if you were in that concert hall..would you want a gun...a poll

If you were in that concert hall in France...would you want a gun for self defense?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 87.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 12.7%

  • Total voters

Some might think "another cowboy" you wouldn't even be close...how to use the gun would depend on the tactical situation...hate to say it but the best response may be to retreat...

So? If you feel you must retreat, then you can do so, but I still don't see why you wouldn't want to have your weapon on you in the situation presented in the OP. If the terrorists were getting ready to kill me anyways, I would draw my weapon and try to take out as many of THEM as was possible first, I hope. :D

You can call me "Rambo" if you want. :lol:

I said I would be...want to be armed...I will defend myself and others if it is warranted and practical...

But I'm not interested getting involved in an event where there are a bunch of idiots going to question the need for deadly force...If I draw down on someone it will be center mass...

How many folks are charged because they were defending themselves...answer..to many

Some might think "another cowboy" you wouldn't even be close...how to use the gun would depend on the tactical situation...hate to say it but the best response may be to retreat...

So? If you feel you must retreat, then you can do so, but I still don't see why you wouldn't want to have your weapon on you in the situation presented in the OP. If the terrorists were getting ready to kill me anyways, I would draw my weapon and try to take out as many of THEM as was possible first, I hope. :D

You can call me "Rambo" if you want. :lol:

I'm thinkin' the feminine form should be "Ramba".

Kind of sounds like a cuddly panda, donut?

:lol: Or Rambette.

Now it's sounding like...

I already have a car named after me. :D


Your name is "Plymouth" ? :disbelief:

Why that's so.... feminiine. Like a rock. :eusa_shifty:

I mean I knew you were shiftless but..... hmm, isn't that Cherry Red?
I see, according to the poll results, most people ARE sane and would want to be able to fight back in the life and death scenario presented in the OP. What kind of moron would say, "no, I'd rather be unarmed." Good grief, how stupid is THAT?

Actually what the poll shows is that we are obsessed with gun fetishism. Which is a point I've made since I first got here, so that's confirmed yet again.

87% claim they'd want to be packing at a rock concert. Doesn't get much more obsessed than that.

Not really……going out to your car with who knows what low lifes running around is one reason to have a weapon…I posted a story of a pair of guys robbed in the parking lot of a football stadium…they gave the guy their money and he shot one of them anyway……the criminals know the concert or game is a gun free zone…they know you are disarmed till you at least get back to your car….

They also have a pretty good idea you might have cash on you...

Yeah well um.... I gave up comic books when I hit the teen years. I keep trying to tell you that.

What would a comic book have to do with real life....it seems to me you guys live in the comic book world......where the gun grabbers on u.s. keep telling us these things never really happen because it has never happened to them or a family member....
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?

and how many more people would have been killed in a shoot out with people with machine guns and belly bombs?


A machine gun is a crew served weapon. Odds are fewer people.....since the bad guys would have to deal with getting shot as much as the victims do....throws off your aim just a little bit...
If we lived in a comic book we wouldn't be worried about terrorists because everyone knows the good guys always win in the comic books...

Some might think "another cowboy" you wouldn't even be close...how to use the gun would depend on the tactical situation...hate to say it but the best response may be to retreat...

So? If you feel you must retreat, then you can do so, but I still don't see why you wouldn't want to have your weapon on you in the situation presented in the OP. If the terrorists were getting ready to kill me anyways, I would draw my weapon and try to take out as many of THEM as was possible first, I hope. :D

You can call me "Rambo" if you want. :lol:

I said I would be...want to be armed...I will defend myself and others if it is warranted and practical...

But I'm not interested getting involved in an event where there are a bunch of idiots going to question the need for deadly force...If I draw down on someone it will be center mass...

How many folks are charged because they were defending themselves...answer..to many

Oh, I must have misunderstood your post. Sorry about that. :)
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?

Anytime someone is shooting at me I prefer to be armed. At all other times I'd prefer to be unarmed.
It could cut down on crime. There are some stupid ones, but I think most would avoid a person if they knew that person was carrying. They want to be able to rob or whatever they want to do without getting hurt or killed. Criminals probably mostly want easy targets.
If we lived in a comic book we wouldn't be worried about terrorists because everyone knows the good guys always win in the comic books...

True but in this case the OP thinks he's actually IN the comic book.

Which is kinda :cuckoo:

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