Ignorance of ISIS

We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".
Let other countries handle it, since all we'll get is more hate of America and ANOTHER ISIS. Did you ever get that? Boooosh's boy Malike screwed up Iraq with anti-Sunni revenge. Obama is doing just the right thing. Bombing the hell out of ISIS to help other ground forces.
You are just wrong. Leaving them alone and allowing them to periodically kill our people is no viable policy, you shit head!
We're bombing them more than anyone and they've lost a lot of territory, Foxdupe or whatever.
Yeah, and it is really making a difference isn't it, moron?
People were appalled by the concocted story of the Police shooting of a felon in Missouri but they don't seem interested in the ISIS threat even when it comes home in a rock concert in Paris. How could people not be appalled by the video of two dozen black clad ISIS maniacs marching Christians out and beheading them with butcher knives? How could people not be appalled by the video of ISIS burning a man alive in a cage? No videos of the slaughter of Christians in Africa or the bomb that killed innocent Russians on a plane and also no outrage in the media. Maybe the (minority?) faction of stupid Americans (mostly liberals) have lost their ability to reason and have been conditioned by a hundred years of liberal media to be appalled only when the liberal media encourages them to be appalled.
Hubby has been watching a lot of CNN at night... I woke up and watched for a while one night and was shocked how organized ISIS was ... their own police force etc. I had no clue!

I just see all this stuff on here and it's mostly people bitching at each other so I get turned off to all this "hub bub" about what is going on but wow......
Don't believe everything you see on TV – cable news in particular.

The problem is many in the West buy into the myth 'ISIS' has created for itself, as well as the myth propagated by politicians, pundits, and the internet.

'ISIS' is not a 'state,' nor is it a 'country' – it is in fact an organized crime entity, that rules through extortion, intimidation, and murder.

The criminals who belong to this crime organization are not 'soldiers,' nor do they constitute a 'military' – forget the terrorist propaganda footage you've seen on CNN and other cable news programs of ISIS members engaged in what seems to be 'military training,' the vast majority of the fighters have no training, they're disaffected criminals, reprobates, and fanatics.

Most importantly, ISIS is not 'representative' of Islam, nor of 'all Muslims'; their criminal acts of terror are not condoned by Islam or its tenets. Indeed, the majority of persons killed by ISIS and other terrorist organizations have been Muslims; Muslims by far make up most of the victims of terror.

Last, as a criminal organization, ISIS must be dealt with as a criminal organization – by gathering intelligence, with the due diligence of security and law enforcement agencies, and by countries working together to counter the terrorists' efforts to kill and spread fear.

The worst thing that can be done is to attempt to 'destroy' ISIS by using conventional military ground forces, which is exactly what the terrorists want the West to do.
People were appalled by the concocted story of the Police shooting of a felon in Missouri but they don't seem interested in the ISIS threat even when it comes home in a rock concert in Paris. How could people not be appalled by the video of two dozen black clad ISIS maniacs marching Christians out and beheading them with butcher knives? How could people not be appalled by the video of ISIS burning a man alive in a cage? No videos of the slaughter of Christians in Africa or the bomb that killed innocent Russians on a plane but little outrage in the media. Maybe the (minority?) faction of stupid Americans (mostly liberals) have lost their ability to reason and have been conditioned by a hundred years of liberal media to be appalled only when the liberal media encourages them to be appalled.
Totally agree. It is an indictment of our character that we allow such cruelty to exist in the world.
We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".
Let other countries handle it, since all we'll get is more hate of America and ANOTHER ISIS. Did you ever get that? Boooosh's boy Malike screwed up Iraq with anti-Sunni revenge. Obama is doing just the right thing. Bombing the hell out of ISIS to help other ground forces.
You are just wrong. Leaving them alone and allowing them to periodically kill our people is no viable policy, you shit head!
We're bombing them more than anyone and they've lost a lot of territory, Foxdupe or whatever.
Yeah, and it is really making a difference isn't it, moron?
Yes, it is, brainwashed chicken little. The world doesn't work to Fox and Rush BS ADHD schedule. Unless it's GOP's moronic leaders. If the disastrous GOP had shame or a brain, they'd sthu. A total disaster since Raygun.
Hubby has been watching a lot of CNN at night... I woke up and watched for a while one night and was shocked how organized ISIS was ... their own police force etc. I had no clue!

I just see all this stuff on here and it's mostly people bitching at each other so I get turned off to all this "hub bub" about what is going on but wow......
Don't believe everything you see on TV – cable news in particular.

