If zimmerman gets off ima go kill a white boy.

So someone hacked your account and posted that politically charged cartoon?

:cool: Oh yeah, that hehehe. Sorry but that's my best picture showing misplaced white rage.

True true

What white rage?

The one that takes a random internet posting puts it on blast like it came from Obama in all the conservative media and the comments that follow such as "bring It on I'm always armed"

Call it rage, anger whatever you want
Where are the black leaders preaching tranquility; assholes like Sharpton, and Jackson - promoting the justice system? Zimmerman was guilty in their eyes from it's incipience! What happened when OJ got off ? Did all these so called racist whites threated to kill blacks. Most blacks don't have the reasoning ability to disseminate anything past their skin color, because the liberal machine has taught them that they are victims, and they bought it hook, line, and sinker! They hate the white man so much that they intend to blame him for something a hispanic did in self defense - now that is some real fucking cognitive ability there.

See Avatar?
?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

Give the idiots a mike anywhere and they say stupid stupid things.....like the idiots who dance and wave behind interviews on live camera.

And the idiot pro-abortion people that showed up at the Texas State Capitol and Screamed "Kill more babies" and threatend pro-lifers with violence. :cool:
?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

Give the idiots a mike anywhere and they say stupid stupid things.....like the idiots who dance and wave behind interviews on live camera.

And the idiot pro-abortion people that showed up at the Texas State Capitol and Screamed "Kill more babies" and threatend pro-lifers with violence. :cool:

No, they screamed nothing of the sort and threatened no one. The Senate will pass the bill next week, then the courts will take it, and that will be the end of it.

The far righties (or the far lefties, for that matter) are not going to abuse America anymore.
Yeah, let's blame "the Blacks" for something one moron said. Good job racist assholes!!! Oh, I love the way yall are these 'internet tough guys' that's pretty amusing! :lol:
Hasty generalization is a standard of the far right and the far left here, Pheonixops.

I have been surprised to see the amount of racism expressed her by whites and some blacks.

Amazing. Though we were past all that stupidity. Foolish me.
?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

LOL anonymous threads? how do you know it wasn't Glenn Beck making his own story? Beck has no credibility, The Blaze is just another Stormfront.

uh because it's not like this type of shit hasnt happened before. Pay attention and dont be a dumb ass.
Yeah, let's blame "the Blacks" for something one moron said. Good job racist assholes!!! Oh, I love the way yall are these 'internet tough guys' that's pretty amusing! :lol:

That's how they keep the outrage going. Now they are picking random twitter accounts as representations of all black people the same way they do with All muslims because of a few.

But don't ever ever ever lump gun owners in with gun wackos. That would be unfair yanno
Yeah, let's blame "the Blacks" for something one moron said. Good job racist assholes!!! Oh, I love the way yall are these 'internet tough guys' that's pretty amusing! :lol:

That's how they keep the outrage going. Now they are picking random twitter accounts as representations of all black people the same way they do with All muslims because of a few.

But don't ever ever ever lump gun owners in with gun wackos. That would be unfair yanno

I love apples to oranges arguments, but too bad they dont work. Most of the people that kill are criminals and dont get their guns the "legal" way. They get them "illegally" what a shock, which means any guns laws wont be an issue for them, just for the people who actually get them legally.

Learn that first, then we can continue my ass whoopin of you, ok?
Yeah, let's blame "the Blacks" for something one moron said. Good job racist assholes!!! Oh, I love the way yall are these 'internet tough guys' that's pretty amusing! :lol:


First you say this...

Good job racist assholes!!!

And then you say this....

Oh, I love the way yall are these 'internet tough guys' that's pretty amusing!

The irony is entertaining.
Yeah, let's blame "the Blacks" for something one moron said. Good job racist assholes!!! Oh, I love the way yall are these 'internet tough guys' that's pretty amusing! :lol:

That's how they keep the outrage going. Now they are picking random twitter accounts as representations of all black people the same way they do with All muslims because of a few.

But don't ever ever ever lump gun owners in with gun wackos. That would be unfair yanno

I love apples to oranges arguments, but too bad they dont work. Most of the people that kill are criminals and dont get their guns the "legal" way. They get them "illegally" what a shock, which means any guns laws wont be an issue for them, just for the people who actually get them legally.

Learn that first, then we can continue my ass whoopin of you, ok?

I'm talking gun nuts who own gun legally. Boy wouldn't that be unfair to compare everyone with some wackjob huh?

So stop it
?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

LOL anonymous threads? how do you know it wasn't Glenn Beck making his own story? Beck has no credibility, The Blaze is just another Stormfront.
Truthseeker...man that's some bullshit for a username...that's for sure.
?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

I bet your neighbors wish you lived somewhere else. Those swastika flags you have in the windows must be a blight on your street.
No swastika flags in the windows...my neighbors are actually good friends...3 college students...good hard working kids.
It is true that not all african american people agree with the guy. They won't be joining him. There are violent people who like to think they speak for the rest of their group when in fact they don't. They use tritter and facebook - neither of which I'm the least familiar with. However... Bottom line is responsible americans have guns in their homes and if this guy or someone like him showss up we know what to do.

- Jeri
I'm not just an internet tough guy, I'm a gun-carrying American who, if you threaten me or my family, will become a cold-blooded killer in a heartbeat.
?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

Give the idiots a mike anywhere and they say stupid stupid things.....like the idiots who dance and wave behind interviews on live camera.

And the idiot pro-abortion people that showed up at the Texas State Capitol and Screamed "Kill more babies" and threatend pro-lifers with violence. :cool:

Off topic much? :eusa_eh:
I'm not just an internet tough guy, I'm a gun-carrying American who, if you threaten me or my family, will become a cold-blooded killer in a heartbeat.

No one is threatening you, dorkus. You just want to shoot someone.

Try to keep up with the discussion numbskull. The "Internet Toughguy" label was put there out a few posts ago.

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