Ignorance of ISIS

Hubby has been watching a lot of CNN at night... I woke up and watched for a while one night and was shocked how organized ISIS was ... their own police force etc. I had no clue!

I just see all this stuff on here and it's mostly people bitching at each other so I get turned off to all this "hub bub" about what is going on but wow......

ISIS is strong. They are well funded and well organized. They have made threats and will continue to carry them out.

They have slaughtered so many Christians, but Obama never got upset about that. He minimized radical Islamist terrorists by claiming they weren't a big threat even as the bodies piled up.

Then some Muslims were running from them and suddenly Obama saw a crisis. Even though there was never any urgency to offer help to the Christians, Obama wants to bring in Muslim refugees and very few Christians despite the non-Muslims facing the biggest threat from the radical Islamists.

People are concerned about ISIS members joining the refugees. Instead of being reassuring, Obama is being accusatory and flippant to Americans who want to keep terrorists out of this country.

He is divisive and has no shame in favoring Muslims over everyone else.

Sending Muslims all over the world sounds more like one of ISIS's goals than the plan of a president concerned about national security. Obama mocks the public and ignores that the majority are very concerned about deliberately importing ISIS members after they've proven that they mean what they say when they want infidels dead.

Obama refused to start bringing a lot of Christian refugees in 2011 because of the security risk. He then cited the inability to properly vet people. Suddenly, that no longer matters even though ISIS is known to be planning to use the crisis as a Trojan horse.

Obama’s Statement from 2011 Shatters His Current Remarks on Bringing Refugees Into the US

Obama was not interested in helping the Christians escape persecution by the radical Islamists as thousands have been brutally tortured and murdered. Both Dems and Repubs wanted to help them, but Obama cited security concerns as he reluctantly accepted a few Christians. When it comes to non-Muslims being slaughtered, he sees bumps in the roads and setbacks. When it's Muslims, he sees a crisis. He wasn't concerned about a lot of Christians being slaughtered. Now that Muslims are asking for help, Obama has done a complete turnaround. Security measures that were important to him when Christians sought help are out the window and he demands that we take refugees. The number he wants to take keeps increasing and any concern over security is met with hostility. Obama does not question Muslim refugees the same way he did Christians. That despite ISIS members hiding among the refugees, which makes the security threat greater now.

It's becoming clear that, for Obama, this is more about reaching out to Muslims than anything else. His lack of concern for Christians and gays being slaughtered by radical Muslims was telling. His total lack of concern now for ISIS using the current crisis to spread their people across the globe is even more telling. Obama knows what's what. He just didn't want to help Christians and will do anything for Muslims. The safety of the American people doesn't play into it. It was an excuse when it was Christians seeking help since they posed little danger and now it's something to be ignored because he is standing with the Muslims, as promised. He said he would if the political winds shifted in an ugly direction. He is the one who shifted them by shaping foreign policy to favor even the most radical Muslims. Having our own government in bed with CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood and other radicals is about as ugly as it gets.

"He explained that more and more countries were starting to realize that it was their duty to help. Despite the fact that, in the last week alone, multiple refugees traced to Syria have been caught entering the United States illegally, he promised:

"As long as I’m President we are going to keep stepping up."

But it was just a few short years ago, in 2011, that the Obama Administration stepped down, restricting the number of Iraqi asylum-seekers they accepted — based on just such a security threat.

And that was after a bipartisan effort by Congress to ease restrictions on asylum seekers as Iraqi Christians and Egyptian Coptic Christians were being systematically targeted for extermination. Representative Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) explained:

"Going to the market and riding the bus, Iraqi Christians face death every day. There is

Eshoo is no stranger to the effects of religious persecution, as she herself is the granddaughter of Assyrian and Armenian Christians who fled the genocide carried out by the Ottoman Turks and their Kurdish allies at the end of World War I.

Representative Christopher Smith (R-NJ) stated his agreement:

"Human rights has been significantly demoted in the past two years, and it’s appalling. This administration gets an F for its response to human rights abuses."