The problem is many in the West buy into the myth 'ISIS' has created for itself, as well as the myth propagated by politicians, pundits, and the internet.

'ISIS' is not a 'state,' nor is it a 'country' – it is in fact an organized crime entity, that rules through extortion, intimidation, and murder.

The criminals who belong to this crime organization are not 'soldiers,' nor do they constitute a 'military' – forget the terrorist propaganda footage you've seen on CNN and other cable news programs of ISIS members engaged in what seems to be 'military training,' the vast majority of the fighters have no training, they're disaffected criminals, reprobates, and fanatics.

Most importantly, ISIS is not 'representative' of Islam, nor of 'all Muslims'; their criminal acts of terror are not condoned by Islam or its tenets. Indeed, the majority of persons killed by ISIS and other terrorist organizations have been Muslims; Muslims by far make up most of the victims of terror.

Last, as a criminal organization, ISIS must be dealt with as a criminal organization – by gathering intelligence, with the due diligence of security and law enforcement agencies, and by countries working together to counter the terrorists' efforts to kill and spread fear.

The worst thing that can be done is to attempt to 'destroy' ISIS by using conventional military ground forces, which is exactly what the terrorists want the West to do.
The only thing you said that is true is that ISIS Is not representative of Islam generally. The balance of the allegations you make in your post are lies and tripe you have been duped into believing.
We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".
Let other countries handle it, since all we'll get is more hate of America and ANOTHER ISIS. Did you ever get that? Boooosh's boy Malike screwed up Iraq with anti-Sunni revenge. Obama is doing just the right thing. Bombing the hell out of ISIS to help other ground forces.
You are just wrong. Leaving them alone and allowing them to periodically kill our people is no viable policy, you shit head!
We're bombing them more than anyone and they've lost a lot of territory, Foxdupe or whatever.
Yeah, and it is really making a difference isn't it, moron?
Yes, it is, brainwashed chicken little. The world doesn't work to Fox and Rush BS ADHD schedule. Unless it's GOP's moronic leaders. If the disastrous GOP had shame or a brain, they'd sthu. A total disaster since Raygun.
We have been under Obama's "destroy ISIS" policy regime for nearly a year and a half now. Despite that ISIS has grown stronger in numbers and powers and has expanded its influence beyond Iraq and Syria. You are just factually wrong, asshole.
People were appalled by the concocted story of the Police shooting of a felon in Missouri but they don't seem interested in the ISIS threat even when it comes home in a rock concert in Paris. How could people not be appalled by the video of two dozen black clad ISIS maniacs marching Christians out and beheading them with butcher knives? How could people not be appalled by the video of ISIS burning a man alive in a cage? No videos of the slaughter of Christians in Africa or the bomb that killed innocent Russians on a plane but little outrage in the media. Maybe the (minority?) faction of stupid Americans (mostly liberals) have lost their ability to reason and have been conditioned by a hundred years of liberal media to be appalled only when the liberal media encourages them to be appalled.
Totally agree. It is an indictment of our character that we allow such cruelty to exist in the world.
Just like you were brainwashed in 2003 that we had to end Saddam. Great idea.
So pardon my ignorance and correct me if I'm wrong, but, we killed Hussein, had an opportunity to take control of Iraq, but instead of taking control ourselves, let them sort is out and now ISIS is running the place?


We removed the butcher of Baghdad much to the relief of his Muslim neighbors and the women his sons raped.

Then a democratic government was set up where women were allowed to vote for the first time, that government still stands after several elections and Obama abandoning the country.

ISIS did form in Iraq but was basically a social group who was unable to cause much of a problem and could not recruit.

They moved to Syria where Obama helped create a power vacuum and Obama provided arms to the rebels which quickly fell into the arms of ISIS. In the Syrian hell hole that Obama helped to create ISIS found its place and was able to get arms and recruit many members.

Later ISIS attacked Iraq and was successful at first and still holds one of Iraq's major cities. What they also did with the obvious blessing of Washington was take military hardware left there by Obama. Increasing their power all the more. Why Obama didn't take or destroy the weapons is anyone's guess. Incompetence or just another way of supplying arms to ISIS. Either way they went to ISIS making them even stronger.
I think people just tune it out and hope it goes away. Until they feel a real and direct impact on their lives (e.g. their money or freedom) they will continue to ignore it......

