If zimmerman gets off ima go kill a white boy.

They have already killed whites over this...The real racist are blacks....

The media is playing a very dangerous game that may end up killing them.

Real racists don't have particular skin color. They come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.
?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

LOL anonymous threads? how do you know it wasn't Glenn Beck making his own story? Beck has no credibility, The Blaze is just another Stormfront.

So you're saying there isnt any racial tension in this case at all? that Beck, who likely had nothing to do with the writing of this particular article made fake twitter accounts, took pictures of ther statuses, and then wrote an article on them?

This dispite the fact that he's uneasy with the fact that Zimmerman was initially following Trayvon and claims not to know whether he is guilty or innocent.

Just more evidence that those who tend to put truth in the handles dont care about it.
You'd imagine you took a time machine back into the 1960's, these are Democrats folks, showing their true colors. But this time, they hate Hispanics instead of blacks. How amusing that democrats preach tolerance but consistently display this kind of behavior. Things like this bring out the worst in the worst.

How do we know they are Democrats? No evidence has been provided. This shouldnt be a political issue. We shouldnt allowed ourselves to get roped into a partisan argument on this.
You'd imagine you took a time machine back into the 1960's, these are Democrats folks, showing their true colors. But this time, they hate Hispanics instead of blacks. How amusing that democrats preach tolerance but consistently display this kind of behavior. Things like this bring out the worst in the worst.

How do we know they are Democrats? No evidence has been provided. This shouldnt be a political issue. We shouldnt allowed ourselves to get roped into a partisan argument on this.

Templar cant help himself. Everything is political and hes a victim of everything. See my signature.
You'd imagine you took a time machine back into the 1960's, these are Democrats folks, showing their true colors. But this time, they hate Hispanics instead of blacks. How amusing that democrats preach tolerance but consistently display this kind of behavior. Things like this bring out the worst in the worst.

How do we know they are Democrats? No evidence has been provided. This shouldnt be a political issue. We shouldnt allowed ourselves to get roped into a partisan argument on this.

Templar cant help himself. Everything is political and hes a victim of everything. See my signature.

I fail to see how you havent brought politics into this as well.
How do we know they are Democrats? No evidence has been provided. This shouldnt be a political issue. We shouldnt allowed ourselves to get roped into a partisan argument on this.

Templar cant help himself. Everything is political and hes a victim of everything. See my signature.

I fail to see how you havent brought politics into this as well.

You fail to see how I HAVE because it aint here.
You'd imagine you took a time machine back into the 1960's, these are Democrats folks, showing their true colors. But this time, they hate Hispanics instead of blacks. How amusing that democrats preach tolerance but consistently display this kind of behavior. Things like this bring out the worst in the worst.

Your time machine is in a warp, reflecting the opposite of matters.

The GOP's far right nutty reactionaries despise women, minorities, and immigrants.

We in the mainstream are trying to fix that; however, the haters are doing their darndest to keep the GOP in our bad old past.

We can't do a thing about the Dems, but we can lose our far right social traditionalist reactionary wing and become a party worth of modern America.
?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

I bet your neighbors wish you lived somewhere else. Those swastika flags you have in the windows must be a blight on your street.

all those comments by the racist niggas just warms my little pea pickin heart.., also warms my rifle.., let'em start their shit, the military trained me as an expert marksman !!

bring it on nigga !!
You'd imagine you took a time machine back into the 1960's, these are Democrats folks, showing their true colors. But this time, they hate Hispanics instead of blacks. How amusing that democrats preach tolerance but consistently display this kind of behavior. Things like this bring out the worst in the worst.

Your time machine is in a warp, reflecting the opposite of matters.

The GOP's far right nutty reactionaries despise women, minorities, and immigrants.

We in the mainstream are trying to fix that; however, the haters are doing their darndest to keep the GOP in our bad old past.

We can't do a thing about the Dems, but we can lose our far right social traditionalist reactionary wing and become a party worth of modern America.

Which of course, is why we are coming out against rioting because of the results of a trial and supporting the right of a minority who exercised his right of self defense.
You'd imagine you took a time machine back into the 1960's, these are Democrats folks, showing their true colors. But this time, they hate Hispanics instead of blacks. How amusing that democrats preach tolerance but consistently display this kind of behavior. Things like this bring out the worst in the worst.

Your time machine is in a warp, reflecting the opposite of matters.

The GOP's far right nutty reactionaries despise women, minorities, and immigrants.

We in the mainstream are trying to fix that; however, the haters are doing their darndest to keep the GOP in our bad old past.

We can't do a thing about the Dems, but we can lose our far right social traditionalist reactionary wing and become a party worth of modern America.

Which of course, is why we are coming out against rioting because of the results of a trial and supporting the right of a minority who exercised his right of self defense.

Racism is bigotry. Homophobia is bigotry. Being stupid helps in being a bigot. I am against rioting by anyone, and only the jury has the moral and legal power to make that decision on self defense. Let's hold to the rational GOP standards here: respect for the rule of law and respect for the jury system.
Your time machine is in a warp, reflecting the opposite of matters.

The GOP's far right nutty reactionaries despise women, minorities, and immigrants.

We in the mainstream are trying to fix that; however, the haters are doing their darndest to keep the GOP in our bad old past.

We can't do a thing about the Dems, but we can lose our far right social traditionalist reactionary wing and become a party worth of modern America.

Which of course, is why we are coming out against rioting because of the results of a trial and supporting the right of a minority who exercised his right of self defense.

Racism is bigotry. Homophobia is bigotry. Being stupid helps in being a bigot. I am against rioting by anyone, and only the jury has the moral and legal power to make that decision on self defense. Let's hold to the rational GOP standards here: respect for the rule of law and respect for the jury system.

I humbly disagree. Anyone with a brain can look at the evidence and make a moral determination. The Jury only has legal powers hre.

I still fail to see how defending a minorities right to self defense shows that we despise minorities.
Where are the black leaders preaching tranquility; assholes like Sharpton, and Jackson - promoting the justice system? Zimmerman was guilty in their eyes from it's incipience! What happened when OJ got off ? Did all these so called racist whites threated to kill blacks. Most blacks don't have the reasoning ability to disseminate anything past their skin color, because the liberal machine has taught them that they are victims, and they bought it hook, line, and sinker! They hate the white man so much that they intend to blame him for something a hispanic did in self defense - now that is some real fucking cognitive ability there.

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