IG has issued these reports since 2005 when GOP held ALL THREE branches of govt?

Whine and cry like little bitches because this current administration looks like shit.
Too bad.

How about more lets fix this and less....

Well nobody cared about this before.
Now we have someone in the WH who's black and he's being unfairly criticized... boo hoo hoo
I'm waiting for Carney to come out and claim he was married to Morgan Fairchild too.


:D :D

I don't think Carney will be saying much - He has already ran from his bestest buddy Barry. Hell, they hugged like little girls when he left.
If the reports were available as far back as 2005, why didn't Obama take appropriate action in 2009?

FACT: Bush's transition team told Barry's transition team about the VA. Barry has done nothing. Typical politician. Talks shit and does nothing.
It's like Benghazi, the issue isn't as much about the event, it's about Obama's Pathological lying about the event

Granted. Barry is a lying piece of gutter trash. But this doesn't begin and end with Barry - he is just the latest "president" that has sit on his ass while Vets have been left in the cold. This goes back to (at least) JFK and probably further back.

your link didn't post through son
If the reports were available as far back as 2005, why didn't Obama take appropriate action in 2009?

FACT: Bush's transition team told Barry's transition team about the VA. Barry has done nothing. Typical politician. Talks shit and does nothing.

so Bu$h II overloading the VA due to his voluntary wars to enrich their campaign contributors (defense contractors like Halliburton :eusa_shhh: ) should be blamed on 44? :eusa_eh: rw logic on parade :rofl:

They keep trying to make it an R issue. You have to give them credit for trying.

And you keep trying to make it a D issue when it's an CA issue, CA for Cheap Americans.
Cheap americans? If you add up all taxes you pay around 50% in taxes of your money to government. You think we should pay more? I've got the solution take all the money for welfare and give it to our soldiers. Make them all rich.
We aren't taxed enough.
Government doesn't spend enough.

Same story from the left...Over and over and over...
And I recall all sorts of venomous scorn from the warmonger Right about those cost estimates.

But hey, the Iraqis got to democratically establish their own Islamic theocracy, so I guess that's what the warmongers have to remind us it was worth it.

That's fucking hilarious. We knew it from their constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

If Republicans weren't so anti education, they could learn about foreign people and work to change them rather than just go hold them up with big weapons. They made such a big mess, no one can clean it up. Not even Obama.

And rather than try to figure out what they did wrong, they want to arm cannibals in Syria and drop more bombs. Republicans are simply too dangerous and ignorant.
We aren't taxed enough.
Government doesn't spend enough.

Same story from the left...Over and over and over...

Only a complete tard would believe something so stupid.

Oh, wait, oops, sorry.
If the reports were available as far back as 2005, why didn't Obama take appropriate action in 2009?

FACT: Bush's transition team told Barry's transition team about the VA. Barry has done nothing. Typical politician. Talks shit and does nothing.

You do know that Republicans hold the house, right? Think about what that means. Does the GOP have a history of helping injured Americans?
It's like Benghazi, the issue isn't as much about the event, it's about Obama's Pathological lying about the event

Granted. Barry is a lying piece of gutter trash. But this doesn't begin and end with Barry - he is just the latest "president" that has sit on his ass while Vets have been left in the cold. This goes back to (at least) JFK and probably further back.

your link didn't post through son

Look it up Sonny. Not my job to do YOUR work, dipshit.
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

Well, you see your expecting that the Republicans would be as equally outraged about what the reports dating back to '05 and that won't happen.

The reason is simple.

One - RePugs Controlled The House, The Senate and The White House, therefore Republicans don't give a shit.

Two - Obama is a Democrat and Obama is Black.

Three - If the shrug and dick(less) had not lied America into Two (02) Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars, there would be no V.A. Crisis right now.

It's really simple.

When the crisis started RePugs were in charge = good.

Democrats in charge = bad.

I slapped you silly in your own thread on the bullshit that this was about Republicans and budgets.

Do you want me to slap you around again? I'm of the mind to do you. You piss me clean off.

But you do admit that these reports go back to 2005, right? And that Republicans controlled all three branches of government, right? And these scandals happened under Bush, right? If we can get right wingers to admit at least that, then we can possibly start a debate. But if they won't even admit to the truth, then what is left?
Granted. Barry is a lying piece of gutter trash. But this doesn't begin and end with Barry - he is just the latest "president" that has sit on his ass while Vets have been left in the cold. This goes back to (at least) JFK and probably further back.

your link didn't post through son

Look it up Sonny. Not my job to do YOUR work, dipshit.

If you make an accusation and can't "prove it", then, clearly, you are the dipshit. Everyone knows that.
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

Since 2005....

