Ignorance of ISIS

So little time- Amazing the misinformation and BS the dupes can swallow. Just can't wait to send in the 82 Airborne AGAIN. Let others do it, we haven't been attacked this time, and the name of Americans on the ground is POISON for us in the area.. BTW, most of the GOP are AGAINST going in. Whatever happens, the GOP will be right! You're a disgrace.
I think people just tune it out and hope it goes away. Until they feel a real and direct impact on their lives (e.g. their money or freedom) they will continue to ignore it......

In order for the people to understand how to make it go away they have to understand the factors that created Daesch (ISIS).

It's easy to be informed....
Doing something about it is another thing entirely......

I know most are not Christians but, this is pretty much all the way it is going to be unfortunately .....
Not with our media it isn't. Out and out nonstop RW lies and corporate news cowards....
I think people just tune it out and hope it goes away. Until they feel a real and direct impact on their lives (e.g. their money or freedom) they will continue to ignore it......

In order for the people to understand how to make it go away they have to understand the factors that created Daesch (ISIS).

It's easy to be informed....
Doing something about it is another thing entirely......

I know most are not Christians but, this is pretty much all the way it is going to be unfortunately .....

It is NOT easy to be informed

You must ask first , why is the US concerned about a small country which does not threaten the US in any way shape or form - the answer is Israhell

the strategic doctrine at the heart of U.S. Middle Eastern policy: the installation of Israel as regional hegemon.

This doctrine was prefigured in a 1996 paper prepared for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a working group consisting of several individuals who are now in top spots in the Bush administration. "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" recommended that Israel set itself free from its embarrassing and debilitating dependence on U.S. military and diplomatic support: no matter how unconditional, this support constrained Israel and prevented it from pursuing its true interests. The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad:"

I think people just tune it out and hope it goes away. Until they feel a real and direct impact on their lives (e.g. their money or freedom) they will continue to ignore it......

In order for the people to understand how to make it go away they have to understand the factors that created Daesch (ISIS).

It's easy to be informed....
Doing something about it is another thing entirely......

I know most are not Christians but, this is pretty much all the way it is going to be unfortunately .....

It is NOT easy to be informed

You must ask first , why is the US concerned about a small country which does not threaten the US in any way shape or form - the answer is Israhell

the strategic doctrine at the heart of U.S. Middle Eastern policy: the installation of Israel as regional hegemon.

This doctrine was prefigured in a 1996 paper prepared for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a working group consisting of several individuals who are now in top spots in the Bush administration. "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" recommended that Israel set itself free from its embarrassing and debilitating dependence on U.S. military and diplomatic support: no matter how unconditional, this support constrained Israel and prevented it from pursuing its true interests. The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad:"


Another Israel hater.

Where do they come from? :rolleyes:
We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".

So? Semantics will get you nowhere.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام‎), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS,/ˈaɪsɨs/), the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham,[28]Daesh, or simply Islamic State (IS),[29] is a Wahhabi/Salafi jihadistextremist militant group, self-proclaimed to be a caliphate and Islamic state.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My point is that most people do not appreciate the significance of these assholes occupying and controlling territory and having borders.

Obama is correct when he uses the ISIL acronym, as the Levant is the actual territory in question.

We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".

So? Semantics will get you nowhere.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام‎), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS,/ˈaɪsɨs/), the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham,[28]Daesh, or simply Islamic State (IS),[29] is a Wahhabi/Salafi jihadistextremist militant group, self-proclaimed to be a caliphate and Islamic state.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My point is that most people do not appreciate the significance of these assholes occupying and controlling territory and having borders.

Obama is correct when he uses the ISIL acronym, as the Levant is the actual territory in question.

Oh, ok, if you say so.

Cue up the music for the loser...
Ignorance of ISIS is calling it "contained" just hours before the attacks in France. Someone is utterly clueless.
Lone wolf Euro a-holes is not what he was talking about, duh hater dupe.
Lone wolf? Who is saying that except hater dupes. Everyone else is saying it was well funded, supplied and planned. Plus they are spreading.
The jackass liars you listen to say a TON of BS. That's why you're TOTALLY FOS.
We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".

So? Semantics will get you nowhere.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام‎), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS,/ˈaɪsɨs/), the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham,[28]Daesh, or simply Islamic State (IS),[29] is a Wahhabi/Salafi jihadistextremist militant group, self-proclaimed to be a caliphate and Islamic state.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My point is that most people do not appreciate the significance of these assholes occupying and controlling territory and having borders.

Obama is correct when he uses the ISIL acronym, as the Levant is the actual territory in question.

Oh, ok, if you say so.

Cue up the music for the loser...

Their "borders" have been getting smaller for a while. Try a real news service, not the Pub Propaganda Machine for dupes only, dupe.
To learn more about ISIS and what the want, I highly recommend this article written six months ago. One of the more compelling points made is that the goal of ISIS is to create a caliphate, which pre-empts attacks on the infidels. So these people are cross-dressing. They are building a state which will be attacked, which is counter to the goal.

