Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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I am very critical of blacks, whites, Jews, Asians-it has nothing to do with internalized racism. I'm allowed to criticize my own race. Africa has gotten Billions in taxes. What have they done with it beside line the pockets of their politicians? Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked, but today look like a garden. Africa was never nuked and received an equitable amount in taxes, yet looks like it was nuked. Not just in two cities, but most of them.

Africa wasn't popping before Europeans came. The induction of medicine and technology was a huge boom, and why Africa's population has exploded. The most developed places in Africa are the ones where Europeans are predominant, like South Africa. Even in antiquity, North Africa was the most thriving, wholly because of European influences like the romans and Arabs. I know negroes think that because it's in Africa, they must be responsible, but It isn't true. Africa is very diverse, and even East Africans see themselves as dissimilar to west africans-they authentically black blacks.

You have to get out of that madness of calling everything racism that does follow the script. I already told you: I'm a different kind of negro. My ancestors did not die and toil in the fields for me to have every excuse in the world. A black man literally worked in a hot ass field, from his birth until his death. Literally ruminate over that for a few minutes. No, we have to correct course. Telling the truth is apart of that. Blacks think wearing a shirt that say "king" or "queen" is doing the hard work. It isn't.

It’s sad what liberals have done to the black community. Tragic the black community is so easily enslaved.

STHU racist. Yes Jews are violating the covenant they made with God. That's a fact. Nothing anti semitic about it. And Jews are not perfect, they are human, therefore Jews can be criticized. If you think you can lecture blacks on what we need to do, I damn sure can speak about Jews. Do you understand? Because you're going to have to understand.
STHU antisemite. You have FITS when white people say anything about blacks, and then you shoot your nasty mouth off about how Gd is angry at Jews!

And what do you mean “it’s a fact.” Did you speak to Gd and He told you?

And Gd forbid a white states a true fact - that the high OOW birthrate is what accounts for blacks’ problems. Now THAT is a fact.

So shut you antisemitic trap, black man.

But he didn't. All the race based mass shooting have been by white supremacists. Remember the Buffalo shooting? How about New Zealand? Black people in my city are the number one victims of hate crimes, despite the fact that all the racial groups have equal demographic numbers.
STHU antisemite. You have FITS when white people say anything about blacks, and then you shoot your nasty mouth off about how Gd is angry at Jews!

And what do you mean “it’s a fact.” Did you speak to Gd and He told you?

And Gd forbid a white states a true fact - that the high OOW birthrate is what accounts for blacks’ problems. Now THAT is a fact.

So shut you antisemitic trap, black man.
White supremacy and out of wedlock births, aren't mutually exclusive. Both can exist concurrently. You are only focused on black behavior because you are a racist, nasty white lady.
Many thousands of years ago. African Negroes are doing it now.
Cope. The planet has been around for billions of years. There are no statutes of limitations, here. Either you were an animal or you weren't. You were. You have zero moral authority.
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