Audit of the Veterans Health Administration's Outpatient Scheduling Procedures (7/8/2005)
Audit of the Veterans Health Administration's Outpatient Waiting Times (9/10/2007)
Audit of Alleged Manipulation of Waiting Times in Veterans Integrated Service Network 3 (5/19/2008)
Audit of Veterans Health Administration's Efforts to Reduce Unused Outpatient Appointments (12/4/2008)

Healthcare Inspection – Mammography, Cardiology, and Colonoscopy Management Jack C. Montgomery VA Medical Center Muskogee, Oklahoma (2/2/2009)
Audit of Veterans Health Administration's Non-VA Outpatient Fee Care Program (8/3/2009)
Veterans Health Administration Review of Alleged Use of Unauthorized Wait Lists at the Portland VA Medical Center
Healthcare Inspection – Delays in Cancer Care West Palm Beach VA Medical Center West Palm Beach, Florida (6/29/2011)
Healthcare Inspection – Electronic Waiting List Management for Mental Health Clinics Atlanta VA Medical Center Atlanta, Georgia
Review of Alleged Mismanagement of Non-VA Fee Care Funds at the Phoenix VA Health Care System (11/8/2011)
Healthcare Inspection – Select Patient Care Delays and Reusable Medical Equipment Review Central Texas Veterans Health Care System Temple, Texas (1/6/2012)
Review of Veterans’ Access to Mental Health Care (4/23/2012)
Healthcare Inspection – Access and Coordination of Care at Harlingen Community Based Outpatient Clinic, VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System, Harlingen, Texas (8/22/2012)
VA Office of Inspector General 15
Review of Patient Wait Times, Scheduling Practices, and Alleged Patient Deaths
at the Phoenix VA Health Care System

Healthcare Inspection – Consultation Mismanagement and Care Delays, Spokane VA Medical Center, Spokane, Washington
Healthcare Inspection – Delays for Outpatient Specialty Procedures, VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, Texas (10/23/2012)
Audit of VHA's Physician Staffing Levels for Specialty Care Services (12/27/2012)
Healthcare Inspection – Patient Care Issues and Contract Mental Health Program Mismanagement, Atlanta VA Medical Center, Decatur, Georgia (4/17/2013)
Healthcare Inspection – Gastroenterology Consult Delays William Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Medical Center Columbia, South Carolina


Numbers 2 through 18 are with a democratic controlled congress since 2007...

Numbers 5 through 18 are on Obama's watch.

Then of course the deaths.... which Obama KNEW about since 2012!!!!!!!!! See report from 2012.
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

Yet Obama the great was unable to fix them.

Did you ever consider that the problem is the government?
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

Yet Obama the great was unable to fix them.

Did you ever consider that the problem is the government?

Strange 99 percent of the issues are under democrats controlled congress and Obama but somehow it is a Republican issue. Stranger, reports showed there were deaths due to wait times in the 2012 report and not a damn thing was done.

Granted. Barry is a lying piece of gutter trash. But this doesn't begin and end with Barry - he is just the latest "president" that has sit on his ass while Vets have been left in the cold. This goes back to (at least) JFK and probably further back.

your link didn't post through son

Look it up Sonny. Not my job to do YOUR work, dipshit.

ummm..... when you make an assertion, the onus is on you to back it up Scooter. :thup: You may need to sign up for the Message Board 101 refresher course.
I slapped you silly in your own thread on the bullshit that this was about Republicans and budgets.

Do you want me to slap you around again? I'm of the mind to do you. You piss me clean off.

But you do admit that these reports go back to 2005, right? And that Republicans controlled all three branches of government, right? And these scandals happened under Bush, right? If we can get right wingers to admit at least that, then we can possibly start a debate. But if they won't even admit to the truth, then what is left?

Don't hold your breath. They haven't even admitted the folly of the most obvious (Iraq :eusa_shhh: ) So I don't hold out much hope that they'll ever admit to any of their f'ups.
I slapped you silly in your own thread on the bullshit that this was about Republicans and budgets.

Do you want me to slap you around again? I'm of the mind to do you. You piss me clean off.

But you do admit that these reports go back to 2005, right? And that Republicans controlled all three branches of government, right? And these scandals happened under Bush, right? If we can get right wingers to admit at least that, then we can possibly start a debate. But if they won't even admit to the truth, then what is left?

Don't hold your breath. They haven't even admitted the folly of the most obvious (Iraq :eusa_shhh: ) So I don't hold out much hope that they'll ever admit to any of their f'ups.

Hey dumb ass, when you going to figure out you can't change history, your dear leader campaigned on this issue since 2007, he was fully aware of the problem and if he weren't so fucking incompetent and disconnected he would have been fully aware the the IG reports since he's been in office. So keep making excuses for the inexcusable, the only thing that really matters is the problem is fixed, starting today.
The IG report stated that use of improper scheduling practices is not new among VA facilities and that, since 2005, the inspector general has issued 18 reports identifying scheduling problems, some resulting in lengthy wait times and having a negative impact on patient care.

"Troubling" report sparks new wave of calls for VA chief's resignation

I'm curious, where was the "outrage"?????????????????

They cut taxes for the rich, they spent money recklessly on Iraq. They did nothing for our veterans and now they are "outraged"?????????????????

Why now? Why only now?

Inspector General Review of Patient Wait Times

Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way?

Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz predicted the VA scandal.

Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War.

And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.


Republicans will never agree to anything that will help the veterans or fix their hospitals. They need the "talking points" for the next election.

So for 2 years the Republicans did not fix it and you are upset, while ignoring that the democrats have had 6 years of not fixing it?

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