Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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These young people are absolutely clueless. All they know is that they started college “normal,” and within a year, they hate Jews. Why, they couldn’t tell you. But it’s the trendy thing, and all the cool kids hate them, so why not me?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I actually meant to post the below image with that comment. But it works anyway! Our friend IM2 might not understand my previous post though….

Amen sister.

Same thing holds true for black people. Democrats decimated the black community decades ago. Today, black peole are so ignorant they don’t even know what a computer is.

It seems like after building every civilization on the planet these scholars could figure out how to work a belt.


Thomas sowell said this. I'd seen some of him and what he says and he is absolutely correct.

This, especially American, black culture does them more harm than any perceived racism or white supremacy we have. They themselves make themselves undesirable in the workplace, their low intelligence, high crime rates and so on. No one else is to blame but themselves.

Sadly white people help perpetuate this lifestyle of thug dummies.

We do things like tell them nothing is their fault and all of their problems are because of racism.

We have dei and affirmative actiom so when they grow up they are allowed into clegess and get jobs based on their skin color and not because they are qualified. We encourage their black culture and then force companies and schools to allow them in.

We let public schools lower grading standards to accommodate them instead of holding them to higher standards.

In cases like BLM we let them run around like animals looting, committing crimes and so on in the name of being black which is just an excuse for them to act like savages.

Like Micheal Jordan?
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As if any straight man would refer to himself as “P Diddy”. It’s like a subconscious Freudian slip.

“Puffy” don’t seem to like women very much….

“A 2016 surveillance video obtained exclusively by CNN shows Sean “Diddy” Combs grab, shove, drag and kick his then-girlfriend Cassie Ventura during an altercation that matches allegations in a now-settled federal lawsuit filed by Ventura in November.”

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His pants are down and he is bending over... They sold this shit to an entire generation of black men.


“P. Diddy, Puff Daddy, Puffy, Sean Combs—whatever name he’s going by, the now 46-year-old musician, producer, record exec, and occasional actor has been a star since his teens.”

New Again: Puff Daddy - Interview Magazine
I am very critical of blacks, whites, Jews, Asians-it has nothing to do with internalized racism. I'm allowed to criticize my own race. Africa has gotten Billions in taxes. What have they done with it beside line the pockets of their politicians? Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked, but today look like a garden. Africa was never nuked and received an equitable amount in taxes, yet looks like it was nuked. Not just in two cities, but most of them.

Africa wasn't popping before Europeans came. The induction of medicine and technology was a huge boom, and why Africa's population has exploded. The most developed places in Africa are the ones where Europeans are predominant, like South Africa. Even in antiquity, North Africa was the most thriving, wholly because of European influences like the romans and Arabs. I know negroes think that because it's in Africa, they must be responsible, but It isn't true. Africa is very diverse, and even East Africans see themselves as dissimilar to west africans-they authentically black blacks.

You have to get out of that madness of calling everything racism that does follow the script. I already told you: I'm a different kind of negro. My ancestors did not die and toil in the fields for me to have every excuse in the world. A black man literally worked in a hot ass field, from his birth until his death. Literally ruminate over that for a few minutes. No, we have to correct course. Telling the truth is apart of that. Blacks think wearing a shirt that say "king" or "queen" is doing the hard work. It isn't.
According to African historians Africa was popping before the Europeans came. and it was not just north Africa. Thats what white racists claim. Mansa Musa from the Mali Kingdom is documented to be the richest man in world history. I don't think Mali was in Norh Africa. Benin was not in Norh AfricaI don't have to get out of anything.


I think you have the problem. Reality is not an excuse and documentation shows this. The cities in many African nations look no dfferent than cities here. They have blighted hoods just like we have here. They have rural run down areas, just like we have here. You say Africans have got tax dollars, this shows how much you don't know. Africa has made America and Europe rich and have not gotten fair value for the products white nations have extracted out of African ground.

I will call racism what it is and I will tell a black man or woman that they have internalized racism if they show the signs. You talked about how Jews hustled when the reality is that white Jews were able to take advantage of government programs that denied backs the same chance. That is not an excuse, it is what happened. So you "different kind of negroes" might want to go study history, specifically looking at public policy.

