If you were mid-flight @ 25K feet...and someone pulled out a "clock" like Ahmeds...would you worry?

What do you do when you see this??

  • Notify a flight attendant; It looks suspicious.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Confront him. He's not blowing this plane up.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Nothing. It's obviously him just checking the time on his clock.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Nothing. I'd rather go down in a fiery crash than to profile someone.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • *I'd have to check the person's race and ethnicity to see if it's OK to question their actions.

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Fellow sane people....notice the libs aren't answering the question?? I'd assume they'd say "It's obviously him just checking the time". But they arent...because they know what that thing looked like. So they're attacking me and making jokes. As usual.
Yep, when the PC Police are backed into a corner, they will (a) attack & insult, (b) deflect, (c) lie, (d) go obtuse, or (e, and I'm not kidding here) deny the vary existence of PC.

This strategy is at their very core, it has been fabulously successful for them for a long time, and they will not give an inch, no matter how absurd they look.
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Depends on the nature and intent of the prank. If it was to kinda joke with friends and that's all....then yeah...it's silly and stupid. IF it was to get a rise out of people...with the INTENT OF getting an overreaction and then he gets to play the victim role and become famous (and help his dad's cause) then it isn't silly. AND....in the radical Muslim culture they send their kids to blow themselves up. You think a dad wouldn't send his kid to pull this attention grabbing hoax?

OR....it truly was just a huge misunderstanding and over reaction to a shitty, poorly reconstructed clock.

But that's why they detained him and thoroughly investigated. Afterall....Texas has been hit by terror attacks several times and there are training camps across their Southern border.

And why'd they continue to investigate after they all knew there was no bomb? Hm?

When you misplace your keys... and then you find them... do you then continue looking for them?

If I find them outside buried in a tin can I'd keep investigating haha. Abnormal events draw attention.

And i already said why. Determining it was not a functional explosive was the easy part. The follow up investigation was about the intent...not the device.

For example....what if a quiet kinda weird heavy metal type 16 year old sat in class all week reading the book "Columbine" and started wearing Virginia Tech t shirts. Kinda odd right? It's just a book and a shirt. Wouldn't you wanna talk to him about it? What if he says only "It's a book and a shirt." And thats all he'd say. I argue you better investigate it further. Talk to parents.

Ahmeds actions and device were abnormal. Sorry....it's just today's society.

Yes they were abnormal. Two things in this story don't pass the smell test; the first is "I invented a clock". Well... no you didn't, not even the digital kind. If it had some unusual power source or time reference that would be an invention. So there seems to be something underlying there. The second thing that doesn't pass the smell test is the overreaction of the authorities, pulling Achmed out of class, suspending him, taking him to a detention center for interrogation, trying to get him to say it was a bomb, etc..... All AFTER they all know perfectly well it's not a bomb, nor did he ever represent it as such.

These two would seem to be related.

Can you think through why he might have been setting bait like this? Oh I dunno, possibly because Muslims are fucking sick and tired of having themselves painted with the same broad brush by nimrods who can't be bothered to tell political fanatics from simple Muslims?

I just gave you a HUGE clue. See if you can find it. Might want to take the hook, line and sinker out of your mouth too, 'cause it would seem you got played like a cheap banjo.

Anybody lose a set of keys?

So to be clear....you ARE saying that you think it's possible that Ahmed and his Muslim family did this on purpose and wanted this reaction???

Duh. Yes. And you gave it to them.
As I said --- you're a banjo and you just got picked.

--with at least three fingers.

Ok folks. Pogo just admitted it. Hockmed and his family planned this incident....purposely made a device that looked suspicious enough to cause concern...but innocent enough for him to claim victimhood....and purposely created this incident. Which....is illegal under Texas law.
Again, a prank is a prank

If he had road flares wrapped in tape with an alarm clock and told people that it was a bomb...that would be a hoax

He had an electronic device which he explained the purpose of. He did not hide it, he openly showed it to his engineering teacher. The school should have asked the teacher if his story was true. Once the teacher verified his story, the kid should have been released......no handcuffs, no jail

Depends on the nature and intent of the prank. If it was to kinda joke with friends and that's all....then yeah...it's silly and stupid. IF it was to get a rise out of people...with the INTENT OF getting an overreaction and then he gets to play the victim role and become famous (and help his dad's cause) then it isn't silly. AND....in the radical Muslim culture they send their kids to blow themselves up. You think a dad wouldn't send his kid to pull this attention grabbing hoax?

OR....it truly was just a huge misunderstanding and over reaction to a shitty, poorly reconstructed clock.

But that's why they detained him and thoroughly investigated. Afterall....Texas has been hit by terror attacks several times and there are training camps across their Southern border.

