IG has issued these reports since 2005 when GOP held ALL THREE branches of govt?

CaféAuLait;9194482 said:
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

Since 2005....

Audit of the Veterans Health Administration's Outpatient Scheduling Procedures (7/8/2005)
Audit of the Veterans Health Administration's Outpatient Waiting Times (9/10/2007)
Audit of Alleged Manipulation of Waiting Times in Veterans Integrated Service Network 3 (5/19/2008)
Audit of Veterans Health Administration's Efforts to Reduce Unused Outpatient Appointments (12/4/2008)

Healthcare Inspection – Mammography, Cardiology, and Colonoscopy Management Jack C. Montgomery VA Medical Center Muskogee, Oklahoma (2/2/2009)
Audit of Veterans Health Administration's Non-VA Outpatient Fee Care Program (8/3/2009)
Veterans Health Administration Review of Alleged Use of Unauthorized Wait Lists at the Portland VA Medical Center
Healthcare Inspection – Delays in Cancer Care West Palm Beach VA Medical Center West Palm Beach, Florida (6/29/2011)
Healthcare Inspection – Electronic Waiting List Management for Mental Health Clinics Atlanta VA Medical Center Atlanta, Georgia
Review of Alleged Mismanagement of Non-VA Fee Care Funds at the Phoenix VA Health Care System (11/8/2011)
Healthcare Inspection – Select Patient Care Delays and Reusable Medical Equipment Review Central Texas Veterans Health Care System Temple, Texas (1/6/2012)
Review of Veterans’ Access to Mental Health Care (4/23/2012)
Healthcare Inspection – Access and Coordination of Care at Harlingen Community Based Outpatient Clinic, VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System, Harlingen, Texas (8/22/2012)
VA Office of Inspector General 15
Review of Patient Wait Times, Scheduling Practices, and Alleged Patient Deaths
at the Phoenix VA Health Care System

Healthcare Inspection – Consultation Mismanagement and Care Delays, Spokane VA Medical Center, Spokane, Washington
Healthcare Inspection – Delays for Outpatient Specialty Procedures, VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, Texas (10/23/2012)
Audit of VHA's Physician Staffing Levels for Specialty Care Services (12/27/2012)
Healthcare Inspection – Patient Care Issues and Contract Mental Health Program Mismanagement, Atlanta VA Medical Center, Decatur, Georgia (4/17/2013)
Healthcare Inspection – Gastroenterology Consult Delays William Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Medical Center Columbia, South Carolina


Numbers 2 through 18 are with a democratic controlled congress since 2007...

Numbers 5 through 18 are on Obama's watch.

Then of course the deaths.... which Obama KNEW about since 2012!!!!!!!!! See report from 2012.

Funny you mentioned the Democratic president but not the Republican president. Is there a reason for that "oversight"? You also failed to mention it started with the Republicans. Just like Iraq. Just like the deficit. Just like so many other disasters. And you are angry Democrats haven't fixed all those GOP fiascoes? How are Republicans helping this president to fix anything?


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