Ignorance of ISIS

Let other countries handle it, since all we'll get is more hate of America and ANOTHER ISIS. Did you ever get that? Boooosh's boy Malike screwed up Iraq with anti-Sunni revenge. Obama is doing just the right thing. Bombing the hell out of ISIS to help other ground forces.
You are just wrong. Leaving them alone and allowing them to periodically kill our people is no viable policy, you shit head!
We're bombing them more than anyone and they've lost a lot of territory, Foxdupe or whatever.
Yeah, and it is really making a difference isn't it, moron?
Yes, it is, brainwashed chicken little. The world doesn't work to Fox and Rush BS ADHD schedule. Unless it's GOP's moronic leaders. If the disastrous GOP had shame or a brain, they'd sthu. A total disaster since Raygun.
We have been under Obama's "destroy ISIS" policy regime for nearly a year and a half now. Despite that ISIS has grown stronger in numbers and powers and has expanded its influence beyond Iraq and Syria. You are just factually wrong, asshole.

Dude, Obama is fighting on Isis's side, he's trying to overthrow the Syrian government. that's why ISIS brought down a Russian plane. For whatever reason, at least they are fighting against ISIS
American's are the most uninformed and clueless people in the world when it comes to the reality of events happening in the Middle East. ...... :cool:

Wow, as clueless as Americans are for sure about the world, have you ever been outside the United States?

Obama is not a fool, he's perfectly clear on what he's fighting for. It's not in America's interest, but it's not an accident.

Joseph McCarthy: "if liberals were merely stupid, the laws of probability would dictate that at least some of their decisions would serve America's interests."
He's leading from beside, and refuses to send ground troops. Great idea. The ME is figuring out that terrorists suq, and we don't. Shove McCarthy up your ass, brainwashed functional moron. A disgrace.
The dems, might have been right except for the fact that their ideas of Love and Understanding are Based on western culture Ideals. The culture we are dealing is still in so many ways 1000 years behind, which is how they can still stone their daughter to death while saying they love her

And the Muslim Brotherhood, along with CAIR, are still saying their goal is to further Islamic State interests here. Their way of life collides with ours and only one can win out. Impossible for sharia law to coincide with our constitution so allowing them to have their way only serves to fundamentally transform this country into the opposite of what we have. Muslims have ridiculed our freedoms and equality. They simply do not believe that women and infidels are equal to Muslim men and those are the so-called peaceful moderates that believe that.

The oppressive and often brutal treatment of women in Muslim countries has so far been ignored by the left. They seem to believe that there is a Western version of Islam where all are equal and sharia law doesn't dictate lives. It's a myth to think that they change after they come here. You can take the Muslim out of a radical country but you can't take the radical nature out of Muslim men.

Some brag about becoming the majority in places and bringing about fundamental change that favors their way of life. They aren't here to assimilate or respect American cultures and laws. They are here to make it their own. Obama has told them there is no need to try and assimilate. He means it. He isn't about to demand that immigrants follow the current law to become citizens. It's all about tearing down America.

This is true with groups Like the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR I believe, and honestly, why wouldn't radicals be doing everything they could to send their trojan horses our way?

But you know, I live here in the SF bay area and I do know some Muslims. I probably am what one would consider to be a RWer but I still think it is possible for them to assimilate. However for that to work, we can't use the same immigration model that Europe just used. The results are self evident. Immigration needs to be slowed down so that Muslims don't create their own areas so to speak, and learn to be tolerant of our culture. I wouldn't paint all Muslim men with the same brush there, but I do have an African woman friend who has been taken advantage of by some of the Muslim men she has dealt with when it comes to importing some of her product from Africa. She's complained that they don't treat her with honesty and respect either because she's a woman or because she's not muslim (her opinion) . But at the same time, Ive known other Muslim Men here who as far as I can tell are nothing like that. I think th thing is, as two different cultures, we really don't know each other well enough after all this time.

I think keeping an open mind is good, but being very very cautious is warranted with the risks of Terrorism, especially since soon Iran may become an exporter of nuclear materials.

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