What has changed since 2011 that made what was once considered a necessary action to ensure national security an action that is now being summarily dismissed as "un-American"?"

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We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".

So? Semantics will get you nowhere.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام‎), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS,/ˈaɪsɨs/), the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham,[28]Daesh, or simply Islamic State (IS),[29] is a Wahhabi/Salafi jihadistextremist militant group, self-proclaimed to be a caliphate and Islamic state.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My point is that most people do not appreciate the significance of these assholes occupying and controlling territory and having borders.

Most people YOU know, maybe. People I know are well aware of this fact.
Of course, the people you know are probably degenerate drug dealers and whores, so who cares?
To learn more about ISIS and what the want, I highly recommend this article written six months ago. One of the more compelling points made is that the goal of ISIS is to create a caliphate, which pre-empts attacks on the infidels. So these people are cross-dressing. They are building a state which will be attacked, which is counter to the goal.

What ISIS Really Wants
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What ISIS Really Wants


Please note......

While the author of that piece gives us a fairly comprehensive account of what ISIS says it wants....he misses the boat a bit.

ISIS is, first and foremost, a political entity. They USE A PERVERTED INTERPRETATION of the Qoran to reach prolifically goals. Is some of what they claim derived from a LITERAL INTERPRETATION...yes. But....as with the bible....that shit ain't meant to be taken literally.

It's a valuable piece. But if we ignore the political motives of the group.....we will not develop the correct response.
"Lone Laughter" is a well known scholar on Middle Eastern politics. All of the presidents seek his counsel. Even the leaders of the Middle East consult him before they pick their noses and wipe their asses. He is THE authority on the affairs of the Middle East. So take what he says seriously, and feel blessed that HE has chosen to speak while in your vicinity.

Laugher. No "t". Get something right, will ya?
It really is not that important to me.
Hubby has been watching a lot of CNN at night... I woke up and watched for a while one night and was shocked how organized ISIS was ... their own police force etc. I had no clue!

I just see all this stuff on here and it's mostly people bitching at each other so I get turned off to all this "hub bub" about what is going on but wow......

ISIS is strong. They are well funded and well organized. They have made threats and will continue to carry them out.

They have slaughtered so many Christians, but Obama never got upset about that. He minimized radical Islamist terrorists by claiming they weren't a big threat even as the bodies piled up.

Then some Muslims were running from them and suddenly Obama saw a crisis. Even though there was never any urgency to offer help to the Christians, Obama wants to bring in Muslim refugees and very few Christians despite the non-Muslims facing the biggest threat from the radical Islamists.

People are concerned about ISIS members joining the refugees. Instead of being reassuring, Obama is being accusatory and flippant to Americans who want to keep terrorists out of this country.

He is divisive and has no shame in favoring Muslims over everyone else.

Sending Muslims all over the world sounds more like one of ISIS's goals than the plan of a president concerned about national security. Obama mocks the public and ignores that the majority are very concerned about deliberately importing ISIS members after they've proven that they mean what they say when they want infidels dead.

Obama refused to start bringing a lot of Christian refugees in 2011 because of the security risk. He then cited the inability to properly vet people. Suddenly, that no longer matters even though ISIS is known to be planning to use the crisis as a Trojan horse.

Obama’s Statement from 2011 Shatters His Current Remarks on Bringing Refugees Into the US

Obama was not interested in helping the Christians escape persecution by the radical Islamists as thousands have been brutally tortured and murdered. Both Dems and Repubs wanted to help them, but Obama cited security concerns for not getting involved. When it comes to non-Muslims being slaughtered, he sees bumps in the roads and setbacks. When it's Muslims, he sees a crisis. He wasn't concerned about a lot of Christians being slaughtered. Now that Muslims are asking for help, Obama has done a complete turnaround. Security measures that were important to him when Christians sought help are out the window and he demands that we take refugees. The number he wants to take keeps increasing and any concern over security is met with hostility. Obama does not question Muslim refugees the same way he did Christians. That despite ISIS members hiding among the refugees, which makes the security threat greater now.