I saw what people did during the civil rights movement as a child and they didn't waste time whining about backs being in video games.
According to African historians Africa was popping before the Europeans came. and it was not just north Africa. Thats what white racists claim. Mansa Musa from the Mali Kingdom is documented to be the richest man in world history. I don't think Mali was in Norh Africa. Benin was not in Norh AfricaI don't have to get out of anything.

View attachment 948382

I think you have the problem. Reality is not an excuse and documentation shows this. The cities in many African nations look no dfferent than cities here. They have blighted hoods just like we have here. They have rural run down areas, just like we have here. You say Africans have got tax dollars, this shows how much you don't know. Africa has made America and Europe rich and have not gotten fair value for the products white nations have extracted out of African ground.

I will call racism what it is and I will tell a black man or woman that they have internalized racism if they show the signs. You talked about how Jews hustled when the reality is that white Jews were able to take advantage of government programs that denied backs the same chance. That is not an excuse, it is what happened. So you "different kind of negroes" might want to go study history, specifically looking at public policy.

I saw what people did during the civil rights movement as a child and they didn't waste time whining about backs being in video games.
I don't care whether or not you think I have internal racism or not. I'm grown. I presented facts. Replying with "yo mama blek" is a non sequitur. Mansa Musa? Yes, he had a bunch of gold and what have you. What about it? It's no different than Dubai having a bunch of oil. Or Venezuela. It's a commodity. It doesn't mean anything. When the oil dries up, it just reverts back to to the jungle; Venezuela reverted back to one of the poorest countries in the south. Africa has billionaires right now. But what about the masses? Yo cannot cherry pick Mansa Musa and act as if it representative of the African continent. If you think Africa is just being lied on, you are delusional. Why do Ni##$ers have such a low bar? Stop making excuses for our position, and build.

Europe is not rich because of Africa or the legacy of slavery. If this was the case, Liberia would be rich because it has slaves TO THIS DAY. Europeans have wealth because of industry, ingenuity, value added economies of scale vs commodities, etc. Everyone has rocks and wood-it's about what you make with them. Japan has virtually no virtually no resources and land, yet one of the wealthiest countries. Africans don't build anything, so we are poor. IQ plays into all of this as well. Good luck getting a dog to build a space program, no matter how many resources you give it.

This documentary will give you some insight. One of my favorites. I also recommend "Black Rednecks White Liberals" by Thomas Sowell, if you can get past his inherent coon reputation. You need to work, black man. Don't work hard but smart, work smart AND hard. You spit on your ancestors with the excuses and victimhood. Asians are subject to white supremacy, but still succeed. That doens't mean ignore it like those crakas want you to, it just illustrates our options and what can be done. Like I said, I want to DOMINATE these lice scratchers. Racism is the way of the world; it's called "race" because it is a race. lol. 4 hours of homework a night. Get off of USMB and build.

Heil Hitler
Yeah, how dare someone defend themselves against you fascist thugs. You brown-shirts don’t get to run around pointing guns at innocent bystanders with impunity. Don’t try intimidating people by threatening their lives and then cry like a bitch when someone calls out you on it.

When a mod swarms your car and points a gun at you, just bend over and take it like a liberal cuck.
IM2 Yes, we know you wuz kangz. The problem with Africa, specifically South Africa is what’s called “ethnic fractionalization”. It’s basically a less woke term for “diversity”. It wasn’t the evil white-devils that ruined Africa. It was a lack of social cohesion that prevented South Africa from ever developing beyond tribal societies. The same social fragmentation can be credited for keeping the Americas in the Stone Age prior to European conquest.

“Ethnic fractionalization has been suggested as one of many causes of corruption in previous literature (Mauro, 1995, 1998; La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, & Vishny, 1999; Alesina, Devleeschauwer, Easterly, Kurlat, & Wacziarg, 2003; Alesina & Ferrara, 2005; Glaeser & Saks, 2006; Dincer, 2008). If ethnic fractionalization leads to corruption, it should also lead to several negative outcomes that are correlated with corruption, which has been suggested by other scholars. Studies from the USA show that cities that are ethnically fractionalized prefer lower taxes above public goods provisions (Alesina, Baqir, & Easterly, 1999). Ethnic fractionalization is also negatively correlated with economic growth, quality of policies, and quality of institutions at a country-level (Alesina, Devleeschauwer, Easterly, Kurlat, & Wacziarg, 2003).”