And why'd they continue to investigate after they all knew there was no bomb? Hm?

When you misplace your keys... and then you find them... do you then continue looking for them?

If I find them outside buried in a tin can I'd keep investigating haha. Abnormal events draw attention.

And i already said why. Determining it was not a functional explosive was the easy part. The follow up investigation was about the intent...not the device.

For example....what if a quiet kinda weird heavy metal type 16 year old sat in class all week reading the book "Columbine" and started wearing Virginia Tech t shirts. Kinda odd right? It's just a book and a shirt. Wouldn't you wanna talk to him about it? What if he says only "It's a book and a shirt." And thats all he'd say. I argue you better investigate it further. Talk to parents.

Ahmeds actions and device were abnormal. Sorry....it's just today's society.

Yes they were abnormal. Two things in this story don't pass the smell test; the first is "I invented a clock". Well... no you didn't, not even the digital kind. If it had some unusual power source or time reference that would be an invention. So there seems to be something underlying there. The second thing that doesn't pass the smell test is the overreaction of the authorities, pulling Achmed out of class, suspending him, taking him to a detention center for interrogation, trying to get him to say it was a bomb, etc..... All AFTER they all know perfectly well it's not a bomb, nor did he ever represent it as such.

These two would seem to be related.

Can you think through why he might have been setting bait like this? Oh I dunno, possibly because Muslims are fucking sick and tired of having themselves painted with the same broad brush by nimrods who can't be bothered to tell political fanatics from simple Muslims?

I just gave you a HUGE clue. See if you can find it. Might want to take the hook, line and sinker out of your mouth too, 'cause it would seem you got played like a cheap banjo.

Anybody lose a set of keys?

So to be clear....you ARE saying that you think it's possible that Ahmed and his Muslim family did this on purpose and wanted this reaction???
If this were the case, which I don't believe...he's just a geeky science loving freshman....they sure played that school, those police....and YOU for suckers.
Depends on the nature and intent of the prank. If it was to kinda joke with friends and that's all....then yeah...it's silly and stupid. IF it was to get a rise out of people...with the INTENT OF getting an overreaction and then he gets to play the victim role and become famous (and help his dad's cause) then it isn't silly. AND....in the radical Muslim culture they send their kids to blow themselves up. You think a dad wouldn't send his kid to pull this attention grabbing hoax?

OR....it truly was just a huge misunderstanding and over reaction to a shitty, poorly reconstructed clock.

But that's why they detained him and thoroughly investigated. Afterall....Texas has been hit by terror attacks several times and there are training camps across their Southern border.

And why'd they continue to investigate after they all knew there was no bomb? Hm?

When you misplace your keys... and then you find them... do you then continue looking for them?

If I find them outside buried in a tin can I'd keep investigating haha. Abnormal events draw attention.

And i already said why. Determining it was not a functional explosive was the easy part. The follow up investigation was about the intent...not the device.

For example....what if a quiet kinda weird heavy metal type 16 year old sat in class all week reading the book "Columbine" and started wearing Virginia Tech t shirts. Kinda odd right? It's just a book and a shirt. Wouldn't you wanna talk to him about it? What if he says only "It's a book and a shirt." And thats all he'd say. I argue you better investigate it further. Talk to parents.

Ahmeds actions and device were abnormal. Sorry....it's just today's society.

Yes they were abnormal. Two things in this story don't pass the smell test; the first is "I invented a clock". Well... no you didn't, not even the digital kind. If it had some unusual power source or time reference that would be an invention. So there seems to be something underlying there. The second thing that doesn't pass the smell test is the overreaction of the authorities, pulling Achmed out of class, suspending him, taking him to a detention center for interrogation, trying to get him to say it was a bomb, etc..... All AFTER they all know perfectly well it's not a bomb, nor did he ever represent it as such.

These two would seem to be related.

Can you think through why he might have been setting bait like this? Oh I dunno, possibly because Muslims are fucking sick and tired of having themselves painted with the same broad brush by nimrods who can't be bothered to tell political fanatics from simple Muslims?

I just gave you a HUGE clue. See if you can find it. Might want to take the hook, line and sinker out of your mouth too, 'cause it would seem you got played like a cheap banjo.

Anybody lose a set of keys?

So to be clear....you ARE saying that you think it's possible that Ahmed and his Muslim family did this on purpose and wanted this reaction???
If this were the case, which I don't believe...he's just a geeky science loving freshman....they sure played that school, those police....and YOU for suckers.