It's becoming clear that, for Obama, this is more about reaching out to Muslims than anything else. His lack of concern for Christians and gays being slaughtered by radical Muslims was telling. His total lack of concern now for ISIS using the current crisis to spread their people across the globe is even more telling. Obama knows what's what. He just didn't want to help Christians and will do anything for Muslims. The safety of the American people doesn't play into it. It was an excuse when it was Christians seeking help since they posed little danger and now it's something to be ignored because he is standing with the Muslims, as promised. He said he would if the political winds shifted in an ugly direction. He is the one who shifted them by shaping foreign policy to favor even the most radical Muslims. Having our own government in bed with CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood and other radicals is about as ugly as it gets.

He explained that more and more countries were starting to realize that it was their duty to help. Despite the fact that, in the last week alone, multiple refugees traced to Syria have been caught entering the United States illegally, he promised:

"As long as I’m President we are going to keep stepping up."

But it was just a few short years ago, in 2011, that the Obama Administration stepped down, restricting the number of Iraqi asylum-seekers they accepted — based on just such a security threat.

And that was after a bipartisan effort by Congress to ease restrictions on asylum seekers as Iraqi Christians and Egyptian Coptic Christians were being systematically targeted for extermination. Representative Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) explained:

"Going to the market and riding the bus, Iraqi Christians face death every day. There is

Eshoo is no stranger to the effects of religious persecution, as she herself is the granddaughter of Assyrian and Armenian Christians who fled the genocide carried out by the Ottoman Turks and their Kurdish allies at the end of World War I.

Representative Christopher Smith (R-NJ) stated his agreement:

"Human rights has been significantly demoted in the past two years, and it’s appalling. This administration gets an F for its response to human rights abuses."

What has changed since 2011 that made what was once considered a necessary action to ensure national security an action that is now being summarily dismissed as "un-American"?


He definitely has a distain for Christians
Ignorance of ISIS is calling it "contained" just hours before the attacks in France. Someone is utterly clueless.
Lone wolf Euro a-holes is not what he was talking about, duh hater dupe.
Lone wolf? Who is saying that except hater dupes. Everyone else is saying it was well funded, supplied and planned. Plus they are spreading.
The jackass liars you listen to say a TON of BS. That's why you're TOTALLY FOS.
You don't know who I listen to, asshole.
We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".

So? Semantics will get you nowhere.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام‎), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS,/ˈaɪsɨs/), the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham,[28]Daesh, or simply Islamic State (IS),[29] is a Wahhabi/Salafi jihadistextremist militant group, self-proclaimed to be a caliphate and Islamic state.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My point is that most people do not appreciate the significance of these assholes occupying and controlling territory and having borders.

Obama is correct when he uses the ISIL acronym, as the Levant is the actual territory in question.

Looks like a pretty old map. Does obama know what century we are in?
We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".

So? Semantics will get you nowhere.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام‎), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS,/ˈaɪsɨs/), the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham,[28]Daesh, or simply Islamic State (IS),[29] is a Wahhabi/Salafi jihadistextremist militant group, self-proclaimed to be a caliphate and Islamic state.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My point is that most people do not appreciate the significance of these assholes occupying and controlling territory and having borders.

Obama is correct when he uses the ISIL acronym, as the Levant is the actual territory in question.

Looks like a pretty old map. Does obama know what century we are in?

ISIS uses a different map, Thats why they got to go

He definitely has a distain for Christians

Yes, as we saw all those Christians tortured and slaughtered, we did little. Apparently, turning our backs on non-Muslims is who we are. We just don't turn our backs on any Muslims, even radicals, because that's not who we are.

