If You’re Concerned about a Radical 'Dominionist' Takeover of America Look to the Left Not the Right


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

If You’re Concerned about a Radical 'Dominionist' Takeover of America

Look to the Left Not the Right

19 Jun 2023 ~~ By Dr Michael Brown

I do not for a moment downplay the danger of the radical, rightwing ideologies of White supremacists in America. Nor do I deny the existence of a Dominionist, takeover mentality in some Christian circles, the most extreme of which were put on display in the days leading up to January 6, 2021.
But the real danger, the ever-present danger, the more pressing danger, is that of a radical dominionist takeover from the left.
The evidence is all around us.
Consider for a moment what is currently happening in America today (as opposed to predicting what is to come). Which group is currently asserting its power over others in an intimidating, even life-threatening way?
The Daily Wire reported on June 13 that,
“Multiple Target stores across the U.S. received bomb threats over the weekend for allegedly ‘betraying the LGBTQ+ community’ by tamping down on some of the Pride Month products sold in its stores due to massive backlash the company has faced.”
Yes, “The FBI is now investigating the bomb threats that have been made in stores located in Oklahoma, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Louisiana, Ohio, Utah, and Pennsylvania.”
More ominously, a June 11 headline on Daily Mail announced,
“The new face of extremism unmasked: The UN and Republicans are watching 'Trantifa' - the hard-left transgender activists who flirt with violence to promote their radical agenda.”
Enough said.
Even the UN is on the alert. (For some shocking documentation, see here.)
So, it goes from Trantifa terrorism to an economic superpower “forcing behaviors.” Are you getting the picture? (According to Fox Business, BlackRock “owns shares in everyday companies such as Amazon, Apple, MasterCard, Johnson & Johnson, Walmart and Walt Disney Co.”)
Not only so, but Breitbart reported on June 11 that,
“Billionaire left-wing Democrat donor George Soros is handing control of his $25 billion financial empire to his younger son Alex who has vowed to pursue even more ultra-liberal causes.
“The newly crowned 37-year-old heir told the Wall Street Journal he will broaden his father’s famously woke interests to include issues like voting and abortion rights as well as ‘gender equality.’”
Talk about an Orwellian nightmare.
Deeply alarmed after the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 8-1 to advance the legislation (Assembly Bill 957), Republican Senator Scott Wilk said,
“In the past, when we’ve had these discussions, and I’ve seen parental rights atrophy, I’ve encouraged people to keep fighting. I’ve changed my mind on that — if you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee.”
Flee! This is how extreme the radical left is becoming.
This is the Dominionist takeover that should be feared.
For those who would argue that the right is doing this very thing by passing legislation outlawing the chemical castration and genital mutilation of trans-identified children, the comparison breaks down immediately.
California would remove children from parental care if the parents refuse to affirm the non-verifiable, often quite malleable, totally subjective, feelings of a child. (In point of fact, upwards of 80 percent of such children will outgrow those feelings after puberty.)
That’s why, as reported by the ADF, 12-year-old Liam, a student at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts, “was punished by the school for wearing a t-shirt that says, ‘There are only two genders.’”
How dare he!
Of course, other students can wear all kinds of “Pride” affirming clothes. But the moment someone pushes back with simple biological reality, a forbidden line is crossed.
Little children, who belong to the state, you shall not dissent!
All this, of course, is the tiniest tip of a massive, decades-old, ever-growing iceberg, in response to which more and more Americans are saying, “Enough is enough.”
But let the truth be told clearly: we don’t have to wonder about an alleged, Dominionist takeover coming from the radical right. It’s already here, in force.
And it’s coming from the radical left.

I can think of just four major violent Right Wing acts of violence in the USA in the last 30 years.
That fruitcake Timothy McVeigh, who blew up a building.
That teenage fruitcake who murdered seven Black people in South Carolina.
That teenage fruitcake who drove his car into a crowd of Lefties in Charlottesville, VA.
While, the adult Jew-hating psycho who murdered a bunch of people at a synagogue in New York.
Bottom Line - every white supremacy organization or website in the USA has more paid FBI informants than actual members! All you ave to do is ask the lawyers of the poor convicted dolts languishing in jail
Trantifa! -- Let the truth be told clearly: we don’t have to wonder about an alleged, Dominionist takeover coming from the radical right. It’s already here, in force.
Trantifa! It’s all coming from the radical left.
If the Democrats are going to steal elections, who knows what else they will do.

I personally would put nothing past democrats in their thirst for power.
I've had personal experiences that I dont talk about due to being smeared for bringing it up.
Perhaps one day I'll talk about it but not until they've been exposed.
Perfect clarity.
And well said.
The radical left is the true danger to America.
Post the danger to the massive population of the radical left (RL). First define the Left, and then make a case for a RL.

For decades I've asked people to define the Left and never are able to do so. The truth of the matter is simple: The Left supports We the People, the Right supports themselves.

Post the danger to the massive population of the radical left (RL). First define the Left, and then make a case for a RL.

For decades I've asked people to define the Left and never are able to do so. The truth of the matter is simple: The Left supports We the People, the Right supports themselves.

The comical part is that you're really dopey enough to believe that.
Ted Cruz and Huckabee are ardent Dominionists.
Post the danger to the massive population of the radical left (RL). First define the Left, and then make a case for a RL.

For decades I've asked people to define the Left and never are able to do so. The truth of the matter is simple: The Left supports We the People, the Right supports themselves.

The Left wants to control we the people. The Left wants to take our rights. The Left also needs idiots that lie for them. That would be you.
Dominionist celebrities.

Yeah, and?

There are voluminous quotes from the framers about the Constitution being for a godly people.

What makes you shitlibs so terrified of faithful people?
Remember, the same shitlibs who proclaim to be terrified of "dominionists", are the same assholes who will cynically try to use the teachings of Christ, to jam their communistic welfare state down your throats.

Not a single moral compass among them.

What communist welfare state are you speaking of?

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