Yeah....Muslims bringing hoax devices to a school...to purposely create panic...in a state that has endured several Muslim terror attacks in recent years. Yep. Really proving a social point there aren't they. Kinda like a white guy running into an AME church with a rebel flag and trench coat....just to prove he's harmless. Right.
Let's say you are on a flight from LA to NYC. Halfway there at 25,000 feet....you see a male passenger, possibly foreign, pull out a metallic box...open it...and it looks like what Ahmeds "clock" in Texas looked like. Somehow TSA missed it. Or maybe not. You aren't sure. Everyone else is asleep. Only you see it.

What do you do?

I will ask him or her... HEY what time is it?
When you travel a long flight like overseas. You see a middle eastern man opening the overhead compartment pulling out his hand carry far larger than a pencil box.
Everyone else is asleep. What would you do?
True, in fact anything a brown person is carrying could be a bomb. If I see a brown person carrying something I'm gonna take Billy and Bucs advice and know them unconscious and take stuff. And if it's not a bomb, well that's what lawyers are for anyways so what the hell?
My scenario never included a brown person. You must have assumed the man on a plane with a suspicious item was brown. You fuckin racist...or bigot...or pigmentist....or whatever you all call em now....you're that.
Liberals getting trapped by their own "identity politics" is priceless.
Ooh, that's a good'n.

OK I'd use the phone in the seat to call the Irving Police and have them fly alongside the plane so they could board and interrogate the kid and try to get him to say "clock = bomb". And if he won't do it we wrap a towel around his head and chuck him out over the desert.

Irving Police did not seem concerned enough to evacuate the school or call in a bomb sniffing dog

They couldn't have been that concerned that it was an actual bomb

Nope. They were concerned however with whether or not it was an intentional prank. Which is illegal under Texas law.

By the way....by CALEA national standards of best practice for police agencies....bomb evacuations are only mandated by police when it's CONFIRMED to be a real bomb. Up to that point...the standard is that it's optional....and up to the person in charge of the school or business....not the cops. Irving PD never had the authority to force an evacuation. School did....not PD.

If they were concerned it was a prank, they would need evidence that he tried to represent it as a bomb. That is an intentional prank

There was evidence that he represented it as a clock to his engineering teacher and anyone else who would listen

True. And evidence piece #1 is a device that looks suspicious and could be mistaken for an explosive device by the untrained eye. Similar to how a cop may mistake a toy gun for a real gun. Evidence piece #2 is an engineering teacher who WARNED him not to let others see it. Why? Because that engineering teacher knew it could be mistaken as something dangerous.

Evidence piece #3. Hockmed ignored that warning....and plugged it in during class....in a classroom with a big clock hanging on the wall like all classes have. Why?? Not sure.

There's enough evidence to say he MIGHT have been pulling a prank. Not certainly. Not even probably. But maybe.

Again, a prank is a prank

If he had road flares wrapped in tape with an alarm clock and told people that it was a bomb...that would be a hoax

He had an electronic device which he explained the purpose of. He did not hide it, he openly showed it to his engineering teacher. The school should have asked the teacher if his story was true. Once the teacher verified his story, the kid should have been released......no handcuffs, no jail
However if a white 6 year old eats his Pop Tart in the shape of a gun, haul his little po-po to County lock up. No PC worries doing that and liberals will cheer.
Let's say you are on a flight from LA to NYC. Halfway there at 25,000 feet....you see a male passenger, possibly foreign, pull out a metallic box...open it...and it looks like what Ahmeds "clock" in Texas looked like. Somehow TSA missed it. Or maybe not. You aren't sure. Everyone else is asleep. Only you see it.

What do you do?

I will ask him or her... HEY what time is it?
When you travel a long flight like overseas. You see a middle eastern man opening the overhead compartment pulling out his hand carry far larger than a pencil box.
Everyone else is asleep. What would you do?

Um....nothing. His bag doesn't look like a bomb does it?
Let's say you are on a flight from LA to NYC. Halfway there at 25,000 feet....you see a male passenger, possibly foreign, pull out a metallic box...open it...and it looks like what Ahmeds "clock" in Texas looked like. Somehow TSA missed it. Or maybe not. You aren't sure. Everyone else is asleep. Only you see it.

What do you do?

I will ask him or her... HEY what time is it?
When you travel a long flight like overseas. You see a middle eastern man opening the overhead compartment pulling out his hand carry far larger than a pencil box.
Everyone else is asleep. What would you do?

Um....nothing. His bag doesn't look like a bomb does it?

But you are referring to Ahmed pencil box a small box. No explosives. What is the difference? The hand carry is large enough to fit an explosives.
Let's say you are on a flight from LA to NYC. Halfway there at 25,000 feet....you see a male passenger, possibly foreign, pull out a metallic box...open it...and it looks like what Ahmeds "clock" in Texas looked like. Somehow TSA missed it. Or maybe not. You aren't sure. Everyone else is asleep. Only you see it.

What do you do?