Obama and his supporters cannot deny that Obama wasn't alarmed or screaming "crisis" when the radical Muslims were beheading, burning and throwing people off roof tops. It wasn't until some displaced Muslims started asking for help that Obama started claiming that we always help those in need. Such bullshit after we turned our backs on so many innocent victims.

Obama's rhetoric took a drastic turn when it was Muslims seeking refuge here.

The biggest difference now, aside from Muslims making up the vast majority of refugees, is that ISIS is seizing the opportunity to use this to infiltrate us.

Obama himself cited the security risk and lack of proper vetting for refusing Christian refugees. Even though the process of vetting hasn't changed a bit, suddenly it's no big deal. And because there are larger numbers of refugees he wants to accept, the substandard vetting system will be even more overwhelmed and less effective than before.

When ISIS strikes here in the states, what will the excuse be? Will some Dems, who think acceptance cures the sociopaths, blame those who condemn terrorists rather than shower them with love and understanding?
The dems, might have been right except for the fact that their ideas of Love and Understanding are Based on western culture Ideals. The culture we are dealing is still in so many ways 1000 years behind, which is how they can still stone their daughter to death while saying they love her
So pardon my ignorance and correct me if I'm wrong, but, we killed Hussein, had an opportunity to take control of Iraq, but instead of taking control ourselves, let them sort is out and now ISIS is running the place?
That's about it...Bush took the long road to get control...Obama took the first exit he could find...and ever since has claimed he's back home.
Here is a longer version of what I said.....TY sassy

PARIS SETTLES IT: The War on Terror Will Be Long, Costly, Unpleasant — and Necessary
So pardon my ignorance and correct me if I'm wrong, but, we killed Hussein, had an opportunity to take control of Iraq, but instead of taking control ourselves, let them sort is out and now ISIS is running the place?
That's about it...Bush took the long road to get control...Obama took the first exit he could find...and ever since has claimed he's back home.
Here is a longer version of what I said

PARIS SETTLES IT: The War on Terror Will Be Long, Costly, Unpleasant — and Necessary

From the article...great points and addresses the left's annoying talking points

Granted, your average American isn’t hankering for more combat against terrorist Islam. But isn’t that why God invented “leadership”? To explain, persuade, inspire a fatigued populace to rally around choices which might be unpleasant, even dicey; but which remain incumbent upon them if survival is in view.

Is it possible the diabolized “Military/Industrial Complex” will profiteer from renewed hostilities? That the Pentagon will waste already stressed tax dollars? Better than possible — it’s nearly certain, in fact. There are avaricious men in the war business, just as in every sector of humanity.

Will mistakes be made as we intensify the battle against these beasts? Count on it.

Will civilian casualties occur? Innocent lives be turned upside down? Some anti-American animosities abroad be exacerbated? Sadly, but inevitably, yes.

Will the nation be asking further, ongoing sacrifices of our uniformed forces and their loved ones? No doubt.

Shouldn’t Congress be brought on board to authorize further war-making? Oughtn’t the Federal Government focus on securing our borders? Mightn’t some “one-worlders” deem the situation an excuse for additional, unjustifiedinterventionism? 10-4 on all three scores.
The dems, might have been right except for the fact that their ideas of Love and Understanding are Based on western culture Ideals. The culture we are dealing is still in so many ways 1000 years behind, which is how they can still stone their daughter to death while saying they love her

And the Muslim Brotherhood, along with CAIR, are still saying their goal is to further Islamic State interests here. Their way of life collides with ours and only one can win out. Impossible for sharia law to coincide with our constitution so allowing them to have their way only serves to fundamentally transform this country into the opposite of what we have. Muslims have ridiculed our freedoms and equality. They simply do not believe that women and infidels are equal to Muslim men and those are the so-called peaceful moderates that believe that.

The oppressive and often brutal treatment of women in Muslim countries has so far been ignored by the left. They seem to believe that there is a Western version of Islam where all are equal and sharia law doesn't dictate lives. It's a myth to think that they change after they come here. You can take the Muslim out of a radical country but you can't take the radical nature out of Muslim men.