In order for the people to understand how to make it go away they have to understand the factors that created Daesch (ISIS).
People were appalled by the concocted story of the Police shooting of a felon in Missouri but they don't seem interested in the ISIS threat even when it comes home in a rock concert in Paris. How could people not be appalled by the video of two dozen black clad ISIS maniacs marching Christians out and beheading them with butcher knives? How could people not be appalled by the video of ISIS burning a man alive in a cage? No videos of the slaughter of Christians in Africa or the bomb that killed innocent Russians on a plane but little outrage in the media. Maybe the (minority?) faction of stupid Americans (mostly liberals) have lost their ability to reason and have been conditioned by a hundred years of liberal media to be appalled only when the liberal media encourages them to be appalled.
Totally agree. It is an indictment of our character that we allow such cruelty to exist in the world.
Just like you were brainwashed in 2003 that we had to end Saddam. Great idea.

People were appalled by the concocted story of the Police shooting of a felon in Missouri but they don't seem interested in the ISIS threat even when it comes home in a rock concert in Paris. How could people not be appalled by the video of two dozen black clad ISIS maniacs marching Christians out and beheading them with butcher knives? How could people not be appalled by the video of ISIS burning a man alive in a cage? No videos of the slaughter of Christians in Africa or the bomb that killed innocent Russians on a plane but little outrage in the media. Maybe the (minority?) faction of stupid Americans (mostly liberals) have lost their ability to reason and have been conditioned by a hundred years of liberal media to be appalled only when the liberal media encourages them to be appalled.
Totally agree. It is an indictment of our character that we allow such cruelty to exist in the world.
Just like you were brainwashed in 2003 that we had to end Saddam. Great idea.
I was always opposed to that invasion. In fact, I was alway impressed that HW Bush declined to go into Baghdad during the first Gulf war, as to do so would have gotten us into a quagmire, which eventually happened in the second war,
People were appalled by the concocted story of the Police shooting of a felon in Missouri but they don't seem interested in the ISIS threat even when it comes home in a rock concert in Paris. How could people not be appalled by the video of two dozen black clad ISIS maniacs marching Christians out and beheading them with butcher knives? How could people not be appalled by the video of ISIS burning a man alive in a cage? No videos of the slaughter of Christians in Africa or the bomb that killed innocent Russians on a plane but little outrage in the media. Maybe the (minority?) faction of stupid Americans (mostly liberals) have lost their ability to reason and have been conditioned by a hundred years of liberal media to be appalled only when the liberal media encourages them to be appalled.
Totally agree. It is an indictment of our character that we allow such cruelty to exist in the world.
Just like you were brainwashed in 2003 that we had to end Saddam. Great idea.
People were appalled by the concocted story of the Police shooting of a felon in Missouri but they don't seem interested in the ISIS threat even when it comes home in a rock concert in Paris. How could people not be appalled by the video of two dozen black clad ISIS maniacs marching Christians out and beheading them with butcher knives? How could people not be appalled by the video of ISIS burning a man alive in a cage? No videos of the slaughter of Christians in Africa or the bomb that killed innocent Russians on a plane but little outrage in the media. Maybe the (minority?) faction of stupid Americans (mostly liberals) have lost their ability to reason and have been conditioned by a hundred years of liberal media to be appalled only when the liberal media encourages them to be appalled.
Totally agree. It is an indictment of our character that we allow such cruelty to exist in the world.
Just like you were brainwashed in 2003 that we had to end Saddam. Great idea.
ISIS is a theocracy. They want government to control everything, especially religion. al Queda was too liberal for them and they have some geeks helping them with social media. I'm no expert, all I know is that they need to die, sooner rather than later.
Agreed – you're far from an expert.
You're far from anything but a dumb asshole. Your posts aren't worth reading, the only time I do is when you post yet another one of your idiotic comments to me.
I think people just tune it out and hope it goes away. Until they feel a real and direct impact on their lives (e.g. their money or freedom) they will continue to ignore it......

In order for the people to understand how to make it go away they have to understand the factors that created Daesch (ISIS).

It's easy to be informed....
Doing something about it is another thing entirely......

I know most are not Christians but, this is pretty much all the way it is going to be unfortunately .....
To learn more about ISIS and what the want, I highly recommend this article written six months ago. One of the more compelling points made is that the goal of ISIS is to create a caliphate, which pre-empts attacks on the infidels. So these people are cross-dressing. They are building a state which will be attacked, which is counter to the goal.

What ISIS Really Wants
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What ISIS Really Wants


The Caliphate was established last year. June if I remember correctly.
I think people just tune it out and hope it goes away. Until they feel a real and direct impact on their lives (e.g. their money or freedom) they will continue to ignore it......
American news is all about pop culture........Caitlyn Jenner's new dress, Kim Kardashian's butt. Miley Cyrus new twerking video, etc.