I will ask him or her... HEY what time is it?
When you travel a long flight like overseas. You see a middle eastern man opening the overhead compartment pulling out his hand carry far larger than a pencil box.
Everyone else is asleep. What would you do?
Bucs would yell; Citizens arrest ! Citizens arrest !
Let's say you are on a flight from LA to NYC. Halfway there at 25,000 feet....you see a male passenger, possibly foreign, pull out a metallic box...open it...and it looks like what Ahmeds "clock" in Texas looked like. Somehow TSA missed it. Or maybe not. You aren't sure. Everyone else is asleep. Only you see it.

What do you do?
Find out his name and make sure any future plane rides I take, he is not the pilot
True, in fact anything a brown person is carrying could be a bomb. If I see a brown person carrying something I'm gonna take Billy and Bucs advice and know them unconscious and take stuff. And if it's not a bomb, well that's what lawyers are for anyways so what the hell?
My scenario never included a brown person. You must have assumed the man on a plane with a suspicious item was brown. You fuckin racist...or bigot...or pigmentist....or whatever you all call em now....you're that.
Liberals getting trapped by their own "identity politics" is priceless.
The entire premise of this thread is based on identity politics.
And why'd they continue to investigate after they all knew there was no bomb? Hm?

When you misplace your keys... and then you find them... do you then continue looking for them?

If I find them outside buried in a tin can I'd keep investigating haha. Abnormal events draw attention.

And i already said why. Determining it was not a functional explosive was the easy part. The follow up investigation was about the intent...not the device.

For example....what if a quiet kinda weird heavy metal type 16 year old sat in class all week reading the book "Columbine" and started wearing Virginia Tech t shirts. Kinda odd right? It's just a book and a shirt. Wouldn't you wanna talk to him about it? What if he says only "It's a book and a shirt." And thats all he'd say. I argue you better investigate it further. Talk to parents.

Ahmeds actions and device were abnormal. Sorry....it's just today's society.

Yes they were abnormal. Two things in this story don't pass the smell test; the first is "I invented a clock". Well... no you didn't, not even the digital kind. If it had some unusual power source or time reference that would be an invention. So there seems to be something underlying there. The second thing that doesn't pass the smell test is the overreaction of the authorities, pulling Achmed out of class, suspending him, taking him to a detention center for interrogation, trying to get him to say it was a bomb, etc..... All AFTER they all know perfectly well it's not a bomb, nor did he ever represent it as such.

These two would seem to be related.

Can you think through why he might have been setting bait like this? Oh I dunno, possibly because Muslims are fucking sick and tired of having themselves painted with the same broad brush by nimrods who can't be bothered to tell political fanatics from simple Muslims?

I just gave you a HUGE clue. See if you can find it. Might want to take the hook, line and sinker out of your mouth too, 'cause it would seem you got played like a cheap banjo.

Anybody lose a set of keys?

So to be clear....you ARE saying that you think it's possible that Ahmed and his Muslim family did this on purpose and wanted this reaction???

Duh. Yes. And you gave it to them.
As I said --- you're a banjo and you just got picked.

--with at least three fingers.

Ok folks. Pogo just admitted it. Hockmed and his family planned this incident....purposely made a device that looked suspicious enough to cause concern...but innocent enough for him to claim victimhood....and purposely created this incident. Which....is illegal under Texas law.


Back-to-front, show me where this "is illegal under Texas law"...

Next, I don't know what the motivations were, and neither do you. What you said was "So to be clear .... you are saying you think it's possible..."

And I answered in the affirmative. It is possible. This is all what we call "speculation".

You don't get to put words in my mouth.

Now let's see this Texas law against clocks. The Irving anti-time ordinance, is it?
I agree with the OP here, I don't get why people are rallying around this issue and this kid. So what if it was a fuckin clock, it looked like a bomb, the teachers panicked and the kid was taken away. It was foolish of him, his fuckin family to think this shit was okay to bring to class ESPECIALLY GIVEN THE CLIMATE AND SENSITIVITY THE INTIRE WORLD IS HAVING OVER FUCKIN MUSLIM AND WHAT THEIR DOING. Clearly his fuckin family watch the fuckin news, clearly they've been through the fuckin air ports....when a even a bottle of shampoo is suspect...I mean what planet have these lunatics been on.
I suppose I would feel pretty uncomfortable in an airplane if someone lit a bunsen burner, but I would not be very concerned if I were in a high school when that happened.
A more likely scenerio is some redneck rube walking into a public school with a loaded AR-15. And you would defend his right to do this.

The kid brought the clock to school as a science project to show his science teacher. rdean really wrote the best discussion of this. But you guys have had your asses kicked in the court of public opinion, and just cannot let this go. What bigoted assholes you are demonstrating yourselves to be.

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