Some brag about becoming the majority in places and bringing about fundamental change that favors their way of life. They aren't here to assimilate or respect American cultures and laws. They are here to make it their own. Obama has told them there is no need to try and assimilate. He means it. He isn't about to demand that immigrants follow the current law to become citizens. It's all about tearing down America.
The dems, might have been right except for the fact that their ideas of Love and Understanding are Based on western culture Ideals. The culture we are dealing is still in so many ways 1000 years behind, which is how they can still stone their daughter to death while saying they love her

And the Muslim Brotherhood, along with CAIR, are still saying their goal is to further Islamic State interests here. Their way of life collides with ours and only one can win out. Impossible for sharia law to coincide with our constitution so allowing them to have their way only serves to fundamentally transform this country into the opposite of what we have. Muslims have ridiculed our freedoms and equality. They simply do not believe that women and infidels are equal to Muslim men and those are the so-called peaceful moderates that believe that.

The oppressive and often brutal treatment of women in Muslim countries has so far been ignored by the left. They seem to believe that there is a Western version of Islam where all are equal and sharia law doesn't dictate lives. It's a myth to think that they change after they come here. You can take the Muslim out of a radical country but you can't take the radical nature out of Muslim men.

Some brag about becoming the majority in places and bringing about fundamental change that favors their way of life. They aren't here to assimilate or respect American cultures and laws. They are here to make it their own. Obama has told them there is no need to try and assimilate. He means it. He isn't about to demand that immigrants follow the current law to become citizens. It's all about tearing down America.
Misinformation from the hater dupe. Change the channel.
ISIS is a theocracy. They want government to control everything, .

yes they are liberal, they want govt over all. This is the way the entire world was before America invented freedom. Freedom is not in the ISIS vocabulary nor in the American liberal vocabulary. Our liberals blocked the shot heard around the world and indirectly created ISIS.
So pardon my ignorance and correct me if I'm wrong, but, we killed Hussein, had an opportunity to take control of Iraq, but instead of taking control ourselves, let them sort is out and now ISIS is running the place?
That's about it...Bush took the long road to get control...Obama took the first exit he could find...and ever since has claimed he's back home.
Here is a longer version of what I said

PARIS SETTLES IT: The War on Terror Will Be Long, Costly, Unpleasant — and Necessary

From the article...great points and addresses the left's annoying talking points

Granted, your average American isn’t hankering for more combat against terrorist Islam. But isn’t that why God invented “leadership”? To explain, persuade, inspire a fatigued populace to rally around choices which might be unpleasant, even dicey; but which remain incumbent upon them if survival is in view.

Is it possible the diabolized “Military/Industrial Complex” will profiteer from renewed hostilities? That the Pentagon will waste already stressed tax dollars? Better than possible — it’s nearly certain, in fact. There are avaricious men in the war business, just as in every sector of humanity.

Will mistakes be made as we intensify the battle against these beasts? Count on it.

Will civilian casualties occur? Innocent lives be turned upside down? Some anti-American animosities abroad be exacerbated? Sadly, but inevitably, yes.

Will the nation be asking further, ongoing sacrifices of our uniformed forces and their loved ones? No doubt.

Shouldn’t Congress be brought on board to authorize further war-making? Oughtn’t the Federal Government focus on securing our borders? Mightn’t some “one-worlders” deem the situation an excuse for additional, unjustifiedinterventionism? 10-4 on all three scores.

Well when you started the civil war it takes a bit to apologize over it.

The US and please bear in mind I kick ass with my former PM and Cameron decide to go "arab spring leave now Assad"

These leaders need a bitch slap of epic proportions.
ISIS is a theocracy. They want government to control everything, .

yes they are liberal, they want govt over all. This is the way the entire world was before America invented freedom. Freedom is not in the ISIS vocabulary nor in the American liberal vocabulary. Our liberals blocked the shot heard around the world and indirectly created ISIS.
Jeebus what a nut lol...

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