What ISIS Really Wants
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What ISIS Really Wants


Please note......

While the author of that piece gives us a fairly comprehensive account of what ISIS says it wants....he misses the boat a bit.

ISIS is, first and foremost, a political entity. They USE A PERVERTED INTERPRETATION of the Qoran to reach prolitical goals. Is some of what they claim derived from a LITERAL INTERPRETATION...yes. But....as with the bible....that shit ain't meant to be taken literally.

It's a valuable piece. But if we ignore the political motives of the group.....we will not develop the correct response.
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American's are the most uninformed and clueless people in the world when it comes to the reality of events happening in the Middle East. ...... :cool:

Thats only because they don't know where the middle east is ! But I blame that on the Govrnment schools in this country

Heard a california girl on some radio contest who thought Guatemala was "North"
We would be well-advised to stop calling them "ISIS" and start calling them what they are: "The Islamic State".

This is not just a terrorist group anymore. It is now a state, with borders and an economy. The longer we allow it to exist the more established and, thereby legitimized, it becomes.

To the ignorant leftist turds out there: it is a fucking country now. ISIS is a country, and it is founded upon violent and radical Islamic inspired ideology.

It is absolutely ludicrous that we are allowing this state to exist. It's very existence is a threat to our security. But we are doing virtually nothing about it. Apparently Obama just wants them to stop killing, with no interest in reinstating the possession and ownership of the territory to its prior tenants. Why? Granted, ISIS had probably murdered them all. However, it is still beyond malfeasance to give these fucks borders because do so puts them beyond the jurisdiction of any oversight authority. Obama will not even call them "ISIS", which implies state. He insists on calling them "ISIL".

So? Semantics will get you nowhere.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام‎), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS,/ˈaɪsɨs/), the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham,[28]Daesh, or simply Islamic State (IS),[29] is a Wahhabi/Salafi jihadistextremist militant group, self-proclaimed to be a caliphate and Islamic state.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My point is that most people do not appreciate the significance of these assholes occupying and controlling territory and having borders.

Most people YOU know, maybe. People I know are well aware of this fact.
To learn more about ISIS and what the want, I highly recommend this article written six months ago. One of the more compelling points made is that the goal of ISIS is to create a caliphate, which pre-empts attacks on the infidels. So these people are cross-dressing. They are building a state which will be attacked, which is counter to the goal.

What ISIS Really Wants
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What ISIS Really Wants


Please note......

While the author of that piece gives us a fairly comprehensive account of what ISIS says it wants....he misses the boat a bit.

ISIS is, first and foremost, a political entity. They USE A PERVERTED INTERPRETATION of the Qoran to reach prolifically goals. Is some of what they claim derived from a LITERAL INTERPRETATION...yes. But....as with the bible....that shit ain't meant to be taken literally.

It's a valuable piece. But if we ignore the political motives of the group.....we will not develop the correct response.
"Lone Laughter" is a well known scholar on Middle Eastern politics. All of the presidents seek his counsel. Even the leaders of the Middle East consult him before they pick their noses and wipe their asses. He is THE authority on the affairs of the Middle East. So take what he says seriously, and feel blessed that HE has chosen to speak while in your vicinity.
To learn more about ISIS and what the want, I highly recommend this article written six months ago. One of the more compelling points made is that the goal of ISIS is to create a caliphate, which pre-empts attacks on the infidels. So these people are cross-dressing. They are building a state which will be attacked, which is counter to the goal.

What ISIS Really Wants
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What ISIS Really Wants


Please note......

While the author of that piece gives us a fairly comprehensive account of what ISIS says it wants....he misses the boat a bit.

ISIS is, first and foremost, a political entity. They USE A PERVERTED INTERPRETATION of the Qoran to reach prolifically goals. Is some of what they claim derived from a LITERAL INTERPRETATION...yes. But....as with the bible....that shit ain't meant to be taken literally.

It's a valuable piece. But if we ignore the political motives of the group.....we will not develop the correct response.
"Lone Laughter" is a well known scholar on Middle Eastern politics. All of the presidents seek his counsel. Even the leaders of the Middle East consult him before they pick their noses and wipe their asses. He is THE authority on the affairs of the Middle East. So take what he says seriously, and feel blessed that HE has chosen to speak while in your vicinity.

Laugher. No "t". Get something right, will ya?
American's are the most uninformed and clueless people in the world when it comes to the reality of events happening in the Middle East. ...... :cool:

The biggest problem Is the saudis Funding the spread of their radical wahabiism. They give ISIS a never ending supply of recruits, if not now then in the future. Radical Islam is a big problem and it feeds off of non assimilated Muslim Enclaves where they can live under a law of their own

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