Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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You don’t speak for Jews, you antisemite. And Gd isn’t punishing Israel, antisemites like yourself are.

What a racist AND antisemitic asshole you are.
STHU racist. Yes Jews are violating the covenant they made with God. That's a fact. Nothing anti semitic about it. And Jews are not perfect, they are human, therefore Jews can be criticized. If you think you can lecture blacks on what we need to do, I damn sure can speak about Jews. Do you understand? Because you're going to have to understand.
I think whites have the cultural probem which is the beief in white supremacy. The decisions some of them make due to that cultural problem creates problems for us.
I think blacks have a cultural problem which is the belief in black supremacy. The decisions some of them make due to that cultural problem creates problems for us.
I guess you missed the challenge tne NFAC gave to the KKK to met them at stone mountain in 2020. You had me at first, but nobody black is talking about our mean IQ being 84. So you can drop the internet blackface white boy.

RACE, INTELLIGENCE, AND THE BRAIN: THE ERRORS ANDOMISSIONS OF THE 'REVISED' EDITION OF S. J. GOULD'STHE MISMEASURE OF MAN (1996)J. Philippe RushtonDepartment of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada​

Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of socialstratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486youths (3022 of whom were African-American), which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacksas well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those withlow IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency. The average IQ for African-Americans wasfound to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115,respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictiveand are biased in favor of North Europeans.

We don't need to emulate Jews. If you want to emulate them we need to get the same government benefits white Jews got after WW2. You see, this is where your thinking has run into internalized racism. You say you are a new "woke " black conservative, but you seem unable to see how whites really have been able to do things.
The poor white Jews in my family got NOTHING.

Post WWII, my dad, uncle, mother, and aunt (all within six years of each other) ALL went to college -and there were blacks in each of their schools. The blacks got there the same way my family did - by being bright, studying hard, and being motivated.

From walk-up tenements to homes in the suburbs within 10 years. You would be wise to emulate Jews.
In most of his comments Maga12 comes off as a caricature of an angry black militant.
He is definitely white. No black would call himself a “negro” and bring up that that the average black IQ is 84.
But it is the Blacks who then insisted on acting stereotypically .
Just becuse they lost the race to see who would be on top at the start .

Very bad losers
A delusional remark based on right wing white psychosis. If anyone has acted stereotypically it has been whites. Whites have been the most corrupt violent and criminal grooup in this country. And now you want to put a criminal in charge of the country so he can bring back the old days of white thuggery. Because you can't compete on a level playing field.
A delusional remark based on right wing white psychosis. If anyone has acted stereotypically it has been whites. Whites have been the most corrupt violent and criminal grooup in this country. And now you want to put a criminal in charge of the country so he can bring back the old days of white thuggery. Because you can't compete on a level playing field.
If you are OK with a level playing field, why are you opposed to ending Affirmative Action and DIE. Both lower standards so that certain minorities can move ahead of whites.

I‘m for merit, regardless of race or religion.
A delusional remark based on right wing white psychosis. If anyone has acted stereotypically it has been whites. Whites have been the most corrupt violent and criminal grooup in this country. And now you want to put a criminal in charge of the country so he can bring back the old days of white thuggery. Because you can't compete on a level playing field.

Another who cannot read posts and comprehend banter and sarcasm .
That's why we have to be so careful with paranoid minorities .

OK . Perhaps we should be more careful when chatting to our intellectial inferiors.

:cool: to help you .

Of course we have had to control you tightly . It's the only way to get pets and babies to behave .
But hopefully you are slowly learning .
Another who cannot read posts and comprehend banter and sarcasm .
That's why we have to be so careful with paranoid minorities .

OK . Perhaps we should be more careful when chatting to our intellectial inferiors.

:cool: to help you .

Of course we have had to control you tightly . It's the only way to get pets and babies to behave .
But hopefully you are slowly learning .
More white psychosis. You are the intellectual inferior in this conversation.
He is definitely white. No black would call himself a “negro” and bring up that that the average black IQ is 84.
Maga12 lied when he said that the average black IQ is 84. Actually, it is 85. The average for Jews in the United States is 115.
Maga12 lied when he said that the average black IQ is 84. Actually, it is 85. The average for Jews in the United States is 115.
85 is awful!

No Jew in my family has an IQ below 125. (That was Mom, the “dumb” one.) Both my uncle and father had IQs in the 150s, may they RIP.)
85 is awful!

No Jew in my family has an IQ below 125. (That was Mom, the “dumb” one.) Both my uncle and father had IQs in the 150s, may they RIP.)
I read somewhere that the average IQ for a Nobel Laureate is 145.

One needs an IQ of at least 115 to perform adequately as a professional or a manager. The more intelligent one is than that the better.

Very few blacks have IQ's that high. That is why affirmative action is such a bad policy.

According to Professor Arthur Jensen one fourth of Negroes have IQ's below 75. At that level they cannot be educated and they are unemployable. These make up the underclass. Many of them supplement their welfare checks with the gains from criminal activities.
We don't need to emulate Jews. If you want to emulate them we need to get the same government benefits white Jews got after WW2. You see, this is where your thinking has run into internalized racism. You say you are a new "woke " black conservative, but you seem unable to see how whites really have been able to do things.
I am very critical of blacks, whites, Jews, Asians-it has nothing to do with internalized racism. I'm allowed to criticize my own race. Africa has gotten Billions in taxes. What have they done with it beside line the pockets of their politicians? Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked, but today look like a garden. Africa was never nuked and received an equitable amount in taxes, yet looks like it was nuked. Not just in two cities, but most of them.

Africa wasn't popping before Europeans came. The induction of medicine and technology was a huge boom, and why Africa's population has exploded. The most developed places in Africa are the ones where Europeans are predominant, like South Africa. Even in antiquity, North Africa was the most thriving, wholly because of European influences like the romans and Arabs. I know negroes think that because it's in Africa, they must be responsible, but It isn't true. Africa is very diverse, and even East Africans see themselves as dissimilar to west africans-they authentically black blacks.

You have to get out of that madness of calling everything racism that does follow the script. I already told you: I'm a different kind of negro. My ancestors did not die and toil in the fields for me to have every excuse in the world. A black man literally worked in a hot ass field, from his birth until his death. Literally ruminate over that for a few minutes. No, we have to correct course. Telling the truth is apart of that. Blacks think wearing a shirt that say "king" or "queen" is doing the hard work. It isn't.
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