While the rest of the western has the BBC and Al Jazeera to keep informed of current events. ...... :cool:
Al Jazeera? LOL. Why not RT while you are at it? I like Sky News, Europeans are more into the details. We just want headlines.
We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".
Let other countries handle it, since all we'll get is more hate of America and ANOTHER ISIS. Did you ever get that? Boooosh's boy Malike screwed up Iraq with anti-Sunni revenge. Obama is doing just the right thing. Bombing the hell out of ISIS to help other ground forces.
You are just wrong. Leaving them alone and allowing them to periodically kill our people is no viable policy, you shit head!
We're bombing them more than anyone and they've lost a lot of territory, Foxdupe or whatever.

Well you've been handed a pant load on the so called over 7000 missions. Because of the ROE imposed on the military only 25 % of the sorties dropped a bomb.

It's been a dog and pony show up till now. With Hollande and Putin bombing the ever loving shit out of ISIS the WH and Defense have decided to change the ROE,
I think people just tune it out and hope it goes away. Until they feel a real and direct impact on their lives (e.g. their money or freedom) they will continue to ignore it......
American news is all about pop culture........Caitlyn Jenner's new dress, Kim Kardashian's butt. Miley Cyrus new twerking video, etc.

While the rest of the western has the BBC and Al Jazeera to keep informed of current events. ...... :cool:
Al Jazeera? LOL. Why not RT while you are at it? I like Sky News, Europeans are more into the details. We just want headlines.
We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".
Let other countries handle it, since all we'll get is more hate of America and ANOTHER ISIS. Did you ever get that? Boooosh's boy Malike screwed up Iraq with anti-Sunni revenge. Obama is doing just the right thing. Bombing the hell out of ISIS to help other ground forces.
You are just wrong. Leaving them alone and allowing them to periodically kill our people is no viable policy, you shit head!
We're bombing them more than anyone and they've lost a lot of territory, Foxdupe or whatever.

Well you've been handed a pant load on the so called over 7000 missions. Because of the ROE imposed on the military on 25 % of the sorties dropped a bomb.

It's been a dog and pony show up till now. With Hollande and Putin bombing the ever loving shit out of ISIS the WH and Defense have decided to change the ROE,
You are 100% correct. Any military action involves some degree of collateral damage. If you have none then you are not fighting. We are not fighting. I suspect that most of our bombs are being dropped in empty desert.

That said, the American military is the best in the world at minimizing collateral damage. We have the technology and our soldiers have the skill to mitigate through precise attacks. To do any real damage we need to be assaulting their assets, supply lines, and soldiers. We have not done this. They are moving around on their territory at will. Obama's tactics are chicken shit!
"Ignorance of ISIS"

It's more a matter of a willful ignorance of ISIS, as many on the right seek to propagate the myth and lie of 'ISIS' in an effort to 'justify' American involvement in a conventional ground war; where such a strategy will clearly fail.
"Ignorance of ISIS"

It's more a matter of a willful ignorance of ISIS, as many on the right seek to propagate the myth and lie of 'ISIS' in an effort to 'justify' American involvement in a conventional ground war; where such a strategy will clearly fail.
Look, dumbass, the constant angry sniping from you and your leftist swine colleagues is not helpful. Use your head; ISIS can be defeated.

Clearly, the Muslim scum are going to have to ultimately stamp out these extremist murderers. However, they cannot do it on their own because they lack organization and hardware. The answer is to go in there with a hellish air attack and cripple those bastards. Right now our WH regulated PC rules of engagement are handicapping us, and enabling ISIS. Second, we need to be willing to put in ground forces. Why the fear of installing ground forces? This is not Iraq. There is no urban fighting required. Further, it is an offensive strike, not an occupation, which is circumstances for the majority of American casualties in Iraq. We can put a couple divisions in there to kill those bastards and most likely have a casualty rate at less than 1%.

You Dems and leftists are not very good with facts, are you? When you add in a little required nuance, critical analysis and studied evaluation, then you leftists are lost like an angry babe in the woods. Face it, you are out of your element and, like Barry O, are in over your heads on this topic. Go back to what you know best: promoting cocksucker rights and pissing away money like a dumb slut.
Hubby has been watching a lot of CNN at night... I woke up and watched for a while one night and was shocked how organized ISIS was ... their own police force etc. I had no clue!

I just see all this stuff on here and it's mostly people bitching at each other so I get turned off to all this "hub bub" about what is going on but wow......
...being the JV team and all

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