

Who ever said gun owners were responsible?
32,000 gun deaths a year prove otherwise

How many responsible gun owners attend an Eagles of Death Metal concert?

And again you lie….

there were 505 accidental shooting deaths in 2013….

13 million people carry guns for self defense in the united states

320 million guns are in private hands

1.5 million times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack

Criminals use guns to murder 8,124 people, in 2014, most of the victims are other criminals

20,000 people use guns to take their own lives

19,000 people take their own lives without guns

So you are an idiot…….normal gun owners are responsible and take gun ownership as something to be done with caution and care…..the democrats, who do most of the criminal shooting are the ones you need to talk to….

How many responsible gun owners attend an Eagles of Death Metal concert?

In France…none…it is against the law for normal people to own or carry handguns in france….

Terrorists and criminals, however, get fully automatic rifles and even bring them to Eagles of Death Metal concerts….

Do you consider suicide as a responsible use of a gun?

Nope…but it is a voluntary action that can easily be replaced with a rope, pills, a razor, or jumping in front of a train…..just like they do in Japan, China and South Korea…they commit suicide at 2x the rate we do and they have zero access to guns…….so guns and their ownership are not a factor in suicide…..

The question was about responsible gun ownership

Which of the 32,000 deaths do you consider to be the result of responsible gun ownership?

It is not "responsible" to allow suicidal people access to guns
The conservative "solution" of armed concert goers is laughable

Well trained police have a hard enough time making good decisions under thoe conditions......Conservatives want to arm drunk twenty something year olds and expect a good outcome

What happens in all those concerts where there aren't terrorists but just a bunch of armed drunk twentysomething year olds?

twit…..you can't carry a pistol as a 20 year old….and you can't drive drunk either….so….the 21 year olds who go to the concert with a pistol would not drink…..just like they have a designated driver for those who drink…..

Who do you think is attending heavy metal concerts?

You were the asshole who could not wait for the bodies to cool before you started your "If only those kids had guns" thread

The woman who hid under the bodies of the dead, as did her husband, had children at home…so I think more than just kids are going to that concert…..moron. And then you have the people who work there, and the people nearby, and any number of others who might be able to help save people…twit.
I've always avoided large crowds. Amusement parks, concerts, sporting events, etc. Too many people moving in too many directions you can't guard against a threat. Working security I quit accepting postings to such events because it's wishful thinking any amount of security is gonna prevent anything. Can mop up afterwords but that's about it.

One of the experts just on Fox, who looked like a linebacker, called the Paris attacks professional terrorists. I've been thanking my lucky stars they were amateurs. A professional woulda waited until the stadium was letting out to detonate his suicide belt, not done so because they wouldn't let him in. And a professional woulda started off with that at the concert, right in the middle of the room. Shoot whatever wasn't disintegrated. So let's remember bad as it was it was perpetrated by rank amateurs.
I think I finally understand where the anti-gun folks get their ideas; gangs. Clearly they have zero concept of how responsible gun owner's act. No responsible gun owner is going to be firing willy-nilly into a crowd, that is the kind of shit criminals and gang bangers do. A gun owner takes an opportunity only if it arises because they are looking at the situation from a self-preservation/safety of others aspect - not looking for "fame," looking to be "cool," or looking to do "maximum damage" like gang bangers do. It is always about control, control of yourself, of the situation, of the criminal element you face. You get out of the line of fire, yourself and anyone near by, /then/ you return fire if you are confident of a shot.

No responsible gun owner would condone nor engage in the Rambo-esk spray and pray into a crowd of innocent unarmed people scenario you idiots portend would occur so just stop it.

Who ever said gun owners were responsible?
32,000 gun deaths a year prove otherwise

How many responsible gun owners attend an Eagles of Death Metal concert?

And again you lie….

there were 505 accidental shooting deaths in 2013….

13 million people carry guns for self defense in the united states

320 million guns are in private hands

1.5 million times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack

Criminals use guns to murder 8,124 people, in 2014, most of the victims are other criminals

20,000 people use guns to take their own lives

19,000 people take their own lives without guns

So you are an idiot…….normal gun owners are responsible and take gun ownership as something to be done with caution and care…..the democrats, who do most of the criminal shooting are the ones you need to talk to….

How many responsible gun owners attend an Eagles of Death Metal concert?

In France…none…it is against the law for normal people to own or carry handguns in france….

Terrorists and criminals, however, get fully automatic rifles and even bring them to Eagles of Death Metal concerts….

Do you consider suicide as a responsible use of a gun?

Nope…but it is a voluntary action that can easily be replaced with a rope, pills, a razor, or jumping in front of a train…..just like they do in Japan, China and South Korea…they commit suicide at 2x the rate we do and they have zero access to guns…….so guns and their ownership are not a factor in suicide…..

The question was about responsible gun ownership

Which of the 32,000 deaths do you consider to be the result of responsible gun ownership?

It is not "responsible" to allow suicidal people access to guns

Nor is it responsible to allow suicidal people access to rope, razors, pills or tall buildings….