Ethnic Fractionalization World
IM2 Yes, we know you wuz kangz. The problem with Africa, specifically South Africa is what’s called “ethnic fractionalization”. It’s basically a less woke term for “diversity”. It wasn’t the evil white-devils that ruined Africa. It was a lack of social cohesion that prevented South Africa from ever developing beyond tribal societies. The same social fragmentation can be credited for keeping the Americas in the Stone Age prior to European conquest.

“Ethnic fractionalization has been suggested as one of many causes of corruption in previous literature (Mauro, 1995, 1998; La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, & Vishny, 1999; Alesina, Devleeschauwer, Easterly, Kurlat, & Wacziarg, 2003; Alesina & Ferrara, 2005; Glaeser & Saks, 2006; Dincer, 2008). If ethnic fractionalization leads to corruption, it should also lead to several negative outcomes that are correlated with corruption, which has been suggested by other scholars. Studies from the USA show that cities that are ethnically fractionalized prefer lower taxes above public goods provisions (Alesina, Baqir, & Easterly, 1999). Ethnic fractionalization is also negatively correlated with economic growth, quality of policies, and quality of institutions at a country-level (Alesina, Devleeschauwer, Easterly, Kurlat, & Wacziarg, 2003).”

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Ethnic Fractionalization World
The Europeans slaughtered each other for centuries, and Putin is trying to bring it back lol. Gaw head-I love white on white crime.
I don't care whether or not you think I have internal racism or not. I'm grown. I presented facts. Replying with "yo mama blek" is a non sequitur. Mansa Musa? Yes, he had a bunch of gold and what have you. What about it? It's no different than Dubai having a bunch of oil. Or Venezuela. It's a commodity. It doesn't mean anything. When the oil dries up, it just reverts back to to the jungle; Venezuela reverted back to one of the poorest countries in the south. Africa has billionaires right now. But what about the masses? Yo cannot cherry pick Mansa Musa and act as if it representative of the African continent. If you think Africa is just being lied on, you are delusional. Why do Ni##$ers have such a low bar? Stop making excuses for our position, and build.

Europe is not rich because of Africa or the legacy of slavery. If this was the case, Liberia would be rich because it has slaves TO THIS DAY. Europeans have wealth because of industry, ingenuity, value added economies of scale vs commodities, etc. Everyone has rocks and wood-it's about what you make with them. Japan has virtually no virtually no resources and land, yet one of the wealthiest countries. Africans don't build anything, so we are poor. IQ plays into all of this as well. Good luck getting a dog to build a space program, no matter how many resources you give it.

This documentary will give you some insight. One of my favorites. I also recommend "Black Rednecks White Liberals" by Thomas Sowell, if you can get past his inherent coon reputation. You need to work, black man. Don't work hard but smart, work smart AND hard. You spit on your ancestors with the excuses and victimhood. Asians are subject to white supremacy, but still succeed. That doens't mean ignore it like those crakas want you to, it just illustrates our options and what can be done. Like I said, I want to DOMINATE these lice scratchers. Racism is the way of the world; it's called "race" because it is a race. lol. 4 hours of homework a night. Get off of USMB and build.

What IM2 fails to mention is the Mensa Musa was almost certainly the biggest individual slave owner in history. From the Wikki article on him:

Early reign​

Musa was a young man when he became Mansa, possibly in his early twenties.[39] Given the grandeur of his subsequent hajj, it is likely that Musa spent much of his early reign preparing for it.[40] Among these preparations would likely have been raids to capture and enslave people from neighboring lands, as Musa's entourage would include many thousands of enslaved people; the historian Michael Gomez estimates that Mali may have captured over 6,000 people per year for this purpose.[41] Perhaps because of this, Musa's early reign was spent in continuous military conflict with neighboring non-Muslim societies.[41] In 1324, while in Cairo, Musa said that he had conquered 24 cities and their surrounding districts.[42]"

Says something about IM2's heroes doesn't it?
I don't care whether or not you think I have internal racism or not. I'm grown. I presented facts. Replying with "yo mama blek" is a non sequitur. Mansa Musa? Yes, he had a bunch of gold and what have you. What about it? It's no different than Dubai having a bunch of oil. Or Venezuela. It's a commodity. It doesn't mean anything. When the oil dries up, it just reverts back to to the jungle; Venezuela reverted back to one of the poorest countries in the south. Africa has billionaires right now. But what about the masses? Yo cannot cherry pick Mansa Musa and act as if it representative of the African continent. If you think Africa is just being lied on, you are delusional. Why do Ni##$ers have such a low bar? Stop making excuses for our position, and build.