1.5 million responsible gun owners stop violent criminal attacks each year.

over 320 million guns are in responsible hands….319,991, 876 guns are in responsible hands….8,124 are not……try to figure out which number is bigger.
I've always avoided large crowds. Amusement parks, concerts, sporting events, etc. Too many people moving in too many directions you can't guard against a threat. Working security I quit accepting postings to such events because it's wishful thinking any amount of security is gonna prevent anything. Can mop up afterwords but that's about it.

One of the experts just on Fox, who looked like a linebacker, called the Paris attacks professional terrorists. I've been thanking my lucky stars they were amateurs. A professional woulda waited until the stadium was letting out to detonate his suicide belt, not done so because they wouldn't let him in. And a professional woulda started off with that at the concert, right in the middle of the room. Shoot whatever wasn't disintegrated. So let's remember bad as it was it was perpetrated by rank amateurs.

Yes….these guys really don't know how to really do the worst…….let's hope it stays that way.
Most of the time police have little issue making good decisions, but yea there are a few bad apples. I'm sure there's a few bad apple gun owners too. But you don't tie the hands of millions because 1 in a million might be a moron...

The problem is that it only takes a few morons to inflict great carnage

I agree that most gun owners are responsible. But with 32,000 gun deaths a year, we are paying a horrific cost for those who are irresponsible

Also, with a gun, it only takes a split second to turn from a responsible gun owner to an irresponsible one

As opposed to what, the terrorists who are mowing down innocent unarmed civilians one by one? Thanks, I'll take my chances with the 1 in a million moron gun owner. I'd much rather be shot by "friendly fire" than a fucking terrorist... At least in that situation I had died in the defense of innocent lives.

In order to do that, you will have to arm large number of concert goers, sporting event fans anywhere where large numbers of people congregate

You really want rival sports fans to be armed?

Takes "kill the umpire" to a new level

I don't do sports, but to put it bluntly here, I'm an American and I believe that /all/ Americans may be armed, regardless of their sports team, politics, or religion. I have just as much concern for drunken shootings as I do drunk drivers. This doesn't mean I want to ban cars, just the same as I don't want to ban gun ownership.

I'm not advocating banning gun ownership

But I don't want armed drunken assholes in our bars, nightclubs, sporting events and concerts on the minute chance that there may be a terrorist attack
As long as we're deciding who gets to have guns, I don't want any Leftist to carry a gun.

I mean....it might just "go off" in your hands.

If you're speaking of /me/ personally, I won't carry a gun because I've somehow foolishly never been trained to use one outside my husband telling me how to turn off the safety. I blame my sheltered upbringing in a "traditional family" where men did the protecting of family. (My state is stuck in the 1950s heh) On the other though, uhm I'm a 1%er capitalist... To call me a lefty is a bit... odd.
So you would have shot at these cops huh?
Would you have waited for them to draw first? Or shoot first?

You can answer however you like -- I'm aware I'm dealing with Captain Roadster who can drive to St. Louis in two minutes... :eusa_whistle:

When you are losing you resort to the most ridiculous lies. It's almost funny how bad you're flailing away. Pathetic too, but funny.

Still waiting for the definition of mass shooting from you.

Apparently gun nuts can only argue from emotion and deflection.

OK I'm bored. Ciao.

Thanks be to Geebus!

I'm sorry Pogo. You just make me so MAD with your fake stories and your shadiness! If you are against guns, then just come out and say so instead of playing these silly games!

That's an absolutely true story in every detail. The point of which is that had I been slavishly following the gun fetish mentality fomented by the self-styled cowboy sheriffs here, I'd have been shot dead or worse, sent up for shooting cops who never identified themselves as such in self-defense (which is technically legal but rotsa fucking ruck for a citizen going up against the police machine). And if I'd been a quick/accurate shot, I would have taken one or two cops down as well ---- all for no reason at all beyond the juvenile comic-book fantasy that worship of Almighty Gun makes me some kind of tough guy.

Fortunately I didn't think like that, still don't, and *nobody* went down.

So sue me.
When you are losing you resort to the most ridiculous lies. It's almost funny how bad you're flailing away. Pathetic too, but funny.

Still waiting for the definition of mass shooting from you.

Apparently gun nuts can only argue from emotion and deflection.

OK I'm bored. Ciao.

Thanks be to Geebus!

I'm sorry Pogo. You just make me so MAD with your fake stories and your shadiness! If you are against guns, then just come out and say so instead of playing these silly games!

That's an absolutely true story in every detail. The point of which is that had I been slavishly following the gun fetish mentality fomented by the self-styled cowboy sheriffs here, I'd have been shot dead or worse, sent up for shooting cops who never identified themselves as such in self-defense (which is technically legal but rotsa fucking ruck for a citizen going up against the police machine). And if I'd been a quick/accurate shot, I would have taken one or two cops down as well ---- all for no reason at all beyond the juvenile comic-book fantasy that worship of Almighty Gun makes me some kind of tough guy.

Fortunately I didn't think like that, still don't, and *nobody* went down.

So sue me.

Yeah twit....considering you didn't answer any of our questions about the demeanor of the guys and then go on to say we would react in a way we wouldn't react in....nice try though..........

Try to be honest...and we might take you seriously even though you are a lefty...

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