Europe is not rich because of Africa or the legacy of slavery. If this was the case, Liberia would be rich because it has slaves TO THIS DAY. Europeans have wealth because of industry, ingenuity, value added economies of scale vs commodities, etc. Everyone has rocks and wood-it's about what you make with them. Japan has virtually no virtually no resources and land, yet one of the wealthiest countries. Africans don't build anything, so we are poor. IQ plays into all of this as well. Good luck getting a dog to build a space program, no matter how many resources you give it.

This documentary will give you some insight. One of my favorites. I also recommend "Black Rednecks White Liberals" by Thomas Sowell, if you can get past his inherent coon reputation. You need to work, black man. Don't work hard but smart, work smart AND hard. You spit on your ancestors with the excuses and victimhood. Asians are subject to white supremacy, but still succeed. That doens't mean ignore it like those crakas want you to, it just illustrates our options and what can be done. Like I said, I want to DOMINATE these lice scratchers. Racism is the way of the world; it's called "race" because it is a race. lol. 4 hours of homework a night. Get off of USMB and build.

I don't listen or read Thomas Sowell. You need to read how Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney and read stuff from Africans. You need to read stuff from William Darity if you want to read a black economist instead of Thomas Sowells ignorance. Try some Claude Anderson too. And Dr. John Henrik Clarke. Europeans bought diseases to Africa that didn't exist there because of the unsanitary conditions they lived in durng the Midde Ages and Colonial eras but you talk about how advanced they were.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa​

You made a retarded statement about what Afrrica didn't have before Europeans showed up. That's why I pointed out Mansa Musa. If YOU would have done the homework you would have learned how Black Moors took Europe out of the dark ages. You would have seen the statues of Blacks that have been built in Europe that honor the blacks who helped Europe rise out of their ignorance. I've run into many of you "different tyoes of Negoes" before and all of you think you have the answer when all you are is ful of shit. You tell me to read Thomas Sowell, but what kind of plan has he articulated for the black community. The MF has been alive for over 90 years. He's had plenty of time to create a plan that would solve the problems he says he sees. But all his ass has ever done is serve as a black apologist for white supremacists.

How the U.S Stole $1 Trillion from Africa in 2022​

You talk about Asians, name a historically Asian College or University. When you look at the stats, if you take away the Asians from India, the Asian media income drops dramatcally. Asians are doing no better than anyone else asides from the people from India. And Indians are here on H1B Visas that give them jobs that blacks don't get hired for or paid less for even when they have the same degrees.

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."

Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

This study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors. "Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."

True Asians will tell you that they face virulent racism and wealth disparity and your dumb ass comes here talking that white boy shit about Asians. I've done the homework and continue to do so. You are full of hot air. I know what needs to be done and your plan whatever it is, ain't it. You need help.

We Will Not Be Used: Are Asian-Americans the Racial Bourgeoisie?​


By Mari J. Matsuda

You talk about black IQ being low, that is a white racist argument. And so this shows that either you have adopted the belief of superior white intelligence, which shows you have internalized racism to such an extent that you have accepted the belief that blacks are dumb, or that you are white. You talk about what our ancestors didn't spend all that time in the heat for us to be doing, but one thing they didn't toil all that time for was to have someone from generaytions later go around supporting the whte racist belief of low black IQ.

You can be as grown as you want, but your opinion when contrasted to all the evidence is stupid. I'm grown too, way past grown and I know that what you are saying makes no sense. But you believe in Eugenics and that belief was shown to be insanity long ago. Life works like this, blacks do not have to accept foolish opinions just because another person is black. No one else does. So it's not being brainwashed to reject your opinion because you make no sense. It's not about the inability to tolerate a diverse view. Nor is it being on a plantation or brainwashing. Accepting lunacy just because it's coming from someone black is foolish.

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